

Gunne lived a mundane life, unexpectedly dying at the young age of twenty in a failed but valiant attempt to save a small dog. But that wasn't his end, as he was brought face-to-face with the Pokémon God, Arceus. For his valiant attempt, Arceus gives him a chance to live another life, this time in the Pokémon World—but as both a Pokémon and Trainer? Alongside this gift, he's given a few boons, one being: The Poké Point System. WARNING: This Pokémon World isn't all peace and quiet! There exist criminals and many organizations that commit heinous deeds! Even the dark Pokédex Entries will be shown! Read at your own risk. P.S. My first chapter was posted on October 11th 2021. Any similarities in the beginning chapters to the start of Pokémon Legends Arceus are purely coincidental....

Shotgun9494 · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

A Unique Pokémon

Gunne navigated the path, seeing what appeared to be veins of metal on the cave's walls. And in these metals, there appeared to be... bite marks? These marks were tiny, seemingly left by a small creature's nibbling.

Along the ceiling was an extensive network of spider webs, as well as a flurry of thick, entangled cobwebs. Even so, there wasn't a single pokémon in sight.

'Maybe they were scared off by our battle with that onix?' Gunne looked around warily, 'But if there are as many spiders as there are webs...'

Gunne trembled at the thought, but quickly shook it off.

'The spiders of this world can't be any more intimidating than that onix pokémon, right?' he comforted himself.

"Ri! Rio!"

Riolu suddenly cried out, shaking his paws in worry as he pointed straight ahead.

Zubat echoed his thoughts, but regardless, their trio could only advance forward. There was nothing to go back to after all.

A few steps forward as they neared the end of the corridor, Gunne could hear a multitude of cries echoing out from what appeared to be a connecting cavern chamber.

"Ar!" "Arr!" "Aria!" Ari!"

Looking in, his eyes were immediately attracted to two different hordes of pokémon.

One horde was made up of small pokémon standing on four stubby legs, their bodies dark grey and covered by grey plates of armor. Six openings were on each of their heads, revealing a pair of pale blue eyes. They each had one opening on either side of their body, and a single blunt spike protruding from their back.

[Entry #304]

• Aron • Type: Steel/Rock • Bio: Aron eats iron ore to build up the steel armor that protects its body. When evolving, it sheds its steel carapace and develops a new one. The shed carapace is often collected for other uses.

On the opposing side were red spiders with purple eyes. They had a white horn on the forehead, as well as a pair of white mandibles. Various black, red, and yellow stripes marked its body.

Despite being a spider, Gunne didn't find them as intimidating as he thought he would.

[Entry #168]

• Ariados • Type: Bug/Poison • Bio: Ariados are the evolved form of Spinarak. It attaches silk to its prey and sets it free. Later, it tracks the silk to the prey and its friends. Their string is often used to weave strong cloth.

On second thought, he found them to be a bit more intimidating.

Right now, there seemed to be a huge battle going on between the two hordes, with each side constantly crying out to each other.

"Ar! Aron!"


Things started going south, and the two sides suddenly jumped at each other as a battle erupted.

The ariados shot webs, tying down several aron for a few seconds, only for them to tear through the webbing almost immediately! Not to mention, their poisons couldn't afflict any damage onto the aron!

With the aron's typings of steel and rock, they were immune to poison and resistant to bug. The ariados didn't stand a chance, and considering their weakness to rock types, they were quickly pushed back into the recesses of the cave as the aron gave chase!

They weren't going to forgive their enemy's attempted attack! And this was their chance to show their enemy never to mess with them again!

The floor rumbled, and soon the cavern was devoid of any pokémon, except for one small aron.

It was different from all of the other aron, in both the manner in which it acted and its appearance.

While all of the other aron had pale blue eyes and dark grey bodies, this aron had a pair of red eyes and its dark grey body was more of a green.

Furthermore, the other aron seemed to treat it as an outcast, leaving it behind. It could only stand by and watch as the two sides fought.

To Gunne's side, Riolu grabbed his sleeve and tugged lightly. He started to sniffle and Zubat cried out softly, looking at the lone aron with empathy and at Gunne with expectation.

Gunne was flabbergasted, but he couldn't help but feel the same. If this little aron was an outcast without any friends, why not let it join them?

"Alright, let's try and make another friend! I'm relying on you two to convince this little fellow to join us though!"

"Rio! Ri!" "Zu!"

The two cried out happily, and the trio approached the unique aron.


It gave the trio a wary glance, but thankfully, Riolu and Zubat were lively enough to lower its guard, and they soon pulled the lone aron into a game of tag.

It cried out happily, its small body chasing after Riolu who jumped from wall to wall, while Zubat teasingly flew into the air, before landing back onto the ground time and time again.

"He-hey..." Gunne's eyes twitched, "We can't stay here for long; the cave is still dangerous."

Despite his warning, he ended up transforming back into his Ditto form and joining in. He didn't want to be left out this time!

Aron was happy too, finding Gunne to be easier to catch than the nimble Riolu and flying Zubat.

About ten minutes passed, and they all laid down, laughing happily.

Gunne looked over at the little aron, it was smiling happily with its eyes making tiny crescents.

"Aron, we're going to be leaving this cave."

Aron's eyes shot open, as it looked at them in reluctance, "Ar..."

Gunne quickly spoke in fear of seeing it cry, "You can come with us if you'd like! The three of us would love for you to be our companion!"

Aron was stunned, its eyes glistening as tears started to stream from its eyes, crying as it happily nodded its head.

Finally, it found companions who wanted it to join them!

Without a second to lose, Gunne pulled out a Poké Ball ready to welcome a new addition to his team!

Tapping the Poké Ball against Aron's body, it shot out a pale pink ray of light, pulling it in as the ball fell to the ground lightly.


Without the slightest shake, the center flashed white, successfully catching it.

[Entry #304]

• Aron • Shiny • Gender: Male • Type: Steel/Rock

• Abilities: • Heavy Metal - Doubles the pokémon's weight. • Rock Head - Prevents recoil damage. • Sturdy - It cannot be knocked out in one hit.

• Moves: Harden, Tackle, Metal Claw, Roar, Head Butt, Head Smash, Iron Head

• Bio: Aron eats iron ore to build up the steel armor that protects its body. When evolving, it sheds its steel carapace and develops a new one. The shed carapace is often collected for other uses.

"Three abilities?" Gunne looked at its stats in shock.

According to what he understood from the system, pokémon only had one ability at a time.

But this aron had three!

Did it have something to do with its unique appearance and its added tag as being "shiny?"

[Mission Completed!]

[Catch a Shiny Pokémon] • Rewards: 2,000 Poké Points, Ten free Gacha pulls.

[Current Balance: 2,700 Poké Points and ten free Gacha pulls.]

[Additional Information] • Shiny pokémon are unique in this world. You can consider them to be born with a special grace gifted to them by Arceus itself. These pokémon possess more than one ability and stand out from the rest of their kind. This uniqueness often leads to two routes: being abandoned by their own kind or being treated as a precious existence.

I know that shiny pokémon and abilities don't work like this in Pokémon. However, rather than shiny pokémon just being a different color from the rest of their kind, I've decided to make slight changes to the concept befitting my train of thought.

Shotgun9494creators' thoughts