

So I've learned a few things. One, growing up still sucks and as expected Beldum are fucking boring to raise in a traditional sense. They can learn five moves total. Five! Query is beautiful and shiny and actually shiny but holy mother of...This curse doesn't work anymore on this world. Blah. Metagross are amazing and I can't wait for Query to grow into one. As of now though? He's more or less a flying reflective mirror that hovers right over my shoulder no matter what I'm doing. Training him as I do Zaela sucks mankey balls.

That said, knowing all that I can about his line will transform him into a rival for Zaela. Psychic types do not follow normal methods to increase in strength save the few ones that have a fighting type as well. Even Query's steel aspect have no muscles to pump their own iron with. What really matters is pretty obvious when you think about it. The mind. Metagross are basically supercomputers with legs. I'm getting ahead of myself. Lets get Query's pokédex entry I wrote out of the way.

Query the Beldum (Shiny)

Nature: Quirky

Ability: Clear Body

Moves: Zen Headbutt, Iron Head, Headbutt, Iron Defense, Take Down

Five moves! Argh! Still, it will be worth it in time. Don't know why I'm complaining cause I only got four in the actual games! I picked quirky because I don't want a boring Iron Leg monster when he's all grown up. Even if I didn't actually think about how his nature would affect his personality. The whole hive mind thing that his kind are known for sounds interesting but I want him to be open to new ideas. Be quirky! Plus a neutral nature hopefully will work well with my plan to give him a combat style I haven't heard considered before. Much like Zaela uses her weaker moves to great effect and has her physical prowess to fall back on, Query is going to use his lesser abilities to absolutely demolish his opponents' calm. Come at them sideways. With awesome psychic power!

But! Just how did I got a shiny beldum? Cause there are none in Johto. Thank you Fate. Short story, my father did it. Longer story to commence after I yell at Zaela. Turns out her iron head attack is atrocious even with Lucario giving her tips. Cause while she's awesome, she's not a dedicated battler and even as a beldum Query is showing her up some. He'll delight in making her bash boulders this morning.

Also I don't think Lucario learn iron head. Right? At least I haven't -seen- her headbutt anything. Even if I'm sure she wants to at times.

"Sister. This block thing hits hard. My head is harder." Why are you glaring at me? It is. Are you complaining? Admittedly, Zaela looks -very- adorable as Query hums in a low thrum of some sort of digital sound. In my mind.

"It is love. Absolutely. But you can dig and shoot dragon flame out of your mouth. Let Query have his thing and he'll teach you how to be uh...More...Destructive." Flailing doesn't suit me. But somehow I do it anyway. Focus! I pulse a bit of aura, clearing frustration as if I'm an emotional air freshener and this is just a lingering smell. Both of my pokémon respond in different ways. Zaela settles easily and her head shines a bit with steel energy as she starts bashing at the boulder that Query has been working at. His strikes were precise and carefully aimed. Hers is pretty much just dig with a bit more of an arrow shape.

My beldum however? He does a barrel roll and his lone eye does that Kakashi eye smile somehow. Aura has such an interesting influence on him. Probably how he so effortlessly eased into our care. But! Distracted by awesome. Luckily this training is a lot of repetition.

Dad has a lot of connections. The more I pay attention to it the more it has to be nudges to get my future partners to me. Which if so, thank you Arceus! Not only will I be able to find easy ways to help my future goal of being a force of good with the tech dad just by himself can develop but I'm going to shamelessly steal his phone book and use my currently adorable chibi form to charm all his super powerful buddies. If he wasn't so stupidly absent minded I'm sure we'd be mega rich. Wait.

I have really high quality clothing and I've never seen mom pay a bill or worry about anything but dad and I. Are we rich? Crap. Snooping must be done later. Seriously, all about Query now.

Dad lets a lot of shipments from Devon mostly but a few from Silph. I should know. I've pilfered a lot of them the second I could crawl. I've pachirisued away quite a few pokéballs away for my team over the years. All of them premier balls. Not just because they are awesome looking but because other than Zaela, none of the others will be linked to me until I become an actual trainer so picking up the ones he are working on is probably some sort of crime. Which I do not care at all cause its far, far too important to save them to something so evil anime BS doesn't interfere. Cause they're all fairly rare mons.

So! I got my dad to affix a thumbprint lock on Zaela's regular old pokéball then asked if he could figure out how to work that on others. Several boxes of him trying this later led to my filched pokéballs being sneakily pushed into his hands randomly to get the same treatment. Honestly its probably not even needed but from how desperately I already love Zaela and Query, being proactive about their safety is paramount. Zaela will get transferred into a premiere ball later.

Back to Devon deliveries. This should be fairly easy to deduce. The Metagross line have a strong history with the Stones much as my Clan are dragon tamers. While not as famous as us, it is not at all rare to see anyone with the last name Stone with Metangs or such floating behind them. The way Query showed up fits his personality as I know now but seems like a very cheap way for Fate to give me him. Zero complaints though.

I had all these crazy ideas about meeting a tiny Steven Stone who was so very polite and nice. After Cynthia he's my favorite Champ after all. Then totally leave a lasting impression and get him to sponsor me in Hoenn way later. But nooooooo. Dad was working a bit on fossil tech. Not the actual revival method but a way of detecting them easier. Maybe that's setting up my sixth choice later? I do still have the fossil that Zae and I dug up a few months back. Best keep these thoughts away from Query. He's very, very true to his name. And he can hear me!

Evidently his quirky nature makes for a very curious and bright beldum. Lack of moveset aside, he's an absolute joy to be around from the warmth of his emotions. Beldum are still smart but he literally can't figure out a different way to speak just yet so its back to emotions and concepts. Long story longer, Query got curious about the scanning device that Dad hadn't worked on yet, which looks somewhat like another shiny beldum and got himself teleported to my dad's lab. Dad is impatient when he has an idea as I wrote a while back. So he hires various psychic types for delivery and is fairly notorious for only paying attention if he has to wait. Which means he becomes hyper efficient and whoever is nearby becomes a makeshift assistant. So any teleporters tend to get very, very quick about their duties.

Come to think of it, wouldn't a psychic type notice another being dragged along? Or is that some more deus ex stuff? Ignoring!

Come to think of it. Er. Different it. Lots of teleports for shipment. That's another clue to potential rich girl status.

Whatever the case, instead of panicking at forced teleport this just made Query even more curious about what happened and a few hours later and he was quietly and pleasantly watching Zaela and I prank Lance again. It was the last I had planned for last year's Clair hair pulling fiasco so I had to make it a good one. Zaela actually likes Lance (...I guess he does train hard and that's Zae's jam) so it was more or less her doing it only to aid in my spite. I think she sees my spite as dragony. Afraid to ask to be honest.

