
Ch.14 Back with Dawn

I quickly woke up and left the mansion to the pokemon center and find Pdofeesor Oak ang grab my Latios and a Pachirisu for Dawn.

I quickly ride on latios and went to sonic speed as it quickly passes Town and cities I saw route 210 and Dawn walking I land behind her secretly tying to not making any noise and withdrew my Latios.I fixed my clothes a little bit pretend to run towards her.

"Dawn,I finally caught up on you."

I said tiringly breathing hardly.

Dawn ran towards me and hugged me.

"You're finally back,I waited for you a day."

I gently comfort her and continued our journey and started to train our pokemon after training All our pokemon arrived Lv.27.

And we settled up our tent and at dinner I gave Dawn a gift,the Pachirisu I got from Professor Oak.

Dawn loved the Pachirisu I gave her

She quickly dipped on my lips and said.

"I love Pachirisu,thank-you."

Her face quickly turned red steam pooped up from her head like a machine.

I hugged her gently and slept.I was lying onto he bed with Dawn I was thinking I now have 2 girlfriends.How much will I have in the end.As

I think more I slept and had a good dream.