
Pokemon! The real deal!

Meet Kai, A Pokemon fan who got a little more than he bargained for when he loaded up his old save file from Heart gold. Finding that he had been sucked into the game its self, waking up in the world of Pokemon to begin his adventure and become the very best! If you enjoy my work and want more to do with Pokemon, check out my Patreon channel! https://www.patreon.com/lavalord115

Lavalord115 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 16: A new player!

Go Nidorino use double kick!" Silver shouted, starting the battle off with a fighting-type move, knowing that Rattata was weak to it.

"Rattata use quick attack and avoid it!" Kai shouted in hopes that it would be able to move fast enough to dodge the attack all while countering it at the same time.

Rattata moved very quickly, dashing around the Nidorino to fast for it to track before slamming into the side of it, knocking it back a little.

"Good work Rattata, keep it up and don't let it hit you!" Kai yelled, seeing that the Nidorino couldn't track his Rattata.

"Don't waste any time Nidorino, double kick!" Silver shouted, watching while his Nidorino tried to find the real Rattata through the after images that it created thanks to the quick attack.

However, the Nidorino was able to find the real Rattata and slammed one of its back legs into its body, hitting it hard before smashing another one into it again, sending the poor Rattata flying into the ground hard, crashing hard onto the dirt.

"That's it, now finish it off with poison sting!" Silver shouted.

"No, Rattata get out of the way!" Kai shouted, knowing that the poison sting could finish it off for good if it landed clean, with Nidorino still having the buff from using focus energy before.

Nidorino charged toward the Rattata, smashing its glowing horn into Rattata's body, causing the Rattata to screech in pain while it flew through the air before hitting and sliding along the ground toward Kai this time.

"Rattata!" Kai yelled, seeing that it was hurt badly, hoping that it could hold on a little more.

Ethan could also see that the Rattata was hurt, knowing that at this rate they were going to lose against Silver, and potentially lose much more than that as a result.

"Ta..." Rattata said, getting back up to its feet slowly, taking extra damage from the poison mark it had received from the Nidorino's poison sting attack.

"Rattata..." Kai said seeing the look of determination on its face.

"Its ok Rattata... You don't have to fight anymore if you can't." Kai said, not wanting to put his Pokemon through any more pain.

Rattata looked at Kai, being able to sense how he felt for it, feeling a fire light in its belly wanting to keep fighting for its trainer.

"Ta.. Rattata!" Rattata said, looking more determined than ever.

Kai could sense the sudden change in the Rattata, seeing the determination and fire in its eyes with its will to fight growing stronger.

"Alright, then Rattata. One last attack and this will all be over." Kai said, getting ready to brace himself as if he was the one fighting too.

"I don't know how that pathetic Pokemon was able to hold on for this long. But it won't matter in the end." Silver said with his Nidorino scuffing its foot on the ground again.

"Your words are empty, Silver. You only care about your own goals and have no regard for your Pokemon, simply discarding them like trash because they don't do as you want when you want." Kai said, looking over at the Totodile, causing it to watch him before looking back over at Silver.

"Why would I want a weak Pokemon that can't even defeat someone as weak as you by my side? Anyone or anything that gets in my way will be kicked aside! Just like that Totodile!" Silver yelled.

Totodile looked away from Silver and down at the ground. It was hurting inside after the words of its trainer, having tried its best to please him only to be treated so badly like this and thrown away like it was nothing.

"You are the weak one! Not even able to train such an amazing Pokemon that only wants to please its master! A trainer should care for and battle with his Pokemon, not using them as a tool for their liking!" Kai yelled, getting the Totodile's attention.

"Shut up! I've had enough of your soppy words. Now Attack Nidorino!" Silver shouted, cutting Kai off from saying anything as his Nidorino charged.

"Let's show him what it means to work together, go Rattata!" Kai shouted, watching as his Rattata roared before charging in for the attack, slamming a powerful tackle into the Nidorino first, knocking it off its feet and onto its side where it slid along the ground before rolling back onto its feet slowly.

"No way! How did its attacks get stronger!" Silver yelled, not believing his eyes.

"This is the power of our friendship, Silver. This is the bond between a trainer and his Pokemon!" Kai yelled.

"Now, use quick attack Rattata!" Kai shouted.

"Wow, that Rattata's gut's ability is making a big difference," Ethan said, watching as the Nidorino was slammed back after taking another big hit, getting flipped along the ground this time, and being forced to shake its head to regain its senses.

Kai's Rattata rushed in with impressive speed before slamming its shoulder back into the Nidorino's side, knocking it over again causing it to cry out in pain from the attack.

"Nidorino use double kick and stop playing around!" Silver yelled, wanting it to counterattack.

"Rattata, dodge it!" Kai shouted, getting his Rattata to jump back to avoid the double kick attack, dodging both kicks before it planted itself getting ready to charge once again.

However, the poison damage that it had taken earlier had now kicked in, causing the Rattata to flinch due to the pain, giving Nidorino time to charge in with a horn attack before smashing the Rattata to the ground, ending the battle once and for all.

"No... Rattata!" Kai yelled watching as his Rattata was sent flying across the ground like a ragdoll, no longer having the fight in it due to the poison that was affecting it, causing more pain as it flinched again on the ground in pain.

"See! Power and strength are everything!" Silver yelled, laughing at the outcome of their battle.

"You fought well Rattata... Return and get some rest." Kai said, quickly returning it to its Pokeball.

"Looks to me like you are out of Pokemon," Silver said after he had finished laughing, fixing his attention on Kai and Ethan.

Kai could see that Nidorino was just as nasty as its trainer, looking like it was about to attack him.

