
Pokémon: Landon's Kanto

10 year old Landon Rayner have move away from the Kalos region to the Kanto region to the town with his parents called: Pallet town. Landon and his shiny partner: Charmander to set on the journey to become the Pokemon Master while battling Mega Evolution along with his friends, can Landon and Charmander achieve his dreams while becoming mega evolution user and achieve his dreams?

Daoist30RBKp · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Pokemon! I Choose You!

(In this story, will be replace of the protagonists series of the Pokemon series. The male OC with the Shiny Charmander by his side.)

In the world full of mystical creatures called themselves: Pokémon. Pokémon and humans live in peacefully with each other, somethings can be play each other while some of them can battle at them with each other in the competition winning in the tournaments, that's when, this young boy will move to the Kanto region to begin his journey of finding and becoming there's one thing that's people most. Mega Evolution. Mega Evolution is the temporally evolve form where'd people and Pokémon bond it with each other to perform mega evolution battle against each other in the titans way. this young boy happens to be: Landon Rayner. Landon has short blue hair and blue eyes. he's wears a blue t-shirt, grey cargo pants, belt with his Pokeballs, he'd has an messenger school bag to carry on his journey and Adult Children's automatic walking shoes invisible Pulley Shoes skates with double-raw deform wheel color of Blue and Black. on his lap is a Pokémon called: Charmander. not just any Charmander, A Shiny one. it's skin is the yellow color with the same color like the original color. Charmander was sleeping in his trainer's lap while Landon stroking him as the lizard was feeling his trainer touch while sleeping and enjoying. Want to know why Landon's heading to the Kanto? Well, his parents Abraham and Beatrice bought a new home in the Kanto region while Landon and his Charmander were at home and Landon was disappointed that he'd wanted to take the journey to the Kalos with his shiny Charmander and that he'd and his parents are moving to the Kanto region. Speaking of Charmander? Landon and his parents are citizens of Santalune City where'd the bug type gym leader: Viola Resides. Landon was exploring in the forest that'd was near Aquacorde town: He'd stumble upon the hunters camp where'd sees an injured shiny Charmander in the cage that he'd was scared due to the hunters capture him for the black market. Landon hated those cruelty people as he'd started to help Charmander out of their cage and he'd manage to succeed it and he'd got the cage open and the lizard Pokémon was scared of Landon that he'd got him out until the hunter came back and he'd saw Landon busting the Charmander out and he'd send out his Crobats against Landon and he'd manage to dodge them easily against the hunters and the hunter was furious kept on sending his crobats to attack with Air Cutter as Landon was almost dodging it until he'd was hit by the air cutter sending him rolling onto the ground and into the tree as the hunter was about to kill him until the burst of flamethrower came out of nowhere appears to be Charmander that he'd was furious that attacking the young human burning the crisp of the Crobats as the hunter saw his Pokémon were defeated as he'd was about to run away until Landon gave one more attack as he'd jump and he'd kicked the hunter in the face knocking him unconscious as Landon landed as he'd grunted that his leg was hurt due to the air cutter as Charmander run up to the human that he'd save him looking in worried as Landon smile at the Charmander telling that he's okay as he'd heard running to see some two people that his mother and father heard the commotion and he'd saw his Landon with the shiny Charmander and the unconscious hunter and the burnt Crobats on the ground in bar-b-que. after the whole fiasco, Landon's parents decided that he'd can keep Charmander as he'd given a Pokeball to capture Charmander as the lizard was accepted into being Landon's partner that he'll do everything to keep him company and achieve their dreams. over at night where'd Landon and Charmander were over at the window looking at the seas where the Wailord are swimming in the ocean and the wingull flying over the plane window with Charmander sleeping. Landon look over to see his parents are sleeping together in the chairs over there while he'd sleeping in his own chair with Charmander in tow. Landon signed.

