

"Agh!" shouted a boy, "Where am I?"

Big, blinding lights flashed rapidly in the shape of a ball and a few more children fell out that gigantic glimmering sphere. They tumbled on top of each other. Hmm…children…? No, they weren't children anymore. What is the correct term for that again? Teenagers? Adolescents? Anyways, they didn't look so young. Yes, they were still kids, but they looked around 14-16 years old.

Even more children fell out of the glowing ball just right after the first few. These ones looked a little younger than the ones before, only at probably 13.

Then, another batch appeared from the sphere. They were even more younger than the second batch at 11-12. All of them seemed confused and scared. They didn't know what to do. They hesitated even to just look around or take a step on the ground.

They were at a strange place. A universe much different than their own. "Was this Jirachi's doing?" an abnormally short, young boy named Emerald asked. Then, they started discussing about the possibilities.

After discussing that for a while, they finally came to the conclusion that when Emerald wished upon the wishing star-like Pokémon, the excess energy and power used to free the senior Pokédex holders from stone must've caused a portal to an alternate universe to open. A universe without Pokémon, a universe without THEM. They didn't know how to get back to their own world. They were lost and desperately wanted to go home.

They saw a large, tall building. "K-k-Kusaka School?" questioned a boy named Ruby, who was nearsighted.

A voice suggested,"Why don't we ask for directions?" The voice belonged to Yellow, a blonde girl who seemed a little short for her age.

Another voice said, "Directions are for lame-os! We can get back by ourselves, Yellow." He was Gold, a prodigy in playing Billiards, or Ball Pool.

A boy with jet black hair reminded, "Come on, Gold. You want to get back to our world, don't you?" His name was Red. He seemed like a leader or mentor figure to the kids.

Gold replied with a bored face, "I suppose you're right. But, don't you want a little adventure?"

"No! We need to get back as soon as possible!" A boy with orange, slightly brown-ish hair scolded. His complete name was Green Oak. "Come on guys, let's just try to get out of this peculiar place."

The children, better known as the Pokédex holders, walked slowly towards the building known as Kusaka School. They were very cautious, as everything was very new to them, and nothing seemed familiar. Slowly but surely, the reached the tall, yellow building with a brick red roof with a curious and interested yet fearful expression on their faces.