
Pokémon Provocation

This story will have numerous detailed Pokémon battles. Each chapter I write gets a little longer. Some characters are original and others are from the games or anime. If you enjoy detailed writing and action give this story a shot! Description below. Vanni, otherwise known as Jun, daughter of Giovanni makes her escape from the clutches of Team Rocket. Ready to write her own story she trains to crush Giovanni and Team Rocket. While in hiding to become stronger Jun faces challenges before she’s ready and meets siblings she never knew she had. Follow her as she trains to bring down the organization that held her captive for years. Chapter added once a week minimum

Shatterstream · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter Fourteen: Darkness falls on Diglett Cave

Another week has passed. Training had exhausted almost every inch of me but I wouldn't relent. For myself and for my Pokémon I needed to see this through.

Three more levels of advancement for each of my partners. Every level another inch closer to domination.

Today I was spending my time resting, as well as allowing my Pokémon the same respite. We had worked hard and it was well deserved.

Currently I'm laying on my bed, gazing up at the ceiling. Observing every lump and crack, unwinding my brain for the first time in days.

A sharp rapping at my door brings me to attention. I sit up in bed, pushing my hair out of my face and calling for whoever it was to come inside.

Silver, hands stuffed deep in his pockets is leaning against my door frame casually.

"What are you doing in here, you busy?" He asks absently, his eyes gazing out the window near my bed.

"Just relaxing," I admit while stifling a yawn. "Do you need me to do something?"

Silver gives me a feeble smile and pulls a hand out of one of his pockets, it's clenched around something.

"I just wanted to give you something," seemingly embarrassed now, he averts my eyes. "I'll just leave it here and you can just, open it whenever." He sits a small box on the nightstand and leaves my room hastily.

I roll my eyes and swing my legs over the bed, standing up I move slowly towards the box.

It's small, wrapped in white paper with a tiny red bow adorning the top. It has the faint smell of oranges, the smell of Silver.

I carefully open the top of the box and peer into it, curious as to what it might be.

Black fingerless gloves with slate gray cuffing on the wrists. Something about them rings with familiarity and I touch them fondly.

I empty them out of the box and pull them on, they fit perfectly. I get changed into a white sweater dress and put on long black socks that go to my knees. I pull my hair up in a familiar bun to keep the straight wisps out of my emerald eyes.

With the gloves I look extra smashing. Now I have more energy and leave my room, heading into the kitchen towards the smell of tea.

Masaru and Silver are sitting on the couch this time, Masaru's blanket is folded neatly and sitting on a side table.

"Thank you," I tell Silver as I seat myself and pour tea into the largest mug I saw.

He looks away sheepishly and clears his throat. "I figured since today we're all resting, we could make use of it." Silver adjusts his shirt and looks at me squarely.

"What's the point of a day off if we're making use of it?" Masaru groans, selecting a biscuit from a small tray.

Silver doesn't say anything to him and keeps his eyes trained on me. "I just thought maybe we could do something fun for a change. We've only got a week left until the strike."

"Fun?" Is all I can manage to say. "I don't know what you mean by fun."

"Go see a show, or compete in a small contest is what I mean!" He exclaims, with more excitement than usual.

I narrow my eyes at him silently. Finally I say, "you're acting strange."

"I am not acting strange," Silver defends.

Masaru watches wordlessly, amusement written across his face.

"Oh you're acting strange alright," I accuse. "You're acting oddly sentimental. Out with it." I wave my hand at him in a 'give it here' gesture.

He sits for a moment, exchanging glances with Masaru and myself. I wait.

"I just, don't know how this is going to end for me." Is all he says, after what feels like a century of waiting.

"What's that mean?" Masaru asks before I can.

"It means that if things start to fall apart your job is to get Jun away from there. No matter what's happening to me. I can't let her go back to being imprisoned there." Silver is looking at Masaru with a hard glint in his eye.

Realization strikes me and I ball up my fists. "You know that I'd never leave you behind!" For some reason I feel tears welling in my eyes.

"I know you wouldn't. That's why it's Masaru's job to make you." I can tell by his tone that Silver is finished with this topic.

I say no more but sit, glowering into my mug.

