
Pokemon! The real deal!

Meet Kai, A Pokemon fan who got a little more than he bargained for when he loaded up his old save file from Heart gold. Finding that he had been sucked into the game its self, waking up in the world of Pokemon to begin his adventure and become the very best! If you enjoy my work and want more to do with Pokemon, check out my Patreon channel! https://www.patreon.com/lavalord115

Lavalord115 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 1: Enter the world of Pokemon!

"Hey... So, my name is Kai. As you can probably guess, just like you I am a pretty big fan of Pokemon."

"However, now that I am a little older, I don't really get time to play it all that much. But, that all changed when I stumbled across my old Pokemon heart gold cartridge for the Nintendo DS while clearing some of my old things."

"No way... I haven't seen this in ages." Kai said to himself, looking at the dusty Pokemon game in his hand.

"Ah no way!" He then said, seeing that the case that he had always kept his DS in was in the same draw, buried under some old paperwork.

"How many hours must I I put into this old thing, hm?" He said out loud before he picked the case up and proceeded to open it.

It was a standard Nintendo DS, one of the first that had come on sale. It was a little dusty but seemed to be in good order as Kai took a look at the old thing.

Looking at the power button for a second, Kai couldn't help but wonder.

"Surely not..." He said as he slowly pushed the power button, testing his luck.

To his surprise, the DS started up as the power light came on the green, signalling it had plenty of life still left in it.

"Holy shit!" Kai said, surprised the thing had started at all.

Kai walked over to his bed, taking a seat on the edge before he blew on the back of the heart gold cartridge, getting most of the dust off of it before he put it into the back of his DS.

The nostalgia was unreal as Kai watched the game start up, feeling as if it had been years since the last time he had played this game. Even though it had been.

The game loaded up and Kai watched the whole intro, feeling the memories of his time playing flood back to him.

"Wow, this is unreal." He said, feeling as if he was a child again, starting it for the first time.

Kai pressed the start button and was taken to the home screen, taking a look at his old save file.

"There it is..." He said to himself, as he looked at the small display that it showed to him.

"Honey! Will you hurry up and bring down some of those boxes already, we need to get a move on!" Kai's wife yelled, snapping him out of his childish mood.

"Ah, that's right." He said to himself before putting the DS down on the bed.

"Yeah, sorry babe, coming now!" He shouted, remembering what he had come here to do.

"I guess this thing will just have to wait," Kai said as he picked up the DS so that he could turn it off and put it away.

Kai pressed the power button to turn the thing off, yet for some reason it didn't seem to be working.

"That's strange." Kai thought as he tried it again.

"Why won't it work?" He asked, trying to hold it in to see if that did the trick.

The screen on Kai's DS started to glow brighter and brighter, emitting a bright light all of a sudden that he had to shield his eyes from.

"What's going on with this thing?" Kai said in surprise as he moved the DS away from hi face so he could see again.

"Wow, it's hot!" He then yelled, being forced to drop the small console due to the burning sensation that he could feel coming from it.

The DS dropped to the ground shaking as it vibrated across the floor violently with the screen glowing even brighter.

"What in the world is happening!" Kai yelled, feeling a little scared all of a sudden as bright light seemed to envelop him, consuming the whole room as the walls and then the floor disappeared.

"ARGH!!!" Kai yelled as he dropped from the floor he had been standing on, feeling as if he was free-falling through the air all of a sudden.

"What's happening!" He shouted, turning and flipping as he screamed in the air before everything finally went blank.


"Ahh... My head." Kai said as he slowly opened his eyes, feeling the bright light stab his pupils before they adjusted to it.

Kai felt confused and rather strange as he sat up to see that he was lying in a field somewhere that he didn't recognize at all.

"Where am I?" He asked, rubbing the back of his head for a second before using his other hand to help him stand up, taking a better look at his surroundings.

"Last thing I remember I was in my old room at my mum's house..." He said to himself, trying to trace his steps somehow.

Suddenly a small rustling caught Kai's attention, forcing him to turn around to see where the noise was coming from.

"What was that?" He wondered, looking towards the long grass not five meters away from him.

"Is someone there?" He asked, hearing the noise again, starting to feel freaked out.

"Ta!" A small squeak sound coming from what looked like a purple rat rang in Kai's ears before his brain tried to question what his eyes had already done a triple take to confirm what he was really seeing was real.

"That's a-a-a-a- A rattata!" Kai shouted, seeing the small purple Pokemon suddenly jump out of the grass at him.

The rattata landed on the grass closer to Kai, seeming to be in a battle-ready stance as it looked him up and down.

"This can't be real... That's a Pokemon!" Kai thought, not believing his eyes.

Kai was too shocked to tell that this rattata meant business, growling at him before it charged.

"Wait a second... Is it running at me?" Kai thought, watching as the rattata jumped into the air before it smashed its head into his stomach, knocking Kai off his feet and onto his back.

Kai felt the wind get knocked out of him, rolling around on the ground in pain for a moment before the sensation fade.

"Oh god, this is real. This is really real." He said, knowing that the pain he felt wasn't lying.

"Rattata!" The rattata growled again, getting ready to make another charge at him.

"Oh crap!" Kai yelled, pulling himself up to his feet before he made a break for it, running as fast as he could.

The rattata didn't give up there and quickly dashed after him, chasing him across the field they were in.

"This is bullshit!" Kai yelled as the Rattat jumped at him, almost taking a chunk out of his but with its teeth.

"I end up in the world of Pokemon, and I'm going to be killed by a bloody rattata!" Kai yelled, somehow seeing the humor in the situation.

"Marill, use water gun!" a voice suddenly yelled out, causing Kai to look over to his right.

It was a young girl with brown hair, a white hat and a blue denim short on with a long sleeve red top.

Suddenly the blue Pokemon marill dashed from her side and blasted a powerful blast of water from it's mouth.

The water hit the rattata and knocked it flying before it crashed onto the ground and ran away.

Kai stopped running and slowly down to catch his breath, feeling exhausted from the whole situation.

"Goodness, are you ok?" The girl asked as she came running over towards him.

Kai couldn't handle it anymore, feeling like he couldn't breathe.

"Hey!" The girl yelled again, watching as Kai suddenly dropped to the ground, blacking out from the stress.

Kai'a world became dark once again, feeling his consciousness drift into the abysis one more.


That's the end of this chapter! I hope you enjoyed it, tell me what starter Pokemon you would start with if you could go into the world of Pokemon for real!

Also please check out my new story. Kobold's ascension to dragon lord!