
Pokémon: I really didn't cheat

If you were to come to a world full of Pokémon, what would you choose? Become a trainer who commands Pokémon to fight, or a breeder who cultivates Pokémon? Or become a Pokémon research doctor...

nationdestoryer · Fantasy
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24 Chs

23:First Encounter

Su Wen naturally knew nothing about the conversation between the principal and others. After Chen You was rejected by Wang Momo, Su Wen and Zhou Wan dragged Chen You away from Wang Momo.

During the meal, Su Wen immediately shared the news that Mu Hanzhi told him with Chen You and Zhou Wan.

"Three-year top scholarship, one million training fee!" Chen You's eyes lit up. For him, the three-year top scholarship was a very high income.

Zhou Wan knew Chen You's situation, but didn't say anything. She just put down her chopsticks and thought: "Compared to the scholarship, the entry quota of the forbidden land is the most important, and this forbidden land should be the kind of opportunity-type forbidden land."

There are roughly three types of forbidden lands: unknown type, trial type, and opportunity type.

Unknown type refers to newly discovered forbidden lands. This type of forbidden land is generally the most dangerous. It is unknown what level of elves are active in it, and it can only be guessed by energy concentration.

Trial type and opportunity type are both developed forbidden lands. After artificial transformation, the former is used for various assessments and competitions, and the latter is mostly used for rewards.

Su Wen had searched online a long time ago, but there was no news: "Generally, you have to sign an agreement before entering for this kind of quota, and leaks are not allowed." Chen You didn't get Wang Momo's contact information and looked a little listless: "I don't care, it's nothing more than some resources or high-quality elves, I can help Rotom to be self-sufficient." Zhou Wan was so angry that she laughed. She already knew Chen You's ability when they were eating just now, but she couldn't help but scold him when she heard this: "Did you learn junior high school biology for nothing? You can only provide Rotom with ghost energy, but you can't improve Rotom's various abilities."

In the elf world, the physical qualities of elves can be roughly summarized into six items, namely physical ability, physical attack ability, special attack ability, physical defense ability, special defense ability and speed ability.

Although these six items cannot fully represent the strength of a elf, they can be roughly divided to facilitate the cultivation and training of trainers.

For example, Su Wen's Charmander has a better special attack potential than physical attack potential.

Su Wen remained silent. According to the agreement between him and Charizard Valley, these resources for improving abilities are too precious, so they can only be given when Charmander reaches the second level, that is, the ordinary level.

Of course, these abilities can also be trained by oneself, but compared to directly using tree fruits or something to improve, the efficiency of self-training is undoubtedly much slower.

Chen You blinked: "Forgot!"

Chen You stood up and said: "Then we must get this quota."

"Do your best." Su Wen doesn't think that the school will give out the quota so easily, and according to what Mu Hanzhi said, they are likely to sign a gambling agreement with the school.

"Let's not talk about this anymore. It's too heavy a topic. Where are you going to rest at noon?" Chen You said it was no good to think too far ahead, and turned to ask about Su Wen and Zhou Wan's plans for lunch.

Yun Gao has free time at noon. Students can go home, go to the school or go to the training ground for training. They just need to attend class on time at 2:30 in the afternoon.

Su Wen had already made arrangements: "I'm going to the training ground. Charmander's training has not started yet. It happens that there is a practical test class in the afternoon. Let's go to the training ground in advance."

Zhou Wan originally wanted to get to know her classmates, but changed her mind after hearing Su Wen's plan: "Then I'll go to the training ground too."

Chen You had a bitter face: "Sir, do you have to be so hardworking? Are you going to let people live like this on the first day of school?"

"Do you think everyone is like you? By the way, have you collected all the energy for Rotom's training today?" Su Wen felt that Chen You didn't seem to have done anything that would anger the heavens and the people today.

Chen You looked around mysteriously, then lowered his voice and said meanly: "I collected it a long time ago. I bought a portion of stinky tofu before the bus this morning."

