
Pokémon: Wait, where am I?

A boy named Finn gets sent into the world of Pokémon with no memory of who he is besides his name.

Hunter_ · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Day one...ish

Finn heads back up to his room and quietly enters as to try and not wake up Emelia. He goes in and sets his jacket down with Eevee inside and lays down in his bed to finally sleep for the night. Finn finally drifts off to sleep and sits up thinking that he is dreaming calls out for Fae, gets up and looks around the room and wakes up Emelia in the process. Emelia snaps awake and looks at Finn confused.

She rubs her eyes before talking. "Who's Fae?" Finn stops and his heart sinks in his chest. He stands still and doesn't reply. Emelia gets up and walks over to him and asks him the same question more sternly. "Who's Fae?" She gets impatient and turns him around. To her surprise Finn has tears running down his face with a blank stare on his face. Emelia instinctively hugs him to calm him down.

Emelia stands there hugging him for a few minutes and then Finn finally speaks. "Are we going to training or not?"

Emelia just looks at him and sees him smiling. She lets go and grabs her bag. "Lead the way."

Finn wipes his eyes, grabs his jacket (with Eevee still in the hood) and puts it on and then they both leave. Right as they walk out of the hotel Finn sees a familiar face. To the left of hotel is Michael and his Shinx. Finn starts to walk towards him and Emelia follows him but is uncertain of why he is walking this way. "Why are we walking this way? I thought we were going to go to the gym?" Finn responds "We'll get there when we get there. I'm just going to stop and say hello real quick."

Finn walks behind Michael who is not paying attention to his surroundings and watches him train his pokemon for a bit before yelling right behind him "HOW'S TRAINING GOING?" Michael proceeds to jump a mile. "What was that for?"

Finn "You seemed like you were too focused and I wanted to ask how Shinx is doing after last night." Emelia turns and looks at Finn "What do you mean by last night?"

Finn "Last night I couldn't sleep so I went outside and I saw Michael training his Shinx. I decided to help him and then I went back to bed."

Emelia "Ok, well it's nice to meet you my name is Emelia."

Michael goes over to her and shakes her hand "The pleasure is all mine. So what brings you guys to Olivine city?"

Emelia jumps at the opportunity to talk about their plans. "We are heading to the gym and we are going to be training our Pokémon and seeing new ones and maybe even catching some. What are your plans?"

Michael "My plans are to beat all eight gyms and win the league. Then I can go back home to Sinnoh and challenge the elite four. Then when I beat them I can take on Cynthia."

Emelia "The only person winning the Johto league is gonna be me!"

Finn face palms and then gets in between them. "Knock it off, both of you!" Finn looks at Emelia first and then looks towards Michael. "Hey Michael quick question. How many times did you hit my Pokémon last night?" Michael looks down at his shoes and closes his hands into a fist. "And you" Finn turns back to Emelia "How many battles have you had with Cyndaquil, let alone Teddiursa?" Emelia pouts at him but doesn't say a word.

Finn "I'm not perfect either. We all need to get better. Now, how about we head over to the gym and we all learn from the gym leader and get better together?"

Finn starts to walk away and Emelia follows him. Michael stands there unsure if he should go with and then Shinx gets his attention trying to pull him that way. Michael picks up Shinx "You want to go with them don't you?" Shinx nods "Fine we'll go." Michael turns around to the forest. "LET'S GO WE'RE LEAVING." From the trees comes a rustling of leaves. Out of the forest comes a bird Pokémon. The Pokémon lands on his shoulder and he starts to pet it. "Did you have fun Starly?" Starly shakes her head and Michael puts her back into her pokeball. Michael and Shinx start to run to catch up to Finn and Emelia.

Finn "So you decided to join us after all?"

Michael "Shut up! I just want to get revenge from yesterday is all."

Finn "Sure buddy, You can challenge us at any time but if you say today or during training then I'll respond with a solid no. So don't get any ideas while me and Emelia are in town. Ok?"

Michael "Fine. But when we battle you are going down tiny."

Finn stops in his tracks, turns around and looks at Michael with soulless eyes. Michael jumps back and protects himself as if Finn was going to hit. Finn walks next to Michael and whispers in his ear "Yeah.....we're not going to do that again. Ok buddy?" Michael just nods his head and Finn starts walking again. (Why was that so scary?) Michael thinks before walking again.

After walking for awhile the three finally get to the gym and walk in to see the gym leaders attendant cleaning the gym. Finn walks up to him "Hi how's it going? Do you know where the gym leader is?" The attendant replies "Yes, she is out back behind the gym training with her team. She needs to be in tip top shape because she has requested a challenge of Champion Lance."

All three of them are stunned to hear this. The attendant leads them to the back of the gym to find Jasmine and her team of three that she is planning to use against Lance. The three Pokémon she is going to use are Magnemite, Steelix, and Ampharos. Finn and Emelia already know how strong Steelix is from the one battle that they watched. Finn starts smiling and walks over to Jasmine with the other two in tow.

This is my first time writing so if you see any spelling mistakes and errors, definitely point them out or make fun of them. It's up to you.

Hunter_creators' thoughts