
Pokémon: The Average Journey

He was fascinated by sports. However, he was only into the strategy behind every play and the training needed to accomplish those feats.These were the things that made it worth living for him. Now, perhaps he can infuse this entertainment into the very pokémon he now trains.

AFKPlayer2204 · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 6

The next day, Bob was at the Pokémart.

He didn't expect a bunch of money to appear in his bag when he woke up.

'That was probably the money I earned from beating that trainer,' Bob thought, paying the employee across the counter for the items he was purchasing, 'but that kid never gave me money, so I assume it popped into my bag with no explanation whatsoever,'

It was weird, but to Bob, it was a good idea to never pass up money.

Though, the money only brought in a few pokéballs.

'I think it's time that I fill the pokédex,' Bob thought, now out of the store, and walking out of town, 'but I will need to be careful, I still have a few,'

Strolling freely, he came across a patch of grass.

So with a goal in mind, Bob walked around in it.

And with that, a scream was heard.

Bob glanced at an angry Caterpie.

'Perfect pokémon for practice,' He thought, smirking.

At once, he threw a pokéball.

"Cyndaquil!" Guts the Cyndaquil screeched, looking pumped up.

"Caterpie!" The Caterpie grumbled, shooting a string of silk from its mouth.

"Guts, use Ember."

Before the silk could reach its target, it was scorched by a burst of flame, and this flame traveled back to Caterpie, who cried in pain.

"Caterpie," The big type grumbled, flinching from its burns.

'That was expected,' Bob thought, taking out a pokéball, 'this move will be useful,'

Caterpie tried to put on a brave face, but once it caught sight of the flames on Guts' back, added with the glare from the fire type, it only hesitated.


Guts charged forward.

With all his might, he rammed the poor bug type.

The onslaught ended with a ball hitting the Caterpie.

A few seconds later, the pokéball had taken Caterpie prisoner.

'What a throw,' Bob thought, watching the ball intently...


Bob sighed in satisfaction as he picked up the ball pulling out the Pokédex.

"Caterpie, the worm pokémon," The voice spoke, "it has a tremendous appetite, devouring leafs often bigger than itself,"

The pokéball was placed in his bag.

That got Bob to thinking.

'I should check out if those storages exist,' Bob thought, walking forward, back onto the trail.

It did slip his mind at the time, but now he has a chance to check.

So he strolled forward, admiring the dense forest trees.

As he walked, it happened again.

An uneasy feeling clouded his nerves, however, Bob knew what this was.

It was a trainer.

He turned and locked eyes with a boy.

This one looked almost identical to Johnathan but had a pair of orange shorts and a yellow shirt covering him.

"That glare," The boy said, staring back, trying to look intimidating, "this is what it's like to encounter another trainer,"

At that, a pokéball was hurled forward, and a red fuzz broke out.

"Pineco!" The Pineco shouted, floating in the air.

Bob stared at it and threw his own ball.

"Pidgey!" Dio the Pidgey squawked, eyeing his foe.

'Let's get some experience,' Bob thought, "Dio, Sand Attack,"

Bob expected a pile of sand to be flung into the air, but he only saw Pidgey disappear.

Then, the flying type hammered into Pineco, taking it by surprise.

'Went for Quick Attack?' Bob was surprised but expected retaliation.

"Pineco, Bug Bite!" The boy shouted.

The bug type understood, and bit at the flying type.

Dio flinched, but it was not strong enough.

'Is he confident because of that streak?' Bob thought, "Dio, Gust,"

This time, the flying type obeyed and formed a blast of wind by flapping its wings. Hard.

As the wind lumbered towards Pineco, there was a counter.

"Quick, Protect!"

"Pine!" A reflective shield formed in front of Pineco.

The gust could not lay a scratch on him.

"Quick Attack,"

Dio blitzed toward the side of the bug type and bashed into it again.

The boy gasped, and pointed a finger, "Pineco, use Tackle!"

"Pineco!" It cried, immediately rushing towards Dio.

Just before Bob could order, Dio swung his wings and unleashed a devastating wind.

This time, Pineco was not fast enough.

Once the wind stopped, the bug type found itself on the ground, defeated.

"Nice work," Bob said to Dio, giving him a thumbs up.

"Pidgey!" Dio celebrated smugly, knowing its record was still clean.

"Nooo, why is it over?" The kid questions, returning Pineco, "I wanted to play more,"

Looking sad, the boy walked away.

