
Chapter Seven: Enter Silver

I awake to the sound of someone beating at the flimsy hut door. It takes a moment for me to gather my thoughts and push the fog of sleep away.

"I'm coming!" I shout, pulling my clothes on and stumbling towards the door, I realize it's still dark outside. Unease creeps down my spine and I release Arrow into the hut, placing a finger for silence to my lips.

My hands start to sweat as I make my way to the door, a singular window towards the back of the hut doesn't tell me who's outside. Wrapping my fingers tersely around the knob, I twist, not knowing who or what will be standing on the other side.

I quickly open the door, just a crack to see who's outside. A foot immediately juts itself into the frame, barring me from closing it. At this I sling the door wide open, Arrow lowering himself into a fighting stance.

I'm met by Officer Jenny, blue eyes hard, her hair askew from the humid island air.

Silence, I'm not sure what to say.

"Good morning, I'm Officer Jenny." She states, as if everyone didn't instantly recognize her.

"What can I do for you?" I forcibly have to make myself stop trembling. Why was she here? What did she want?

Hala called the non emergency line from Melemele and asked me to come check on you.

…. Well that's, odd…

"A woman stopped at his village, searching for someone that matches your description. When Hala refused to give her any information she challenged him to a battle."

Being a Kahuna he couldn't particularly refuse… my mind was pulsing. Who is this woman? Slowly I spoke, "so what happened?"

"This woman triumphed in the battle. You may want to take your leave. She was wearing Team Rocket organization clothing, the police force will take care of this!" Officer Jenny stood at a momentary solute. "Hala sent her on a wild Swana chase on Ula'Ula island. Which will buy us a little time here."

"I'm not leaving." I state, firmly. "This woman, nor Team Rocket scares me. She's just a Grunt, I'm sure."

Jenny looked thoughtful before asking, "why is she looking for you?"

Should I tell her the truth? No, if she found out I'm Giovanni's daughter there's no telling what will happen. I would serve her a partial truth.

"Team Rocket kidnapped me as a child and I recently escaped and ended up here. I just want to live my life safely." I met Jenny's eyes, which cloud with sorrow.

"Those damn devils!" Through clenched teeth she hisses. "Not only stealing Pokémon but people as well?" She whips out a notepad and begins swiftly jotting things down. "You're welcome to stay but please call the police with your Pokédex if that woman arrives."

I know that I won't be doing that. This is my fight to win and nobody else needs to get involved. "Of course, Officer. Would you like to step in for some tea before you head back to town?"

Jenny waves a hand passively, "too much work to do for all that. Maybe some other time though!" With a smile she makes her way to the motorbike parked up the path.

I close the door to my hut and retract Arrow, heart beating wildly. I had been in Alola for less than a month and Team Rocket had already tracked me down. What the fuck.

Now what? Do I wait for this woman to come challenge me? Would I do better to track her down first? Too many questions and not enough answers.

The likelihood of her finding this small hut was minuscule. I also don't know who this woman is or why Giovanni sent her alone. Grunts normally worked in groups. I wondered if that meant she was actually powerful…

I needed to treat her as such, underestimating a challenger is a massive mistake. I wouldn't do that.

Grubbin was level 35, so she would evolve immediately after a level up. Though she was very weak compared to my original four Pokémon. Arrow is level 83, Kangaskhan is 81, Ninetails is 79, and Nidoking is level 82.

Goomy and Grubbin were underwhelming by comparison. So if this Grunt has a powerful team of 6 I might be in trouble. Shit. Goomy was 5 levels away from evolving into Sliggoo but still 15 away from a final evolution.

Even the most rigorous of trainers couldn't fill an almost 50 level gap overnight. Daycare workers, who pride themselves in their swift leveling systems couldn't even do it. Pokémon are living creatures, they have limits too. Push them too hard and they will either turn on you or die.

Another option would be to go catch 2 higher leveled Pokémon and begin training them. But it would potentially take away from the 4 highly trained Pokémon I already have.

All this thinking yet no solutions were revealing themselves. I slap my cheeks quickly, bringing myself out of the spiral.

I'll train the 4 I have as much as I can. Pokémon had around a 3 level limit daily that they could reach. But not everyday. If you max out 3 levels one day, the next day you can only raise a single level. The process of raising strong Pokémon is time consuming and requires decent math skills. Which is why Team Rocket chose to steal Pokémon. No work, all play.

If I could stay hidden for 3 days I could raise everyone around 7 levels. But with that there's great risk, if the woman confronts me at the end of training or on a 1 level day my Pokémon will be exhausted. There have to be days where zero training occurs, for the Pokémon to recover.

