
Pokémon: Reborn with Sasuke's Template

Hayato a neurosurgeon and a gamer gets reborn in Pokemon in the body of Sasuke Uchiha with all his techniques and abilities. The catch is that the abilities are locked. Author: Look guys I just want to do something different, making the protagonist strong in a world of monsters strong enough to one shot a tank is not a sin.

Sung_Jin_Doo · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

First Battle

The panel displayed before Hito revealed intriguing information about the Magikarp he had encountered:

[Magikarp ♂️]

[Level: 2]

[Potential: Light Blue]

[Ability: Rattled]

[CP: 12]

[HP: 11/16]

[Moves: Splash]

As Hito absorbed the details, he marveled at the new feature his system had unveiled. It provided him with valuable insights into the Pokémon he encountered, granting him a deeper understanding of their capabilities and potential.

A month had passed since Hito's journey began, and during this time, he had devoted himself to honing his skills. His diligence and perseverance had paid off, as the proficiency of his Fireball Jutsu had skyrocketed from a mere 3% to an impressive 41%. The once feeble flames had transformed into a formidable flamethrower, capable of projecting fire up to a length of 6 meters and a maximum breadth of 1 meter. However, he soon realized the limitations of his newfound power.

The increased potency of his Fireball Jutsu came at a cost. Each second of utilizing the technique now drained 8 CHK Points from his reserves, making it crucial for him to manage his Chakra efficiently. Fortunately, his Chakra regeneration speed had improved to 2 CHK Points per minute, allowing him some respite between usages. Hito's Chakra pool had also expanded, reaching a total of 210 Points.

His dedication to training had not only enhanced his Fireball Jutsu but also resulted in notable progress in other aspects. His physical strength had increased to 9 Points, his speed had improved to 8 Points, and his vitality and wisdom had grown to 8 and 12 Points, respectively. However, his Sharingan remained in its "Unawakened" state, with a slight increase in proficiency to 2%.

Despite these advancements, Hito's overall level remained at 1.

During this month, Hito's efforts and encounters in the Pokémon world had proven fruitful. His determination and skill had earned him 8 Poké Balls, 1 Pearl, and 15 Shinobi Points. The Poké Balls would serve as valuable tools for capturing and befriending new Pokémon companions, while the Pearl held its own mysterious significance.

However, Hito had a specific goal in mind for his hard-earned Shinobi Points. He had chosen to preserve them for the purchase of the E Rank Chakra Cultivation method from the Shinobi System Shop. This method would enhance his Chakra regeneration speed, allowing him to replenish his energy more rapidly and enabling him to utilize his techniques more frequently.

As Hito considered his options, he explored the offerings in the Shinobi System Shop. The shop provided a variety of Jutsu ranked under D Rank, each holding the potential to broaden his skillset and bolster his arsenal. However, he realized that simply acquiring new Jutsu alone wouldn't directly contribute to increasing his level. Hito understood that the path to level advancement in the Shinobi System required him to engage in battles and defeat enemies.

In the middle of the night, Hito ventured out into the mysterious forest, his heart filled with determination to gain experience and level up. As he explored the surroundings, he encountered several Pokémon, including Pidgey and Spearow. However, he quickly assessed that these Pokémon were formidable opponents, their CP exceeding 70. To put it in perspective, in Hito's previous world, the power levels of these Pokémon would be equivalent to half the power level, where 1 Power Level equals 2 CP. In Dragon ball standards

Engaging in some mental calculations, Hito realized that these Pokémon were approximately five times stronger than an average human in his previous world, where the average power level was 7. This revelation highlighted the significant gap in power between humans and Pokémon, emphasizing the extraordinary nature of this new world he had found himself in.

Understanding that these particular Pokémon were beyond his current capabilities, Hito chose not to engage in battle with them.

As Hito ventured deeper into the forest, his eyes locked onto the Level 2 Caterpie with a CP of 12. He knew this battle could be his chance to level up and strengthen his abilities. Drawing upon his tactical thinking, Hito carefully assessed the situation.

With a determined focus, Hito prepared to engage the Caterpie. He swiftly formed hand seals, gathering Chakra within himself. Flames danced on his fingertips as he unleashed his Fireball Jutsu towards the unsuspecting Caterpie. The fireball shot through the air, its blazing intensity illuminating the night sky.

The Caterpie, caught off guard by the sudden attack, wriggled in confusion. Hito seized the opportunity, utilizing his speed and agility to outmaneuver the bewildered Pokémon. He swiftly closed the distance, evading the Caterpie's attempted String Shot attack.

With a swift movement, Hito delivered a precise strike, utilizing his trained reflexes and physical prowess. His hand connected with the Caterpie, and a wave of fire engulfed the Pokémon. The flames crackled and sizzled as the Caterpie writhed in pain.

Drawing on his tactical knowledge, Hito carefully observed the Caterpie's movements. He anticipated its retaliation and gracefully evaded its Tackle attack. With precision timing, Hito executed a series of swift strikes, combining his physical abilities and fire-based jutsu. The onslaught proved overwhelming for the Caterpie, who struggled to withstand Hito's relentless assault.

Finally, with a powerful blow, Hito delivered the finishing strike, bringing an end to the battle. The defeated Caterpie lay motionless on the forest floor as Hito took a moment to catch his breath. A surge of satisfaction washed over him as he realized his victory.

The battle had not only showcased Hito's tactical prowess and combat skills, but it also propelled him forward on his journey. As the Caterpie's defeat marked his attainment of 12 experience points, Hito's level increased, resulting in a remarkable improvement in his stats. His strength, speed, vitality, durability, and wisdom all grew by a point, while his Chakra reserves and health increased by a substantial 20 points. By defeating the caterpie he gain 2 shinobi points and a drop item.

[Item: Caterpie's Strings]

[Type: Material]

[Description: Could be used to make fabric]