"Goodbye Kalos. Hello Kanto." Landon said goodbye to the Kalos region while heading to the Kanto region. (voiced by Barbara Scaff (Ulrich Stern of Code Lyoko). Landon closed his eyes and went into sleep while in the long flight. after the long flight in the brightest morning. the plane just flew toward the Kanto region in the airport where'd it finally touched down the runway in the Kanto region. The Rayner's families are with the movers with the help of the Machoke to move the furnitures into the moving truck to destination called: Pallet town. Landon sat down one of the seats that the mover are putting the furniture into the truck toward Pallet town, while waiting, Charmander look at his trainer, worriedly about his condition.

"Can't believe it, Charmander. We'd were supposed to begin our journey in the Kalos region to learn about mega evolution, but now, we've just move in to the Kanto region." Landon said in disbelief that he'd had move to the Kanto region with his folks. while waiting for the last furniture to be loaded. Landon look at Charmander that he's become loyalty to Landon ever sense, he'd saved him. Landon took Charmander along with his parents to the Pokémon center to the Santalune city where'd the nurse joy take him and healed him due to the Pokemon Hunter capture him and injured it. Nurse Joy explains to young Landon about the Pokémon hunters that they've hunt Pokemon and sails in the black market that's illegal to the world. Once again, when Charmander became Landon's first Pokémon, Landon ask about Charmander's skin color. Nurse Joy explained to him that Charmander is a shiny Pokémon that was born in the abnormal color and Landon was surprise that he'd met and first Pokémon that he'd just found in the forest. Landon wants to go on a journey and becomes a Shiny Hunter to capture and trained the shinnies to their potential when they've evolve. Landon heard the last drop noise as he'd turned to see his parents and the workers along with the machoke are shutting the truck door as they've now heading toward their new home: Pallet town. Now on the road of heading toward Pallet town. Landon was behind seats with Charmander sitting beside as his parents are driving with the moving truck followed behind them to get their destination. Beatrice noticed Landon's faces that he'd was disappointed on the rear mirror.

"What's wrong, Landon?" Beatrice asked.

"What's wrong? I'd was supposed to start on my journey with Charmander in the Kalos region to learn about Mega evolution." Landon said that he'd was disappointed wanting to learn about Mega Evolution in the Kalos region, but now he'd had to move into the Kanto region with his folks to the Kanto region.

"Char." Charmander said in agreement that he'd wanted to go to journey with Landon ever sense.

"Well, Landon. The Kanto region has more places just like the Kalos region. and I've heard the Professor Oak that has the interest it of Mega evolution." Beatrice said as Landon and Charmander look at Beatrice in surprise.

"Really?" Landon asked.

"Right. while we've searching for an open house in the Pallet town. we've ran into an professor of Pallet town named: Professor Oak. He'd told me that he and Professor Sycamore both share the same studying of Mega Evolution. You've always wanted to be an mega evolution and Pokémon Master. right?" Abraham asked as Landon nodded.

"Yes, I've wanted to." Landon said about getting his dreams come true.

"And, also. we've manage to talk to Professor Oak about setting you an Pokémon license and he'd got something for you for Charmander, sense he's already your Pokémon." Abraham said about Professor Oak got something for young Landon while entering the Kanto region that the Professor Oak has an offer for their son and surprise for him and his Charmander.

"Then, what is it?" Landon asked in suspicious.

"You'll have to wait and see." Beatrice said as Landon nodded as they've finally arrive in their destination and to see the town of Pallet in their destination. they've arrived in two floor house as they've got out of the car as the movers arrived as well.

"Landon, why don't you go see Professor Oak." Abraham said.

"You've sure, do you need some help with all the boxes?" Landon asked about wanting to help his parents move inside the boxes inside their new home.

"We've got it here. Go and visit the professor and he'll sign you up." Abraham said as Landon nodded.

