

The system is provided to the MC by an unknown entity.

It assists the MC by providing daily quests to increase his attributes and special quests that provide rewards. It assists and augments Pokémon training and allows the user to train techniques easier than normal.

Breakdown of Character's Stats:


Determines how well the user is at battling against Pokémon.


How smart the user is. The higher the attribute is, the easier it is to train new skills. Has a minor effect on the success rate of catching Pokémon.


How strong the user is. The higher the attribute is, the easier it is to train new skills.


How fast the user can move their arms, legs, and mind.


How much energy the user has.


Determines how well the user performs in all areas by a minor amount.

Pokémon stats:

Hit Points (HP:)

Determines how much damage a Pokémon can receive before fainting.

Attack (ATK:)

Determines how much damage a Pokémon deals when using a physical move.

Defense (DEF:)

Determines how much damage a Pokémon receives when it is hit with a physical move.

Special Attack (SpA:)

Determines how much damage a Pokémon deals when using a special move.

Special Defense (SpD:)

Determines how much damage a Pokémon receives when it is hit with a special move.

Speed (SPD:)

Determines the order of Pokémon that can act in battle. If Pokémon are moving with the same priority, Pokémon with higher Speed at the start of any turn will generally make a move before ones with lower Speed; in the case that two Pokémon have the same Speed, one of them will randomly go first.

Evasion (EVA:)

Determines a Pokémon's probability of avoiding other Pokémon's moves.

Accuracy (ACC:)

Determines a Pokémon's probability of hitting another Pokémon.


Determines how exponential growth is available to each Pokémon. This determines the amount of levels a Pokémon is able to obtain. The list is as follows:

Copper: 29

Bronze: 39

Iron: 49

Steel: 59

Silver: 69

Gold: 79

Platinum: 89

Diamond: 99


Each attribute is ranked by various tiers otherwise known as IVs (Individual Value.) Each attribute can increase to the next tier by training. Individual ranks are unknown and only the average rank is provided.

The list of tiers is as follows:

Grey: 1 - 7 (Basic)

White: 8 - 13 (Below-Average)

Green: 14 - 18 (Average)

Blue: 19 - 24 (Amazing)

Purple:25 - 30 (Excellent)

Red: 31 (Elite)


Unlike in the games, Pokémon doesn't need to forget their older moves to learn new ones. Based upon their potential, a Pokémon can train up to 20 moves. Once a move has been utilized enough times, it will become locked and one of their usable move slots will be filled. Some key figures across the world offer services that can remove a learned and locked skill.

Pokémon moves are also not exactly the same as within the game. The power and speed in which a Pokémon can use a move depends on how experienced with the move the Pokémon is. The following move ranks are:

[U] Unlocked: Initial stage of a move after learning it. Starts at -90% base power modifier. -50% skill unleash speed.

[B] Beginner: Must use 1,000 times in order to lock in the skill. -50% base power modifier. -25% skill unleash speed.

[A] Adept: Must use 2,500 times in order to increase to Adept. -25% base power modifier. -10% skill unleash speed.

[E] Expert: Must use 5,000 times in order to increase to Expert. +/- 0% against base power. +/- 0% skill unleash speed.

[M] Master: Must use 10,000 times in order to increase skill to Master. +25% base power modifier. +10% skill unleash speed.

[☆] Grandmaster: Unknown unlock requirements. Has been documented long ago but no confirmed recent sightings. Theorized +50% base damage modifier and +25% skill unleash speed.

Moves are split into the following categories:

Normal - These are the moves that a Pokémon learns as it levels up, or their level-up moveset.

Innate - These are moves that a Pokémon may receive based upon their immediate parentage, or their Egg Moves.

Hidden - These are the same as Egg Moves, however they have been passed down from parent to child for numerous generations.

Mentor - These are moves that a Pokémon may learn based on TMs or by being trained by a Trainer or Pokémon.

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