
Pokémon: Reborn with Sasuke's Template

Hayato a neurosurgeon and a gamer gets reborn in Pokemon in the body of Sasuke Uchiha with all his techniques and abilities. The catch is that the abilities are locked. Author: Look guys I just want to do something different, making the protagonist strong in a world of monsters strong enough to one shot a tank is not a sin.

Sung_Jin_Doo · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

The Regret of life

Ruri returned to her home with Officer Jenny and her three companions, her heart pounding with fear and worry for her family. The beedrill, driven by vengeance, had surrounded the house, creating an ominous and dangerous atmosphere.

She then recounted how she had desperately sought help from their neighbors, but they had refused to get involved, unwilling to be entangled in the dangerous situation. With no other choice, Ruri had turned to a more distant neighbor, who had kindly lent her their telephone to call the police.

Officer Jenny's face tightened with determination. "We'll make sure to investigate why the neighbors chose not to help. No one should have to face such tragedy alone."

As they approached the scene, Ruri's worst fears were confirmed. The beedrill's attack had taken a devastating toll. The house was in shambles, and there was no sign of Danny or Hitmonlee.

Officer Jenny wasted no time and took charge, instructing her fellow officers with a calm and determined demeanor. They couldn't afford to waste a moment.

"We need to secure the area and check for survivors," Officer Jenny said firmly, her gaze scanning the scene.

Ruri could hardly bear to watch, her heart aching with grief. "Please, find my husband and Hitmonlee," she pleaded, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Inside the ruined house, Danny and Hitmonlee had fought bravely against the relentless beedrill assault. But the swarm's sheer numbers overwhelmed them, and they valiantly defended their home until the very end.

As Officer Jenny and her team carefully searched the debris, their faces turned somber when they discovered the lifeless forms of Danny and Hitmonlee. It was a painful sight, and the officers couldn't help but feel a sense of sorrow for the sacrifice made to protect their loved ones.

Ruri's heart shattered upon learning the tragic fate of her husband and the loyal Hitmonlee. Her hands trembled as she clutched onto the hope that Hito was safe, who was completely unaware of the calamity that had befallen their home.

Ruri sat amidst the ruins of her home, tears streaming down her cheeks, as she grieved the loss of her husband Danny and their loyal Hitmonlee. Her heart felt heavy, burdened with sorrow and disbelief at the tragedy that had befallen her family. Clutching a piece of a broken photograph in her trembling hands, memories of happier times flooded her mind.

"Why... Why did this have to happen?" Ruri choked out between sobs, her voice filled with pain and anguish. "Danny, my love... Hitmonlee... You both deserved so much better."

The devastation around her mirrored the turmoil within her heart. The shattered furniture, broken walls, and charred remains were a stark reminder of the vengeful beedrill's fury and the brave sacrifice Danny and Hitmonlee had made to protect their home.

The broken pieces of her once-happy family were scattered around her, and she felt like she had lost a part of herself.

Officer Jenny gently approached Ruri, her voice filled with sympathy. "I'm so sorry for your loss. We'll do everything we can to ensure your safety and find your son."

Ruri nodded, tears blurring her vision. "Thank you," she whispered, trying to find strength amidst the overwhelming grief.

Outside, the remaining beedrill still posed a threat. Officer Jenny knew they had to act swiftly and decisively to protect the neighborhood from further danger.

"Let's clear the area of these beedrill," Officer Jenny declared with a determined tone. "We won't let them harm anyone else."

With renewed resolve, Officer Jenny and her team faced the beedrill head-on. The battle was fierce, but they had the upper hand, and their Pokémon fought valiantly to drive the beedrill away from the residential area.

As the dust settled, the officers successfully pushed back the beedrill swarm. The neighborhood was safe once more, but the sacrifice of Danny and Hitmonlee weighed heavily on everyone's hearts.

Hito's heart sank as he emerged from the training space and witnessed the devastation that had unfolded before him. The once-familiar surroundings of his home were now marred by destruction and sorrow. His eyes welled up with tears as he took in the sight of his mother, Ruri, sitting amidst the ruins, her tears flowing freely.

