
Pokémon: Reborn with Sasuke's Template

Hayato a neurosurgeon and a gamer gets reborn in Pokemon in the body of Sasuke Uchiha with all his techniques and abilities. The catch is that the abilities are locked. Author: Look guys I just want to do something different, making the protagonist strong in a world of monsters strong enough to one shot a tank is not a sin.

Sung_Jin_Doo · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Impending Danger

After receiving the quest Hito ask the system to display the ranks of enemies and the system displays

The Shinobi System's Ranking

Civilian Level 1 to 10

Genin - Level 10 to 20

Chunin - Level 20 to 35 [Block]

Jonin - Level 35 to 50 (Low to High) [City]

Sanin - Level 50 to 70 (Low to High) [Country]

Kage - Level 70 to 90 (Low to High) [Continent]

God - Level 90 to 100 (Low to High) [Low - Planetary] [High - Galaxy]

As Hito observed the ranking system provided by the Shinobi System, he gained a better understanding of the hierarchy of strength within the Pokémon world. The ranks ranged from Civilian to God, each corresponding to specific power levels and responsibilities.

Knowing that his current quest required him to defeat a Genin-rank opponent, Hito realized that this would be his first step into the official realm of shinobi battles. He understood that Genin-ranked opponents would possess a certain level of skill and experience, making the encounter challenging yet manageable for someone of his abilities.

As the day drew to a close, Hito eagerly awaited the cover of nightfall. He knew that the cover of darkness would provide him with a strategic advantage as he embarked on his mission to defeat the Genin-rank opponent. The anticipation filled him with a mix of nerves and excitement, fueling his determination to showcase his training and progress.

With a deep breath, Hito prepared himself mentally and physically for the upcoming battle. He reviewed his abilities, strategized his moves, and visualized different scenarios. The night was his ally, and he was ready to prove himself in the face of adversity.

As the moon rose high in the sky, Hito set out on his quest, ready to confront his Genin-rank opponent and overcome whatever challenges lay ahead.

As Hito ventured deeper into the forest, he came across a large mangrove tree teeming with sleeping Kakuna. These Pokémon, ranked as Civilians, presented no challenge to him given his current skill level. However, his attention was drawn to a group of four sleeping Beedrill, all of whom were of Genin rank. A dark thought crossed his mind, and he made the decision to utilize his fireball Jutsu, despite its limited strength, to end their lives while they slumbered.

With a controlled release of his Jutsu, Hito directed his flames towards the sleeping Beedrill, effectively eliminating them from the battle. The intense heat consumed their bodies, leaving behind charred remains. In doing so, Hito not only completed his quest but also experienced a significant boost in his leveling, gaining two valuable levels in the process.

As he watched the Beedrill burn, a sweet aroma permeated the air, catching Hito's attention. It was the unmistakable scent of Beedrill honey, a highly sought-after commodity in the market due to its rarity and exquisite flavor. The honey was known to fetch a high price, with a single liter costing up to 2000 pokedollars.

Following his senses, Hito traced the aroma to the top of the mangrove tree, where he discovered an astonishing seven gallons of honey stored within the hive. Curiosity getting the better of him, he couldn't resist tasting the sweet nectar, savoring its rich flavor. Satisfied with his find, he carefully collected the honey, storing it in his inventory for later use or potential trade.

With his mission accomplished and the honey safely secured, Hito made his way back home, contemplating the events that had transpired. He eagerly awaited the awakening of his Sharingan, knowing that it held great potential and would further enhance his abilities as a Shinobi.

As Hito made his way back home, unaware of the looming danger, the vengeful Beedrill colony stealthily followed his trail, driven by their desire for retribution. Guided by the lingering aroma of the honey Hito had tasted, the furious swarm closed in on his location.

Upon reaching his home, Hito entered the training space, seeking solace and focusing on honing his skills. Unbeknownst to him, the ruckus caused by the approaching Beedrill alerted his family, who quickly grew concerned about the commotion outside. Ruri, Hito's mother, turned to her husband, Danny, seeking answers in a state of panic.

In the midst of the chaos, Hitmonlee, who had been in the kitchen, heard the alarming sounds of the Beedrill. Sensing the impending danger, it swiftly made its way to Hito's family's bedroom, ready to protect them from any harm that may befall them. The atmosphere was tense as the family braced themselves for the imminent threat posed by the angry swarm of Beedrill.

Author note: 1 hour in training room is equal to 10 min in reality.