"Now I'm going to make you sorry for standing up to me." Silver said with a nasty glint in his eye.

Both Kai and Ethan backed away slowly as the Nidorino crept closer, waiting for Silver's orders to charge.

"Kai this isn't good!" Ethan said, knowing they were going to have to make a run for it.

"Get them Nidorino!" Silver yelled, giving the order for his Pokemon to attack them.

"Oh crap, run for it, Kai!" Ethan yelled watching as the Nidorino was about to charge at him for the kill.

Kai knew he wouldn't be able to get away in time having no choice but to stand his ground at the charging Nidorino, hoping for the best.

Totodile watched from the sidelines, seeing that Kai was about to be attacked by the Nidorino, feeling somewhat conflicted about the matter.

Silver had kicked the Totodile to the side time and time again, finally disowning it and making the small Pokemon feel useless. However, Kai had shown kindness and even stuck up for it, his words hitting deep in his heart as the Totodile had watched how he treated his other Pokemon.

"Dile!" The small Pokemon yelled deciding to leap into action, not being able to stand by any longer.

Everyone watched in surprise as Silvers Totodile suddenly jumped in between Kai and Nidorino before blasting it with a water gun attack that knocked it back toward Silver.

"Totodile?" Kai asked in shock, not having expected the small Pokemon to save him like that.

"How dare you! What in the hell do you think you are doing, Totodile!" Silver yelled having watched his own Pokemon betray him like that.

"Looks like your lack of respect toward Totodile has caused it to have a change in allegiance," Kai said, seeing that the Totodile looked adamant it was not going to allow Silver to attack Kai.

"Fine... If that's how you want to play it, I will finish you off to traitor! Nidorino use horn attack on Totodile!" Silver yelled, commanding his Pokemon to attack.

"Alright, Totodile how about we show him how strong you really are." Kai said, getting a happy reaction from the Totodile, causing it to jump up and down.

"Use water gun!" Kai shouted, getting the Totodile to blast its attack at Nidorino, watching as the Nidorino was able to dodge it and close the distance.

"Totodile jump into the air using a water gun!" Kai yelled.

Totodile was able to blast a water gun at the ground while jumping, allowing it to get even higher into the air and avoid the Nidorino's attack, leaving it on the ground trying to look up at where the Totodile had gone to.

"Now use water gun again Totodile!" Kai yelled seeing that Totodile had the high ground now.

Totodile blasted another shot of water from its mouth, this time having a perfect aerial advantage from having jumped so high with the sun to its back. The Nidorino was unable to see the attack coming due to the sunlight shining in its eyes, being unable to defend itself as the water gun smashed into it, knocking it off of its feet and back toward Silver.

Nidorino hit the ground hard having taken a strong attack from Totodile, adding up the total damage it had received from Sandshrew and Rattata now, finally being enough to put it down and out of the fight.

"Darn it all!" Silver shouted, clearly mad at the whole situation.

"Return." He said, getting his Nidorino to come back to its Pokeball before he looked over to Kai and his Totodile.

"You two are suited for one another. Both of you share the same weakness." Silver said gritting his teeth before he spat on the ground.

"Alright! Now let's get him before he escapes!" Ethan shouted, running over to Kai who nodded, looking back over to Silver who had turned his back on them and started to walk away already.

"Totodile..." Kai said, seeing that the small Pokemon didn't want to attack its former master, even if he was an asshole.

"I see... Maybe that is enough fighting for one day." Kai said, watching as Silver walked into the woods and disappeared into the shadows of the trees.

"He got away..." Ethan said, running over to his belongings as he grabbed one of his Pokeballs, getting ready to chase after him.

"No, leave him, Ethan," Kai said not liking the fact that they had let him get away again either.

"What, why?" Ethan asked, not sure what Kai was thinking.

"We got the stolen Pokemon back already. There is no need for us to do anything else for now, its best that we just let him go and report this to the police." Kai said.

Ethan understood and put his Pokeball down before turning around to look at Kai and the Totodile that had been left with them.

"Well, at least we got the stolen Pokemon back for the professor," Ethan said as he placed his hands on his hips.

Kai nodded before he knelt down to face the Totodile at its level.

"Well, how about it Totodile, now you don't have a trainer would you like to come with me?" Kai asked, waiting to see what the Totodile would do.

"Dile..." The small Pokemon said, feeling bad that it had betrayed its master. However, it quickly shook the thought from its mind after seeing the kind eyes that Kai was looking at it with, knowing in its heart that this was right.

"Dile, Totodile!" It yelled before jumping into his arms and licking his face.

"Haha alright, alright!" Kai yelled out as he laughed, picking the Pokemon up before spinning it around happily.

Ethan put his clothes back on, having been stuck in his underwear for the battle until now, feeling warmer already before he walked over to Kai and Totodile.

"Well, looks like that Totodile is yours now Kai. I'm sure it will make a powerful ally." Ethan said with a big smile on his face.

Kai who was holding the Totodile nodded his head before placing the Pokemon down on the ground.

"I hope this works," Kai said taking a spare Pokeball out before he tapped the Totodile on the head with it, getting it to absorb Totodile into it without any trouble.

"Congrats Kai, we will have to tell the professor we got the Pokemon back once we get out of here," Ethan said.

"Yeah, besides that we need to find a Pokemon centre as soon as possible to heal up after that battle," Kai said, knowing his Pokemon were worse for wear.

Ethan agreed.

"Alright, let's get the hell out of this forest!" Ethan then said leading the way while throwing his backpack over his shoulder.

"Yeah," Kai said following him, turning back one last time to the direction Silver had gone off into the woods, knowing that he was sure to battle him again in the future.