
Pokémon : sizzling journey

Welcome to a hot journey in pokemon world with Our main characters kai . It gonna be long journey .Story progress slowly . To know about it go read and enjoy [ First try then decide]

universe_shade · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

chapter 3 - sizzli.......

Professor oak - so,you chosen that egg in the end look like it destin to be with you.

Now for second and last step in your family tradition is that you have to become a specialist trainer a trainer who specializes in single type of pokemon but there is twist you have become in the type pokemon which come out your first pokemon egg.

Kai - whattttt ! I have to settle with single type of pokemon. No no ! Don't you think professor its feel this tradition taking our freedom to choose pokemon.

Professor oak- boy i know how you feel to be limited by some tradition .that why in the very beginning i already mention that it depend upon you to follow it or not. And being specialized don't forbid you catch another pokemon. At least you need to have four pokemon of same type in your main team to be called as specialized. And this tradition has been authorized by league itself because there my type of pokemon and people are using only same pokemon that has been by many we all got in loop where new thing not getting discovered but only repeating same result that has been produced by many.

Why don't you think why not everyone one become excellent trainer with having powerful pokemon. Because having very different type of pokemon which raise the condition for there training and for growth to very high level and not everyone know everything so, being specialized in certain single type easier and also help to bring out diversity in trainer.

Kai - ("º _ º) i don't know about it is this serious.

Professor oak - don't worry take your time and think about it.

Kai - " professor is right if I go start capturing pokemon of all different type i don't know even i capable enough to take care of them

Even though I know it's pokemon world but reality is different for me new world that have knowledge about from game and anime"

After half an hour of thinking i conclusions to follow the tradition and it bring me in future we will see.

Professor oak - did you decided?

Kai - yes,professor I will follow the tradition.

Professor oak - (•◡•) thats good it's also beneficial for your future.

Kai - so i have wait and see what kind of pokemon and type it gonna be.

Professor oak - before that there is one last thing still remain to do.

Kai - what remain to do professor.

Professor oak - this pokemon egg have two type . so, you have decided which gonna be your main typing before it hatch.

Kai - " they make this tradition too secretive for young trainer to know there pokemon before making there decisions . Now l have choose between first and it's second typing

after minutes of thinking rather than going through default setting of first typing "

Professor i decided i will choose his second type as my main typing.

Professor oak - oh ok let's now wait till night it's should be hatching then.

Kai - too soon i thought it take at least week to hatch .

Professor oak - it already taken its time now its on his limit to hatch . Here take this moomoo milk and great ball .

Kai - " great ball at the starting " at least this count as a good starting. " before going home i see professor alakazam staring at me

I still have memory of this body playing with alakazam " hey alakazam how are you .

Alakazam- *good to see you that you are not trapped in grief and lost your purpose of life after your parent death *

Kai - i am not that weak " i said that with wryly smile "

With that i put the moomoo milk and pokeball in my bag take the incubator and existed the lab

Professor oak - what happened alakazam

I never saw you staring like that.

Alakazam - * i can see strings of psychic energy attach to kai every second *

Professor oak - that good this shows he gonna be genius . Still your behavior is unusual.

Alakazam- * there is not one or two strings but millions of energy per second *

Professor oak - oh look like he capable enough to use psychic energy. Let see how he use it in future.

On the other side kai already reached his home he is feeling drowsy because all this happening from him coming to pokemon world to getting a egg only 6 hours has been passed . After he reaches his room he place the incubator on the bed get to the other side to sleep.

At night....

With dazzling beam of ray strong enough to wake kai up from his sleep . he wake up see the egg is shining continuous.

Kai - ohhh ! My egg is gonna my first ever pokemon gonna come out " kai become too much excited start shouting "

After 5 minutes the light shuttle down and we can hear cracking sound of egg all over room

With 10 minutes of struggle the pokemon it come into view which look like serpentine like body with many leg bright red colour pokemon come in front of kai view and start eating egg shell

After he finishes his all shell pieces he look around and see kai start running toward the the kai while shouting his name.


Kai - wow! It's sizzlipede how mesmerizing and cute but most awesome feeling i am getting is having my own pokemon .

Sizzlipede come running toward kai climb up to kai shoulder gently rub his head to the cheek of kai. When he first time touch me its super hot but he lowered his temperature to my liking .

Then gently i grab him and take him in my hand slowly rub his head.


Kai - you like that oo my how well behave and cute you are .

I slowly open my bag on the side of bed and take out moomoo milk and pour in the bowl

Seeing the milk sizzlipede didn't wait any second and jump to drink the milk

After he finishes his milk and fell asleep.

Seeing this slowly kai take sizzlipede into his hand place on the bed and both of them fell asleep.