
Dead af

Shit I died now you might be wondering how I died well I'll tell you. the same way other isekai main characters did getting run over. So now that we establish that I'll tell you what happen next.

I was sitting in a completely white space waiting for ROB cus you know this shit. ROB comes grants some wishes because he's bored then leaves. yeah we all know he only does this because he's bored. Why in the fuck would he care about your sad life or. The extremely bad luck that you had when you were alive. Hes a fucking omnipotent being you're only a speck of dust in his eyes. all the authors of novels that have isekai are stupid (except me obviously). They write some dumbshit like oh my main character had a terrible life so ROB gave him a second chance an some wishes. Like why would an omnipotent being give a single fuck about your stupid main characters life. And not only that they act like only their main character is suffering in their world I am sure that in the world of the main character someone is suffering worse so why did ROB Not help them huh.

Well anyway I was getting bored sitting in this white space waiting for ROB. He's taking to long i think I have been here like 3 days hes probably taking a shit or something." you have a foul mouth mortal" while I was thinking stupid shit I hear a deep ass voice. "mortal my name is (insert long ass name here) I have come to give you a second chance in another world"

(mc)"bro not to be rude but your name is long ass fuck so can I just call you ROB" (ROB)"as you wish mortal I should allow you call me so now I shall grant you one wish before you depart on your adventure to a random world". "men wtf! only one wish isn't supposed to be three come on don't be cheap at least give me two" (ROB)" mortal sense you are complaining about only having one wish I shall give you none now lets see which world you're goin to" as he said that a giant spinning wheel appeared (mc)"bro I was just playing no need to do something so drastic" I said to him while kneeling down but he just ignored me and spun the wheel.

the wheel didn't spin long and stopped in the world of a anime we all know and love the world was Pokémon. ROB didn't wait a second to send me away and I started to feel as if a was being suck into a vacuum. as I was being sucked I stared to curse ROB for not giving me a wish of course only in my mind I didn't want him to change his mind and send me to AOT or Another. but dam I think he heard it because as I was being sucked into the vacuum the last thing I saw was a nasty smile on his face.