
Pokémon: Wait, where am I?

A boy named Finn gets sent into the world of Pokémon with no memory of who he is besides his name.

Hunter_ · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Jasmine vs Lance

As the announcer starts introductions the stadium is electric. People and Pokémon through out the whole arena are buzzing with excitement. There are only three people in the whole stadium who aren't showing any emotion. Those three being Lance, Jasmine, and Finn. Emelia is practically moving the whole place by herself because she is filled to the brim with excitement. She looks at Finn who sitting there with a straight face and asks him if he is upset from earlier but Finn responds with a modest "What.. nah I'm fine. Just feels like something is off."

Emelia looks at him with a confused face "What do you mean?"

Finn looks towards Jasmine who is totally focused and ready to send her first Pokémon "I just have a feeling that something bad is going to happen. Let's hope I'm wrong."

With Michael and Emelia hearing what Finn just said they watch the start of the match.

Referee "Today will be a 3 on 3 battle and both trainers may substitute their Pokémon at will. If both trainers are ready then begin." Both trainers at the same time send out their first Pokémon.

Lance "Go Aerodactyl!"

Jasmine "Come on out Steelix!"

Referee "Are both Pokémon ready? Battle Start."

Jasmine "Steelix use Iron Defense."

Lance "Aerodactyl start strong with Crunch."

Aerodactyl Flies towards Steelix with incredible speed and goes for a big Crunch on Steelix, but Steelix just gets its Iron Defense up and barely takes any damage.

Jasmine "Steelix, Iron Tail."

Lance "Dodge it using Aerial Ace. Follow up with Giga Impact"

Steelix tries for an Iron Tail and just barely misses but Aerodactyl hits Steelix with Giga Impact for a lot of damage. Steelix gets knocked back a bit by the move but is still standing tall. Jasmine calls out for Steelix to use Dig since Aerodactyl can't fly away because of using too much energy with Giga Impact.

Steelix proceeds to go underground for Dig and the moment Steelix is completely out of sight Lance smiles. "Aerodactyl use Earthquake!" Aerodactyl gets on all fours and after that the whole stadium shook from Earthquake. Jasmine in a panic yells for Steelix to surface but it's too late. Steelix gets thrown from underground and lands hard taking a huge amount of damage.

Jasmine "Steelix are you ok? Can you get up?" Steelix rises up slowly. Both Pokémon looking at each other with an angry gaze.

Lance "Let's finish this. One more Giga Impact."

Jasmine "Steelix meet them with Iron Tail"

Aerodactyl Starts to glow brighter than earlier putting all its energy into this one attack. Steelix roars and swings its massive tail and the two of them collide for a massive explosion. A bunch of smoke appears and everyone in the stadiums awaits for the smoke to clear. Out of the smoke an exhausted Aerodactyl can be seen standing over an unconscious Steelix.

Referee "Steelix is unable to battle Aerodactyl wins."

The crowd is filled with cheers as Jasmine loses her first Pokémon. Jasmine has her Steelix return and then looks at Lance.

Lance "Aerodactyl return." Lance returns the look at Jasmine and then sends out his next Pokémon. "Go Gyarados." A big red Gyarados stands on the field and looks very angry. Jasmine calms down after losing her partner in the first battle sends out her next Pokémon. "I believe in you, lets go Magnemite." Magnemite gets sent out, looks at Gyarados, and shoots electricity out of its magnets getting itself ready for the match.

Referee "Both trainers are ready. Begin!"

Jasmine "Magnemite lets end this quick. Use Thunderbolt."

Magnemite unleashes a powerful Thunderbolt at Gyarados and Lance calls out to Gyarados to use Dragon Dance. Gyarados isn't able to get out of the way even with the speed boost from Dragon Dance and Gyarados goes down hard. Lance with a slight surprised face calls out for Gyarados.

Lance "Gyarados get up and use Flamethrower."

Jasmine "Magnemite use Magnet Bomb to counter."

Gyarados and Magnemite's attacks cause an explosion of smoke in the middle of the field. Both of them stare each other down.

Jasmine "Magnemite one more Thunderbolt."

Lance "Dodge it using Waterfall."

Magnemite lets loose another powerful and Gyarados barely dodges it and smacks Magnemite with an uppercut using Waterfall launching it into the air in a spiral. "Gyarados use Dragon Pulse" Gyarados opens its mouth and shoots a bright purple beam at Magnemite and makes direct contact sending it flying into the wall right in front of Michael, Emelia, and Finn.

Michael "Come on Magnemite. You have to get up... for Jasmine's sake."

Hearing these words Magnemite starts to levitate again. Jasmine looks at Magnemite with a worried expression on her face "Magnemite can you still battle?" Magnemite shakes its head and returns to the battlefield.

Lance "I commend the resilience of your Pokémon. Shall we continue?"

Jasmine "I wouldn't have it any other way."

Lance "Gyarados use Dragon Pulse.

Jasmine "Lets win this one Magnemite. Thunder!"

Gyarados lets off another strong Dragon Pulse and as it does, a storm cloud forms above the stadium. Right as Magnemite gets hit by the attack, the cloud fires a massive Thunder that lands right on Gyarados. The referee starts to check on both Pokémon and declares "Both Pokémon are unable to battle so this round is a draw."

The referee announces the verdict and the stadium gets louder than earlier with a buzz in the air. Both Jasmine and Lance call back their Pokémon and exchange another look. Then Lance sends back out his Aerodactyl.

Jasmine "It's all up to you. Go Ampharos!"