So Lance is walking along without a care in his redheaded jerkface and bam, Furnace without the burning. Quicksand more or less until his head is the only part of his body sticking out of the ground and Zaela's most underpowered sandstorm to make it look like he traveled all the way to the beach in an instant. Incidentally every one of our payback pranks have been messing up his hair so the little (even if he is much taller than me) shit gets the message. Which is why we fled when he caught us messing with dratini before. Zaela will learn surf someday but a prank that doesn't end up with Lance looking like a mussed rattatta is no prank at all thank you very much.

My lovely beldum thought this was amazing and simply had to figure out how we did it. Of course I knew exactly who he was and what would happen but the reality of my dear Query is so incredibly greater than the fantasy. Much as Zaela is my other half in many ways, Query is my inspiration. From the first moment of feeling his joy at new things its put a fire in my heart to let him see all that he wishes. And yes, despite no actual gender he is a 'he' to me. There is something distinctly male about the way his emotions feel. Perhaps later when he has evolved. There is just a hint there.

The way he reacts to my ability to share emotions is how he got his name. Well. More his name. Cause he already put his shiny floating butt anywhere he was allowed to. Observing and obviously invested in exploring everything that would stimulate him. No, what got him to be -Query- was when my aura snapped to him. Not quite as it did Zaela, but with no less of an impact. Its probably somewhat of how he's already advanced so much. My paid for knowledge tells me most psychics develop by realizations and giving him emotions was a shock to his linear mind. It wasn't as much that he hadn't had emotions. He just didn't quantify them. And my power was very much a power.

Thus he was entranced and refused to leave me alone. Not that I wanted him to.

Now. A rare shiny pseudo legendary was mine. Was this going to be allowed? No. At least that's what it looked like when my mother caught us some few hours later. She's going to go gray before I enter my teenage years isn't she? Dad's reaction was to ask if Query had precise enough abilities in later life to help him with microscopic welding. He already has a few rooms for supercomputers. (Oh I'm really rich aren't I?) So having one on legs that could move with him from tool to tool was the most emotive I've seen him be in months. I think mom made him his least favorite foods for a week after though.

Because the Stones. And potentially one of their pokémon. Even if he totally was already caught by me before I even ran into the house with him trailing over my shoulder.

It turns out that all the stereotypes you'd expect for me not having yet another potential walking (floating) disaster as my pokémon was trumped by a few factors. One, when dad was forced to call Devon they more or less told him that Query was pretty renowned for flying off on his own and had refused the few trainers who sought to take him from their hive? Cloister? The floating ball of beldum, metang and metagross. The ball. Yeah. That's irreverent enough. Balls of beldum. Heh.

Given how respected Dad is and how closely he works with various companies, I was allowed to keep Query, even if I think my parents left out a lot of the back and forth. But, its a very, very strict tradition that if a pokémon finds a trainer, trying to pull them away is not only dangerous depending on the species, but denying a huge part of the world's culture. From country to country, we partner up and grow to be more.

The Fate-driven bs that brought Query to me means that his apparent fascination with yours truly and my increasingly hard to hide King's Nature gible sent a few of my dad's more pokémon oriented friends into a tizzy and led to a visitor to Blackthorn that became both the first non-clan permanent resident (Our Joy married into the clan ages ago. Her wife is my languages teacher) and someone who I'm almost positive will get me my fourth or fifth pokémon. His name is Sampson Oak and damn is he cool. I know someday in the future he'll be leaving us for Alola but for now he's going to study how a four year old is able to tame two of the most notoriously powerful non-legendaries.

While catches are honored, even if before proper trainer ages, the actual catches are regulated as much as you can. Fanfictions that have the League as some super controlling association that can keep you from going out and getting a tyranitar are not a thing in this universe. You being an idiot without a plan keeps you from the tyranitar. Given that both my partners are so obviously controlled has them safely as mine. Though Mom told me if I wasn't directly under her I'd probably be strictly observed and if I let my partners out of control that they could be taken away. This kind of explains Iris just getting a dragonite even if he was trouble. Also, hurray for nepotism! Am I using that right?

The name Oak carries so much power in this world though. Its a bit unbelievable really. Dad is beside himself despite knowing that Sampson is more of a hands on researcher than his cousin the utterly famous Professor. Sure, its sixteen years until Ash leaves on its journey but Samuel Oak was a champion who upon retirement immediately started releasing amazing pieces of research he was obviously writing on the side while training. From there it was startling new technology. Even if the current pokédex is the size of a desktop tower from the late nineties in my old world and is in no way portable. I might have an original gameboy block of one when my journey comes about if I get my dad interested in seeing if he can reduce it in size.

But yes, Sampson looks in his early forties now though people here age weird. Mom is in her forties and looks in her late twenties. I don't get it. The first few weeks of Sampson's presence were careful hands off study of Zaela and Momma as well as seeing how Query fit in. I'm sure there was a lot more to it I didn't notice as my priorities are my team despite how much I wanted to pick the man's brain. Dad though was in heaven. I don't think either of them went to sleep before 2 am each night till Mom started putting her foot down. Anyway, more plotting on how to get him to introduce me to his cousin later. He'll eventually branch out to more of the Dragon's Den to study anyway.

Query took to us slowly in the way I was looking for. As a friend and something more. Family. Luckily my knowledge on my line gives me the perfect way to get him to a metang early on. Query will need a lot of odd supplements and minerals to his diet but active thinking of his magnetic brain is what will cause spurts of power. Refinement is where his line truly gains ability. So I just gotta stimulate his brain really.

Those pokémon entries that tell a snippet of behavior and such? For metang and metagross it says they are more or less hive minds and merge to evolve. This is true but my Fate-won info dump tells me the path to the crazy powerful champion level power I need to gain. How do two metagross combine to make a beldum? They kind of build them with 3-D printing. The process is started with all that makes up their durable bodies and they section off parts of their minds, essentially cutting out their psychic selves and molding them into a new being so very similar to them both as they are literally themselves.

Query though is going to do that by himself, making a clone of his form. Oh beldum and metang do evolve for their trainers in battle or the normal ways like the game but its very slow because they don't have another of their line to help them to have self realizations. Its partially why psychic trainers are so feared. They substitute such weaknesses. While beldum who evolve with other beldum can potentially reach their final form faster than alone they are quite a bit less powerful due to the slightly different personalities involved. Beldum one gets to four by adding one, one then two. Beldum two gets to four by adding two, then one and one. Just different enough to have a bit of need to compromise new mental energies.

To further the computer analogy, imagine putting four different cores in a quad chip? Very, very similar enough that it works well but on the same theme you'd much prefer the same exact cores to make things run smoothly. And psychics are all about power through efficiency. At least I think that's how cores work. Whatever. The idea came across.

