
Pokémon: Journey Beyond

He Zhi had a car accident while reading Pokémon novels, and came to the Pokémon world he had been dreaming of, and replaced the original Xiaozhi. Xiaozhi: In this case, I will change Master Zhi's original fate, first set a goal, win all the championships, and then persecute Gou Hao once a day! In order to surpass Zhiye's achievements, the system, please open it for me!

Gold_D_Dragneel · Fantasy
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242 Chs

Chapter 107

"You're Ash the Challenger, right?"

Orange jumped down from under the tree smoothly, and when he looked at Ash, there was a surge of excitement in the eyes of the ancient well, but he was also forcibly suppressed by the other party.

"Hello, Orange Pavilion Master!"

Ash naturally looked at each other levelly, he could feel that just now, Ah Ju had a strong desire to fight, and that look was the belligerence of the strong.

"Ah Xing, you have already lost this battle, and you will practice well later. You have to study the rest of the battle. "


Ah Xing felt inexplicable and didn't know why her father said this.

"If you can, then please solve it on the spot!"

Xiao Zhi doesn't want to run to the dojo competition deep in the mountains, since the dojo owner is in front of him, can't he leave after the fight now?

"Oh, that's right, anyway, I carry the badge on my body, and it's just a form of practice to compete in the dojo."

Orange nodded, for these people, it was the same wherever they fought.

Because the real strong must know how to use all the combat factors, if the environment changes will not be Pokémon battles, it is better to disarm and return to the field early!

"Come on, let me see how powerful the young man is to cross the praise!"

Although Ah Tang is more than the age of standing, he is also a person who constantly pursues to become stronger, and at this moment, he is full of fighting spirit, and he is also looking forward to fighting with the other party in the face of this young man who was praised by the dragon envoy!

"Happy enough!"

Ash also wants to have a fight with this future poison king and test his current strength.

"Okay, I'll send my original Pokémon to fight you, go double bullet gas."

Orange summons Double Bullet Gas, a Pokémon that is about the same bad as Little Rada, but he is Orange the original Pokémon.

Born into a poor family, Orange has known gas bullets since he was a child, and gas bullets are too common, and no one catches gas bullets before Orange gets Pokéballs.

Later, it was with the help of the poisonous Pokémon gas bomb that Orange became stronger and stronger, and in order to thank Double Bullet Gas for many years of companionship, Orange almost found all the resources that could be used to improve Double Bullet Gas.

The kung fu paid off, and the double bullet gas achieved the strength of the Heavenly King, which provided great help for Ah Ju to become the next Alliance Heavenly King.

He had heard Imperial Dragon Du say that Ash was a young man with great potential, and he was still a disciple of Dr. Ohki, and it was even more certain that he would become a Heavenly King champion at a young age.

Therefore, Ah Ju wanted to get to know Ash, a peculiar teenager, and it was also considered a personal affection.

As the saying goes, if you don't fight or don't know each other, there is no easier way to deepen your understanding than Pokémon battles.

Pokémon: Double Bullet Gas (Trainer Orange )

Gender: Female

Attribute: Poison

Qualification: Heavenly King (Pokémon who break through the limit because of the strong bond with the trainer!) Level

: 75

Features: Flotation

Skills: Poison Gas, Smoke, Self-Explosion....

Ash looked at the double bullet gas that was twice as large as Kojiro, plus the information sorted out by the system, I have to say that Orange is really powerful, and such a miracle will actually appear in him and the double bullet gas.

There is also the breaking of the limits of Pokémon's talent, which is simply unheard of.

It seems that the Pokémon world is really too big, and there is still a lot for him to understand!

"Pikachu, it's up to you."

Ash called out Pikachu, and it was safer to deal with the Heavenly King only by sending the Heavenly King.

"Try to stay away from it, we can't control it well when the fight starts."

Ah Ju looked at Ah Xing, which was obviously mainly aimed at his dishonest daughter.

"Got it!"

Ah Xing made a saluting motion, playfully stuck out his tongue, and then leaned back with a forked bat.

Ash glanced at Xiao Gang and signaled them to retreat carefully.

