
Pokémon: Reborn with Sasuke's Template

Hayato a neurosurgeon and a gamer gets reborn in Pokemon in the body of Sasuke Uchiha with all his techniques and abilities. The catch is that the abilities are locked. Author: Look guys I just want to do something different, making the protagonist strong in a world of monsters strong enough to one shot a tank is not a sin.

Sung_Jin_Doo · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

The Sacrifice of Brave Guardians

In the midst of chaos, Danny's heart pounded with fear as the beedrill swarmed around him, blocking his path to safety. He clutched Ruri's hand tightly, his mind racing for a way out. The desperate cries of the beedrill echoed through the air, adding to the tension that filled the atmosphere.

Meanwhile, Hitmonlee sprang into action, his powerful kicks and swift movements a testament to his unwavering determination. With every strike, he fought valiantly against the relentless onslaught of the beedrill. His gaze never wavered, always focused on protecting Hito's family at all costs.

Danny glanced back at the house, his heart sinking with worry for Hito's safety. As the minutes passed, the weight of their dire situation became painfully clear. In a moment of anguished realization, Danny knew that sacrifices had to be made for the sake of those he loved.

"Run, Ruri," Danny whispered with a heavy voice, his eyes brimming with tears. "Take care of Hito."

Ruri's eyes widened with shock and protest, but she saw the determination etched on Danny's face. Nodding reluctantly, she took one last glance at Hitmonlee, who fought with unwavering resolve, and ran out into the open, her heart heavy with sorrow and hope.

Danny turned his attention back to the beedrill, a surge of determination coursing through his veins. With a final burst of strength, he made a dash towards the swarm, using every ounce of his courage to create an opening for Ruri's escape.

As Hitmonlee fought with unyielding valor, a sense of resignation washed over Danny. He knew the risks involved, but he couldn't bear the thought of leaving Hito unprotected. With a final glance back at the house, he uttered a silent prayer for his son's safety, his love for him consuming his thoughts.

Inside the training space, Hito continued his rigorous training, unaware of the imminent tragedy unfolding outside. His focus was unwavering as he honed his skills, determined to grow stronger and protect those he held dear.

The battle raged on, and with each passing moment, the threat to Hito's family intensified. The clash of forces, the cries of anguish, and the overwhelming sense of loss blended into a symphony of tragedy.

Eventually, the final blows were dealt, and the silence that followed was deafening. The beedrill lay defeated, their fury extinguished. But the cost of victory was immeasurable.

Outside, the lifeless forms of Danny and Hitmonlee lay on the ground, their sacrifices etched in the annals of heroism. Hito's parents had given everything to ensure his safety, and Hitmonlee had fought until his last breath, upholding his duty as a loyal guardian.

Unbeknownst to Hito, a storm of sorrow and grief was about to descend upon his world. The weight of loss would be an indelible mark upon his soul, forever shaping his journey and fueling his resolve to seek vengeance against those responsible.