
Pokémon: Journey Beyond

He Zhi had a car accident while reading Pokémon novels, and came to the Pokémon world he had been dreaming of, and replaced the original Xiaozhi. Xiaozhi: In this case, I will change Master Zhi's original fate, first set a goal, win all the championships, and then persecute Gou Hao once a day! In order to surpass Zhiye's achievements, the system, please open it for me!

Gold_D_Dragneel · Fantasy
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242 Chs

Chapter 151

The flames burst out of the dense fog, forming a fiery red "big" character towards the fire dinosaur.

This is also a big word explosion, duck-billed fire dragon This is intended to be a tooth for a tooth!

The duck-billed fire dragon's big-character explosion is significantly larger than that of the fire dinosaur, and if nothing else, it is said that the width of the large-character explosion occupies about one-third of the width of the arena.

Looking at the big word explosion that was approaching step by step, the fire dinosaur stood up and used his masterpiece - spraying flames!

But what I didn't expect was that the invincible jet flame in the past would encounter hard stubble, and the fire dinosaur could only barely resist the duck-billed fire dragon's big-word explosion, slowing down the progress of the opponent's attack.

As for the rest, there is really nothing that can be done.

"Hold on, fire dinosaur!"

For the current difficult situation of the fire dinosaur, Ash can only give verbal encouragement and cannot help the other party too much.


The fire dinosaur increased the output of the jet flame, and the diameter of the jet flame increased by almost half, and under such efforts, it finally withstood the big character explosion, and did not let the big character explosion go one step further.

At this time, the fire dinosaur seized the opportunity, raised its right claw to directly deflect the big word explosion, and flew out towards the uninhabited place on the side.

The big character explosion that flew out of the arena quickly changed, directly changing from a "big" character to a "medium" character, then transforming into a "small" character, and then disappearing.

Seeing this, the fire dinosaur also put down his heart, but it also rubbed its paws, and there was a scorched mark on it, which was just thrown away from the big character explosion.

There are also some hot "dragons"!

"Your fire dinosaur sprays flames at a very high temperature, basically comparable to a normal fire-breathing dragon, and the outbreak just now, among the many fire Pokémon I have seen, there are very few that can only be matched."

Xia Bo said with an appreciative tone, he was very satisfied with the performance of the fire dinosaur just now.

Although it still can't pose a great threat to the duck-billed fire dragon, after all, it has not yet reached the final evolution, and the owner is still Xiao Zhi, a rookie trainer.

"Thank you for your recognition, I am naturally very powerful with the fire dinosaur!"


Hearing Ash's words, the fire dinosaurs on the arena also nodded in agreement.

"It seems that your bond with the fire dinosaur is very strong, I really can't think of a newcomer, people can do such a thing, you are very good, and your fire dinosaur is the same." But in the face of my duck-billed fire dragon you are still not very good, just a big word explosion, I see that you are already so difficult, although I have to admit that you two have a lot of potential, but if you want to win this game today, it is not so simple! Duck-billed fire dragon, let him see the real heat of the fire Pokémon! Xia

Bo's words pulled Ash and the fire dinosaur back to reality, and the big word explosion For Xia Bo's duck-billed fire dragon, this is just a flat A of people, and the real battle is still ahead.

"Duck-billed Fire Dragon, use the Super Super Fiery Flash Charge Trick!"

What Xia Bo said was still a little middle two, but it is undeniable that the next battle will be even more severe!

The duck-billed fire dragon danced with both hands, and then its whole body was wrapped in roaring flames, and then under the entanglement of the flames, the duck-billed fire dragon launched an assault.

It was like turning into a mass of flying fire meteors, speeding towards the fire dinosaur.

With each step, accompanied by the blazing heat of the duck-billed fire dragon itself, a foot would burn a hole in the floor, accompanied by a puff of scorched smoke.

The duck-billed fire dragon unleashed another punch with flames in the state of flashing charge.

This is Flash Charge + Flame Fist, a set of serial moves to hit the fire dinosaur.

The fire dinosaur looked at the punch straight towards his face with wide eyes, and a palpitating feeling appeared, and he quickly crossed his hands over his chest and took a parrying pose.

The duck-billed fire dragon slammed a punch on the fire dinosaur, without any other unnecessary movements, directly punched the fire dinosaur and flew out.

The fire dinosaur was a little unable to control his figure in the air, but fortunately he was smashed on an iron chain to relieve the momentum on his body, and then grabbed the chain in time to not let himself be thrown out of the field, otherwise he would end the game directly.

But the fire dinosaur obviously didn't have much strength, and just now he protected his chest with his hands, which is also the main injury site, and now his arms are also scarred, and there are several burn marks.

Just now, my back was also injured to a certain extent, and it was a little difficult to stand up my chest.

It can be seen from this that how strong the duck-billed fire dragon of the strength of the Heavenly King is, this is no longer something that can be made up for by bloodline and talent.

As things stand, the fire dinosaur is barely supporting itself.

"Fire dinosaur!"

Ash looked up at the fire dinosaur who was in danger, it was the first time he had fought such a embarrassing battle with a fire dinosaur since he forged a bond with the fire dinosaur.

He has taken out the Pokéball and is ready to bring back the injured fire dinosaur at any time.

"Wha~" The

fire dinosaur looked at Ash's worried eyes, it knew that it was about to lose, but it definitely couldn't be so embarrassed to be taken back by Ash to take back the Pokéball.

Absolutely not!

I don't know where the power came from, the fire dinosaur actually climbed back along the chain, and a golden pattern appeared on its chest, the same as when the little fire dragon evolved into a fire dinosaur.

"Oh, did you stand up again, but so what, the duck-billed fire dragon used the last big word explosion!"

Looking at the fire dinosaur who stood up again, a trace of wonderful emotions flashed under Xia Bo's eyes.

The duck-billed fire dragon released a large character explosion again, this time more powerful, far more powerful than before.

Even Xiao Gang, who was far away, was affected by this high temperature, and the hot magma below seemed to be affected by the big word explosion, and it became violent again.

"Fire dinosaur, I believe you!"

At this critical moment, Ash drove his own bonding power to appear, connecting the fire dinosaur in an instant.

Feeling the appearance of the power of bonds, coupled with Ash's trust, the fire dinosaur was greatly encouraged.


The fire dinosaur roared, and the flame of its tail began to grow, coupled with the influence of the rainbow feathers of the Phoenix King, it danced like a flying phoenix bird.

Golden flames appeared on the face of the fire dinosaur, like a pair of dragon whiskers, very similar to the X fire-breathing dragon.

"It's really peculiar!"

Looking at the abnormality of the fire dinosaur, Xia Bo put his hand on his chin, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Fire dinosaur, just get stronger and stronger!"

Ash raised his right arm, and the fire dinosaur naturally made the same movement as Ash, and then flew out directly and smashed a punch in the center of the big word explosion.

Instantly, starting from the middle, the big character exploded into a twist, and then directly exploded, countless flames directly engulfed the fire dinosaur, and the fire dinosaur disappeared directly into the sea of fire.

Then, a unique light flashed in the flames.

"That is?"


it evolutionary at this time?"

It's not that the people present haven't seen what Pokémon look like when they evolve, but it's hard to imagine that the fire dinosaur would actually pick this time to evolve!

Fire dinosaurs This is... Bath Fire Evolution!


Depend, today I have to submit a research report of several thousand words, there is still more than half of it, and I will write it tomorrow and that's all.