
Pokémon: Reborn with Sasuke's Template

Hayato a neurosurgeon and a gamer gets reborn in Pokemon in the body of Sasuke Uchiha with all his techniques and abilities. The catch is that the abilities are locked. Author: Look guys I just want to do something different, making the protagonist strong in a world of monsters strong enough to one shot a tank is not a sin.

Sung_Jin_Doo · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Time Skip 1 year

As time passed and Hito continued his journey in the Pokémon world, he faced numerous challenges and defeated a total of 52 Pokémon. Each victory brought him closer to his goal of becoming stronger and leveling up. Through perseverance and determination, Hito's level had now reached 17, a testament to his progress and growth as a skilled trainer.

However, with each level gained, the experience required for the next level increased. Hito noticed that the experience needed to level up grew by 1.5 times compared to the previous level. This meant that as his level increased, the amount of experience he needed to accumulate also grew progressively larger. It posed a greater challenge, testing Hito's dedication and determination to keep pushing forward.

Despite the increasing difficulty in leveling up, Hito remained undeterred. Each battle, each victory, and each defeat taught him valuable lessons and contributed to his overall development as a trainer. He honed his skills, expanded his knowledge of Pokémon strategies, and formed deeper bonds with his Pokémon companions.

With each passing day, Hito grew stronger, both in terms of his battling prowess and his understanding of the Pokémon world. The victories he achieved and the challenges he overcame fueled his motivation to continue his journey, eager to face even greater opponents and achieve even greater heights.

Hito's training journey took an intriguing turn as he discovered that repetitive actions could lead to the development of new skills and abilities. It was a few months ago when he found himself in the training room, punching the dummy with determination and focus. Little did he know that this simple act would set in motion a chain of events that would shape his path as a shinobi.

As Hito struck the dummy with precision, a sudden notification appeared on his shinobi system. It read, "You have learned Taijutsu." Surprised and intrigued by this new development, Hito realized that his efforts in physical combat had granted him the knowledge and proficiency in hand-to-hand combat techniques.

Eager to explore further possibilities, Hito decided to delve into the world of weaponry. He picked up a wooden sword and began practicing his swordsmanship relentlessly. Hours turned into days as he honed his skills, focusing on precise strikes, footwork, and defensive maneuvers. His dedication paid off as he received another notification, "You have learned Kenjutsu." Hito's proficiency with the sword had grown, opening up a whole new range of combat techniques and strategies.

While Hito continued his physical training, he also sought to expand his intellectual and spiritual horizons. He delved into the realm of traditional Japanese calligraphy, diligently practicing the art of writing kanji characters. Days turned into weeks as he immersed himself in the strokes and intricacies of each character. However, nothing seemed to happen at first, leaving him uncertain of the path he had embarked upon.

Undeterred by the initial lack of progress, Hito persisted in his practice, writing kanjis with unwavering determination. He delved into the deeper meaning and symbolism behind each character, contemplating their essence. And then, like a burst of inspiration, a new ability was unlocked within him. A notification appeared, "You have gained Fuinjutsu." Hito's dedication to calligraphy and understanding the intricate art of sealing techniques had granted him the power to manipulate spiritual energy and harness the ancient art of fuinjutsu.

With Taijutsu, Kenjutsu, and Fuinjutsu now at his disposal, Hito's path as a shinobi grew even more multifaceted. He saw the interconnections between physical combat, weaponry, and spiritual arts, realizing that true mastery required a holistic approach.

[Name: Hito Kendo]

[Level: 17 (Genin)]

[HP: 2100/2100

CHK: 2990/2990

STR: 27

SPD: 31

VIT: 29

DUR: 20

WIS: 41]


Sharingan: "Unawakened" (12%)

B Rank: Fireball Jutsu (9%) -12 CHK/s

E Rank: Wall-Walk Technique (34%) -1 CHK/s

E Rank: Chakra Enhancement (45%) -2 CHK/s

D Rank: Chakra Cultivation (82%) +3CHK/s

[Passive Skill]

D Rank: Taijutsu (42%)

D Rank: Kenjutsu (34%)

D Rank: Fuinjutsu (11%)

[Inventory: 32 Pokeball, 15 Greatball, 3 Ultraball, 1 Low Grade Fire Stone, 2 Stardust and Pearl 1]

[Shinobi System Shop Points: 178]

After reaching 100% proficiency in a Skill it will Rank up to the next rank. And his Stats increase naturally as he grows older.

As Hito continued his training in the training ground, he received a new notification from the system. The notification indicated that he had been assigned a quest to defeat a Genin-rank opponent. Curiosity sparked within him as he wondered who his opponent might be and what challenges awaited him.

With a mix of excitement and determination, Hito prepared himself for the upcoming battle. He knew that facing a Genin-rank opponent would require him to utilize his skills and abilities to their fullest potential. His training in various jutsu, physical combat, and chakra control had prepared him for such encounters.

[Sub-quest: Defeat a Genin Rank Enemy]

[Reward: Awaken Sharingan within 4 hours]

[Time: 2 Days]

As he pondered the quest, Hito visualized himself engaging in intense combat, strategizing his moves, and adapting to his opponent's fighting style. He understood that defeating a Genin-rank opponent would not be an easy task, but he was ready to put his training to the test. Awakening of his Sharingan made it more exciting.
