
Pokémon: Dragon Master's Tale (original)

This is the story of Drake, who will one day become the greatest Dragon Master in existence. Though his previous life wasn't anything special, nor was his final moments. But the tales of his second life shall echo throughout history for eons. Disclaimer: the only thing I own is my OC and some parts of the plot, everything else belongs to Nintendo, Game Freak and Creatures. I don't own the cover photo, I got it from Google. If you're the owner make a request and I'll take it down.

Glorious_Dragon · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Power Surge and Headache

Drake ended up taking three weeks to reach his set goals. Drake's Gible egg hatched the next day giving him a shiny Gible that he named Horus, Drake wasn't the least bit surprised.

Athena was there to help him realize his dreams, of course the Pokémon egg would be shiny. It took Drake two weeks to bring it's body stats to rank A and by the time he evolved he reached rank S.

Drake also did the same for Prometheus, his stats reached rank S at level 32, which was also the level Drake brought all of his Pokémon to. Satisfied with his progress he headed towards Vermillion City, Drake wasn't sure if the idiot trio passed him so he had Terry run at medium pace to make up for lost time.

Along the way he noticed a problem, even though he had a saddle for Terry it was still unbearably uncomfortable riding him. He decided to get a shiny Rapidash as a new mount, he'd still use Terry but just not as a mount.

Although uncomfortable Terry was quite fast, he made it to Vermillion City from somewhere close to the Hidden Village in just two days. Drake experienced something for the first time in Vermillion City, there was an opening for a gym battle today at noon.

Seeing that his Pokémon needed no care, Drake took the appointment. He just waited by the front desk for half an hour before it was time for his battle.

Drake stood at the opposite side of Lt. Surge and listened to the customary spiel about Electric type Pokémon. Followed by him bragging about his war merits and despite knowing Drake was disinterested he continued boasting.

After what HE deemed enough, Surge signaled the judge who called out the rules. Apparently it was a four vs four with all of the other rules intact.

Drake released Horus

[ Pokémon Stats]

Name: Horus

Gender: ♂️

Species: Gabite (Shiny)

Ability: Sand Veil

Hidden Ability: Rough Skin

Level: 32

Moves: Sand Tomb lvl 3*, Dragon Breath lvl 3*, Bulldoze lvl 4*, Bite lvl 5*, Dual Chop lvl 2*, Slash lvl 2*, Protect lvl 1.

Stat Level: C

His move levels were low but that could be fixed easily, in fact progress was about to be made. Suge wasn't aware of what type of Pokémon was before him but he had confidence in his Pokémon.

He sent out a Raichu and the battle began, Drake told Horus to use Sand Tomb which quickly sealed Raichu's fate. Horus followed up by using Bulldoze, causing a mini earthquake that knocked Raichu out.

Surge then sent out a Electrode, he told it to use Thunderbolt which hit Horus but did zero damage. Realizing that Horus was a ground type Pokémon he told his Elecrode to get close and use Self-Destruct.

Drake expected it and told Horus to use Protect that was timed perfectly and completely blocked the attack. Drake then looked at Surge like he was an idiot and said " Are you really a gym leader, pssh I bet your war stories are fake as well." Thoroughly pissed off he sent out a Magneton.

Drake looked at it and recalled Horus, When Surge saw that he let loose an exaggerated laugh and said " Where's your glib tongue now, i'll be sure to leave behind some lasting memories so you won't forget this moment." but his good mood was short lived.

He then saw Drake release a huge yellow Charmeleon and knew that this trainer came well prepared. Prometheus saw the white lines and the trainer behind weird steel Pokémon before him as well as the judge to his right and knew that this was a Gym battle.

After looking at Drake who just told him " Have fun" he just charged at the Magneton with shocking speed and used Metal Claw. This move didn't do much damage, he followed up with a Dragon Dragon claw that also didn't do much damage.

He quickly dodged a Sonic Boom and retaliated with a quick Flamethrower that did massive damage. Seeing the results Prometheus took the time while Magneton was trying to recover to charge up a full powered Flamethrower that was so hot and powerful the base of the Flamethrower was blue.

This Flamethrower KO'd Magneton, it was so hot that small parts of Magneton's body was glowing red. Satisfied with his performance Prometheus made his way back to Drake for a fistbumb and just stood next to him.

When Surge saw the final Flamethrower he realized that the trainer before him trained his Pokémon well. Resigned to his fate he sent out his final Pokémon an Electabuzz, Drake sent back out Horus and just told him to end it.

The two Pokémon clashed several times, as it was Surges best Pokémon it was at level 35 and it also knew Ice Punch. This would do tremendous damage to Horus but it was something he was going to have to overcome.