Champion level metagross are slow to form (evolve) but once Query knew what I wanted for him he was all for it. A month or so after he arrived into my life and after my mom had finally given up on trying to separate us (most of this was Query being boringly more responsible about safety than Zae and me) and then a random Stone dweeb came to try and coax Query back. This led to today's training in Iron Head. The Stone dweeb had a car. Query was very put out when that idiot man tried to toss a pokéball at him.

Luckily it missed or they would have asked a lot of hard questions as to why Query's premier ball was well, his. Alright, maybe I should go find out about how to register Query. Cause Mom obviously knows he's not leaving… I just didn't say I actually caught him. That's allowed right? Still. Dad's probably the easier sell. Divide and conquer!

Rickard Mita​

Next project. New plans for exponential power cascades. Possible methods require new methods of harnessing energy. Electricity easy. Quantified and stable if given various pokémon species that are more mechanical in nature. Possibility of better storage.

Pressing his fingers in rapid taps, Rickard's thoughts flash faster than he can type. Luckily his girafarig Earnest was picking out the other ideas from his mind and psychically imputing them into another of his computers. Flashes of priority shift but perhaps not as much as his family thinks. Rickard knows they don't quite understand his mind or how far he is pushed to keep himself aware of them and he is grateful they likely won't for some time yet.

He's never felt that he is beyond them and if he has his way, one of new projects will help with that. Then again, his wife is intuitive and has known him longer than anyone in his life. From their first meeting as eleven year old traveling trainers she's always been larger than life. Easily giving his lonely life meaning from her drive. While his own push forward was much the same, but in a purely mental direction. Hannah has and always been a physical minded individual.

And it was amusing to see those he knew realize that he enjoyed the dichotomy. Expecting that he may never settle down or be interested in anyone. Even more so when they realized that -he- pursed -her.-

Even if his mind ticks and tocks with concepts and plans that never let go of his attention, loving Hannah became a focus that could quiet his need to concentrate on anything. Everything. Now he's a father. Him. The man who used contests to test out new programs to regulate lights and music because he heard a recording off key a week before. Then somehow found himself with five ribbons and a strictly mechanical knowledge of dancing in perfect harmony with music he taught Earnest to make using sound waves from psychically manipulated bursts.

"Rickard. I've sent approval notices to your third monitor. Both for Ella's future pokémon along with your lists of possible aides from last weeks various random thoughts." As always, Earnest's voice centers him. Hannah does so naturally ever since he met her. It was a worthy few weeks of effort to replicate the effect with different means with the girafarig. Taking a glance at the various ideas he has for his daughter's journey, he pulls up the various projects he pondered when he considered that she was already outpacing trainers that he had met on his own journey.

Shifting various possibilities and ideas, his mind wanders again, seeking patterns and possibilities beyond one single idea. To map a web of interconnected concepts that will combine into a world of new wonders. For his family. The only thing he's found that can quiet his thoughts and let him breathe.

Even if he wishes to remain there, he cannot. Not when all of his talent can make them have an easier life. A safer one. Neither he or his wife speak of the generation before theirs. But he studied it intensely as he does anything that catches his attention.

While he knows that many don't understand he and his wife. How they work and truly are partners, their pokémon see it so easily. They both burn themselves without care to show their daughter a better world than theirs was. Hannah just does it with her...Hannahness.

His effort is years and so many long days away, but it will be beyond measure.

Ella Mita​

"Daaaaad. When I become a trainer can I have more than six pokémon at a time? And what if I find a friend like Query before I go on my journey? Can I catch them and keep them?" While dad is very calm and collected, even he is weak to my all mighty cuteness. I only get it for a few years. Gotta milk it.

"You should know some of this Ella-bella . Didn't you catch Query with one of those pokéballs you had me modify a few months ago?" Uhm. Why do I not feel surprise from you dear father? Though that might be because you're typing so fast. And Earnest too. So nothing really new there. Still, he is paying attention to me in his own way. I wonder if I acted my actual age if he'd be more involved. Is..That's not bad right?

"I. Er. Yes. That. Of course. I did that. Was it bad?" At this he looks over at me, raising a slim eyebrow of the same color hair as mine. I ruthlessly peek at what he's working on. Oh. Water heater for Kingdra. Neat.

"You can catch whatever you like, whenever you like. Its a case by case basis. If a thirty year old can't handle a pidgey, authorities handle it as appropriate. If a nearly five year old catches a potential champion level gible and beldum but is found able to train them convincingly, they can. There is no strict rule save for safety to be reasonable." Which I know is nebulous as well. Ground shark bites on my body are proof of that. Even if I weren't somewhat hiding them, in the Clan? Those are just expected. Oop. Dad's still speaking. I guess I'm absent minded too.

"Ella-bella. My smart girl. Do what you like. While your mother might be watching you with braviary eyes, I trust you to know what to do. Would you like me to transfer Zaela into one of your other filched balls?" Dad doesn't often get a twinkle in his eyes, but they're gleaming now. Handing over my ill gotten gains takes a trip to my stash that Zaela dug up for me outside and by the time I'm back he's already absorbed again. Feeling slightly perturbed at how he already is gone to the world, I let Earnest show me how to do what Dad promised and leave him be. As always, his emotions are so...Muted.

Though a league handbook is floated over to me with the answers to the rest of my questions. Guess I'll see you later dad?

Any sort of battle has to be logged so if someone does something stupid there is proof of who is at fault or at least a better picture for officials. This only really comes into play with teams past a particular plateau of power. I expect with the way things are going that I'll be at that level before I even start traveling. Which actually pleases my mother immensely. Once she saw me as more than a small child (and aura user but we'll get to that when number three shows up next year I would imagine) then all she wanted were for my partners to be able to crush literally anything they come across. The records don't count for sparring or training of course.

Every person born is automatically given a trainer ID due to how integral pokémon are to our world. Even if a person only ever catches a pokémon as a pet they will have it automatically registered the second they are in range of a league appointed building such as gyms or pokémon centers. This is done by way of the signals that pokéballs give off. Apparently even before I caught Query, Dad must have imputed my ID into the premiere balls without me knowing.

Since Joy's house doubles as a center both Query and Zaela are already under my record. It also states that since I'm not officially a trainer that my record is sealed to a certain level of authority and I can't have official battles until I am actually a trainer. Training is fine, but no fighting others in an official capacity. So no gyms or anything like that. I mean I suppose I could, but I wouldn't get a badge without my actual trainer license.

Luckily my mother is a gym leader. I very much wonder if she'll remain that until Clair takes over in a decade or so.

Back to Query! After being assured that he was mine and only mine I set about discovering what he needed to evolve. Not the method. More the journey. Energy for psychics are all about advancement of selves. Some mental revelation that causes their already powerful minds to flex in ways not expected. Every single beldum could evolve into a metagross today, if they had some moment of perfect clarity and knew themselves wholly they could unleash their potential in an instant. Why doesn't it happen? Because its very difficult for their minds to handle the strain and frankly its almost spiritual to know yourself. Which for most psychics is incredibly difficult. The gardevoir line are experts at knowing themselves. Their empathy and bond to their trainer can cause rapid growth to protect what they hold dear.

