
Pokémon: Journey to Extinction

Years after fleeing a life of forbidden rituals in a remote village, his son begins to manifest a strange connection to a shadow that follows him, a hidden entity that is far from an ordinary Pokémon. Can the boy handle the powers that emerge from the shadows before Giratina is completely released? Conquer the world or save it? Does it really matter?

H_ell · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 3: Trainer

Chapter 3: Trainer












The next day, the sun barely filtered through the trees of the forest as Akira wandered aimlessly, kicking rocks and dry branches with a bored expression on his face. Giratina's endless stories about world domination no longer excited him. To him, it was all a game, a fantasy told to him by his friend "Gira," whom he considered no more dangerous than the Pokémon he played with every day. He couldn't see the irony in such a powerful interdimensional entity being trapped in its shadow, dependent on a child who preferred to spend his afternoons playing with wild creatures rather than hearing about multiversal conquests.


"You know, Akira," Giratina said from the depths of the shadow, his voice resonating like a distant echo, "if you'll free me, we could do great things. Imagine it: taking over the world, traveling between dimensions, being invincible."


Akira stopped by a tall tree, watching as a few Pidgey circled overhead. He rolled his eyes, ignoring his companion's words.


"Gira, I'm not interested in conquering the world. I just want to play with my Pokémon friends. That sounds a lot more fun," he replied, without giving it much thought.


Giratina sighed, frustrated but patient. He had learned to control his impatience in the days he had been bonded to Akira, knowing that, in some way, this child was his only option to escape his prison. The failed ritual of the Arceus cult had weakened him, and now he had no choice but to adapt to life in the shadow of a child. However, he saw potential in the promise Akira had made the day before.


As he walked through the forest, Akira came across a group of Bidoof running around near a stream, splashing in the crystal-clear water. He watched them with a smile on his lips, and soon joined them, splashing around carefree as the Bidoof surrounded him as if he were one of their pack.


But something interrupted the moment. Two female voices, laughing and full of energy, broke the tranquility of the forest. Akira turned to see two girls approaching along the path. The first, with long blonde hair, was elegantly dressed and had a calm and serene presence. The second, with a somewhat messier hairstyle and a mischievous smile, radiated an unmistakable energy.


"Hello, you must be Akira, right?" said the first girl, with a soft and polite voice.


Akira nodded, somewhat surprised that the newcomers knew his name.


"My name is Caitlin, and this is my friend Cynthia. We came with our parents to explore the village," she added, smiling kindly.


Cynthia, much more enthusiastic, stepped forward, eyes shining with excitement.


"This place is so cool! There are so many wild Pokémon!" she exclaimed, looking around in wonder.


Akira, who had been playing with Pokémon all his life, was unimpressed by her enthusiasm, but something about the sparkle in Cynthia's eyes caught his attention. He had met many children from the village, but they all avoided him because of his peculiarities: his ability to talk to Pokémon and his "invisible friend," which others saw as a disturbing oddity.


"Do you play with Pokémon too?" Cynthia asked, tilting her head toward the Bidoof still splashing around near the stream.


"Yes, every day. The Pokémon here are my friends," Akira replied, still somewhat shy.


Caitlin leaned in to take a closer look.


"It's amazing how well you get along with them." Not many can get this close to wild Pokémon without them running away," she commented, her voice calm.


Akira smiled, feeling for the first time in a long time accepted by other children his age. They spent hours together, running through the forest, playing with the Pokémon and sharing stories of imaginary adventures. For a moment, Akira completely forgot about Giratina's stories of power and dominance.


As the sun began to set, Caitlin and Cynthia knew it was time to return to their parents. Before they left, however, they made a promise to Akira.


"We're leaving tomorrow, but it was really fun meeting you," Caitlin said with her usual calm.


"Yes, and when we get back, I want you to be a Pokémon trainer already. Then we could have amazing battles!" Cynthia added excitedly.


Akira, feeling a strange mix of happiness and sadness at the impending parting, promised them that one day he would become a great trainer and that when they met again, he would be ready for the most exciting battles.


"I promise," he said with conviction, raising his pinky to Cynthia, who sealed it with a smile.


When the girls left, Akira was left alone in the forest, contemplating his promise. For the first time in his life, he felt like he had a clear purpose, something beyond just playing with Pokémon. He wanted to become a trainer, someone capable of facing any challenge.


From the shadows, Giratina watched with interest.


"So you want to be a trainer, huh?" His voice echoed in Akira's mind. "Maybe that's our path to great things. The stronger you get, the better chance we'll have of breaking out of this prison."


Akira, still not fully understanding Giratina's words, simply nodded. He didn't know what the future held for him, but he was determined to keep his promise. What he didn't know was that every step he took as a trainer would bring him closer to the mysteries of his shadow, and the possible release of a force that could change the fate of the world.


Unbeknownst to Akira, the game was just beginning.