Lance "I did not expect you to bring the lighthouse Pokémon with you today. This is going to be tougher than I thought."

Referee "If both trainers are ready, then lets begin."

Lance "Aerodactyl get in close by using Aerial Ace"

Jasmine "Counter with Thunder Punch."

Aerodactyl flies in with Aerial Ace and gets right next to Ampharos almost hitting it before getting a right hook from Ampharos knocking it to the side. Jasmine wastes no time before calling her next move. "Ampharos get close and use Thunderbolt" In the blink of an eye Ampharos fires a Thunderbolt at Aerodactyl from close range causing massive amounts of damage. Jasmine stays on the offensive and Ampharos launches another Thunderbolt at Aerodactyl.

As the referee makes his way over to check on Aerodactyl, Finn's loses all sounds as if becoming deaf but it's not that. It's more like everyone else in the world isn't making any noise what so ever. Finn looks around the arena and to Emelia who is talking to Finn but he can't hear her. Then he hears one thing and his head shoots to Lance. A Female voice calls out. "St.... … ..at..... ...mph.... is ..... ....ger" Finn can't make out what all was said and franticly looks around the arena.

Lance sends out his last Pokémon. Out comes Dragonite and it lets out a mighty roar. A battle between two very strong Pokémon is imminent and the crowd goes crazy, except for Finn. Finn still looking around for that voice, hears it again and it sounds like it's coming from the battlefield. A Female voice calls out. "Stop … ..atch Ampharos is ..... ....ger" Finn immediately turns to look at Ampharos who has been battling Dragonite for about two minutes now. Both Pokémon launching big move after big move leading up to a clash of Dragon Pulses that release a massive gust of air throughout the arena.

Finn looks at Ampharos but can't see anything wrong with it and then hears a familiar voice.

Fae "Stop the match Ampharos is in danger" Finn yells out and starts spinning looking in the stands for Fae "FAE....WHERE ARE YOU?" Emelia grabs Finn and shakes him back to reality. "What's wrong?" Finn responds in a worried tone "She was just talking to me, she has to be here." Emelia grabs his frantic head and looks in his eyes. "Who is here?" Finn proceeds to shake his head and tries to get her hands off of his face "My sister is here and she said Ampharos is in danger."

Emelia lets go of his head and asks with a confused expression "You have a sister? And what do you mean Ampharos is in danger the battle looks fine." They both look over at Ampharos and they can tell something is off. Ampharos' attacks keep having less power and they keep changing colors. At this time Ampharos launches a Thunderbolt at Dragonite and it is now a bright blue and seems weaker than earlier.

Finn and Emelia look at each other and Emelia asks "How do we stop this match when they are constantly firing big moves at each other" Finn looks at Jasmine who hasn't noticed anything and then turns to Emelia and says "Sorry for this. ACE LETS GO!" Emelia responds "What do you mean by..." At that moment Eevee jump out of Finn's hood then Finn grabs Emelia and pushes her into her seat getting her stuck.

Finn and Eevee proceed to jump the barrier and get onto the battlefield. When they land they make a break for Ampharos. Seeing Finn jump over the barrier, Michael looks at Emelia who tries to do the same stops her from leaving. Both Pokémon are still fighting after about 5 minutes since they started. Ampharos keeps launching Dragon Pulse after Dragon Pulse at Dragonite and then another clash happens. Both Pokémon not wanting to give up put everything into this one attack and it looks even until Ampharos stops its attack all of the sudden and loses consciousness standing but Dragonites attack was still going and was about to crash into Ampharos and Jasmine.

Out of nowhere Eevee uses quick attack and knocks Jasmine out of the way and Finn pushes the unconscious Ampharos just in time for it not to get hit but in doing so Finn takes the full power of the Dragon Pulse. An explosion goes off in the arena causing a crater in the battlefield with nothing inside it. Lance runs over to check on Jasmine and Dragonite checks on Ampharos.

Lance holds up Jasmine "Are you ok Jasmine?" Jasmine who only had the wind knocked out of her by Eevee responds "Yeah I'm fine. Where is Finn?" Lance, confused by what she said realizes what happened. "Dragonite look for that boy we saw before the match." Dragonite flies towards the crater and doesn't see anything. He starts looking at at the arena wall and sees Eevee looking at something. Dragonite calls out and Lance with Jasmine walk over to Dragonite. Jasmine sees Eevee and then sees what Eevee is looking at.

Finn took the whole blast from Dragonite and with all that power and nothing to protect him, Finn is currently laying on the ground next to a small crater in the wall covered in blood and is unconscious. Eevee trying to wake him up is shaking him and crying. Jasmine covers her mouth in shock. Lance tries to walk over and check on Finn but Eevee turns hostile and won't let Lance anywhere near him.

Emelia and Michael run over to where they see Lance and Jasmine. Emelia arrives before Michael. "Is everyone ok...." As she finishes her question she sees Finn on the ground and Eevee getting very defensive towards everyone. Emelia with tears running down her face. "Eevee … look at me. Can I help him....Please?" A very angry Eevee looks at Emelia and waits for a minute before jumping into her arms crying. Lance is the first one to check on Finn and after thirty seconds he calls the Pokémon League Headquarters and calls in an Evac helicopter for Finn. After being put into the helicopter, Finn, Eevee and Emelia are flown to Blackthorn city.

This is a longer chapter than usual because I wanted to get the whole battle and the end of the chapter all in one for a better reading experience.

If you notice any mistakes please comment what I messed up on so I can fix it for future/current readers.

Hunter_creators' thoughts