
Pokémon: Start with Maxing out Moves.

Mike, a game developer frustrated by pay-to-win players, creates a software that levels the playing field without spending a dime. Just when he is finished with his work, a sudden heart attack claims his life due to overwork. Mike find himself wakes up in the Pokémon world, specifically on a small farm in the Johto region. With his unique "cheat" software now integrated into his new life, Mike begins his journey as a farmer. Farming isn't the only thing on his agenda, when he has a chance, he goes to challenge gyms and test his skills in league tournaments, all while enjoying his newfound freedom. Join Mike as he navigates this world at his own pace with farming, training his Pokemon. Unknowingly he become one of the Greatest Pokemon master in the world. Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon or its characters. All original characters and the protagonist belong to me.

Danger_Zone_69 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Ch 12: Back to the forest



[Ability: Swarm (Max), Guts (Max), Moxie (Max)]

[Mega Ability: Skill Link (Max)]

[Rank: High Champion]

[Move: Tackle (Advanced)(level 10/100)(+);

Horn Attack (Advanced)(level 10/100)(+);

Fury attack (Master)(level 10/100)(+);

Brick break (Master)(level 30/100)(+);

Aerial ace (Advanced)(level 40/100)(+);

Bulk up (Advanced)(level 50/100)(+);

Close combat (Advanced)(level 10/100)(+);

Bullet Punch (Advanced)(level 10/100)(+);

Megahorn (Advanced)(level 10/100)(+);

Bug Buzz (Advanced)(level 20/100)(+);

Throat Chop (Advanced)(level 60/100)(+);

Shadow claw (Advanced)(level 10/100)(+);

Bullet seed (Advanced)(level 10/100)(+);

Protect (Advanced)(level 10/100)(+);]

[Skill point: ###$$$]



[Ability: Sand Veil(Max), Sand Rush (Max)]

[Mega Ability: Sand Stream (Max)]

[Rank: High Advanced]


Dig (Maximum);

Defense curl (Beginner)(level 40/100)(+);

Sand attack (Beginner)(level 20/100)(+);

Rollout (Beginner)(level 40/100)(+);

Fury Swipes (Beginner)(level 20/100)(+);

Night slash (Beginner)(level 10/100)(+);

Protect (Beginner)(level 10/100)(+);

Metal claw (Beginner)(level 10/100)(+);

Shadow claw (Beginner)(level 10/100)(+);]

[Skill point: ###$$$]


After some time Mike with his Pokémon finally came in toward the river he was before.

He was going to camp in here for the time being.

When he getting closer he heard some howling and roaring nosies coming form the south.

Hearing the battle that was going on Mike with his Pokémon begins going towards the noise.

When he get there he saw that a canine Pokémon with black fur, a long orange snout, and an orange underbelly. It has small red eyes and a black nose. Around its neck is a white band with a small skull-shaped pendant on its throat

It was a Houndoom and with it was it's pack of 4 Houndour. They are fighting Ursaring a bipedal, bear Pokémon. Its broad body is covered in brown fur, except for its muzzle, inner ears, and paw pads, which are yellow. It has narrow eyes, a triangular, black nose, and a wide mouth with small, visible fangs in the upper jaw.

There was some Houndour injured to the side with Ursaring also get some visible injury also.

They are going at each other. Although Ursaring seems to be out number it was Strongest among the fighting Pokemons.

Mike seeing those Pokemon become interested in them, as they were very useful in there own rights.

Houndoom with there aggressive personality and there loyalty can make it the perfect guard dog of the farm. This way he didn't have to worry about finding other Pokémon.

Houndoom will be able to patrol around the vicinity of the farm and keep wild Pokemon at bay. They are also Dark type so they can patrol around the farm at night also. This way he didn't have to worry about Pokemon sneaking in at night.

Mike needs for the guard was because some of the berries and fruit when fully mature will release scent that attract Pokemon toward them.

This is also the reason why, he want to have some Pokemon active as guard around. It is to make those Pokemon from getting in the farm and destroy corp's.

Ursaring was also a Pokemon that can help him with physical work. It can also act like a guard when not needed.

With there fierce territorial personality weaker Pokemon don't get toward them and avoid the area where Ursaring rest.

Having made up his mind as to get those Pokemon. Mike told his Pokemon about his intentions.

Hearing Mike wants to accept those Pokemon. Heracross and Pidgeot decided to take it upon themselves, as they also wanted to move around a bit, and use some of the moves that they learn recently.

Meganium with her gentle personality didn't get involved, seeing the eager expression of Pidgeot and Heracross.

When they start to attack the Pokemon on the other side also stop fighting seeing the newcomer. They are vigilant of them and get into attack position after seeing Mike Pokemon attacking.

Pidgeot start with Double team to make many projectile then use the newly acquired Twister. The indigo colored dragon energy come toward the Houndoom and it pack.

They also shot toward the dragon energy with there own Flamethrower . After some stalemate the flame get pushed out. They then get hit by the move and push back.

Seeing this Pidgeot also start using his move of Air Slash and then closing on with Steel wing. Houndoom and some Houndour Manage to repel some of the Air balde but only the Houndoom stand after the barrage of attacks. Then with Pidgeots Quick attack with the Steel slash it also went down.

