
Pokémon: The Average Journey

He was fascinated by sports. However, he was only into the strategy behind every play and the training needed to accomplish those feats.These were the things that made it worth living for him. Now, perhaps he can infuse this entertainment into the very pokémon he now trains.

AFKPlayer2204 · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 25

With two red fuzz flooding to the floor, two pokémon appeared.

"Pidgeotto," Dio felt confident, standing in a pose.

"Beedrill," The enemy buzzed, rubbing its two stingers together.

'Beedrill? Alright,' Bob tested the waters once again, "Dio, Wing Attack,"

Through instinct, the flying-type didn't hesitate. He nearly disappeared as he zoomed to his foe, wings gleaming.

"Beedrill, Harden," Bugsy spoke.

Rubbing its two stingers together, Beedrill looked pretty slow.

This was Dio's chance to strike early.


A noise rang out, sending a small sound wave around the two. This sent a few particles of dust to fly into the air.

Dio's eyes widened.

His wings had not only been blocked, but stopped completely by the Beedrill's stingers that grew a green hue.

"Geotto," He squawked, a little peeved by this, but brought on his attack.




Beedrill held on at the continuous wing attacks slammed against its stingers and body, however it blocked every one.

Dio was surprised that with every strike, his attack's power depleted. This was one tough nut to crack.

"Drill," The bug-type shifted its body a little to the right, so one of its stingers were in front of it.

The flying-type didn't take notice and only attacked more.


Dio looked up at the roof, he didn't know what was going on.

His jaw stung, and when he looked down, Beedrill was still focused, stingers held in front if it.

'Poison Jab,' Bob thought, "Dio, Gust,"

"Pidgeo," With a large flap of his wings, a strong gale tumbled forwards, towards Beedrill.

"Agility," With a breath, Beedrill began to flutter its wings harder, and left an after image.

It was not long after it appeared infornt of Dio.

"Geotto," He could only speak as a stinger came flying towards him.

It left a sting of pain on his face.

But there was more to come.




With each jab, Dio's head flung back each time, like a sandbag getting punched.

After the last jab was thrown, the flying-type fell through the air, head still up.

This scenario was reminiscent of the fight with Dodrio, when Dio couldn't even act.

He had been informed on the previous battle with Guts and Butterfree, and knew Guts had a down.

This lead him to quickly recover, his eyes narrowed.

If he was going to win, he wasn't going to fall down.

"Dio, Sand Attack,"

With a flick of the wing, dirt flew.

The bug-type looked away, then looked back.


A Quick Attack awaited.

Beedrill tried to fall back, but Dio followed.

"Pin Missile,"

Beedrill aimed his stingers at the flying-type.


From the stinger, a needle flew.

That was not a problem, though, as Dio weaved out of the way, and bashed the bug-type again with another Quick Attack.

Four more needles were shot.

All missed.

Another Quick Attack.

It hit.

"Bee..." The bug-type fell onto its back, dazed by the counter attack.

"Geotto," Dio said, raising his beak.

'I have a bad feeling about this,' Bob thought, placing a hand on his chin, "Dio, stay focused,"

"Pidgeo," Dio muttered, and looked back at his foe.

His feathers nearly left him as Beedrill rose from its plight.

At the beginning if the battle, Beedrill never understood how Butterfree was taken down, as the Pidgeotto in front of him didn't seem like much.

But now, it understood.

"Beedrill, Poison Jab,"

"Dio, Quick Attack,"

The two dashed forward towards each other, ready to fight.

The bug-type's stinger was the first, as it whipped forward.

Dio easily dodged it...


...and smashed the bug-type from below.

The flying-type never noticed the other stinger flying towards him.


After that attack, Beedrill slapped a few more Poison Jabs into Dio's head.


At this, the flying-type spun with a flash, creating a vortex of deadly wind.

Beedrill was caught in the middle of it, the wind cutting and slicing up the bug-type.

"Beedrill, Harden,"

It glowed again, guarding itself.

Seeing a chance, Dio dashed with a glowing wing.

Bob thought this was risky, but worth it.

Upon noticing a dark aura, Bob could only eat his words.

"Pidgeotto!" The wing creating a trace as it rushed towards its target.


It only hit air.

Beedrill had keenly dodged it, slipping its head out of reach.


He threw a Poison Jab, but a light one at that.

Dio tried to attack with his other wing...


It was too late.