"I suppose maybe we should just stay at the house today," with a sigh Silver walks away and into his bedroom. He closes the door and I'm left with Masaru.

He's fidgeting nervously, casting wary glances my way.

"You can't make me leave him behind if something happens," I say.

Masaru says nothing, I can tell by his demeanor that he disagrees with my statement. Which aggravates me.

We sit there for awhile, finishing the pot of tea in silence.

"That dress is nice," Masaru says casually.

"Oh," I look down and flush. "Thanks." Quickly I stand up, taking my empty mug with me and rinsing it in the sink before closing myself back into my room.

I let myself into the bathroom and draw a bath, dumping salts and bubbles into the depths. I slide into the tub, the heat scorching my skin before I adjust.

I relax, the sound of water rippling around me aiding in my comfort. Time passed slowly and the water grew cold so I got out, drying myself hastily with a towel.

I pull my dress back on and plunge underneath the blankets on my bed. Without meaning to I fall asleep and the next thing I know I'm waking up to someone yelling in the kitchen.

Confused I try to focus on the voice and realize it's voices, Masaru and Silver are arguing. I rub my eyes and lay there listening, waiting for it to calm down.

After some time the yelling ceased and I heard Silver slam his door loudly. A creak as Masaru fell onto the couch, I waited longer.

I wondered what they could have been arguing about. It wasn't something I'd heard from them and especially not at that decibel.

It wasn't any of my business but I'd grown bored of laying in my room and uncurled from the blanket.

A light knock at my door and I freeze.

"It's open," I say cautiously.

Masaru cracks the door, a beam of light creeping in from the kitchen. "I was going to wake you up, it's late and I noticed your light's been off for hours."

"What time is it?" I mumble.

"7:30, I'm sorry I didn't think to come knock." His eyes are bloodshot and he looks stressed.

I hop out of bed and walk past him, into the kitchen. Immediately I open the fridge and pull out a hard box that's full of rice balls. I place three onto a plate, pour a cup of water and seat myself.

Masaru seats himself across from me, serving himself some of the rice balls and water as well.

"What were you guys arguing about?" I ask him, I really need to work on my subtlety.

He looks like he's visibly been stung when I utter the question, making me feel bad for asking.

"You don't have to say," I look away and take a drink of water. "So what other Pokémon do you have?" I change the subject loftily.

Relieved Masaru straightens back up, "you want me to just show you?"

My curiosity always gets the best of me and I'm nodding before I can think about it.

Soon we're making our way into the lawn and Masaru is tossing six Pokéballs into the air. Clicking, each one swells and opens, releasing a Pokémon into the evening air.

Houndoom, Walrein, Crobat, Ferrothorn, Pallosand and Luxray are summoned.

An impressive lot, I smile at the boom of energy erupting over the lawn.

Whipping out Dexter I do a scan of Walrein first. "Walrein the Walrus Pokémon and the final evolution of Spheal. Walrein swims all over in frigid seawater while crushing icebergs with its grand, imposing tusks. Its thick layer of blubber makes enemy attacks bounce off harmlessly." A lot to say even for a robotic voice, Dexter has to pause. "Gender Male. Level 100. Ability Thick Fat."

My jaw drops and I scan the rest of his Pokémon, they're all level 100.

Masaru has an eyebrow raised when I finally look over at him. He shrugs and returns them all, clasping the balls back into his belt.

"Still feel like you can take me so easily?" He challenges.

My face heats up and I turn away from him. "I'll admit I underestimated you and judged you based on what I thought was your full character."

He grins crookedly and I roll my eyes, bringing a hand up to my chest as I look up into the clouded night.

Lavender Town is hung in an eerie mist as usual; sounds of wild Pokémon calling into the night stirring the silence. I close my eyes and drink it in for a moment, smelling the earthy scent of moss and soil.

I look over and see Masaru looking at me, still grinning.

"What?" I toss.

"Nothing, just glad you don't hate me as much anymore." He stretches and I see him squinting at the shaded figure of a Noctowl in the trees.

"Hm," I wonder aloud.

He slides an eye towards me but says nothing, looking off through the opaque night air.