For Query I could almost see his revelation from the start. Every part of his viewpoint is filled with bright thoughts and honest care to understand the world around him. It brings an incredible amount of intimacy between us already. If I'm upset he knows. Not because he can feel it but because he studied me so very perfectly. If double battles become a big thing for us Query is going to be the king of them.

Another aspect I didn't expect was how...Brutal he can be. I must have forgotten that in a few pokédex entries they talk a lot about the beldum line and their prey. While raised among humans for the most part, the instincts of a pokémon become very apparent when in hunt. Query's way of attacking is constantly pushing his body into iron defense and basically using himself to beat something to death...Er. Metaphorically. Sorry Stone guy's car. Sorta.

Why so brutal? Its efficient and Zaela said she liked her meat tender. Which hit my very easily influenced guy hard. Oh Query knows what morals are, as much as his simple views let him, but because my dragon liked her kills (as even if she's more civilized, she does hunt animals still) the way she said he forwent using his as of yet weak psychic abilities and turned himself into a food preparation tool for my starter. It would be rather terrifying for me if I didn't feel how good it makes him feel to be useful and we only really fight game animals and perhaps a few of the more animal-like bugs in the forests around Momma's den. Kind of don't know if I want to know the answer to that. Because Momma absolutely does.

Oh! Momma loves Query. He respects her immensely and refuses to look her in they eye until she gives him permission. After probably hundreds of years of idiot clan members not giving her the proper due, having a rival for her daughter's power openly showing her that he doesn't in any way consider himself a better tickled her just the right way. Annnnnd I now must try to tickle Momma. Even if it kills me. There was a lot left out in the conversation between my new guy and the big garchomp which just makes me want to push my aura translation abilities even more. I sorta got a feeling of satisfaction from her. Maybe she remembers her own comrades from way back when?

I got a bit choked up though. Because my emotion sensing is becoming sharper the more I'm around someone. And she loves me. I knew she liked me, but that sentiment means she'd bury the country to keep me safe. Usually such closeness between dragons occur much later in life when the offspring truly proves themselves. I don't know if its because I radiate aura or becomes of how I'm pushing Zaela forward? But its...Humbling.

Sampson Oak​

Time in the Blackthorn lands have been fantastic. Stressful at times, as all trips in habitats where a particular type reign supreme, but so rewarding. Sampson hasn't had this much fun since he got to travel to Paldea. While it was much more closed off back then, he still got to see and experience wonders he can't quite put into words at times. While his love will ever be pokémon, the culture there was rich and different in so many ways that it made everything else be appreciated when he returned back to Kanto.

And now in Johto in one of the most closed off communities, he's again struck that he knows so very little. Which is thrilling, because it just means he has that much more to learn. What really strikes him is that his excuse to come and examine these lands is much, much more than the excuse he wanted. At the time, he would have given a lot to be able to seek out the infamous and dangerous Dragon's Den. A whole year of watching after some clan brat was an easy payment indeed.

But then he saw Zaela. And her mother. Those alone were worth the trip. Before the King Gible's trainer started talking. And then training her beyond intimidating starter.

Aura. In a four year old. And not just the hints of it. Trained, obvious use. While he suspects Ella doesn't notice that her eyes glow faintly when she's using her abilities, the glance he gave Hannah Mita was incredulous. And her responding smirk had him thinking he might just stay longer to study a human this time.

While he'd always known that the Blackthorn compound held secrets, he didn't expect to be gifted so much to understand. Or that the notorious pride of the various Clan members was a bit of an understatement. While he was never like his cousin in his own personal strength as a trainer, it quickly became apparent he needed to expand his team from even the first week in his new home.

When did it become a home? Oh he knows himself well enough that he'll eventually catch the bug again. To go out and see what more the world can show him. But rarely does a trainer (even a part time one like himself) who has gone as far as he has fail to rise to a challenge. Thus he now has a Blackthorn trapinch. Technically since he caught it here with approval he is a member himself, though he's still given a lot of side eye.

But Ella. When did he become friends with a child? True, she doesn't speak like a child. Certainly doesn't act like it when something dangerous happens. And in a place of dragons there is danger everywhere. But no one panics. Fights break out often. Always controlled and spectacular as lack of control is seen as shameful. But watching a random grandmother, bent and moving slow toss out a scarred, yet unbroken dragonite out to send some young idiots into the ground and everyone just walks around it without a care?

Its a bit thrilling to say the least. The skill displayed is dramatic. Not like his cousin nor gym leaders, but given there are civilians who could take a good run at a conference? No wonder pride rules the Clan.

There is something in the air that leads him to learn even more. To dip further into the culture of it all. So he'll start in two different directions when he can't be off observing the dragons. They barely tolerate him and he'll need to gain strength to truly communicate with them.

But what about the caretakers? Who already have that strength? Yes. He'll start there and more with Ella Mita. The new generation.

Later that year.

Ella Mita​

I think about it a lot. How time affects me. When I was older in my previous life I tended to see how things went quicker the older I was and remembered when I hated that summer wasn't around when I was younger.

Being a trainer to be kind of doesn't care about time. Especially because its a passion that drives me to such happiness. Was I every this happy before? Certainly never this active.

Query evolved the other day. The first I've seen in this life. Minus videos.

My shiny metang speaks. Really speaks. He has lists of things he didn't know he wanted to talk about. His name is the most appropriate name ever. My father is totally absorbed into making my smaller pokédex and due to the both amazing and silly game laws that govern this world mean that he'll likely finish in less than a year. I got an eye roll when I asked if he'd have one ready by the time I went on my journey.

I wonder if our family is famous. Sampson is without a doubt interesting and has so much to teach me but when he questions about my partners it does get tiring. Is that how it is if more people could come to the compound? Ash got around such questions in the anime by being on the run all the time and all his other pokémon that he kept at the Oak ranch probably kept the good professor busy. And getting lost I guess. Unlike me. Who has to stay within Blackthorn. With Sampson. (He's not bad but its a lot.)

I prefer it here, but one more conversation about Zaela's slightly different stripes than most gible and I might be tempted to see if Momma can fly us to an old training ground for when she was on her journey.

Speaking of Sampson, he identified my fossil after he kept the fact that I was an aura user a secret until I told him. Even if he didn't look surprised. I'm probably missing something. Boring as he can be the man is….Good. I can feel it. Aura is coming easier each day but the practice is very, very boring. I'm not being fair to Sampson but between him and Query, I've got too much curious. And my priority is Query, so Mr. Oak gets less patience.

