
Pokémon: Journey to Extinction

Years after fleeing a life of forbidden rituals in a remote village, his son begins to manifest a strange connection to a shadow that follows him, a hidden entity that is far from an ordinary Pokémon. Can the boy handle the powers that emerge from the shadows before Giratina is completely released? Conquer the world or save it? Does it really matter?

H_ell · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 11: Temptation in the Shadows

Chapter 11: Temptation in the Shadows










After their victory against Yuki, Akira and Casilda headed to a small café near the stadium. The atmosphere was calm, a complete contrast to the tension of the tournament. Akira tried to relax, but something inside him was stirring. Giratina's voice echoed in his mind, like a shadow impossible to push away.


"Are you okay?" Casilda asked, as she handed him a cup of tea. "You're quieter than usual."


Akira tried to smile, but the weight of the recent battles and the way he had summoned Murkrow without a Poké Ball tormented him.


"I'm fine, just a little tired," he lied, trying to hide his worries.


Casilda looked at him skeptically, but didn't insist. However, she had also noticed something strange in the fight. Murkrow had appeared too suddenly, and there was something unsettling about the way it moved, almost as if it weren't just a Pokémon, but an extension of the shadows themselves.


"Hey, Akira... how did you get Murkrow to appear so quickly?" he finally asked, cautiously. "I didn't see you using a Poké Ball."


Akira tensed. He couldn't tell him the whole truth, not yet. He knew Casilda was his friend, but he was also sure that no one would understand the connection he had with the shadows and Giratina.


"It was... fast, I guess. I was focused on the battle, I didn't even think about how I did it," he replied, avoiding eye contact.


Casilda looked at him with a mix of curiosity and concern. She knew Akira was hiding something from her, but she decided not to press him further. Maybe, when he was ready, he would open up.


After a while, the conversation drifted to lighter topics. They talked about their upcoming rivals, the challenges ahead, and the possibility that they might both face each other in the tournament finals. However, the uneasiness was still latent, both in Akira and Casilda.




That night, Akira couldn't sleep. He felt restless, as if a shadow was always at his side, watching him. The lights of the city in the background barely illuminated his room, but the darkness seemed thicker than usual, almost tangible.


"Are you uncomfortable, little one?" Giratina's voice broke the silence. "This is just the beginning. Every victory brings us closer to our true power."


Akira got out of bed and looked out the window. The distant glow of the city only reinforced his feeling of isolation.


"I'm not sure what I'm doing," Akira murmured, as if talking to himself. "I don't know if this power... is something I should use."


Giratina let out a soft, almost mocking laugh.


"You've already used it." And you have enjoyed it. Or am I wrong? Every time you summoned Murkrow, every time you manipulate the shadows, you feel the control. The power. And it makes you stronger.


Akira didn't answer. He knew there was some truth in those words. The feeling of controlling the shadows, of being able to summon Pokémon without the need for traditional rules, had given him an advantage that few understood. But at the same time, he felt that every time he used that power, something dark grew inside him.


"How far can I go with this power?" he finally asked, his gaze fixed on the illuminated city.


"As far as you want," Giratina answered, his tone now more serious. "The power of the shadows is infinite, as long as you dare to use it. But you must be willing to accept the price that comes with it."


Akira frowned. He knew there were no easy answers, and Giratina's promise sounded more like a warning. However, the temptation to continue exploring that power was too strong to ignore.




The next day, the tournament continued, but this time something was different. Akira felt more confident, more in control. He had decided that he would use the shadows, but only when necessary. He wouldn't let the power consume him, but he wouldn't reject it completely either. It was a fine line he was willing to walk.


The next match was against a trainer named Haruto, who was known for his team of Fighting-type Pokémon. Akira knew he would have to be fast and precise, as these Pokémon were powerful and agile in close combat.


"I hope you're ready, Akira," Haruto said with a confident smile. "My Fighting-type Pokémon aren't going to give you any respite."


Akira nodded, feeling the pressure of the match. Haruto released his Machop, which moved with strength and determination.


"Machop, use Low Kick!" Haruto ordered.


Machop launched itself with surprising speed towards Pichu, who barely dodged the attack. Akira knew he couldn't afford any mistakes.


"Pichu, use Spark!" Akira shouted, but his voice sounded different, firmer.


Pichu attacked hard, enveloping itself in electricity and striking Machop. But Haruto's Pokémon was resilient and counterattacked with a Dynamic Punch that knocked Pichu to the ground.


The match was tied, but Akira knew it couldn't stay that way for long. Then, he felt the connection once more. The shadows beneath his feet began to stir, as if responding to his inner call.


"It's time," he muttered, as Murkrow began to materialize from the shadows, ready to attack without anyone seeing.


Casilda, who was watching from the stands, saw it. Murkrow, like a living shadow, was about to intervene in the match. Something inside her told her there was something wrong, something dark about it all.


Akira, for his part, pretended to do a quick Pokémon swap, throwing Murkrow's Poké Ball onto the field just as he emerged from the shadows. The trick was perfect, and no one, except perhaps Casilda, had noticed.


"Murkrow, use Air Strike!" Akira shouted.


The attack was devastating. Murkrow moved like a shadow through the shadows, striking Machop with deadly precision. Haruto barely had time to react before his Pokémon fell, weakened.


The referee raised his hand.


"The winner is Akira!" he announced.


The stadium erupted in cheers, but Akira barely heard them. He had won, yes, but what worried him most was how easy it had been to summon Murkrow from the shadows. Giratina was right: the power was tempting, and it was getting harder and harder to resist.


As he walked away from the field, Casilda ran up to him.


"Akira… what's going on with you?" she asked worriedly. "Don't tell me this is all normal. I know you're using something else… something cheating."


Akira looked at her, knowing he couldn't keep it hidden any longer. But before he could answer, Giratina's voice echoed in his mind again.


"Be careful, little one." The truth can be a double-edged sword.


Akira knew he had to decide soon: would he trust his friend, or would he continue walking alone in the shadows?










End of Chapter 11