"Do you think we'll win?" A hint of seriousness edges my voice as I turn to face him.

He hesitates, tapping a finger on his leg before he answers. "I do, but I don't think winning will be free."

"What does that mean?" I demand quietly.

"I think you know what it means. I believe people will get hurt, I also think some of us might do something we regret."

His eyes are clouded with some emotion that I can't read, when he notices me looking it clears away. Back to his normal placid gaze, brown and sad deep within.

I'm not sure what to say now and invite him back inside, away from the damp air and the eerie sounds. We settle back down on the couch, Silver's door is still shut and his light is off.

Masaru runs a hand through his tousled blue hair, his eyebrows pulled together.

"Whatever you guys were fighting about, I'm sure he'll come around." I try to sound cheery and pull a cigarette from his pack.

"Not sure he will," Masaru grimaces and takes the pack out of my hand. "You shouldn't smoke," he says while lighting a cigarette for himself.

"That's funny," I take a drag and press my fingers into my temples. "I've only started doing it because of all the stress. I'll quit when this is all through."

He lets out a small laugh, it's gruff like his voice.

I feel a weird heat in my palms and wipe them on my dress uncomfortably. I crane over to see what time it is and Slowpoke clock reads 9:00. Thanks to my nap I don't feel tired at all.

"I'm sitting on your bed," I realize aloud.

"So?" He drolls.

"Well, you can't sleep with me in here. I'll just head back to my room and leave you to it." I go to stand up and he waves his hand.

"I can't sleep right now, I can keep you company for awhile if you want." I reprimand myself for thinking about his offer and stand up.

"It's fine, I'll see you in the morning. Thanks for showing me your Pokémon." I make my way back to my room and close the door.

It takes me forever to fall asleep but eventually I do.

I wake up and feel my nerves quivering as tension cracks through the air. Silver and Masaru are both seething in opposite parts of the house.

I cough and the tension lifts a small amount.

Silver lets out an airy sigh, stands up and stretches his long arms up towards the ceiling. "We're leaving today so both of you get your things packed." With that Silver walks back towards his room and sharply closes it.

Masaru is biting his lip, nervously tapping his finger on the arm of the couch. He looks over at me when he realizes that I've stayed. I'm looking after Silver, deeply curious about what they're fighting over.

"You better listen to him. He's in a sour ass mood still this morning," grunting Masaru stands and quickly starts stuffing things into his ragged bag.

He's wearing gray pants and a dark blue button down shirt. His hair, which is almost Officer Jenny blue stands up wildly as usual. His brown eyes are set hard on something I can't see.

"I suppose you're right," I look over at Slowpoke clock. 7:42am it reads.

"Go on then. We'll be staying in Pewter City at an Inn there." Masaru waves his hand at me and continues messily stuffing things into his bag.

Once I'm back in my room I start carefully folding clothes for myself. Currently I'm sporting a lacy black dress emblazoned with minuscule Pokéballs, serving as dots.

Once I'm satisfied with my packing I turn my attention towards the room itself. It's still bare, but something about it feels warm and homey.

A small clock adorning the nightstand reads 9:00am. It took me longer than I thought to pack everything inside my hard black case.

I walk into the kitchen and glance towards Silver's door, which is still shut. I hesitate, sitting my bag on the floor next to Masaru's by the front entry. Then I stride to Silver's door and give it a tentative knock.

"What?" Is his muffled response.

"What time do you want to leave?" I try to keep my voice steady, even though my heart is pounding.

I hear a lot of shuffling from behind the door and step back, waiting for a response. Instead of saying anything he swings the door open and walks out, a backpack slung over his left shoulder.

I follow him down the short hallway and back into the kitchen, where Masaru waits at the table.

Wordlessly Silver grabs his keys and does one last look of the house. We all leave and he locks everything up, giving one last long glance at the house.

Masaru climbs into the back of the car and Silver makes to walk towards it as well. I grab his hand and he turns around to face me.

I wrap my arms around his waist in a hug, without saying anything. He allows it and eventually mirrors my actions.

I let go and look up at him before whispering, "whatever it is please let it go. Now is too important of a time for us to fight."