"Alright, I'm heading to his lab." Landon said as he'd hit his back heel with the button causing the wheels to pop out and he'd did the same as Charmander climbed up to Landon's left shoulder for a ride as Landon started to skate his way toward the Professor's lab to get his Pokémon trainer license. Landon got the quite of talent for using the skating. Landon uses his four wheels skates around the house and the road back in Santalune city as his parents got himself and pair of shoes that has the retractable blades comes out of his shoes while skating. Landon kept on skating toward the Professor's lab while he'd felt the breeze from his hair as Charmander feel the same way, while he'd was skating, Landon notices something coming towards which happens to be an red automobile car coming towards him right about now! Landon quickly grab his Charmander from his shoulder as he'd jump toward the grass as the red car passed him as Landon and Charmander both landed on the grass as Landon quickly put the blades into his shoes with the button as Landon stood up as he'd run toward the middle of road and he'd stop as he'd glared at him.

"Oi! Watch where'd you're going, you idiot!" Landon yelled at the driver of the red car but he'd ignored Landon's yelling while continue driving into the driveway. Charmander run up to Landon.

"Charmander?" Charmander asked to his trainer as Landon took a breath and calm down and he'd smiled at his best friend.

"I'm okay, Charmander." Landon said as he'd turned back to the direction that the red car just passed him.

"What kind of an idiot drove away while he isn't looking?" Landon asked.

"Ah, you've must be Landon Rayner." The Elder Voice said as Landon turned to the voice followed Charmander to see an elder man from behind. He is a middle-aged man with peach skin, gray hair, and thick, bushy eyebrows. He wears a white lab coat, a light maroon polo shirt, a brown belt and beige pants, and matching brown loafers.

"Yes sir, I am." Landon said.

"Splendid. Pleasure to make your acquaintance. My name is Professor Oak." Professor Oak said introducing to the former Kalos native to the Kanto Native. Professor Oak look at the Shiny Charmander besides Landon.

"This must be your Charmander that's your parents told me about. excellent shiny coat. You've done an excellent job raising it." Professor Oak said about Landon's raising Charmander while his parents Kanto region to find a new home.

"Thanks for the compliment." Landon said about raising his Charmander. Professor Oak gestured his hands toward the lab.

"Let's head inside to my lab." Professor Oak said as Landon nodded as they've all went inside the lab. Landon, Charmander and Professor Oak were all inside the lab and Landon could see all three Pokémon are empty that the trainers pick their starters so that's means they've already picked it.

"Your parents wanted to start the journey to learn about Mega Evolution, right?" Professor Oak asked as Landon nodded.

"Yes, Professor. I'd was about to start on my journey in the Kalos to learn about the Mega Evolution, to get myself a Keystone and a mega stone for my Charmander, until he'd evolves." Landon explained that he'd wanted to go on a journey to learn about the mega evolution and getting a Mega stone for his Charmander until he'd evolves.

"Ah, yes. you've see, Mega evolution is the bonding between trainer and Pokémon. it's not an permanent change, The Pokemon can revert back to their original stage. every Pokemon evolve, their Power & stat stages will increase. in order for the Pokemon to mega evolve, it'll need the Pokemon to have the Mega Stone and the strong bond with its trainer. sense, you've came here today sense your flight, I've manage got this Mega Stone, sense the other one just left with his own Charmander on his journey. I've just happened to got one right here." Professor Oak said as he'd revealed to Mega stone to Landon. Landon and Charmander saw the Mega stone that is the Blue mega stone that has helical shape S with the color of Blue and Black.

"Is that...?" Landon asked in disbelief.

"Char...?" Charmander asked the same question.

"Indeed. This Mega Stone appears to be the Charizardite X. It can mega evolve your Charmander once it's evolve and I've wanted you to have it." Professor Oak said as he'd handed the Charizardite X to Landon as Landon grabbed the mega stone from the Kanto Professor.

"Thank you, but how i'm supposed to get a keystone?" Landon asked.

"To get a keystone, you've need to travel to lavender town to find Mr. Fuji. He'd got plenty of Keystone so he can make you one." Professor Oak as Landon nodded.

"Alright." Landon said as he'd put the mega stone in his messenger bag.

