
Pokémon: I really didn't cheat

If you were to come to a world full of Pokémon, what would you choose? Become a trainer who commands Pokémon to fight, or a breeder who cultivates Pokémon? Or become a Pokémon research doctor...

nationdestoryer · Fantasy
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24 Chs

10:Secret Realm and Heavenly King

Since Su Chuan's residence is quite far from the Pokémon Center, even though he was riding Pidgeot, a group of people had already gathered at the Pokémon Center when Su Chuan arrived.

"Old Su is here." A trainer with good eyesight recognized Su Chuan's Pidgeot at a glance, and a group of people came to greet Su Chuan.

After jumping off the Pidgeot and putting it into the Poké Ball, Su Chuan clasped his fists to greet the trainers who came to greet him, and then asked a middle-aged man with a beer belly: "Master Wang, what's the situation now?"

The person in charge of the Cloud City Pokémon Center is Wang Qing, a dominant trainer who focuses on getting by. From the sweat on his forehead, it can be seen that Wang Qing's heart is full of the urge to curse.

When the surveyors found that the values ​​of Nanjiao were abnormal, they notified Wang Qing as soon as possible, and the notification of the police chief almost followed.

When Wang Qing learned about the situation, his heart collapsed. Wang Qing's son, who was about to retire in four years, had already worked and got married. He only needed to stay at home until retirement, and then he could go to retirement.

But now, if he is not careful, he may fall into this last wave.

After all, Wang Qing has been the head for so many years, and his qualities are still there. He immediately issued a special transfer order.

Wang Qing grabbed Su Chuan's hand and pulled Su Chuan into the Pokémon Center, as if he had grabbed a life-saving straw: "Master Su, come in and talk."

Then he shouted to the trainers around: "Everyone, please come in, time is running out."

Entering the Pokémon Center, the original hall has been temporarily transformed into a command center. When all the eleven gym-level trainers in Yun City arrived, Wang Qing brought all the trainers to a large screen.

"Everyone, please look, this is the picture taken by the vanguard team." Wang Qing pointed to the large screen and said.

On the screen, the lush southern suburbs, which should have been covered with greenery, now seemed to be surrounded by a water curtain, with mountains rising in the water curtain, and various trees, flowers and plants that did not belong to the southern suburbs looming.

Su Chuan, with his many years of experience in the secret realm, said: "This is almost a preliminary fusion!"

The secret realm should have a separate space, but if the secret realm merges with the main world, then the secret realm will stabilize in the main world, and then it will most likely be marked as a forbidden area.

Wang Chuan's face was grim: "Master Su is right. According to the judgment of the research institute, the secret realm will stabilize and merge with the main world in about 186 hours."

186 hours, less than eight days! Everyone present was stunned.

A gym-level trainer exclaimed: "Impossible! A secret realm of this size will take at least two months to completely merge with the main world!"

The other trainers nodded. Everyone knew this common sense. It was impossible to stabilize the space in less than eight days.

Su Chuan had something on his mind, and asked hurriedly, "Could it be related to the Dragonite from a few years ago?"

The Dragonite that suddenly appeared and disappeared a few years ago is still fresh in the memory of all trainers in Cloud City.

Wang Qing said bitterly: "Yes, according to analysis, that Tyranitar may have come from this secret realm. Since then, the spatial stability of the secret realm may have been declining, and it has begun to merge with the main world."

There was no time to regret. After briefly introducing the situation, Wang Qing divided the eleven gym-level trainers into five teams, each leading many master-level trainers to carry out the task.

"Everyone, the primary goal this time is to rescue the trapped people. Secondly, we must try our best to find and collect information about the King-level Pokémon. Finally, if there are Pokémon trying to enter the main world through the barrier, please be sure to stop them. The safety of Yun City is in your hands!"

Wang Qing bowed heavily to the trainers present.

The trainers led by Su Chuan beat their chests with their right hands: "It is my duty."

Then several teams entered the secret realm from several fusion intersections where the spatial stability had reached the standard.

As the strongest trainer, Su Chuan naturally led the team alone and was responsible for the most central route to facilitate support for other teams at any time.

"Such a rich dragon and fire energy!" As soon as Su Chuan entered the secret realm, he saw the index of the detector on his wrist soar.

In this environment, it is not uncommon for a king-level violent flying dragon to be born.

All the master trainers have dispersed with their teams to rescue, while Su Chuan is patrolling in the air on Pidgeot.

The reason why the secret realm is regarded as a scourge by everyone is that the Pokémon in the secret realm may have never come into contact with humans, and are more violent than the Pokémon in the main world.

If the Pokémon in the secret realm are rashly placed in the main world, it is very likely that a large number of Pokémon will attack humans.

But as long as the Pokémon have been in contact with humans for a period of time, most of the highly spiritual Pokémon will form a relative peace with humans, and they will not interfere with each other.

"C3 area, three people were found in distress, one was injured, and they are returning to the base."

"B5 area, rare tree fruits were found, attacked by a fifth-level Infernape, requesting support! Requesting support!"

Of course, the secret realm brings not only risks, but also rich resources.

In this situation, no one is specifically looking for resources, but if they find them along the way, they will certainly not miss them.

Most of these resources will be used as expenses for this operation and rewards for the special dispatch order.


When the rescue operation was in full swing, Su Wen had already woken up.

When Su Wen woke up, he found that Charmander had crawled from the small bed he had prepared for it to his side and was sleeping soundly with its tail in its arms.

After getting up and washing up, Su Wen prepared breakfast for the elves at home as usual, of course there was also a portion for Charmander, and then called Charmander.

"Mom, is there any news from the Pokémon Center?" Su Wen asked while stirring the steaming rice porridge in the bowl.

Wang Xuan was busy studying the lunch menu with Ai Guanshi. When she heard Su Wen's question, she didn't even raise her head: "Master Wang sent a message saying that he had reported to the Alliance Center that a Heavenly King was on his way, and your father would be back in two or three days."

"Heavenly King?" Su Wen was really shocked.

Originally, Su Wen expected at most one Heavenly King-level trainer to come, but he didn't expect that a Heavenly King would come directly.

There are nearly 2 billion people in the entire Xia country, and there are probably less than 300 Heavenly King-level trainers.

Among these three hundred people, there are only eighteen Heavenly Kings, corresponding to eighteen attributes: General, Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Ice, Bug, Flying, Ground, Rock, Fighting, Psychic, Ghost, Poison, Evil, Steel, Dragon, Fairy.

In a sense, these are the eighteen strongest people in Xia Country.

Because the conditions for obtaining the title of Heavenly King are extremely harsh, if Su Wen wants to apply for the title of Fire Heavenly King in the future, then Su Wen must first win the 1v1 championship of the Heavenly King Challenge held every three years with a Fire Elf.

Then Su Wen needs to defeat the previous Heavenly King in both the 1v1 battle of Fire Elf and the 6v6 battle of all attributes to replace the previous Fire Heavenly King and become the new Fire Heavenly King.

It is precisely because of this that every replacement of the Heavenly King is a major event that can shock the entire Xia Kingdom and even the world.