


A woman cry's out in a vengful fury. Her breathing had long gone past ragged, and entered the realm of complete exhaustion.

"Netric!" A blue quadrupedal exploded with a golden energy. The yellow spikes protruding from its back glowed a similar color as the electric pokemon put every ounce of strength he had into an attack. Its red eyes stared intently at the flying red and black beast in the sky.

Almost as if it's glare demanded it, the golden energy being released by him shot into the sky with a speed that was impossible for the mortal eyes to keep up with. Instead of aiming at its hated foe, however, it went past him, disappearing in the clouds.

The phrase 'the calm before the storm' never had more precision than in that moment. Everything was still, the petrified statues that were once the various life forms that made up the forest, the still remaining that almost looked as still as those same statues. Even the enraged beast that floated in the sky-- Yveltal, seemed to be paused in time.

That lasted for not even a second. With a crackle and flash, lightning came pouring down from the darkend clouds, all aimed at the legendary pokemon. The power was so insanely intense and so immensely bright, that the trainer of the one who wielded such an attack lost her sense of sight.

It was all worth it however as Yveltal did in fact fall. A loud screech following his trail as he spun in the air toward the ground. The mega evolved Manetric, with brusies all over it's body fell to the floor, returning to its original state. It had used all its energy in that last attack. Its last sight was that of its trainer, a girl who had raised him since it was just a small Electrike.

When the girl finally regained her vision, she was greeted with the outcome of the battle. All around her we're the petrified corpes of her companions she had trained since she was a child. Tears streamed from her eyes, as she cursed the one who had caused this.

Still, she could not dwell on this, she absolutely had to make sure he was safe. He was her main priority. And so, she began to stumble her way back to the place she once knew as her home. Her body had long since given up, but her mind willed her forward. Blood trailed behind her, her fight with the legendary not just damaging her pokemon but herself as well.

She knew not how long she had left on this world but it was imparative she made sure her precious one was safe. As of now he was all she had left and-- 'it's too late.'

When she heard the loud screech behind her she knew it was to late. She wasn't even given the chance to look back before a black and red beam of energy passed over her and Yveltal crashed down on the place she was aiming for. The place she had left her child.

Even when her entire body turned to stone, the image of Yveltal crashing into the shelter she built remained for what seemed like eternity. Luck, however, seemed to be on her side.

In that shelter that was now destroyed, a green energy shone through. The origin of it being another quadrupedal, this one, however, had a black lower-half and a blue-upper. Its body was similar to that of a deer, but it had antlers that shone a brilliant rainbow light.

It similar to Yveltal, was a legendary pokemon, and was also very injured, albeit not as much.

Xerneas stared into the fallen Yveltal's glowing eyes, a soft green light pouring around both of them. It only took a few moments before Yveltal's eyes returned to their normal blue and the glow disappeared.

'Have you returned to sanity, my old friend.' a telepathic link opened between the two.

'Tch', don't speak to me. Especialy with the spawn of that woman in your mouth.' Yveltal responded with a scoff, as his eyes narrowed dangerously at the baby being held by its clothes in Xerneas' mouth.

'Do not blame a child for their parent's actions' Xerneas eyes turned away from Yveltal, looking down at the child of the woman she had once called a friend. 'I truly do not know why she chose to do such a thing...'

'What do you plan to do with it? I say you let me petrify it, that way it can join it's mother.' Yveltal couldn't help the fury it felt when looking at the child.

'I will keep him alive... at least until he is able to live on his own.

'You can't be serious! What if he is like that woman? I will not tolerate another!' Yveltal attempted to sit back up, but soon learned he lacked any energy to do that.

'My old friend, we both know you will soon return to sleep. Plus, I will take that risk... if anything I will atleast protect what she cherished most, even when her actions endangered it.' A green light yet again poured from her as Yveltal calmed down once again.

'I consider your actions foolish, but do what you'd like.' With a flash of light, Yveltal began transforming until all that remained was a black spherical cocoon, the place he'd spend the next millennia.

With a sigh, Xerneas turned away from the cocoon and looked to the result of Yveltal's rage.

'What happened to you Rebecca?' Xerneas couldn't help but think back to only just a year ago when its old friend had told it of her pregnancy. Those days when she was a kind and caring girl who took residency in this place for the entire reason of researching the forest's inhabitants.

Xerneas almost wanted to be mad at Yveltal. for killing such a person... but it couldn't. What she had done... Xerneas turned yet again to the child in its mouth... before it lowered its neck and placed him at its legs.

'I am sorry Rebecca, but you have done this to yourself, at the very least. I will protect what you cared for most.' Those were its final thoughts before Xerneas began to glow a magnificent rainbow light.

The light began spreading past it's body and to the entire petrified forest. The tree's that had been made entirely of stone had become brown yet again, and the numerous wildlife all began reverting back to their beautiful vibrant colors. Slowly, everything and everyone returned back to how it was before.

Well, almost everyone. Rebecca remained petrified, Xerneas not being able to unpetrify her even if it wanted to. The same applied to all the pokemon that followed her.

When the light finally died down, All that remained of Xerneas was a big gigantic tree, with branches reminiscent of Xerneas' antlers. The tree glowed for a minute more before it began dying down. The two legendary pokemon Xerneas and Yveltal return to rest side by side. At the base of the tree, a small child lay, he too would be made to rest, until Xerneas found him ready.