"Before you go on your journey, It's time you to get settle. Here we are the latest smartphone device from the region called: Galar. also known as the Rotom Phone. This Rotom Phone will allow to guide you on your journey, it's function everything in this Rotom Phone. and here are some five Pokeballs to go out there and get some Pokemon." Professor Oak said as he'd handed the Blue Rotom Phone to Landon to him as he'd got the five Pokeballs from the Professor as well and he'd put the balls in his Messenger bag as he'd look at Charmander as he'd scanned his parnter with his Rotom Phone as the screen appeared on his Rotom Phone with the Charmander appear on it.

Charmander the lizard Pokemon. A fire type. The flame at the tip of its tail makes a sound as it burns. you can only hear it in quiet places. This Pokemon appears to be Shiny.

Gender: Male

Ability: Blaze

"The Rotom Phone has the map will tell you anywhere you want to go. So, I've asked you Landon, go out there and find some rare Pokemon out there?" Professor ask the new Kanto native region as Landon nodded as he'd finally got his chance to learn Mega Evolution in Kanto and So, Kalos will have to wait.

"Oh, You've betcha britches I'd do and Thanks." Landon said as he'd turned to Charmander.

"Alright, Charmander. Let's get this show on the road!" Landon exclaimed as Charmander nodded with the roar as he'd and Charmander set out to find out and learn the true meaning of Mega Evolution. After the farewell of Professor Oak, Landon and Charmander are heading back to his parents house to see all the furniture are inside as they've finally set up inside the house. Landon saw his mom and dad are outside waiting for Landon to return as they've their son and Charmander coming up to them.

"How's the talking with the Professor?" Abraham asked.

"It's great! You were right, he did mention and study of Mega Evolution." Landon said, excitedly about getting his own Keystone and starting to Mega Evolve.

"What will you do now?" Beatrice asked her son.

"Professor told me we'd have to go to town called: Lavender town. He told me to find the man named: Mr. Fuji. He has a lot of Keystones so I can get one and make some bonds with Charmander." Landon explained.

"Charmander." Charmander said in added.

"And, so, I've decided to do my journey here in the Kanto region." Landon said as Abraham and Beatrice nodded as they've hugged their son and Charmander joined the hugged as well.

"Good luck, son." Abraham said as Beatrice nodded.

"Hope you've find the true meaning of Mega Evolution." Beatrice said as Landon nodded with the smirked.

"Right! Let's go, Charmander!" Landon exclaimed as Charmander roared in agreement as they've both set out in the journey of the Kanto region to find Mr. Fuji for the Keystone and begin their of Pokemon Master and Mega Evolution. Battling Gym and getting their badges and more. Abraham turned Beatrice.

"Did you told him?" Abraham asked as Beatrice shook her head.

"No, he didn't notice, I'll have to wait for him until he'd gets back." Beatrice said as she'd put her stomach and she'd knew that was another child in there. Outskirts of the Pallet town to see Landon and Charmander running in the road to heading toward the next city or town or maybe finding some Pokemon to help him out on his journey.

"Man, Charmander. All these workouts have us all prepared for the journey." Landon said while he'd was jogging in the road with Charmander a greed. Landon and Charmander stopped together as they've look at each other.

"if we're going to Lavender town and see Mr. Fuji. I've need some Pokemon for my arsenals. Sense you're only one with me on this one. We're getting ourselves a number or two." Landon replied about getting numbers for his Arsenal and he'd saw something over happens to an bird Pokemon over there pecking as they've tiptoe closer and look over to see PIdgey. Pidgey is a small, plump-bodied avian Pokémon. It is primarily brown with a cream-colored face, underside, and flight feathers. On top of its head is a short crest of three tufts. The center crest feathers are brown and the outer two tufts are cream-colored. Just under its crest are its narrow eyes which have white sclera and pupil along with its black irises. Angular black marking extend from behind its eyes and continue down its cheeks. It has a short, stubby beak and feet with two toes in front and one in back. Both its beak and feet are a grayish-pink. It has a short, brown tail made of three feathers. Landon took out his Rotom Phone and scanned the Bird Pokemon.

Pidgey the Tiny Bird Pokemon. A Normal and Flying Type. Very docile. If attacked, it will often kick up sand to protect itself rather than fight back.