With a heavy heart, Hito slowly walked towards his mother, the weight of the tragedy settling upon his shoulders. He felt a mix of emotions - grief, anger, and a deep sense of loss. As he got closer, he saw that his mother was holding the hand of someone. His heart skipped a beat as he realized it was his father, Danny. A lump formed in his throat as he understood what had happened.

In that moment of overwhelming grief and pain, something within Hito snapped. As his eyes locked onto his father's lifeless form, he felt a surge of intense emotion. His eyes began to change, and he unlocked the Sharingan with two tomoe. The crimson hue of his eyes intensified, reflecting the turmoil of his heart.

Seeing his father's lifeless body before him, memories of their time together flooded Hito's mind. He remembered the laughter they shared, the dinner talks and the loving moments they cherished as a family.

But now, all that remained was a void that could never be filled.

Tears streamed down Hito's cheeks as he clenched his fists, his emotions in turmoil. He couldn't bear the pain, the loss of the one who had taught him so much and loved him unconditionally. Even though he only spend an year along with them. The grief was as if Danny was his real father and Hito had spend his whole life with him.

"Dad... Mom..." Hito's voice cracked with emotion as he knelt beside them. He could see the lifeless expressions on their faces, and it tore him apart inside. The pain was unbearable, and he wished with all his heart that he could turn back time and protect them.

Ruri looked up, her tear-stained eyes meeting Hito's. She pulled him into a tight embrace, holding him close as if trying to shield him from the harsh reality of the world. Hito clung to his mother, finding solace in her embrace despite the overwhelming sorrow that surrounded them.

"I'm so sorry, Mom. I couldn't protect them..." Hito whispered, his voice trembling with guilt. He felt responsible for not being there when his family needed him the most. Ruri shook her head gently, her voice choked with emotion. "It's not your fault, Hito. You didn't know."

As Hito's grief-stricken mind replayed the events of that tragic night, a sudden realization crashed upon him like a tidal wave. He couldn't help but blame himself for what had happened. If only he had been more cautious, if only he had chosen not to taste the honey that lured the Beedrill. If only he hadn't been so careless, his father might still be alive.

The weight of guilt and regret bore down on him, and he found it difficult to breathe. It felt as if he was drowning in his own emotions. His mind was flooded with "what ifs," and he couldn't escape the self-blame that consumed him.

"Mom... It's all my fault..." Hito managed to utter through his tears as he clung to his mother's shoulder. His voice trembled with anguish as he tried to express the burden he carried.

Ruri held her son close, feeling his pain and desperation. "Hito, no, it's not your fault," she whispered, her voice gentle but firm. "You didn't know what would happen. It was an accident."

"But if I hadn't tasted the honey, the Beedrill wouldn't have attacked," Hito replied, his voice choked with sorrow. "I should have been more careful. Dad and Hitmonlee... They died because of me."

Ruri's heart ached as she listened to her son's words. She knew that Hito was struggling to come to terms with the loss and was grappling with the weight of the tragedy. She gently lifted his face to meet her gaze.

"Hito, accidents happen, and sometimes things are beyond our control," Ruri said, her voice filled with love and understanding. "You couldn't have known what would happen, and you are not responsible for what those Beedrill did."

Hito looked into his mother's eyes, searching for solace in her words. The pain in his heart was still overwhelming, but her reassurance offered a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness.

"You are strong, my son," Ruri continued, her voice unwavering. "Your father always believed in you, and he would never want you to carry this burden. Remember the good times you shared, the love and joy you brought to each other's lives."

As Ruri spoke, memories of his father flashed before Hito's eyes. He recalled the lessons his father taught him, and the times they spent as a family. The grief didn't vanish, but the weight of guilt began to lessen.

"You have the power within you to honor your father's memory," Ruri said, her voice filled with conviction. "You can make him proud by becoming the strong and compassionate person he always knew you could be."

Hito took a deep breath, trying to steady his emotions. He knew his mother was right. Blaming himself wouldn't change what had happened. Instead, he had to find the strength to move forward and carry his father's legacy in his heart. Despite knowing fully what happened was his fault.

Author note: It is not his fault it's the system's as the System had done it to forcefully awaken Hito's Sharingan. System is just a machine with no human emotions. Its not evil it just does what it has to accomplish.