'Weird,' Bob thought, returning Dio, 'but that means more money tomorrow,'

Taking a breath, Bob walked on, his eyes on catching another wild pokémon.

A few minutes later, a Weedle made its stand.

"Weedle!" Its dotted eyes looking angry looked a bit cute to Bob.

"You know what to do, Guts," Bob lobbed a ball, releasing his Cyndaquil from its prison.

Weedle did not have the time to react as it was set alight by a blast of fire.

Soon, it was confined to a pokéball...


'Another one down,' Bob thought, opening his Pokédex.

"Weedle, the hairy bug pokémon. Weedles have an impressively great sense of smell, which they use to distinguish different leaves,"

'Not going to lie,' Bob thought, returning Guts and closing the Pokédex, 'I know these pokémon, but I like hearing their logs, so fascinating,'

Now, Bob continued down the path, looking for more pokémon.

A long silence of interruptions went by, and a mouth of a cave came into view.

'Ah,' Bob thought, staring at the entrance, 'how long did I walk? Must've been an hour or more,'

Although he was enjoying the silence, his second subject was near.

Before he walked, Bob remembered how dark the caves were, so he had no idea how to navigate them.

He did not need to do that though, as looking a bit further into the cave, he saw a floating rock.

Bob smiled and gripped a pokéball.

'I don't have a pokémon that's not weak to this guy, but I do need Cyndaquil for this,' He thought, throwing the ball near the enemy.

"Cyndaquil!" Guts shouted, its back bursting with flames.

The pokémon finally took notice.

"Geodude!" It screeched, not affecting Guts at all.

However, Guts did feel a bit of fear, and this triggered his anger and made him even more pissed off.

But, Bob decided to look at Cyndaquil's moves from the Pokédex.

Looking at the names on the screen, Bob froze.

"There are five moves?!" He shouted, getting a look from Guts, who wanted an order to beat the rock type to a pulp, 'So there must be no restriction for the moves? Huh,'

Looking up from the Pokédex, he saw a tumbling boulder rolling toward Guts.

It smacked the fire type dead on, and let Guts release a scream of pain that Bob never heard before.

Rolling back to its corner, the Geodude floated back into the air, breathing hard.

However, Guts had taken a hard hit, but he was more annoyed about getting hit rather than his injuries.

"Let's see it you can take this, Guts," Bob said, "Ember,"

"Cynda-" Guts the Cyndaquil was fuming, and his back was flaming up once more,

"-quil!" He opened his mouth, and a flowing stream of red shot forward and engulfed Geodude.

Once the blast stopped, the rock type did not get as damaged, but it was visible.

Guts took an intimidating stance, ready to send this rock to hell.

"Geo!" Geodude tucked its arms in and began to roll forward, turning into another boulder.

'The second rollout,' Bob thought, watching, 'double the damage of the previous one, let's see how this goes,'

"Guts, Ember,"

Another blast collided with the rolling Geodude.

The amount of damage it took did not matter, as it was able to reach and slam into Guts once more.

"Quil!" He cried, flying backward.

Bob surveyed in silence. The Geodude rolled back, gazing as well.

There, Bob saw the fire type once again.

Now limping, Guts stood up again, an angry look still on his face, but the flames on his back were almost as big as him.

Bob knew he had to end this.


Instead of flames, Guts released a cloud of black smoke into the air, slowly encroaching on the Geodude.

"Dude?" It questioned, trying to find its enemy.

"Leer, then Quick Attack."

Catching the rock type by surprise, Guts appeared within the clouds, dashing for an attack.

So, of course, the Geodude went for rollout but hesitated once it caught a glimpse of the fire type's killer glare.

The next moment, Guts bashed into the Geodude.

It flew back a bit, but it was not over.

"Ember," Bob spoke, taking out a pokéball,

Without a moment lost, Guts unleashed a blazing attack on the Geodude.

These attacks worked, as Geodude was slapped with a pokéball, and sent into it.

Now, it was one shake...

Two shakes...

Three shakes...


"Seems like your anger helped you, Guts," Bob said, picking up the pokéball.

"Cynda," Guts replied, calming down, but on the verge of falling over.

It was a win, so Bob returned him as he walked out of the cave.

'I could use Geodude,' He thought, walking again, 'that's good, but I must go on to the next route,'

And just like that, Bob was on the walk, focused on patches of high grass.