Landon could use a Flying type sense as he'd got his Charmander wanted to evolve into an Charizard so he can fly on his back to soar through the air. Landon turned to Charmander.

"Alright, Charmander. Go and get it!" Landon yelled as he'd pointed it his finger as Charmander jumped toward the field and battle against the bird Pokemon as Pidgey saw Charmander and the human. Before Landon and Charmander were in Kalos, he can recall of Charmander's moves that he'd know of his moves or eggs. that is: Flamethrower, Growl, Dragon Dance and Dragon Claw.

"Alright! Flamethrower!" Landon ordered as Charmander burst a flamethrower at the Tiny Bird but Pidgey dodge the attack as it's coming towards them with the quick attack.

"Dodge and used Dragon Claw!" Landon ordered as Charmander claws glowed lime green as he'd charged at the tiny bird Pokemon causing to hit the bird in the chest sending toward the claw due to the strong attack move. Landon saw this as he'd got a Pokeball out causing to enlarge as he'd tossed the ball toward the tiny bird causing it to open and sucking the tiny bird inside the Pokeball causing it to closed and the ball was landed on the ground as they've watched as Pokeball button was red light with the ball shaking back and forth until they've heard the ding that's they've finally caught Pidgey. Landon smirked as he'd walked up to his newly Pokemon as he'd got the Pokeball from the ground as he'd look with the proud look on his face with Charmander beside him.

"Our first capture in Kanto. Excellent job, Charmander." Landon said as he'd rubbed Charmander on the head earning a "Char" from him as Landon got his Rotom phone out as he'd scanned the tiny bird Pokemon.


Ability: Keen Eye

Gender: Male

moves: Tackle (Normal), Sand Attack (Ground)

Landon knew these Pokemon like PIdgey and Ratata are beginners Pokemon to train them and evolve to an fully evolve: Pidgeot. Landon notice something over there which happens to be an lake where'd Water Pokemon swim there.

"Hmm. Let's head over there to get the Water type Pokemon in my arsenal." Landon said as he'd walked over to the lake as Charmander followed him as they've approach to the Lake as Landon got out his fishing rod to catch a water type for his journey and ever sense his bag can carried all the items. Landon turned his fishing rod into an pole as he'd sat on the grass that was near the edge of the lake as Charmander to stay away from the lake. Landon turned to Charmander.

"Now, Charmander. the keen eye of fishing is patience. Patience always the emotion to make sure that the right time to capture the Pokemon in the right moment. Every battle there's always emotion about: Grieve, taunt, anger and frustrated. it's always fishing to calm down enjoying the good spot. just remember. keep calm and patience while battling. Don't let the anger to get you." Landon teaching Charmander about the emotions during the battle. before he can say anymore, he'd felt the tug on the his fishing rod as he'd was dragged to it, but he'd slammed his heels on the ground gripping the rod as Charmander grabbed Landon's legs as he'd started to help him to pull the Pokemon out of the water.

"MAN! YOU! ARE! TOUGH!" Landon yelled as he'd pulled one last time as he'd flung the Pokemon out of the water as it's landed on the ground as Landon and Charmander are both landing on the ground together to heard some flopping as he'd and Charmander look up and Landon was surprise to see that Pokemon. It was a Magikarp. but it wasn't a red color. his scales are gold and the fins and barbels are remain yellow. It was a Shiny Magikarp! Landon got out his Rotom phone and scanned the fish Pokemon.

Magikarp, the Fish Pokemon. A Water type. With Neither strength nor speed. Magikarp is thought to be the weakest Pokemon of all. This Pokemon is Shiny.

Landon thought about the Magikarp always the weakest Pokemon knew about splash, but he'd knew that most of the People catches Magikarp so they've trained and evolve into an Gyarados of water and Flying type Pokemon. Landon thought that he'd wanted a Gyarados on his own and so, he'd decided to get that Magikarp so he can train him to fully evolve into an Gyarados. Landon got another empty of his Pokeball as he'd enlarge it as he'd tossed the Pokeball toward the fish Pokemon as he'd was sucked into the Pokeball and it was sent to the ground as they've watched the ball was red and it's rolling back and forth as they've heard the ding that he'd finally caught the fish Pokemon so he can have his own Gyarados. Landon walked up to the contain Magikarp as he'd got out his Rotom Phone and scanned the fish Pokemon.


