
Pokémon: Start From Jotho

Alex, who was a big fan of pokemon in his previous life, accidently travelled to the world of pokemon and became ash in the original work? The most important thing is that he is at Dr.Oaks lab.

Abhijith_Ramesh · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: battle

"Pikachu, Electric Mouse Pokémon

Attribute: Electricity

Characteristics: Static electricity, lightning rod (hidden)

Moves already known: Flash of lightning, discharge, thunder, 100,000 volts, high-speed movement, iron tail, Double team, volt attack…

Moves that can be learned: Wall of light, protect, electric ball, high-speed star, hold on, Mount Tai…

Evaluation: As the original skin god, he can be said to be the best actor. When he is strong, he dares to fight with the mythical beasts. When he is weak, he cannot even beat the junior Pokémon. , if the host can be well cultivated, problems like acting will not occur"

"Sure enough, the skin god is still the same skin god. It seems that I still have to put some thought into it. I hope this mall system can be better." Ash thought silently in his heart.

"Okay, Ash, I'll let you attack first, just so I can see your strength among the top 16 in the Quartz Conference and the honorary trainer of the Orange Islands!" Gary said, but if you listen carefully, you will find that this is an invisible irony. The former Ash told his record when he shouted, and he was not afraid of being slapped in the face after losing.

But now Well, it's different from before.

Ash smiled slightly and said: "Since you said so, Gary, I reluctantly accept it. Then the smile disappeared and he shouted: "Pikachu, use Lightning Flash!" "Originally, he didn't want to shout, but in order to confuse Gary, he could only do this.

"Pika pi!" Pikachu instantly turned into a white light and rushed over.

Gary seemed to have been prepared and ordered to Eevee: "Eevee, use the protect!"

"Bui!" Eevee didn't move. I saw it erecting an invisible brown wall out of thin air. After Pikachu collided with it, the two Pokémon flew out at the same time.

"What is the skill of Protect?" Misty asked from behind.

"The protect is also called half-reflection. It blocks the opponent's attack by erecting protection. Because Lightning Flash is a powerless skill, it seems that both of them were injured. In fact, Eevee could not see any damage at all. "Tracy explained

"In this case, Ash would be a bit difficult to fight." Misty said worriedly.

After Ash saw it, he thought to himself: Everything is going according to plan, Gary, I hope you won't be too surprised next! He deliberately made an anxious expression on his face and shouted: "Pikachu, use one hundred thousand volts!"

"Pickup!" Pikachu's cheeks began to gather electricity, just waiting to attack Eevee.

Gary also had a countermeasure, "Eevee, use the Double team!"

"Bui!" Eevee shouted, and he saw many Eevees separated on the spot, and it was impossible to tell whether they were true or false.

Just when Misty, Tracy and the children were shocked, Ash's order surprised them even more," Pikachu, don't panic, we will also use Double teams"

"What? Will Pikachu knows Double team?" As Ash's traveling companion, Misty is also familiar with Pikachu. Why can't she remember that Pikachu can have a Double team?

Pikachu himself is also a little confused, can I do this? However, the Double team suddenly appeared in its mind. How to use it, with a slight exertion, it actually split into clones, the number of which is equal to that of Eevee.

"When did Pikachu learn Double teams?" As the referee, Brock is also a little doubtful. Could it be that Pikachu was secretly taught by Ash on the Orange Islands when he was away?

If Misty and Tracy knew what he was thinking now, they would probably say: "No way, Ash has been with us all this time, but I haven't seen him specially train Pikachu!"

"Okay, all Pikachu , let's use 100,000 volts together!" Ash said

"Pika – Chu! "All the Pikachu released a hundred thousand volts to hit Eevee and its clones. Sure enough, one Eevee was hit by a hundred thousand volts and flew backwards in pain.


"Eevee, cheer up and use the slamming trick!" Gary ordered

"Pikachu, move at high speed to avoid it!"

Eevee rushed towards Pikachu with all his strength, but he only hit a shadow, and Pikachu's speed, he can't keep up now.

"Okay, Pikachu, use Volt Attack!"

"Pika pi?" Pikachu was confused again, could he do this again? But he still rushed out subconsciously. It was a bit like a flash of lightning, but what was different from the flash of lightning was that its body was still wrapped with electricity.

"What kind of trick is Volt Attack?" Misty asked again

"Voltage attack is a move exclusive to Pikachu. In layman's terms, it is a combination of lightning flash and 100,000 volts!"

"Pika, Chu!" Pikachu knocked Eevee away without any accident. eevee is now wrapped with electric current. It is probably because of the electrostatic properties!

"Eevee, cheer up!"

"Don't even think about it! Pikachu, the final iron tail ends the battle!" As Ash shouted, he felt his blood boiling. It seems that sometimes, shouting is not bad!

As soon as the order was given, Pikachu's tail lit up with white light. Pikachu didn't care about being surprised and just hit Eevee with all his strength. He flew out again and fell in front of Gary.

"Eevee loses the ability to fight and Pikachu wins!" Xiao Gang raised his right hand and announced the result of the game.

"Great, Pikachu, we win!" Ash picked up Pikachu and said

"Pickup." To be honest, Pikachu is a little out of sorts, because he seems to have never learned those three moves, but he used them very skilfully during the battle, as if he was already doing that.

But he won, which is pretty good.

"Gary, you know this time, what I said before was not a big lie!" Ash said to him very proudly.

After Gary took back Eevee's Poké Ball, he said: "You are lucky this time. If Pikachu hadn't used those tricks, there's no telling who would win and who would lose."

"This is the tactic. If you lose, you lose. But, wouldn't it be nice to treat it as a good competition?" As he said that, Ash stretched out his hand.

Gary could only shake hands symbolically and said: "Wait, I will definitely defeat you at the Silver Conference."

"I give you the same words, and I will make you convinced that you have lost."

In this way, the enemies made an agreement in the backyard of Oak Research Institute to wait for the Silver Conference to have a fight.

To be continued…

Next, the trip to Johto begins.