On the other side with Heracross. He came toward Ursaring using his new move of Shadow claw. His hand form a claw of deep purple energy. It doesn't have any effect. Seeing this Ursaring use Fury Swipe to counter Heracross. Heracross get hit but it didn't do much damage.

Mike didn't intervain much in the fight, he was letting them fight to get a better understanding of what to improve in the future.

Heracross then begin to use Brick break as he understands that shadow claw did do any damage to its opponent. Ursaring use Slash to counter.

As a fighting type Pokemon Heracross was a battle junky. He was using the same amount of power as it's opponent.

Ursaring use various move of Fury Swipe, Slash, Payback, Hammer Arm. Heracross counter with Brick break, Aerial ace, Horn attack, Megahorn.

In the fight Heracross didn't take much damage but Ursaring was already on its last leg.

"Heracross finish it with Close combat ," Mike said after seeing that Pidgeot was already done, hearing this both Pokemon begun to use there final move each.

Ursaring use Thrash to counter Heracross, but before he has a chance Heracross suddenly get closer and use Close combat. With some direct hits Ursaring fall down and faint.

Mike then come in front of those Pokemon and thank goodness he was claver enough to buy some more PokeBall before going out.

With the capture done Mike release those Pokemon again and with the help of Maganium they are back to full health.

Mike then begin to explain his intentions to those Pokemon as to get them to join him.

They readily accept as when he said about unlimited food for them to eat if they join his farm, because they are fighting for food just now.

So hearing that they don't have to fight for food and only need to do some work they are very happy to join.

Mike then start to make lunch for everyone. With the new Pokemon join them after the interaction between them.

After lunch Mike begins to check on there status with skill panel.


[Ability: (3)Early Bird (+)/(1)Flash Fire (+), Unnerve (Lock)(+)]

[Mega Ability: Solar Power (Lock)(+)]

[Rank: Junior/High Junior]

[Move: Ember (Advanced)(level 1/100)(+);

Howl (Intermediate)(level 20/100)(+);

Bite (Beginner)(level 20/100)(+);

Fire fang (Intermediate)(level 30/100)(+);

(1)Flamethrower (Beginner)(level 10/100)(+);

Beat up (Intermediate)(level 10/100)(+);]

[Skill point: ###$$$]


[Ability: Early Bird (Lock)(+), Flash Fire (+), Unnerve (Lock)(+)]

[Mega Ability: Solar Power (Lock)(+)]

[Rank: Low Advanced]

[Move: Ember (Advanced)(level 1/100)(+);

Howl (Advanced)(level 20/100)(+);

Bite (Beginner)(level 20/100)(+);

Fire fang (Intermediate)(level 30/100)(+);

Flamethrower (Intermediate)(level 10/100)(+);

Beat up (Intermediate)(level 10/100)(+);

Crunch (Intermediate)(level 10/100)(+);

Fire Change (Intermediate)(level 20/100)(+);]

[Skill point: ###$$$]


[Ability: Guts (+), Quick feet (Lock)(+), Unnerve (Lock)(+)]

[Mega Ability: Adaptability (Lock)(+)]

[Rank: Mid Advanced]


Scary face (Intermediate)(level 1/100)(+);

Fury Swipe (Advanced)(level 10/100)(+);

Slash (Advanced)(level 12/100)(+)

Play Rough (Intermediate)(level 20/100)(+);

Rest (Intermediate)(level 10/100)(+);

Payback (Intermediate)(level 40/100)(+);

Hammer Arm (Intermediate)(level 10/100)(+);

Thrash (Intermediate)(level 30/100)(+);]

[Skill point: ###$$$]


They have pretty ok moves so far. With some training those two days. They can be shown, if there was any need for that.

There was 3 Houndour with Early bird ability and one has Flash fire it was female and mate of Houndoom. She knows Flamethrower also.

Mike then started to get comfortable and decided to take a short nap. While the Pokémon go do there thing.

In the afternoon Mike decided to use the fishing rod that he buys for 1,000 Pokedollers from the shop.

While he was going to relax and start fishing accompany by Meganium.

Heracrross and Pidgeot taka the newcomers with them. It was to help them get accounted with there new power.

He already did what he always do. Max out there ability and Mega Ability to give better foundation.

With the extra upgrade the 4 Houndour also evolve into Houndoom. It was also helpful for the new Pokémon to battle with them to full get control.

This way Mike and his Pokémon spend the day. Mike although catch some fish form the river. But didn't get to catch Magikarp.

He did felt frustrated about not seeing and catching any water type Pokémon form recent fishing.

He used the catch fish to make grilled fish as he now has many carnivorous Pokémon who eat meats. Although they can eat berries but they prefer meat dishes.

After dinner Mike make a bed then go to sleep for the night.

He spent the next couple of days like this, sometimes training Pokémon, sometimes going around collecting berries or fruits and vegetables.

Like that 3 days go by, he was ready to head back to the city for his appointment date. Early in the morning after breakfast he took Pidgeot to the sky. With 20 minutes he can see the city gate below. After landing he make his way toward his destination.