He bites his lip and nods, before climbing in and starting the engine.

I walk around the car and climb into the passengers's seat, then we're off. Winding and twisting through the trees and down the narrow road. Wind blows through my hair and it's a delightful change from the clammy stillness of Lavender Town.

I recognize Saffron City as we pass through, a few young children waving excitedly at our car as we chugged by. I smile at their innocence, clinging to the legs of their mothers while they watched us go by.

Life had felt almost whimsical since I had came back to Kanto with Silver. Stress had mounted my mind at every turn but something inside of me finally felt… alive.

Eventually Cerulean City comes into view. Gorgeous fountains speckle the center of town and I gasp when I see a Vaporeon poke it's head out of the depths of one. Shivering it turns invisible and vanished from sight.

Silver pulls up to a small house at the edge of town and motions for Masaru and myself to climb out of the car.

A bunch of bikes are lined up outside of this establishment and I enter the house cautiously.

"Welcome to Miracle Cycle!" A man at the counter booms with a grin.

Silver places three stubs of some sort on the counter in front of the man. Who looks shocked to see them.

"I've got three vouchers here. I'd like three bikes please," Silver lazily looks down at his watch while the man composes himself.

"Wow, three?" He pulls out a small eyepiece and screws his face up to hold it in place. "I just gotta check their legitimacy." Silence as he looks them over. "Bah! Perfectly real!" He exclaims.

Silver smiles, pushing back his red hair briefly while the man scrabbles away.

He rolls out the bikes one at a time, each a different shade of red. Silver looks… boyish, excited in this moment.

"I've also got a car… where can I park it safely for awhile? I don't mind if I've got to pay." Silver asks.

The man strokes his whiskery beard and looks at the ceiling. "Sometimes the Gym let's travelers park there. You gotta pay up front though or they won't even think about it."

Silver nods, grabs his bike and pushes out the doors. Masaru and I hurriedly grab our bikes and follow him out the doors.

"I don't want to be rude… but what are the bikes for?" Masaru asks.

"Diglett Cave," he grunts while locking the bikes outside the shop. "Going to have to bike through it to get to Pewter City."

Silver still has excitement dancing in his eyes and I feel a flutter of happiness.

"Ah, makes sense. I'm not great with caves though, they tend to be tricky. Are you going to lead us through?" Masaru seems nervous.

"Of course, we'll be fine." Silver climbs into the car and starts it, "get in we've still got to drop off the car."

Finally we had succeeded in dropping off the car and retrieving our bikes. We journeyed to Diglett Cave and stood, small in front of it's mouth.

Masaru seemed really tense as Silver opened his bag and revealed three hard hats adorned with lights.

We all fitted them onto our heads and clicked the lights on. Darkness was falling outside, I could hear the beat of Zubat wings in the night.

Without hesitation Silver walks into the cave, his headlamp illuminating the path ahead. Spilling yellow light over the cool, damp stones.

I follow him, Masaru scuffling behind me as we enter the heaving dark depths.

My light bounces off small glittering puddles of water, sending Diglett digging into the cold earth. Silver has his eyes fixed on a Poketch, occasionally glancing up to make sure he doesn't drive his bike into a wall.

After what seems like hours my light focus on foreign light trickling from somewhere up ahead.

I hear a sigh of relief from Masaru and quicken my bike's pace, I'm shivering in the cool cave air. We emerge from the choking depths and stand on the edge of Pewter City.

At last. We bike as quickly as we can to the Inn Silver has marked on his Poketch. A gray haired woman greets us and hands us a set of keys.

We make our way to room 306 and let ourselves inside. It's a large room with 3 beds and a single bathroom.

A small kitchenette is shoved into one corner, sporting a toaster oven and mini fridge.

This would be home for the next few days, until we met up the rest of our rebels.

It's almost here. I swallow a lump that's hardened in my throat and rub my tired eyes.

We all eat a dinner of rice balls and take turns showering the filth of the cave from ourselves. Even Masaru has started to shower more frequently, since the day I told him he smelled badly.

Once we were all fed and clean we collapse into our respective beds and sleep.

So close to the Team Rocket encounter! I’m really excited about this part!

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