Gender: Male

Ability: Swift Swim

Landon put his Rotom Phone away as he'd turned to his partner.

"Well, Charmander. Even I'd knew i wanted a Water Type, but now i've got myself a Magikarp. so he can evolve into an Gyarados." Landon said as he'd tossed the Pokeball and he'd caught it in his palm hand as he'd put his second shiny Pokemon in his belt as he'd notice his Charmander starting to get tired out while fighting and helping Landon get the Magikarp out of the water.

"tired, Charmander?" Landon asked as Charmander look at his trainer.

"Mander." Charmander said with the tired mouth.

"Alright. I'll put you in your Pokeball so you can sleep. sounds fair?" Landon asked as Charmander nodded as Landon got Charmander's Pokeball as he'd returned his Charmander back in his Pokeball to get some sleep as he'd put his Charmander back inside his Pokeball so he can get some rest. Landon started to made his way back to the main road until he'd notice something in the clouds.

"What's that?" Landon asked as he'd saw the large bird Pokemon in the sky. It is an avian Pokémon resembling a phoenix and a peacock. Its feathers are predominantly gold and red, with yellow tail-feathers, a white underside, and green feathers at the tip of its wings. Ho-Oh has a green stripe on its neck, a yellow beak, black rings around its red eyes, and a feathered, yellow crest on its head. Ho-Oh's wings are prismatic, causing it to trail a rainbow behind it. It has darkly colored feet and legs with four toes and long talons. Landon got out his Rotom Phone as he'd scanned the large bird Pokemon as the image appeared on his Rotom Phone making him surprise.

Ho-oh, the rainbow Pokemon. A fire and Flying type. Legends claim this Pokemon flies the world's skies continously on its magnificent seven-colored wings.

Landon couldn't believe his eyes. He'd heard of the Legendary Pokemon that brings the ashes of the Pokemon back to life and that the rainbow Pokemon that has three Pokemon with it: Suicine the water type. Raikou the electric type and Entei the fire type. Landon saw something floating coming towards him as he'd raised his right hand as he'd grab it and it's turns out to be an feather. not just any feather. An Rainbow feather. Ho-oh must've set his eyes on Landon making him the "Rainbow Hero". Landon gazed at the rainbow wing and he'd need to keep a secret. Landon saw Ho-oh flying away into the clouds.

"Alright, Ho-oh. I'll see you soon, till next time." Landon said goodbye to Ho-oh and he'd promised as the rainbow hero. Landon needs what time it is as he'd got his Rotom Phone out and check time to see it was 4:57 PM.

"Shoot! I've been here longer while catching Pidgey and the Shiny Magikarp. Alright. Let's kick it up a notch, to find Mr. Fuji in Lavender town and learns about the mega evolution and finding the legendary Pokemon: Ho-oh!" Landon exclaimed as he'd jumped up as he'd clicked his heels with the right on his left and the left on the right causing his blades come out of the shoes and landed on the ground as Landon started to skate his way toward the next city and getting to the Pokemon Center to get some rest. while takes the journey to toward the Lavender town while getting over the town and cities and other activities, there's trouble lurk around the world and they'll take over the worlds and stealing Pokemon from the trainers and Landon will stop nothing to battle any evil like team rocket? Until the next chapter. Landon come across with the red headed with the broken and crushing bike in the city of Viridian City and the red headed and the battle of Team Rocket trying to steal the Pokemon from the Pokemon Center. Let's find out.

Chapter 1 finished.

Landon Rayner.

Shiny Charmander: Male - Flamethrower, Dragon Dance, Dragon Claw, Growl

Pidgey: Male - Tackle, Sand Attack

Shiny Magikarp: Male - Splash

Prof. Oak ranch - None