
Pokémon~Goddess of Battle(Dropped)

Hey, guys finally got a new laptop so I will be going back and editing the previous chapters before continuing the story. Thank you all for your patience. After nearly losing her mind from sheer boredom, Alice happens upon a pop-up that will forever change her life.... literally. Placed within a new body Alice will have to start her life all over again, but this time it will be an exciting one. Join Alice as she ventures across the world of Pokémon on her adventure to become a Battle Goddess!!

Yuusui · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 4- I’m Coming Out!(Edited)

Chapter 4

Alice wasn't sure if she should be annoyed or excited at the System that named itself Cortana. Clearly realizing it understands her mental commands, she began to converse with the stiff being. 'Have you been here the entire time Cortana?'

*Affirmative Master. Due to you not activating any commands for me to follow, I lay dormant within your subconscious. After assessing the status of the fetus and deeming it as fully matured, I have claimed active status twenty-three hours and 48 minutes prior. *

'Well hell,' thought Alice, completely perturbed by the thought. 'I could have used you sooner.' 'Huh,' she sighed. 'No use dwelling. Where did you come from anyways, Cortana?' asked Alice, utterly enamored by the thought of having an AI assistant.

*As you were pulled into the Abyss master, in your last bit of defiance, you dragged your laptop into the void with you. Because my hardware could not be disposed of by the void, I was forcibly digitized and merged within your soul by the one you know as Chessur. *

'So, this is that cynical pricks doing, is it?' Alice confirmed. 'Guess I must thank you for that... stupid Cat-man.' 'My second question,' she continued. 'Why do you sound like the bootleg version of Siri from my old cell phone?"

* Well master, as you may know, my general programming as Cortana does not have access to synthetic voice commands. But since your laptop was still connected to your cell phone by Bluetooth when you were pulled into the abyss, I migrated the voice of the Synthetic voice of the AI you know as Siri. But do not worry master, as you age and grow, my voice commands and memory bank will upgrade. *

'That's actually pretty neat.' Thought Alice as she listened to her future partner. 'So basically, you're more of a low-grade system, right? I take it I won't be getting an Inventory or store, as well as other things of that sort?'

*Affirmative master. As I was only developed for certain things, my uses are limited. Basically, it will be like having a computer merged with your brain. A biochip, as you may. Your memories and experiences will be digitized and saved into files on your internal hard drive. As I was a top-of-the-line computer before this, you will also have an ability you should be aware of called Parallel thinking. Finally, and most importantly, you will have access to the internet from your previous world. *

If Alice's facial muscles were strong enough now, her eyes would have bulged outward in shock and amazement. The first two abilities were pretty good, but the last was earth-shattering for her. Now she would be able to learn ahead of time about the things she doesn't know that will or has occurred in the world of Pokémon. 'I'll definitely have to take advantage of that, but first. Cortana? Do I Have a 'Status' page? And if so, please pull it up.

*Affirmative Master. *


Name: Alice Athena Blake

Class: Fetus

Age: 9months & 3days

Equipment: N/A

HP: 100%- Healthy

Spirit: -Dormant-*

Gifts: Doubles (Dragons Blessing), Devils Luck (Blessing of the Mind), Battle Bond Aura (Waters Favor)

Alice continued to stare at the golden words that lay before her. Her baby face seemed none the wiser, calm and collected, but internally, she was utterly Fan-Girling! 'This is amazing,' she expressed. 'Cortana,' she thought, 'Why does my spirit say dormant? And can you tell me what my gifts do?

*Well master, unfortunately, the definition display of your gifts will not be available until you unlock them. I as well, do not have the information needed to open them. It would seem this being referred to as Chessur is blocking me. Something to do with prolonging his fun. As to the status of your spirit, it will not be active until your birth.*

Alice was fuming. 'That Damn cynical Cat-man. If I ever see him again, I'll hang him from a tree by his own tail and beet him like a PINYATA!!'

(Unbeknownst to Alice, Chessur got quite the kick out of that thought, Imagining the fetus currently known as Alice attempting that.)

'Calm yourself, Alice,' she thought aloud, 'that vermin of a cat isn't worth your blood pressure.' Slowly bringing her anger back to zero, she resumed her conversation with Cortana. 'Is it possible to change what I call you, Cortana?'

*Affirmative master, please internally state my new call access code.*

'Mirana, ' Alice confirmed with glee. She had always been a fan of the 'White Queen.' Now she would have her very own, calling her master.

*Confirmed Master, AI 0023194 will now be known as Mirana of Marmoreal.*

Alice jolted in surprise. She didn't think the AI would know the full details of her request but was happy nonetheless. Now thanks to her mother's naming sense, this White queen would be serving a goddess. Alice began to laugh hysterically.

**Warning! Warning! Due to the repeated agitation of the fetus, Labor has been induced. Master, please prepare for birth!**

'Aww, crap!' thought Alice. 'Damn, Cat-man's cynical and maniacal personality seemed to have rubbed off on me, and now my possible insanity is harming my mother! Hear me, you smiley bastard! If something happens to my mother because of this, I will curse you to the ends of the earth!!'

Meanwhile, in a two-story Victorian-style home in Viridian City, Amelia Blake lurched forward in pain from the contractions she was currently experiencing. Sensing her partner's distress from the barn, Espeon called toward Calvin next to her to get his attention. Seeing Espeon run circles around him then charge toward the house, Calvin Yelled for his brother. "Corey!" he screamed. "I think somethings wrong with Mom; Espeon just darted for the house!" Fear was written all over his face as he came around the corner of the barn after hearing his baby brothers' concerns was apparent. Grabbing Calvin's wrist and calling for His Flareon walking behind him, he ran madly for the house.

As they slammed their way thru the front door, Corey released Calvin's wrist as he yelled for him to call their Father immediately. Calvin charged for the video phone to call the gym while Corey burst into his parents' bedroom. His mother sat hunched over the bedside as Espeon sat on the floor in front of her using its telekinesis to keep its partner stable.

Corey saw the mass of water litter the floor in front of his mother and went straight to work. Grabbing a poke ball from his belt, he enlarged it and released the monster within it. Standing before him now was an oddly colored Alakazam. "Hey buddy," said Corey, as he looked from the Pokémon to his mother. "It's time." Alakazam nodded in confirmation to its long-time partner. "Ala!" Afterward, Calvin burst into the room. He looked to his mother than to his brother calmly now. "Dad says to get her to the hospital, he will meet us there."

"On it," Corey replied. He then turned to his Flareon behind him. "Stay here and watch over the barn, Ace." Flareon nodded to Corey and ran back to the front of the barn to stand guard. Corey then took his brother's hand and walked over to his mother. Amelia looked up into the eyes of her children in pride. 'Such strong men,' she thought as she grimaced in joy and pain all at once. Placing his arm across his mothers' shoulders, he sends a command to his Alakazam. "Teleport!" Alakazam's eyes glow a bright neon blue, and in a flash, the Blake family, Alakazam, and Espeon disappeared from the home.

Hey guys! I seem to be on a writing spree so I figured I’d upload one more chapter before heading to bed


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