
Pokémon: monster journey

main character is a hunter from monster hunter who is asked to travel the Pokemon regions. this is his journey

holt_kessho · Video Games
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7 Chs

Chapter 1: journey starts

The world of Pokemon, a mysterious place filled to the brim with powerful creatures called pokemon. Many know of the story of ash Ketchum and pikachu but this world doesn't have them as their chosen ones. This world is larger than ever more regions, more challenges, and more pokemon.

Long ago Arceus created the world, the creation trio and mew, as well as all the Pokemon and legendaries but what many do not know is he created another set of children the monsters. Beasts of power, and the elements, their forces driving humanity to the brink of extinction. Arceus saw this and frowned before creating a way to deal with the monsters. Aura and the kinship stones. This stone brought the hearts and the bonds of monster and humans together side by side. Thousand years pass and the pokeball was created to capture Pokemon but it never fully worked for monsters. The leaders of the Pokemon side decide to cut all ties with the monster side this bringing each other to forget until one day.

Present day

??? Pov

Flashes of light and screams. Roars of monsters and cries of creatures. Until silence and darkness. Until a golden light appears and a voice says

"You've proven worthy"

I jerk awake sweat running down my forehead as breath deeply. I hear foot steps and look to my huts entrance seeing the twins hinoa and minoto trying to sneak in.

" Oh rats, looks like we were caught hinoa" says minoto

" You're correct minoto, that why he's kamura's newest rider. Always aware" says hinoa.

" Lay off the bunny dango and I wouldn't have smelled you coming in," I say stretching as I crawl out of my bed.

" See I told you that addiction isn't healthy," says minoto as hinoa groans," also elder fugen wants to talk to you. I walk past them dressed in my kamura gear for riders. As I leave I kiss both hinoa and minoto.

" Doesn't matter I kinda like the after taste of bunny dango on your lips. Or did you forget about my fifteenth birthday last week. " I say as they both blush knowing what happened to them, the date at night was perfect. Romantic and both minoto and hinoa loved the Food I made, before I walked them home. They both sigh and follow me to speak with elder fugen. I pass both riders and hunters going about their business and smelling the steel work smoke billowing around.

Kamura village known for its steel and beauty wasn't always like this. Monsters weren't always out friends, and this village is the last to accept riders. But I don't blame them monsters are forces of nature and the apex predators for a reason in their lands. I walk up to the steel work steps and spot elder fugen talking with a old man with graying hair and a white coat over a red shirt. He's not in armor but I'm cautious due to the strange creature with him. A yellow orange creature with a large built body standing there looking around. It seems innocent but I could feel the power rolling off it in waves power much like my late mothers glavenus. I tense when it looks at me with doe like eyes and rushes me hugging me to death. I react on instinct and fire a wire bug to break free. It lets go but I see tears in it's eyes.

" Sorry about Dragonite she's very eager to meet you for some reason. " Says the man," oh where are my mannersy name is professor Oak and I'm a pokemon researcher. Dragonite is a pokemon they're different from your monsters but not to much"

I stare at Dragonite as it still has tears until I sigh plucking a bunny dango out of hinoa's secret stash on her ,drawing a eep, as I hold it out to the 'Dragonite'. It cheers up and eats the bunny dango and is extremely happy as it starts to fly around at high speeds, for something so large it moves quite fast.

At yomogi's bunny dango restaurant I sit with elder fugen and the professor.

" So let me get this straight.," I say waving a dango skewer at them," you want me to go to this pokemon region and become a pokemon trainer. I'll be basically a envoy of the hunting region and my monsties ( monster + besties) are allowed to come because this silph. Co. Found out those with kinship stones can capture monsters with these pokeballs?"

" Yes," says professor Oak," I have three starters with me from the different regions."

He releases a green cat, a blue otter and a red chick. " These three are sprigatito, oshawatt, and torchic. The Pokemon League has qualified you to be able to carry ten pokemon or monsters instead of the normal six. And these three will be your starters as well as your palamute, and palico you have from the village."

" Ok I agree." I say with a smile as the Pokemon cheer and I stand up.

" What I didn't know is this is my ultimate journey "