"Then let the challenger attack first!"

Ah Ju's words fell, Ash took a deep breath, this time it was against the Heavenly King trainer, and he had to fight twelve points of spirit!

"Pikachu uses electric balls."

Pikachu rushed out with an arrow, his tail emitted electric sparks, several electric lights converged, and an electric ball formed instantly. At the same time was filmed out.

The double bullet gas looked a little cheeky, his eyes changed, and he opened his mouth and released a ghost fire, just blocking the electric ball attack sent by Pikachu.

And Ah Ju was silent and indifferent, as if he did not feel the slightest reaction to what the double bullet gas did.

But he still felt the strength of the other party when Pikachu appeared, and secretly said that the hero was a teenager in his heart.

"It's really calm, it's worthy of being a king with many years of experience."

Ash sighed secretly in his heart, Orange was too calm, even if he knew that Pikachu's attack just now was just a trial, he was relieved to let the double bullet gas act on his own.

Again, this is an absolute trust in the strength of your own Pokémon.

As for the arena, Pikachu saw that the electric ball had no effect, and it seemed to be expected.

Then a high-speed movement narrowed the distance between him and the double bullet gas, and the double bullet gas naturally did not obediently look at Pikachu close.

A thick smoke emanates from his mouth, forming a small opaque smoke circle within five meters of his body.

When Pikachu rushed into the smoke, the double bullet gas was no longer in the previous place, and it was very likely to be hidden in the dense fog.

"Ninjas should make full use of the terrain to hide themselves, and if they can, they can also create their own favorable environment."

This is the first time that Ah Tang fights and comes to speak, which is actually about double bullet gas using his ability to create an environment favorable to himself.

It is not only to tell Ah Xing how to be a good ninja in Pokémon battles, but also to guide Ash, even if the Pikachu cultivated by the other party is also a king, it can prove that Ash's talent is extremely extraordinary.

But for Ah Ju, he is still just a fledgling rookie trainer, and the battle is still not mature and seasoned, and some jerky needs to be mentioned more.

The Taoist trainer essentially has the responsibility of guiding the newcomer trainer, although Ash, the rookie trainer, is hundreds of millions of points more powerful than normal...

But it still didn't prevent Ah Ju from coming forward to give advice.

"Taught, Orange Pavilion Master!"

Ash said thank you and continued to concentrate on commanding Pikachu.

"Pikachu runs straight out of the smoke range, then spins around plus a sustained high-speed star."


Pikachu burst out of the smoke circle almost the moment Ash gave his order and revolved around the smoke.

At the same time, many golden stars flew into the smoke, and almost all corners entered the smoke.

The environment is somewhat influencing the outcome of the war, but it is not the only factor.


Attacked by the high-speed stars from Pikachu, the double bullet gas hidden in the smoke still escaped, but in order to avoid the attack from the high-speed stars, he chose to escape from above.

Then, I saw the double bullet gas break through the smoke and make a strange sound, like the sound of a membrane tearing open.

Well, in fact, nothing was made ....

"Xiao Gang!"

Xiao Xia looked at Xiao Gang a little angrily and saw the most wonderful place, but Xiao Gang farted, just when the double bullet gas came out.

"I ate too much for breakfast, sorry sorry."

Xiao Gang blushed rarely, so he scratched his head and said embarrassed.

"Forget it, keep watching!"

Xiao Xia tilted her head and continued to watch.

At this time, the double bullet gas escaped, Pikachu would not give up such a good opportunity, just after the high-speed star directly shot thunder, golden lightning cut through the dense woods.

"This Pikachu!"

Orange was completely attracted to Pikachu, he didn't expect to be able to switch moves so easily, and his reaction speed was definitely the fastest among all the Pokémon he had ever seen!


Thunder bombarded the double bullet gas, gave the other party a thoughtful full-body electrotherapy, professional electrotherapy from Pikachu, listen to people's screams to know how good it is!


Some Pokémon sounds don't know, I will use the words in their names as calls first, if readers know that the calls are troublesome, I will change them if there is enough time.