
Pokémon : Transmigrated as Gary

Hey readers do you think Pokémon franchise did justice to grandson of professor oak , Gary . Because I don't think so ---------------------------- A guy always thought injustice for Gary one day god gave him chance to become Gary . See him changing the whole Pokémon world ---------------------------- I don't own any characters or the cover of novel

sharmaastitva2 · Anime & Comics
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102 Chs

Chapter 77 : Vs Bruno(Part 1)

Guys Question time .

Firstly , The commentators are fore word count and to provide a better feel to threader so there image of chapter can be increased as having matches and all same it would be boring and these commentators will also provide view of audience so every match can have a view from 3 perspective other than only while fighting and in future don't you think it would be pretty interesting when these commentators will provide some sort of comedy while in matches .

Second , Why 3-on-3 it is simple I don't want that match with every elite 4 is like matches of pokemon league pokemons would be decided by the elite 4 member that how many pokemon they want to use as in Lorelei case she had 4 ice type all of them were used so here I want Bruno for his one pokemon for Agatha it will be a small one on one and for Lance it will be 4-on-4 .


Bruno " Go Onix "

Gary " Go Nidoqueen"

Both pokemons eyed each other .

Gary was stunned on the spot after seeing onix as the Onix of Bruno was same as the giant Onix was originally living at Mt. Hideaway, where Onix grow much bigger than usual .

Seeing him Gary got serious as he knew that this Onix is not a pokemon to underestimated

//In the box//

After hearing Gasps of audience after seeing Onix both the commentators sweat dropped as the Onix present was very big .

Marco " Glen what do you think what is that thing "

Glen looked Marco with deadpan expression " Marco that is not a thing "

Marco also glared at Onix and shouted " SO WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT "

" It is not a pocket monster it is mega monster "

Glen also nodded ." Correct we can't call that a pokemon "

Then both looked at each other and laughed

//In the battlefield//

Nidoqueen also was feeling oppression from a large pokemon .

Gary said " Nidoqueen calm down bigger snake is still a snake "

Nidoqueen nodded in understanding .

Bruno " Onix tackle "

Gary " Nidoqueen with his big size you can best him in speed "

Nidoqueen nodded and was easily able to dodge from the Onix .

Gary " Nidoqueen attack with surf "

Nidoqueen was easily able critically hit onix on his head . But it didn't injure himmuch because of his great defense .

Gary " Nidoqueen Rain dance "

Nidoqueen used Raindance . Because of the pouring rain Onix got irritated and started attacking here and there .

Bruno suddenly tensed up .

//In the box//

Marco "Oh Trainer Gary strategy is amazing to defeat that big Onix by self harm "

Glen nodded and said " This can provide motivation to all viewers seeing the match as no matter how much big Onix is Trainer Gary hasn't given up and is starting to move to defeat the big Onix "

Marco " But who could have expected that just from a rain an Onix would be that much irritated "

//In the VIP Box//

Agatha shook her head " If he hadn't perfectly trained his pokemon why is he using it "

Lance and Lorelei looked at Agatha with stunned expression and even Mr. Goodshow also looked at her .

Agatha said " That idiot has caught that onix a month back and is not fully trained "

Lance and Lorelei were stunned and looking at Bruno wryly laughed

//In the battlefield//

Bruno was very tense as he knew that onix presently will not listen and he can even harm people in audience so there is one way to do that is to call back his onix but if he called back he would lose .

Then he looked at Gary who was smirking . He then thought ' This his plan "

Gary seeing Bruno thoughtfully thought ' I guess he has noticed then we can only attack '

Gary " Nidoqueen attack with ice punch and then hide with dig "

Nidoqueen jumped with help for her tail and then punched the irritated Onix and then with her agility without looking back went inside the ground with dig .

The already Irritated Onix after getting punched became more irritated and started thrashing destroying rocks of the battlefield .

Bruno knew the matter was getting out of hand .

Gary " Nidoqueen as soon you come out attack with Whirlpool "

Hearing it Bruno knew no matter what happens now Onix will lose .

Bruno took a deep breath

Bruno shouted " ONIX!!"

Onix calmed down and looked at Bruno .

But before Bruno could say anything to Onix , Nidoqueen came out of the ground and attacked Onix with Whirlpool .

Whirlpool hit Onix at back of his head

............................To be continued