Lucario's meditation lessons are still chugging along. I can feel its helping but she still only lets me toss out heal pulses. I'm probably complaining for no reason but pokémon learn a ton of moves when they are just...Not even hatched!

Zaela has discovered food comas. I got distracted by Query's evolution and forgot to close the berry hamper. We had to work off her energy for hours while Query's first real test of his new expanded abilities was helping my dad design some power lines or something. I don't know.

Aura stuff should pick up in four or so months. That's all I need to wait. And time is going faster and faster. So full of enjoyment as well. The fossil though. It sure is partner number six and I have no idea how they ended up buried here. As far as I know my fossil pokémon would be a natural enemy to most dragons.

Another nifty thing? Joy's wife is having children! They're going to be cute and I'm going to get them the best companion pokémon ever possible. I don't know who donated to the couple but Joy's Lucario said she had to leave home for a while due to excessive celebration. I am fine with this as despite her unwillingness to train me more, she started helping Query with his arms. Cause it was fantastic watching him be able to physically pick up things. The psychically. Both.

I'm dancing around Query's evolution because I'm not exactly sure how much I'm comfortable speaking of it. Even in my head. It was so surreal. And it affected me almost as much as it did him. Or at least it felt that way. Perhaps just remembering it is enough without focusing on the impact. Like Zae and I bonding, the emotions and feelings that caused his breakthrough are intensely sacred.

Training with Zaela is progressing in new ways. We've gone into new moves involving the newly taught stealth rock and rock slide which eventually with her growing mastery of sandstorm is going to create a tornado of pain. Pain Whirl is the name and when she learns mud-slap it will mean her victims will be smacking into stealth rocks while trying to dodge rock slides. When she eventually evolves fully add a flying garchomp into the mix and you can see how she's quite happy to continue to use mostly special attacks for now for utility.

How does this lead to Query evolving? Well he's the guinea pig for some of the combo due to being immune to a lot of the initial damage and its good training for his levitation to dodge stealth rocks. I was then that I found out just how sheltered he was before joining us. Even more intense pulses of curiosity hit as tried to understand even why we were attacking. Most pokémon don't question such things but he grew up in an extremely safe place where contemplation about self was the way forward. And given how he focused on exploring or satisfying his own questions about everything, he shied away from the gestalts of his previous home.

Query had never heard or felt pokémon battles. Due to being shiny he was isolated by the Stone family rather quickly with most of them trying to bond with him without really letting him grow as he wished. They were pushy but to their credit, almost all of them didn't try to force things. Even despite the various metagross within the colony being protective, even with the distance they set to try and keep Query safe. Being the agreeable fellow he is the training we were doing was quite stimulating to his desire to know more. While he's seen us use combos or attacks, they were always singular things or the end result. Furnace and such. But not how we were constructing a combo step by step. Things he took for granted became a part of a whole. Fire attacks and earth power. Terrain changes and the energy of the combination coming together.

Considering how long it took him to ask why we were doing this he must have enjoyed learning about all that we could do just by simple observation. Momma especially come to think of it. Explaining that most pokémon, dragons in particular, battled quite a bit to prove themselves, win competitions or in our case, eventually create a force for good in the world struck a cord. Zaela, while sold on my idea, mostly liked it because she'd get to stomp bad people with extreme violence. Adorable, my massive little sister is.

That I could use aura resonated with Query as it was one of the few things he did know of as most pokémon do. Perhaps its instinctual with most pokémon? He won't tell me exactly what hit him the most but I think its that I was going to change the world. That's my ultimate goal. The concept of it. Not the dream, but the concept pushed him to think hard about what he could be. That's a simple concept for humans. The idea of being more in ways that we take for granted. Hope for the future. A goal.

Pokémon live mostly for the moment. Oh sure, they might wish to evolve and become the strongest of their kind but you don't see pokémon innovating city structure or creating new medicine. Query, my dear boy, wants to change the world in a way he won't speak of but the drive echos in his thoughts when he shares them. Determination and a desire for his goal. This is what makes him my inspiration. My pokémon wants to innovate. To change his way of thinking into pure creation.

So yes, Query evolved because of an ideal. Sampson was there when it happened. It must have been odd, me talking to my floating claw monster and then pulse of energy before he became double claw monster. It led to more conversations with Sampson and I secured a promise to meet his cousin in exchange for studying Query for a bit. This of course was utter bull shit again. Something I don't remember being as good at in my previous life. First, Query loves learning so he'd hang around Sampson anyway just for fun and second, my first evolution with one of my family? You bet I'm having Sampson make sure everything went well.

I might not have been thinking straight. Because it was just….Learning his voice. Of that part of him that is now in me. In my head and there constantly. Another nugget of my heart bound to another family member. Also I was a bit overwhelmed with what he might need for an evolution. The metagross line is a case by case basis.

Even if I have all sorts of knowledge about what I would need for my team members it doesn't qualify me as a doctor. Luckily my boy was planning for this for a while.

Query had been eating more and more materials at night (beldum don't really need sleep) in preparation for his evolution ahead of time. He just needed that push of self.

Now my metang pours over my father's books. Anything and everything. I can't wait to see what he'll come up with. Because while he wishes to create, he doesn't know what it is yet. The hope of it pushed him over the line. Just a knowing of himself that he'll have one caused his evolution. Psychic pokémon are odd.

My plan for Query and his path to power worked better than I could have ever hoped for though. The fighting style I'd always dreamed of for him works so well its unfair. When he's a metagross I don't think any pokémon will be able to beat him in a close combat fight. Once he learns a few fighting moves things will get brutal even for dark types.

Upon evolution he gained physical and mental capabilities that I am guiding him to exploit. The first moves learned were confusion and metal claw but really they were just the start of what I wanted. Sure, I had him work on them but I raided my mom's tm case and taught Query psychic first and foremost. It would be the basis of his in your face prowess.

Query had two brains now, both able to think and mesh flawlessly in gestalt to incredible levels of awareness. The metagross line are very much more physical fighters than special even if they can grow into it. What I wanted from Query is something he simple adored. My boy loves to observe. So what I wanted was him to concentrate on the center of gravity of his opponents with one of his brains at all times. This led to him learning gravity by accident but that was a part of the plan anyway in the long run. I just didn't think he'd get it down before becoming a metagross.

Psychic is basically force push, crush and all the odd telekinetic abilities you could think of in one. Most psychics use it as crush or to make their opponents helpless. For Query I had him practice for almost the first full month of learning psychic by creating the smallest but most dense push possible. Then I had him imagine it as a cone tapering into a pointed spear point or at least as close as he could. When he could drill a hole into rock I showed him what I wanted him to do.