Shit. I can't overwork them or it could backfire. One day is all I can afford. 3 levels. With that, my highest leveled Pokémon would be Arrow at level 86. Impressive, hopefully good enough.

Most average trainers have Pokémon at level 60 or lower. Gym leaders and Kahunas can range from level 30 (for beginner gyms) upwards to level 75. The Elite Four normally are level 75-89. Champions tend to have Pokémon with maxed out power. Levels 90-100.

Which is probably why I easily kicked that bully's ass the other day. His Pokémon was probably level 60. So high for a random towns person but weak as fuck compared to someone like me.

I need to do true level training. Grinding out experience for my partners, it was boring and grueling work. Meant to tax the body and the mind. Grubbin would at least evolve today.

I would train and then the day after tomorrow I would go wait in town. I would meet this woman head on when she arrived. Innocent people don't need to get dragged in.

Hours later I collapse in a heap next to my Pokémon. Grubbin is shaking it's tiny pincers in excitement, she's ready to evolve.

I pick her up and place her nearby so she has room to do her stuff. Pokémon evolution was a magical thing to witness.

Her body begins to emit a blinding white light, the air crackles and spins around her. A faint humming can be heard from the center of her body as she trembles excitedly. A snap and her form begins to change, glittering beams of light erupt from all over her. "Gruuuuuu!!!" She cries as a massive pulse takes over. Suddenly it's over and her tiny square body is revealed.

"Charja!" She calls out, her voice sounding more electric than it once did. Almost robotic.

"You did it, Charjabug!" I giggle, spinning her around.

My other Pokémon cheer for her and she beams with pride. Evolving was quite a lot of work and she sunk down into the grass, fast asleep.

Smiling I stand up and look at the others. "Our training needs to continue guys. We have to beat this mystery woman when she arrives!"

The Pokémon stand up from their resting places, determination set in their eyes. We would win. With them by my side anything was possible.

Two days pass….

My nerves are high, every sound I hear makes me jump and a bead of sweat has formed at the nape of my neck.

I shouldn't be this nervous, but I am. Jenny had returned yesterday morning to tell me the mystery woman had reached Ula'Ula and apparently annihilated Nanu. The man knew nothing of me and had no information to provide.

A blue haired sniveling brat who was there to challenge Nanu, however… had told her exactly which island I was on.

I hadn't slept, for fear that she would arrive in the middle of the night. I stayed ready. I had allowed my Pokémon to sleep and I prayed that my exhaustion wouldn't afflict the battle today.

Jenny had advised me to "stay out of it" and assured me that there would be a ton of Police Force in town to subdue the woman.

Her being a part of Team Rocket automatically made her a wanted criminal. But I needed to do this myself. If they just arrest her I won't be able to get any answers.

The Pokémon Center comes into view and my breath catches in my chest. A young man is leaning against the Pokémon Center, shoulder length red hair blowing gently in the wind.

Something about him is… familiar. I approach him curiously. I'm standing less than three feet away and he ignores me.

Clearing my throat I venture, "do I know you?"

Crack! His hand slaps against the side of my face and my fingers go up to the stinging cheek in shock.

"What the fuck is your problem?!" I shove him and step away, blinking back tears. "Why would you do that?" I demand when he only stares coldly at me.

"You're an idiot," he pushes off of the Pokémon Center and looms over me.

I instinctively back away, pulling a Pokéball from my belt in defense.

Quickly he snatches my wrist in his hand. "There's no need for that," a smirk forms on his lips.

"You slapped me! For no reason, you dick! There's certainly reason for it!" My other hand whips around and snaps open a Pokéball, though I'm not sure which one.

"Charj!" An electronic growl sounds from beneath me.

God, of course it would be that one.

The man releases my wrist with a laugh and puts space between us.

"Is that supposed to protect you?" He looks amused and that darkens my mood even more.

"Look, I don't know what your fucking problem is. I'm busy today and really don't have time for your shit. I just… thought you looked familiar." What I said started out venomous but trailed away into discomfort.

"You do," he sneered. "Well, you should anyways."

"Well that's fucking stupid." I glare at him and return Charjabug.

"You really don't know your own brother?" He lifts his head, arrogantly casting an open eye in my direction.

"My…..?" I'm staring at him with wide eyes. "No, you're supposed to be dead." My heart begins to race as I attempt to piece together what's happening.

"Is that what he told everyone?" Ponders the man, clicking a finger against his temple.

"I don't understand…" my mind is going at a million miles an hour.

"Of course you wouldn't. Giovanni abandoned me, and the Gym and vanished for years. I forged my own path without him or anyone else to help me." His voice is dripping with malice, left hand clenching into a tight fist.

