
Pokémon: Hope

“Hi, my real name is __________ , but I go by the name of Hope in this world inhabited by creatures called Pokémon. I still have my memories back from my past life, after I nearly drowned in a life threatening moment. But even with this second life thrown in my face, maybe it’s better this way. Maybe it was fate that here, and destined for something far greater.” Join Hope as she journeys through out not just Galar, but other regions too to find her true purpose in this second life.

TaffyKandy · Video Games
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Beginning Memories

Pitch black darkness. Nothing else, but the sound of my own voice. Fear crawled all over my back from the loneliness of this void. A burning feeling in her neck was tearing her apart. Tears formed in my eyes from this realization, and it began to pour down.

It hurts. I don't want to be here. I don't want to be alone. It hurts. I want to get out. Whatever I did wrong, I'm sorry. Please. Somebody. Anybody. It hurts. I want a second chance. No. I need a second chance.

A glimmer of light appears as I take my hand to try and grab it. It blinds me as I slowly open my eyes to a beautiful blue sky. The pain in my throat was still there, and I began to realize that my whole body was... cold?

"You woke up, thank Arceus."

Arceus? Like the legendary Pokémon Arceus? The heck?

I look to where the voice was coming from to see a young boy's face I didn't recognize. I panicked and pushed him away as I fell down to the ground. He tried to help me up, but the fear of confusion and shock got the better of me and I ran away deeper in some woods. The pain in my head grew drastic as I started to remember bits as pieces of memories I haven't recognized before.

I remember hurtful name callings. I remember painful fights and arguments from bullies, backstabbing friends and family. I remember isolating myself from socializing because I felt helplessness and depression of being around other people. I remember... accidentally killing my parents from breaking apart inside and growing with extreme frustration, anxiety and anger.

I remember... dying by jumping out of the balcony because of the guilt that rushed inside shortly after as my last wish.

All these memories flowed in all at once, hurting me indefinitely, as tears poured down like a river. This second life didn't even make it any easier for her, the memories of her second life as a girl named Hope and her family was gone from a house fire before accidentally running away to a cliff and falling down in a lake to almost drown, trying to get away from the fire. And at the age of 5 no less. I was alone all over again. From my first life, to my small time in the black void of death and even now.

I then felt something nuzzling beside her. It felt fuzzy. I looked to see... a yellow bug? No. It looked like... a Joltik.

"That... isn't right? Pokémon don't exist."

More and more Joltiks came around to nuzzle me, as well as other Pokémon like Combees and Caterpies. They all came to comfort me, which made me feel little happy but also come to a big realization. She lived in a Pokémon World.

"Okay okay, I believe now, no more nuzzles! It tickles!"

I looked around to see an abandon old wood cabin next to a little pond, and followed the Pokémon there. I found old empty books and pens that were dusty and barely touched, I saw gardening tools with an old bed and desk. She looked inside the desk to find an old map that says Galar's Wild Area and a drawn red circle saying "home", along with construction plans that look to be the wood cabin's blueprints. Putting two and two together, she later figured out she was in the Wild Area of the Galar Region.

"Well, at least I know I didn't get thrown into the Alola or the Kalos Regions. Not to be rude, but I don't know the X and Y Games, not to mention Sun and Moon wasn't exactly my favourite Pokémon Games. And it's Ultra Versions didn't help either."

I thought for a moment. If I was given a second life after what she committed in her first, they must have been something she needed to do in this world. She began to smile a little as she took a empty book and pen.

"If Pokemon has taught me anything is how to become a great trainer."

She knew what she had to do. She had to survive. Survive until she was old enough to legally travel as a trainer. A long 7 years. So she'll make her team before the starting day. Then she will find the purpose this life has given her. With the friendly wild Pokémon by her side she'll figure something out together.

Thus this story begins. My story on the world that will change me forever.