
(XII) Learning Curve

Magnemite floated slowly toward the group of Nidoran who had heard the intruders nearby with their sensitive hearing stared fiercely at the floating metal orb as it approached.

Electricity began to crackle as it arced around the magnets on both sides. As the electricity grew more potent, the arcs grew more robust and the discharge began to dance around its entire body.

The male Nidoran all began charging toward the invader charging faint purple energy in their horns as they bounded toward Magnemite.

"Why are they using Poison Sting against a Steel type..?" Isaac muttered to himself as he observed, prompting Jack to speak up for the first time.

"Unlike trained Pokémon, who get to see far more of the outside world and learn to not utilize ineffective moves, most wild Pokémon won't ever leave the small areas they call home, so unless there was a group of Magnemite around, they wouldn't know."

Isaac nodded as he followed the explanation given by Jack and pondered on it further before asking a follow-up question, "That doesn't pertain to every species, correct? If that's the case, why are we able to find the same Pokémon in various regions?"

"I see someone has failed to educate you on how the regions have been terraformed by the Pokémon Association..." Jack continued and explained how Pokémon species would migrate to locate new hunting grounds and others would remain behind.

"We began to develop the regions, and as civilization expanded, the wild Pokémon naturally began to decline. Conservation efforts were added and Pokémon were exported to applicable regions in order to serve as an attraction for other Pokémon and to maintain the ecosystems."

"I see..." Isaac nodded, this wasn't explored within the games, but it made sense to him why some Pokémon like Rattata could be in two different regions that were not connected by landmass.

"There was an old prevalent theory about land bridges but it was disproven a few years ago, but only a small group of supporters remain..." Jack added watching as the battle officially began.

A dozen Nidoran ran at the Magnemite as it continued charging its attack. The glowing horns of the Nidoran flashed as they began jumping into the air and stinging Magnemite repeatedly with their poisonous horns.

An erratic ringing began tolling through the air as the attacks were ignored by Magnemite. As the electricity reached its peak, the metal orb flashed white as electricity began shooting out from both of its magnets.

The discharge coursed violently through each Nidoran surrounding it as they began convulsing involuntarily due to the intensely charged attack.

Nearly every Nidoran fell to the ground as sporadic sparks of lightning would dance around the paralyzed pokémon.

"Again!" Jack shouted as Magnemite responded its understanding as it began floating toward the female Nidoran to repeat the process.

Out from behind the bushes, the Nidoran Isaac was looking charged forward as darkness swirled around its horn. It quickly jumped in the air, unleashing [Sucker Punch], knocking the Magnemite away.

The metallic orb twirled and spun mid-air as it balanced itself and furrowed its central eye glaring at the Nidoran.

"Thunder Wave!" Jack shouted.

"Wait! I'll take care of that one!" He exclaimed, trying to stop him, but it was too late as Magnemite immediately shot a net of electricity that splashed against the Nidoran and it fell to the ground recoiling as lightning danced around its paralyzed body.

"Ava! Let's go! Quick, hit it with Tackle before it can move!" Isaac yelled.

"Vee!" Ava exclaimed as she charged forward. The pale energy had gathered around her quickly as she darted in a straight line hitting the immobile Nidoran with a powerful rush.

The Nidoran slid against the ground, tumbling around as it remained trapped under paralysis. Isaac smirked as he reached into his bag and brought out a pokéball and threw it.

It arced through the air but was knocked away as the female Nidoran rushed from the safety of the bushes and protected her mate. Isaac groaned.

"Ava! Take care of the other Nidoran! Hit it with a Sand Attack and follow up with a Tail Whip!" Isaac commanded as he ran over and picked up the pokéball from the ground.

"Vee Vee Vee!" Ava barked at the female Nidoran before it turned around and began kicking up dust, spraying her opponent with sand, and began shaking her tail immediately afterward.

The female Nidoran fell to the ground as it began wiping at her eyes and lowering her guard. She stood up and began running toward the Eevee and charged [Scratch] as her front claws began glowing white.

"Quick! Dodge and follow up with Tackle!" Isaac ordered as the female Nidoran raised onto her hind legs and attempted to scratch Ava, who jumped to the side and countered with Tackle, knocking the Nidoran back as she slid on her side through the ground.

"Another one!" Isaac ordered but as Ava rushed forward to hit her opponent, the male Nidoran rushed forward and ambushed the Eevee with a Poison Sting that struck her in the side knocking her away.

"No!" Isaac shrieked as Ava struggled to stand up, a patch of her fur was blackened with a purplish tint, indicating that she was poisoned.

"Tch!" He clicked his tongue at his bad luck, "I should have captured him while Ava had the other Nidoran preoccupied..." He muttered to himself.

"You are correct. It was in an optimal range for the pokéball to be successful, now he's shrugged off the paralysis and can avoid your attempts at capture." Jack explained his mistakes clearly, "I can paralyze it for you again if you would like."

Isaac shook his head at the monotonous request, "No... This is my first time trying to catch a Pokémon, it's not as easy as I thought it was going to be..." He replied to the scientist, "Ava! Use Sand Attack on him!"

"Vee!" Ava fiercely roared cutely as she hissed at the Nidoran and turned around kicking up dust once more hitting both Nidoran.

Isaac took this chance and threw another pokéball into the small cloud of dust as it bounced off the female Nidoran and the red laser enveloped her body and sucked her inside.

"Ava! Follow up with another tackle to finish this fight!" Isaac shouted as the pokéball began shaking on the ground.

The male Nidoran was unable to see what was happening as it dug at its eyes while Eevee rushed into the dust cloud and knocked the Nidoran out as it tumbled across the ground.

Isaac didn't waste any time and threw another pokéball as it sucked in the male Nidoran.

He turned to observe the first pokéball that finished its third wiggle and small stars appeared briefly in the air as the pokéball chimed as the center orb turned white.

Isaac threw his hand in the air triumphantly as he ignored the visor's notifications and turned toward the male Nidoran inside the pokéball. It did not take long for it too to be captured.

Isaac jumped in the air whooping in excitement. He turned and looked around noticing the myriad of unconscious or paralyzed Nidoran males and females alike littered around him before turning and looking at Jack and Magnemite waiting patiently.

"Woah, Magnemite did all this while I was battling those two..?" Isaac asked and Jack nodded before explaining.

"The difference in levels was too wide for the Nidoran to put up any sort of fight. Don't worry about it. Most Pokémon will naturally regain their health as they rest."

Ava came running forward as he whimpered looking up at her trainer with big watering eyes. Jack reached into his jacket and handed it to Isaac. It was a small spray bottle with a light yellow clear liquid.

He knelt next to Ava and sprayed the area with the liquid, applying the antidote and giving her a berry as a reward before returning her to her pokéball.

Afterward, he walked over and picked up both pokéballs and smiled at them fondly, 'Yes!! I can't believe I have both Nidorans! This takes me back to when I was a kid and used Nidoking and Nidoqueen in Red!'

He turned to Jack, placing the two pokéballs on his belt, and nodded as he stared at his visor looking at the three notifications that he had previously ignored. He opened them as he walked back silently to the camp.

『1 Pokémon Caught! +1 Intelligence』

Isaac fell to the ground as he grabbed his head, a sharp pain drilled through his skull, and felt like his brain was being invaded by needles. Unlike with Stamina, Strength, and Speed, increasing his Intelligence hurt!

Jack reached out to offer assistance, but Isaac raised his hand and stood up shortly after smiling at him, indicating that he was alright.

『Would you like to give Nidoran ♀ a nickname?』


『Would you like to give Nidoran ♂ a nickname?』



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