The fight lasted 5 minutes before Horus finally won,he was hit by the Ice Punch twice but he used Dual Chop to end it. He walked back to Drake battered but victorious where he got a high five in celebration.

After receiving his Thunder Badge, Drake asked Surge if he battled Ash but it turns out the Idiot Trio hadn't passed him yet but they were probably close. Drake handed Horus to Nurse Joy ( Who was once again hot ) and crashed for the night after a shower. The next day after getting Horus he set off for Saffron City, while he was walking he collected the rewards for his quest to earn his third gym badge and for evolving Horus.

He got 10 stat points bringing him a total of 18 unused points, he used 15 to bring his Endurance up to 50 and the last 3 he placed into Agility bringing it to 26. The warmth this time felt more like boiling water coursing through his body that lasted 15 minutes, but when Drake saw that his muscles grew larger and more shredded he forgot about the pain.

The treasure map this time pinned a location in the Mountain Range near Pallet Town. Drake decided that he'd head there after he earned his Soul Badge( Sixth one ) It took another Two days for Terry to get Drake to Saffron City.

Along the way Drake only battled trainers but he still struggled to raise all of his Pokémon's level by one. Since he was in Saffron City he decided to go to the former Gym the fighting type gym now Dojo and see if he could bring Wrath up a few levels.

Drake and Wrath obliterated the gym trainers ( Black Belts ) before squaring off against the former gym leader/ Karate King Kiyo's disciple Koichi. He used a Hitmonlee first and Drake still used Wrath, using his usual tactic of spamming Agility to boost his speed.

The increased speed made dodging Hitmonlee's attacks easy, Wrath purposefully slowed down at times and blocked a few weak attacks. Thinking the time was right Koichi got Hitmonlee to use High Jump Kick, Which Wrath dodged easily.

Utilizing the opening he created he used Wing Attack to finish him off. Koichi then sent out his final Pokémon, a Hitmonchan that knew all of the elemental punches along with Sky Uppercut.

Drake told Wrath to use Wing Attack but to be on the lookout, he landed one Wing Attack but had to stop because Hitmonchan used Fire Punch to ward him off. Not seeing an opening Wrath charged in using wing attack prepared to trade blow for blow but just as they were about to collide he turned slightly, dodging the Fire Punch and landing a critical Wing Attack knocking Hitmonchan out.

Drake thanked the fighters for the experience and left the dojo. Drake achieved his goal and got Wrath to level 36 which was enough to challenge Sabrina.

Drake went to the Gym and got an appointment for tomorrow at 8 am and took it. After a night's rest at the Pokémon Center Drake left for his battle against Sabrina.

Arriving at the Gym Drake stood across from Sabrina and released Wrath while she released a Kadabra. Using their tried and trusted method of spamming Agility, Wrath maxed out his speed while dodging a few Psybeams.

Wrath used Night Slash to heavily damage Kadabra and followed it up with Fury Cutter which was boosted by Technician. This combo KO'd Kadabra and Sabrina was unfazed as she sent out her Mr. Mime.

Wrath used Fury Cutter three times on Mr. Mime before it was KO'd. Slightly apprehensive she sent out her Alakazam in hopes of turning things around, which it almost did. Sabrina's Alakazam almost dodged Wrath's fifth Fury Cutter.

But a hit is a hit and unfortunately for Alakazam a fifth stacked Fury Cutter wasn't something it could tank. It was unfortunately knocked unconscious by this one blow due to it's abysmal defense.

Sending out her last Pokémon a Venomoth, Sabrina was under no illusion that she could turn this Around. Wrath then proceeded to prove her right, her Venomoth wasn't fast enough to dodge Wrath's fully stacked Fury Cutter.

It was hit dead on but didn't faint due to the type match-up, but Wrath then used wing attack to knock it out. Sabrina just paid him and gave him the Marsh Badge and said " You were a worthy trainer." and waved him off.

A bit unsettled by her weird behavior Drake quickly left the Gym. Even though Wrath alone defeated Sabrina's Pokémon, it was anything bht easy. One missed Fury Cutter and the battle would've taken a different turn.

Ater setting foot out of the gym Drake got the rewards for defeating Sabrina, 8 more stat points and a treasure map that pinned a location on an island in the sea between Pallet Town and Cinnabar Island.

Just when Drake was about to head to Celadon Athena issued a new Quest.

[ Emergency Quest Issued ]

[ Team Rocket is about to lay seige to Silph Co. defeat them and save the employees being held hostage. ]

[ Rewards: ???]

Drake then felt a headache coming on, and thought to himself ' Why can't these idiots leave me alone.' sighing to himself he ran towards Silph Co.'s building.

Headache is in reference to both the Psychic type Gym and Team Rocket.

Glorious_Dragoncreators' thoughts