You know, the driver alone provided Chen You with a quarter of the energy. If it weren't for Chen You not eating stinky tofu, the driver would have kicked Chen You off long ago.

Zhou Wan looked disgusted: "Let me make it clear first, these methods are not allowed to be used on me and Su Wen."

Su Wen was deeply touched: "If you want to try mixed doubles, it's not impossible."

A few people left the cafeteria jokingly and asked a cleaning lady for the way to the training ground.

"This training ground is so luxurious. Yun Gao is still rich. My gym is just a toilet compared to this." Su Wen was shocked by Yun Gao's training ground. Su Wen's gym was nothing compared to Yun Gao's training ground. The area alone was about five or six times larger than Su Wenjia's training ground.

Zhou Wan looked at the sign at the door and said, "This is inevitable. The gym usually provides training for elves with one attribute, and the school is all-round training."

Zhou Wan found the location of the fighting training ground on the sign: "I'm going to the fighting training ground. Su Wen and Chen You, where are you going?"

Chen You said without hesitation: "I'm going to the electric training ground."

Rotom has electric + ghost attributes. Although Chen You can supply ghost energy, electric training still needs to be trained by himself.

"I'll go to the Fire Department."

Charmander is a pure Fire Department. It can only fly after evolving into Charizard. It would be a waste of time to practice flying now.

The three of them had their own plans. After swiping their student ID cards, they went their separate ways. Zhou Wan also reminded Su Wen and Chen You not to forget to gather at the entrance of the training ground before 2:30 pm.

There is a large display screen on the wall of the Fire Department training ground. The numbers on it are not the time, but the concentration of Fire Department energy in the training ground.

"It's jumping around 30,000 calories."

Su Wen released Charmander from the Poké Ball and looked at the constantly jumping numbers. He found that the concentration of Fire Department energy in the training ground was about four times that of the outside world.

Of course, it is not the same as the Fire Department energy concentration in Charizard Valley. The lowest line of Charizard Valley is generally at a concentration of 150,000 calories. After all, Charizard Valley was originally a volcano, and later became Charizard Valley.

But being able to maintain twice the energy concentration of the outside world is also very good.

But when Su Wen took the training ground usage manual from the staff, Su Wen found out that he was wrong.

It turned out that Yun Gao's training ground was only open at noon and closed at 6 pm. The period from 2:30 to 5:30 in the afternoon was the actual test class for Yun Gao students, so the concentration of the training ground would be higher, probably reaching about 50,000 calories.

And Su Wen was obviously not the first to arrive at the training ground. There were already trainers in the fire training ground who were training with Pokémon.

Su Wen originally thought that Charmander could passively condense fire energy because he carried Charizard x Mega Evolution Stone. After testing, the concentration of fire energy around him was already very high, about 160,000 calories, so there was no need to come to the training ground to practice, and maybe someone would discover the specialness of Charmander.

But the Zhu family's information said that the higher the concentration of fire energy in the environment, the greater the benefit to Pokémon, so Su Wen thought of trying it in the training ground.

In fact, this is true. When Su Wen found a secluded corner to connect the waveguide and Charmander, he discovered that the fire energy condensed by Charizard x Mega Evolution Stone had increased a little. If converted according to the ratio, it might be around 180,000 calories.

"It has increased the efficiency by less than 20%, which is not bad." Su Wen nodded with satisfaction and started today's practice.

The little fire dragon was a little restless when he came to the unfamiliar environment, but at Su Wen's request, he sat down obediently.

But he was interrupted before he had practiced for five minutes.

"You, the little fire dragon, are very interesting."

The visitor was a bearded man, less than 40 years old, but looked sloppy.

Aren't only people in the school allowed to enter the practice field? Is this the teacher? Su Wen and the little fire dragon were a little uncomfortable because their practice was interrupted. The little fire dragon waved his claws to express his impatience with the man.

"Roar~"  ̄へ ̄

Su Wen calmed the little fire dragon and smiled, "Excuse me, is there anything I can do for you? Teacher Wu Yan."