
Pokémon Voltage Academy

What happens when a 11-year-old attends the best academy in Kanto and wants to be the best

RustyKnightmare · Video Games
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9 Chs

Chapter 7: Pokémon Voltage Academy

1 day later.

In a class filled with students, there was a young man who was being left alone, distracted in his own head.

After a day about the battle. Troy had been thinking about why Fuecoco was still not listening to him, and while he was thinking about how to get Fuecoco to listen to him, the teacher was calling out to Troy.

"Mr. Troy Are you there, Mr. Troy? Can you please snap out of being in your own world?" Troy, hearing this snapped back to reality, replying with "yes sir," "I was asking if you can explain the points system the school has made." Troy, not knowing what the point system was, could only reply with "I don't know, sorry sir." Everyone hearing this could only laugh at Troy.

Troy had already prepared for the laughter to not make him feel embarrassed and waited for it to end. "Well, Mr. Troy, if you don't know how the system works, I guess I have to choose someone else to explain it, Ms. Rachel, if you will."

Rachel replied, "The point system is a system where we use points to show the ranks of each of the students. To also earn points, you must participate in classes or battle other people for a set number of points."

The teacher had replied, "Very good, Ms. Rachel. Now if some of you actually listen during class, they may be able to earn points!"

Once class had ended, Troy went to the next class about evolution stones being taught by Professor Jasper.

While listening to Jasper talk about how evolution stones work, Troy started to hear the voice from yesterday: "Troy, I'm hungry. I want food." Troy, hearing it, replied without thinking, "What do you mean you want food?" Everyone hearing this had looked at Troy like he was crazy. Troy, seeing everyone looking at him, said, "I mean, I'm hungry. When's lunch?"

Jasper, hearing this, said, "Troy, if you can think about food, then you can pay attention during class. Now which Pokémon can evolve multiple stones?"

Troy, trying to think of what Pokémon could evolve into multiple Pokémon, had heard someone whisper, "It's Eevee." Jasper heard this: "Baker, if you also want to help, then I can guess you and Troy want to stay after class and help me with my research."

Later, after study sessions had ended, Troy was walking to Professor Jasper's office while meeting Baker on the way. Troy asked, "Why did you give me the answer to that question?"

Baker replied to Troy, "Well, I wanted us to get into trouble so we could talk in private." "But we are going to Jasper's office?" "Oh, don't worry, Jasper keeps everything in his office a secret, even this conversation, so you're probably asking why I wanted to talk to you, well, it's because I thi-"

All of a sudden, Fuecoco had come out of his pokeball and started running off. Troy, seeing this, told Baker that they could talk another time and started chasing after Fuecoco. Trying to find Fuecoco, Troy had asked people if they saw it, with someone saying they saw it go up the stairs to the roof. Troy thanked them for running up to the rooftop.

Troy, looking around, had seen Fuecoco eating oran berries. Seeing Fuecoco come up to the roof just to eat oran berries, Troy was glad it was nothing else. Walking up to Fuecoco, Troy asked again, "Fuecoco, why don't you listen and you're always running off to somewhere?"

While Troy was thinking deeply, he started to whistle a melody. Fuecoco, hearing this, stopped eating and started to sing along to the melody. Both singing the melody had forgotten why they were both up here with time passing and a storm starting to come.

Troy, seeing that a storm was coming, stood up and went over to Fuecoco. Just as Troy was going to grab Fuecoco, a strong wind picked him up, blowing him off the edge of the building. Troy, seeing this and not thinking, ran to save Fuecoco. Jumping off the building to save Fuecoco and grabbing Fuecoco while in the air, Troy and Fuecoco were falling off the building.

Thinking that it was the end, Troy was waiting for his demise. Not hearing the splat, Troy opened his eyes to see he was still in the air being held by Charizard. Looking at Charizard, information had come up in Troy's eyes.


Pokémon: Charizard

Aura: ?????

Moves: ?????


Not seeing the information about the Charizard, Troy was amazed at how strong it must be for his eyes to not be able to pick anything up. Once Charizard had landed with Troy and Fuecoco, letting them go, Troy went up to Charizard and said, "Thank you for saving us, Charizard," with Fuecoco also thanking Charizard. Well, it looks like you know when to thank someone when they are saved." Troy turned around and saw Jasper there. Troy had realized that the Charizard had belonged to Jasper and started thanking him: "I'm also sorry for running off when I had detention and thank you for saving us!" Jasper, getting annoyed by Troy's constant sorry's, said to Troy, "I saw what you did there, and I have to say, you did something really stupid there. What would've happened if I wasn't there to save you?" Troy, hearing this, had started to feel bad, but before he could say anything, Jasper was still trying to finish his talk. "But seeing you risk your life to save your Pokémon shows me that you care for Fuecoco; not many trainers have the balls to do what you did, and all I can say is that I'm proud you're a trainer at this school."

Once Jasper was finished talking to Troy, he told Troy to go back to his dorms and not go on the roof again. Jasper, seeing Troy off, started talking, "So what do you think? Is he a good trainer or not?" Jasper talking to someone in the shadows.