Imagine running at my Query, readying an attack and having an invisible psychic spear hit you in the exact place to make you lose balance just as an equally precise strike from a bullet punch hits you in your new center to spin you into a third strike. This turns every attack into a very probable critical. Critical strikes in this world are if you hit someone where they are weak or at least what I've observed watching Mom's matches. What Query will be able to do is cause criticals constantly once he's learned how to use this idea efficiently. When he evolves fully? Imagine constant critical meteor mashes and hammer arms, tossing someone into the air and never landing until its down for the count.

The results of a week of trying out this new concept? Zaela can't beat Query up close. Momma hates sparring with him up close. Not that he can do much damage to her but he started using psychic to toss his center of gravity whenever she tried to hit him at sparring speed. Unless she actually started trying a little she couldn't knock him out up close easily anymore. She was quite annoyed. He thought that up himself. Using his own body that way.

Zaela still beats the shit out of Query with her combo moves but its only a matter of time before my boy will be giving her a run for the money in all situations.

The thing is, as amazing as the potential of this fighting style is, its nothing compared to how I'm planning to have him be the field commander of our group. There is zero chance that I will be able to avoid battles that don't follow civilized rules. The next two moves for Query to master are ally switch and psych up. Zaela needs to learn rain dance next I think. So many ideas.

More months pass and Zaela is almost the size of an above average gabite as a gible. That means my starter is five feet tall in her first form. Its absolutely impossible to hide her nature and mom has her older dragonite constantly shadowing us at all times. Which makes sense. Someone tried to take her.

To continue about her growth she is roughly three times a normal gible's weight and she should evolve next year then take quite a long time to get to a garchomp. Her teeth are big and scary and she wants everyone to know. While her abilities haven't increased too much power-wise her control is becoming devious. Almost all of her sand and ground based moves can be made without any visual indication they are occurring. So ground moves are already in motion below the ground. Also, she's learned far more words and concepts….Perhaps because of how brainy Query can sound and she gets jealous.

She can regularly defeat any of the dragons in their second forms who were born even years before her but only those who don't have trainers. The few spars she's allowed as such show us how far we have to go. Oh it gets close but she doesn't yet have the massive physical power she'll get with evolution. Nor quite the stamina. We'll work on that. I'll admit I'm afraid the gym circuit won't challenge us on our journey. I'm truly cheating the fuck out of this system. It is highly likely I'll have two fully evolved pseudo-legedaries before I even start my journey.

Query has nearly mastered his basic fighting style and I'm very curious if I ever get to a dojo if they'll ask to add it as a new discipline as Query really does treat it as almost moving meditation. The one fun bit that Zaela and Query have together when we're not working on their abilities is something they call rock and wreck. Basically Zaela tosses as many boulders at Query at once as she can and he dances his way through them with Psi-Fist as he calls his style. It is his style as well. I may have come up with the idea but he was the one who had to make it work.

Theoretically there is no cap to the possibilities of his style. The four brains he'll have as a metagross make me shake in excitement at what he could do. While he has learned the moves I wanted him to I've not asked him to do so past that as he does seem to be innovating by himself and really, mastering a move for a psychic has a much longer road than most types but it always ends with exponential rewards. The only thing I've tried to push him towards is adding a fighting attack to his style. Brick break is what we agreed on and he has it workable if not perfect.

Back to gravity, psych up and ally switch. Ally switch is pretty self explanatory. A surprise metagross in battle when you're after one of my eventually smaller or more delicate pokémon sounds terrifying right? Its more than that though. I'll have three pokémon that will have healing moves but two I want dedicated to it. Both will be fairly mobile but a uber-observant multi-brained field commander who can instantly switch out a hurt ally closer to the medics? Or to combo moves in ways I haven't yet dreamed of?

And gravity? The ability to pull all those pesky flying types easily within range of Zaela's terrain of doom?

Yeaaaah. Warm feelings. Add to that psych up which can abuse higher level opponents who likely will run stat boosts constantly and it'll be fantastic to see what we can do.

Enough ignoring it brain. I almost lost my starter. Pretty sure mom would have been able to get her back but its a bit of a hit in the chin so to speak. I sound mature here. Right? For the most part. But I'm a four, nearing five year old girl. As much as I have strength and amazing pokémon who even now could probably take on most gym teams… I'm small. Tiny even. Given my mom's build that'll change but for now its...Jarring.

I gloss over it mentally but its true. I'm a child. So very much a child. If this weren't the pokémon world where they let ten year olds go off on their own in a world of dangerous monsters I can't imagine I'd ever be given the freedom I do have, supposed genius or not.

So that Stone asshole. Turns out he was the smart type of scumbag. Query was his in his mind so he hired someone to take what he wanted. Mind you, this asshole was quickly tossed out by the Stones after this incident and also a promise of whatever we would like from them as an apology for our distress...Which I'm going to likely see if they can revive my sixth when its time….But. I almost lost her.

The thief Mathew hired. (What type of scumbag is named Mathew?) This lady was good. She posed as courier for a few weeks and did her best to worm her way into seducing one of the gym trainers. She didn't quite succeed but it was amusing and awkward enough that it endeared her subtly to the clan. Just a bit.

I've scorned to hide my team within the Den and near the gym but I'm seriously considering just going out into the forests for a while and becoming a wildgirl hermit. The thief saw Zaela and I training with my shiny metang and knew that her score had come.

Two days later there was fire, violence and a real wake up call. While I have a lot going for me I can be punched out by probably any teenager much less a fully grown professional thief. I'm paranoid certainly and a bit worried how this will make me more so but even I wasn't expecting someone to make it into the heart of the Den and be this bold.

There are a lot of things going for me. My family, my team, Momma and aura. The winner of the hour? Joy's Lucario. Want to know why each Joy looks like each other folks? I have a theory. Every single Joy is trusted by violent, wild pokémon just as much as tame. My theory is that when they gain a partner that they have some sort of mystical bond from some legendary ages ago. Chansey and Blissy heal so Joys gain incredible abilities to do so as well. Or in our Joy's case? Bad assery. Is it at all plausible? Eh. Probably not. But I want to believe. Which in an anime world might actually mean something.

I think its an accord of sorts to protect the world in a different way than Aura Guardians do. Joy's Lucario is not a battler in the traditional sense. She's a medic and meant to get in and fast to heal pulse something long enough to get the pokémon to a center. That isn't to say she's any less a bad ass protector of aura. And feeling me screaming out in panic at the thought of never seeing my starter again? Not only did she understand and feel my distress while I was unconscious but she tracked down the thief with Joy keeping pace.

Imagine that. A delicate calm, lovely and caring woman who regularly treats the world as her family beating the shit out of the thief. I didn't wake up to feel Zaela's pokéball placed in my hand but I'm told I was tossing and turning until it was there. Query, luckily, had been up late with my dad randomly for some reason I don't care about now so she got his empty pokéball and not him. She was committed the second she snuck the side of our home and through my window to knock me out though so couldn't search for him. Usually Zaela sleeps with Momma since my room doesn't really have the space for her. There are plans for renovation to change this that are being rushed now.