"It seems he was busy trying to perfect his other children. Was I too weak?" He shakes his head aggressively. "Not that it matters, I'm better off as I am now."

"Other children?" I gasp. "There are more? I mean I have other… siblings?"

"Here isn't the place," he snarls. Town is starting to come alive with people, Pokémon and police.

"Here is fine, these people trust me." I motion for him to sit at a picnic table behind the Pokémon Center. Begrudgingly he obliges and sits across from me.

"One more," he begins. "There's only one more half sibling." He really annunciates the half. "Her name is Cleyera."

"Wait, how do you know all of this and I was in the dark?" I question.

"Because I have someone on the inside. I may not need Team Rocket but I like to know what they're up to." He says tartly.

"Well why is this Cleyera such a bitch? Why doesn't she break away from Giovanni."

"She doesn't want to. She actually wants to be a part of Team Rocket and one day take it over," he pauses, lost in thought for a moment.

"Well, what do you want?" I press. "Why are you here?"

"Because," he looks at me like I was something foul he had stepped in. "I heard Cleyera was on her way to Alola and I figured I'd meet her here."

Suddenly defensive again I spring up, "why? Why would you want to meet her?" Hand going to my belt again.

"Please, keep your weak Pokémon contained." He chides.

Rage bubbles up and I snap the ball open.

"Rrrrrooooowwww!" Aerodactyl can feel the hot anger coming off of me and he retaliates to it by dropping next to me defensively. Teeth glinting as his tight muscles bunch.

"Impressive," the man stands up and moves towards me and Arrow.

Arrow pulses and a protective sphere forms around us, almost shattering when another animalistic cry breaks from the daunting Pokémon.

"Don't," I narrow my eyes, "assume I'm weak. All true Pokémon partners start at a low level and have to work to become strong." I stroke Arrow and the sphere disappears.

"As I was saying," I smirk at his surprised tone. "I came to meet her here. Not for whatever purpose you may have constructed, but to battle her."

"Why?" I challenge. "What do you even care anyways?"

"I want to watch Giovanni crumble." His eyes are like daggers.

I'm perturbed that he and I have the same goal. But also relieved, this meant he was a potential ally. Though I still didn't trust him, nor did I like him. What was that slap about anyways?

"Why the hell did you slap me?" I counter.

"Because this part of me hates you," he offers. "This part of me blames Cleyera for my abandonment. Another piece of me blames you for replacing me."

I'm honestly confused as to why he would care. He made it apparent that he hates Team Rocket and Giovanni. More was hiding under there but neither of us trusted the other enough for me to find out what it was.

"How old are you and Cleyera?" Genuine curiosity drove this question.

"24, both of us." He laughs bitterly. "She would certainly recognize me as we grew up together."

For some reason a pang of jealousy struck. I had grown up completely alone.

"When Giovanni abandoned me and kept her in his grasp I felt like an utter failure." He looked up into the cloudy sky and then at me, "that all ends soon."

"I'm Vanni but I prefer to go by Jun," holding out my hand to him I offer a small smile.

"I'm Silver," he grips my hand with his tightly.

"You and I have the same goals, you know?" I look down at my scarred hands and then back at Silver.

"Maybe," his voice was low. "But I think I want a little bit more than you do." He takes a deep breath, as if he's going to reveal more and falls silent.

"Perhaps," my finger traces a knob on the picnic table. "You don't know what I truly want though, but mostly I just want to destroy Giovanni and everything that he's ever built."

Looking up from the table I'm surprised to see Silver looking intently at me, a wicked grin pulling at his lips.

"I don't need you though," rolling my eyes away from him and distracting myself with the table again. "I planned on doing this myself."

"Me too." He mutters poisonously. "I prefer to do things alone. I'll admit that I was having reservations about taking down an entire evil organization alone."

"Ugh when you say it like that it sounds impossible," I answer sourly.

"Then we'll work together and neither of us will be happy about it." He concludes.

"I guess I can't really fucking argue," I sigh. "When Cleyera gets here who's going to battle her? She's looking for me and I never back down from a challenge."

"I'm fighting her," his voice is hard. "We have unfinished business. After that it's only a matter of time before Team Rocket sends more people, this time after both of us."

I groan at the thought of being a bystander to this battle.

"Don't be such a child," he glowers from across the table.

"Fine, but you'd better not disappoint me." I stretch as the sun starts melting through the clouds. "If I'm correct she'll be here sometime today so I was just coming here to wait for the bitch to land."

Silver nods slowly. "So, we wait."

Apologies for not uploading yesterday. Comment and let me know what you think. Also accepting power stones ;)

Shatterstreamcreators' thoughts
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