A powerful stinger pounded into Dio's head, sending the disorientated flying-type to the ground.

Beedrill sighed as Dio was spread out on the floor of the arena.

"Pidgeo," Dio was not done.

When he crawled back on his feet, he was shaky. His body was bruised. His left eye was half open from receiving that blow.

But he was still kicking, not wanting to go down.

This set of behaviour brought Beedrill to his memories.

Dio's beaten figure reminded the bug-type of itself when it was a Weedle.

It remembered how its nest was attacked and demolished by another group of pokémon.

Even when Bugsy caught Beedrill, it never fought. It was not in a great state back then.

But now, after countless battles and countless training sessions, Beedrill could call this place home.

The home it could never protect.

The home it was too weak to defend for.

"Beedrill," This thought got it motivated as it rubbed its two stingers together.

If this Pidgeotto were to destroy its home, it would give it hell.

Dio was stirring, but was able to battle.

"Dio, Twister,"

Like the last time, the flying-type whipped up a vicious tornado, that trapped Beedrill once again.

Even though the bug-type was losing energy bit by bit, it still made a motion towards Dio.

As if to say, 'come and fight me'.

"Geotto!" Dio was enraged by this.

"Quick Attack,"

The flying-type knew Bob told him to be careful, but this bug-type was making a fool of Dio, and he would not take it.

Even though he got downed like Guts, at least he could still hit his enemy till the end.

Beedrill never moved, it only watched as the flying-type dashed towards it.

The bug-type was ready to protect its nest with its life.

"Beedrill, Pin Missile," Bugsy ordered.

Dio, who dodged the needles shot towards him, noticed how open Beedrill was.

A Wing Attack would surely put this bug out of its misery.

Even with one healthy eye, Dio aimed the Wing Attack perfectly.


A sound wave rung from the impact as the flying-type's wing battered against Beedrill.

When Dio caught the bug-types gaze, he nearly shat himself.

In the eyes of Beedrill, something had ignited.

The flying-type didn't know what it was, but he knew someone else with it.


Only then, he noticed Beedrill's left stinger.

It had a dark aura around it. The tip pierced the air as it flew.

Right towards Dio's side.

Beedrill had placed all its hope on this attack, as if it trained to do it before.

If the bug-type was to lose, it would give Dio hell.


An explosive like sound cut through the air as the stinger punched into the flying-type's side.


Dio was kneeled over, the unbearable pain almost knocking him out.

However, the sound of something broken within him kept Dio conscious.

When Beedrill pulled its arm away, everyone could see how broken and cracked the stinger became.

At least the top half of it became powder under the force of the blow.

It was unusable.

The flying-type couldn't cough or breath. He choked on spit.

Still kneeled over, Dio could recover in time to knock Beedrill out.

However, the bug-type had other plans.

"Beedrill..." Bugsy muttered.

There was no turning back.

The only path was a solution.

So, with a burning fire within it, Beedrill began to swing its other arm.

Dio shut his eyes, expecting the hit to smash his face.

Once opened, this is when Dio knew, he was screwed.

He truly shat himself as the other piercing bullet of a stinger ran towards his left side.



Just like the first, the second one was just as effective, with Dio coughing out nothing as the stinger drilled into his side.

Something else broke.

Both sides broken, Dio couldn't hold on anymore.

In the tornado, he began to fall.

Beedrill felt relief.

He finally protected his home.


But with all its energy consumed and both of its stingers out of commission, the bug-type fell.

Dio was on the brink of collapse, but when he saw his foe falling as well, plus the five second rule implemented by Bob, the flying-type controlled himself and landed like a feather.

Beedrill dropped like an anchor, creating a dust cloud.

When it settled, Bugsy nodded and Bob sighed.

"Good work, Beedrill," He said, returning the bug-type, "I'm grateful,"

"Nice work, Dio," Bob praised, looking at him, "your work here is done,"

"Pid...geo...tto..." Dio couldn't speak properly , as his sides held excruciating pain. He could only cough while mentally counting how many seconds its been.

'That's enough,' Bob thought, returning the injured bird, 'so, there's one more,'

'I have a feeling I know what pokémon it is,' he thought, 'let's see how Graveler would handle it,'

So, for a second time, the two trainers brought out there next and last pokémon.

Notify me on any errors.

Also, a milestone for myself on reaching a quarter of a hundred chapters.

I will get to fifty.

AFKPlayer2204creators' thoughts