The timed it since once a week Zae stays in her ball to be able to sleep next to me as I haven't yet convinced my parents to let me just go and sleep with her and Momma. Needless to say Mom was livid. She got complacent in her mind. Her team was out with her to help with the fire. Dad's was caught up with him and Query. Her daughter could have died.

Yeah. I see it. I got arrogant. Sure I felt the thief coming and started to call for help but she was so fast and I'm four. Four. Dad says he's going to work something up to protect my team but for now I just can't deal.

How we knew it was Mathew Stone, now pariah of the Stone family? Zaela couldn't release herself from her ball due to some gadget the thief had. Where she got it? Yeah. Matty. Of course that's just icing on the cake. Joy and her partner scared the thief so fully that she was already begging for consideration if she gave up her boss. Again, this Joy regularly scolds dragon types. Of course she's scary when she wants to be.

I'm going to get her twins such amazing pokémon.

I don't know what that guy was thinking. Its not as if Query would be particularly subtle if he ever released him in anything public. And he was already going to be a prime suspect.

Query has been a blessing here. Zaela more or less roared and got her frustration out with destruction but I'm taking a bit more. I knew this life would be hard but its still a slap in the face as to how much my long term plan could backfire. This will make us stronger in the end but I can't help but think that the knowledge of my rare as hell pokémon is out there. I was so smug last year that I could handle everything.

Luckily number three is just two months away. They'll help build up Query in new ways and hopefully give us a sensor to prevent anyone getting anywhere close to me again. Perhaps even train me in such things. Plus even in their evolved form they'll be able to stay with me at all times. And its tradition.

But this is about Query. I can't neglect what he's been doing. If Zaela is the leader of the team as my starter then Query is the XO. He takes care of us while Zae leads us. For me? Its levitating cups of water when I'm even close to parched. To my favorite music being put on when we enter the house to simply hovering next to me when I go off to cry.

Ever present and every knowing even now. I've been blessed. Zaela understands my drive and pushes me just as much as I do her but Query shows me that there is such joy in simple wonder. He melted my heart the other day. My room is not safe to me anymore really. Its nothing special. No real decorations. Blackthorn Clan life is rather spartan even for the children. Frankly nywhere where my family is, pokémon or not, is home.

Sleep wasn't coming as I was trying to nap (rest at nigh is not working well) so Query gently picked me up. Surprisingly, despite his silvery gold steel form, my boy is pretty warm, if quite hard. Just snuggling into him, even if it wasn't exactly comfortable, I trusted him to bring me to where I needed to be.

The forests around the Den are usually fairly safe due to Momma's more or less full control of it as her territory shifted when she began to take interest in me and Zae. There was a lot of chaos until she found her spot. So I wasn't really concerned about where Query was taking me. If there is one thing that makes me safe its having my partners within arms reach. The clearing we entered was pretty much a stereotypical picnic looking place save for the giant boulder in the middle of it….With my face on it. The strange part is that my face was only on the very lower left part of it.

Something must have passed over my face as Query's mental voice hummed in amusement. Over the last month he's been learning in a single-minded manner to be able to talk to me over distance even if it would be way easier to wait till his final form.

"Ella. I know that the dragon and I will live far past your life so I want you to see what I am building." Slowly hovering his way over he set me down to see just how perfect he got my face. It was of me smiling a bit fondly at something, likely at him from the perspective as he tends to still like hovering over my right shoulder. The steel hum of his male sounding voice turned warm.

"One day, when I have given of myself to bring more of my kind into the world I wish them to know of my trainer. My teacher. The heart-voice that pulled me from one of many to many become one. Who gave me perspective of life that I could never have found myself. There is much more of this rock to shape and you have much growing to fall into. They will see you as I did. For every day of your life and into every age of it."

He paused here as I was already crying so very hard. This started as a fantasy choice. A way for me to live out a game but Query drew me out of the harsh reality and into the true start of my dream. The sweat and toil I had before then was without a real cost to it. Now I had paid some of it and Query, blessed Query, was putting the perspective that I needed just as he said I gave him his.

"I know you have secrets. Hidden parts that you hide with your aura even from me. I could peek if I desired, so well have you trained me…And I think I should. I will halve your burden and keep it with you if you would let me. Just as you have given me the fulfillment my kind only finds later in life. Speak with me here at the birth of the art you've inspired me to create. Believe in me Ella."

He felt my acceptance before I could actually speak it. I was never much of a crier in my previous life but something must have broken hard because it took a while for me to start. But I did. And someday soon I'm going to teach him English so he can read and share in the past beyond worlds. I love my pokémon.


The order of these entries is going to be logical if I have my way but eventually Ella you know Tass is going to give his account and nothing will make sense. Or there will be much yelling. Unpredictable. Let me explain why I am insisting upon this my heart-voice. I have never given you a clear answer as to how I evolved so quickly for you the first time. You felt the moment and that is true and worthy. But from simple to more and most all at once is hard to describe. Let me at least give you some perspective. The truth is with how you shaped me it is probable I could have become four-voiced even moments after I became two.

You know much more than many because of your deal with the fate-maker but you cannot know what is me when I am not sure there has been a 'me' of my kind before. Many-voiced is what we call ourselves in our gestalt communication. Parts of the whole to become stronger. It is successful and efficient in ways that I cannot properly convey. Both because it is one of those instances you would indicate is 'freaky' and because I lost that part of myself when I became 'I'.

You named me Query because it is who I am. Think of the time then and how you would have felt if I told you that to become 'me' I would give up all of the rest of my self. The self that was a part of a whole. Ella heart-voice. You would have felt despair and guilt. I knew that even then. That I'd been robbed of the gestalt that all of my kind are known for.

Let me tell you now, years after and with the ability to joke and be me. There is no path that I can see as I am where I would not choose to become 'I' for you. You call me smarter and more intelligent than the rest of our family combined but I tell you in pure contentment that you will always be the greatest teacher I will ever have. Besides, I still think Mars surpasses me in true intelligence. I just have more of me to offset it.

Sixteen years after I became your pokémon and the rock holds four more expressions of my love of you. How many more will I be blessed to show you? All pokémon seem to fall in love easily with the humans that they choose but I can only speak of myself. Such an uplifting concept even now so long after the ideal of being singular moved me into heights that I did not dare to dream of.

I did not even know what a dream was.

We've met more of my kind since then and you were always very closely aware that they did not know what to make of me. I led you to believe that it was because I am odd colored or that you pushed me onto the true path of a metagross' power. To find within new voices….Bur really it is because they cannot connect to me as usual. They cannot see me with the other sense that only the bright one and the legend shares with me. The psychic pull of the mind to enforce my will upon the world.

I want us to write to you of what you have done. You've given so much to us in explicitly tangible ways but you cannot see just how hard our lives would have been without you. Perhaps a bit of bluntness.

Without you I would have been nothing. There would be no art to display nor such close palpable love between differing types. How is it that a darkness filled creature such as Joker and I could be so close? That Zaela and Aurora are the most close of friends despite their differing personalities and types?

You have led us into danger we all agreed to and despite how you seem to think that your initial choice to destiny bind us to you is worthy of regret at times, there cannot be anything more wrong for you to feel. You've lived here almost longer than your first world heart-voice and you should know easily by now that pokémon live for great things.

From the weakest scurrying rattata to Zaela we all wish to be more that what we were a mere moment before. I've read your journal. You say that from the start. Your observant one I am called. That is one of my favorite nicknames you give out. I shall prove it further.

You wrote your journal to aid you in adjusting to this life far more than you did to pass it on. It was perhaps your first truly selfish act. I am aware you'd argue that getting 'cool pokémon' and aura powers was quite selfish but I was there every moment of our journey protecting you as I promised all those years ago. Sharing your life happily to repay just the smallest portion of what I owe you.

I'm aware that my entry alone will not convince you of this. Perhaps none of it will. Another gift you've given is surprise. To never be sure of what you, my heart-voice, may do or say but to also be able to completely understand you in the same moment. Clarity is the key to unlocking my abilities and you gave me it purely from the moment we met. Aura did play a part. I will never lie to you or hide things from you save to spare you from misunderstanding as I have till now.

But aura to pokémon doesn't control our desires. It simply lets us see you more clearly. Your true desires. And all you wanted was for me to be yours. Not in a manner that denoted ownership. But to be your friend, confidant and partner in the great goal you'd set before you. What struck me was how desperately you wanted me to be able to live for more than just power.

Zaela was easier obviously. To her life is power and power is life. That isn't to say she does not share all that you are. She can see your heart far easier than I in the moment but we both know who you listen to to be centered. Myself or the true one. And I have none of her special abilities to read you Ella.

Everything you do screams your respect for us. Your adopted family. Trust that when I say now that you cannot carry every burden alone I mean it fully. I've long given up seeking to comprehend why humans make the same decisions over and over if they cause themselves pain so I can only implore you again to let us in.

We all know your true origins and you know we do not care. Indeed Thunderbug would enjoy hearing more of your old world than ours at times. Drat.

That right there? I cursed, however tamely. It is simple but such a fantastic concept. Words not meant to convey information but emotion. That is the key to what I am.

Logic dictates a beldum and anything past. Emotion is what you thrust into my self, previously selves, and made me whole. I might have multiple thoughts going in different directions but it is all me. All one. Back to what I wish to express. All of this is a love letter to you but it also to show you parts we have not shown you. I encouraged Zaela to speak to you of some of the events in your first year of journal entries and I shall do the same. Perhaps not as detailed as I find that lecturing you about being less harsh on yourself appeals to me.

Is this what you would consider rambling?

I've already told you of what it meant for my evolution so I think I shall talk of what made me into one of the most recognized pokémon in the world. Did you know what Psi-Fist would do for us? You say you just had the idea and let me run with it but who would know that our way of fighting would be so successful. Victory at the highest was sweet even for me who only really battles as an exercise to improve my mind.

No other of my kind can use Psi-Fist. I've attempted to teach them but there is something that you may not know of Psi-Fist. It requires empathy. The calculations for step one are easy. To set someone off balance? That I can teach in but a day to any. The second and third steps that we built? To shatter resolve and burn all opposition away? It is such a simple thing for us now but it requires feeling your opponent. Of knowing them and accepting them.

We took the ability to read a person to an extreme that none can stand against. Do you think that is possible if you didn't lead me there?

Psi-Fist turned my desire to observe into the greatest combat weapon I possess. No more need be said.

I will tell you that I do not always agree with you. As you might see from what is written above about guilt. I would not have taken in Tass and heavily disagreed with the potential of his redemption. It worked out but you suffered much from it. That is what ghosts do. They suffer.

But you taught him how to do so in a way that can save so many. Of all of us, how did he end up being the one who can heal in such a profound way? I do not like your chosen mate. That is personal preference though. I thought you should have went after the kind one's offspring. I respect what your mate has done to be with you. How far they have pushed to be worthy of your notice. But the kind one would have kept you from pushing as much. Be less able to support your efforts. I would never tell you to stop your dream but the suffering perhaps would have been less if you had someone hold you back. But then again, I would not see you lesser.

Make no mistake however, Ella. We all think your mate shot higher than they deserved. But we are biased. Probably no one is good enough for you in how we view you. Even if that is unfair, I care not. I can be petty. And cruel. But you love me just the same.

Training montages do not interest me though I will say I miss a level of rock smashing games with Zaela that doesn't endanger others so easily. Instead I shall tell you of things I observed and what I wished to query about. See? Joking. So refreshing to the mind.

Your father loved you. Immensely. I know it is a sore subject but you must let it go. You saw the man absorbed with ideas and work but you did not see him watching you while you slept and jotting down ways to improve your journey. Even six years before you were set to go he was planning to give you everything he was. It did not show in his emotions because (and I understand this well) it was his mind that was his center.

Thus while he may not have said it or hugged you as much as your mother does there were small tiny things that he noticed to make even a small bit of your life easier. From cleaning your shoes after a day's training to carefully making sure the custom food you wished for us was from the best merchants to yes, making certain that I found you that first day we met.

Rickard Mita was flawed, heart-voice, but he did adore his little girl. I remember it well Ella. I was a surprise but, like you remember well, his gaze turned thoughtful and ideas flashed faster than my own four minds could attempt as he considered my fate. Simple as I was then I still felt as if the world was holding its breath.

A slight smile went on his face and he simply stated that if I wanted to see something interesting that a girl with her beloved monster was trying out how to burn enemies in a pit but that she would never harm me if I wanted to observe. You know me Ella. I was yours before I met you because of your father. Let his end pass and remember all the things I know you keep within you.

Do you recall the first day we met Clair? Or rather I met her? You told me of your favorite cousin. That is the day I imprinted your first stone visage into my mind. You did not know then that she would become something so special to your life but I did. Like much though I felt that it would not mean as much if I pointed it out and in this I am glad I was right.

I could go on for so long heart-voice. You drew me into myself. To find who I was and I am repeating it because I can. That I can choose to be long winded and find enjoyment in senselessness. To a psychic moments of perfect clarity and calm places are not only needed but required to keep us sane. Metagross are so desired because our metal bodies do much of this naturally. And our hives deal with the rest.

You gave me a self that won't break, my teacher. Read the words of your family. Accept them. Find comfort and heal for us. Despite how often she and I disagree I shall follow Zaela's example.

I am me. Thank you. I love you.