
Pokémon Dark Edition: Arcane’s Rise

Arcane, a typical teenage boy with a love for Pokémon, wakes up one morning to find himself transformed into a four-legged creature with fur and a bushy tail. His initial shock turns to bewilderment as he realizes he has become a Hisuian Zorua, a Pokémon known for its dark illusionary powers and ghostly appearance. To his delight, he discovers he has been transported to a forest region. However, he soon learns that this is a world vastly different from the cheerful Pokémon universe he once knew. This world is a land ravaged by conflict and darkness. Far from the vibrant and friendly world depicted in games and shows, this realm is a harsh and brutal place where survival is a constant struggle. Pokémon battles are bloody, fierce, and merciless, and the landscape is scarred by battles and treacherous terrain. Arcane must navigate this grim environment with caution, as he quickly learns that the Pokémon he encounters are not the friendly companions he’s used to but fierce and territorial beings. Struggling to adapt to his new form and the harsh realities of this world, Arcane must reconcile his human instincts with those of his new Pokémon self. His human side craves safety and normalcy, while his Zorua instincts push him towards battle and survival which often clash with his former sense of morality. As he fights to restrain his human impulses, Arcane must learn to harness his Pokémon abilities.

Nii07 · Video Games
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17 Chs

Chapter 9

Arcane followed Felicia through the forest until they reached the base of the giant tree. Its roots sprawled out across the ground, massive and gnarled, forming natural pathways and hiding places. As they approached, the air seemed to hum with the life of the tree, its ancient presence dominating the surrounding area.


Suddenly, from above, the Noctowl descended gracefully, landing on one of the enormous roots with a soft thud. Arcane looked up, and his Appraisal ability activated instantly. The information appeared in his mind, confirming his suspicion—his ability might indeed be tied to his mental state. It only seemed to activate when he was clear-headed and focused.




NAME: Wyzin

SPECIES: Noctowl


TYPE: Normal/Flying

HP: 66/66





Attack: 33

Defense: 33

Special Attack: 48

Special Defense: 54

Speed: 39

Accuracy: 100



Status: Normal

Experience: 3,500 / 4,500

Nature: Calm (Increased Special Defense, Decreased Attack)




Air Cutter





Held Item: None



Keen Eye: Prevents the Pokémon from losing accuracy.


As Arcane studied the Noctowl's stats, he was surprised to find that they weren't the most impressive he had seen. Wyzin, as the Noctowl was named, didn't possess the raw strength of some of the other Pokémon Arcane had encountered. This realization led him to understand that leadership in this community wasn't solely determined by power. There was something more, something deeper that made Wyzin the leader.


Wyzin's keen eyes met Arcane's, and the Noctowl tilted his head slightly before speaking in a calm, polite tone. "What is your name, young one?"


"Arcane," he replied, his voice steady but respectful.


Wyzin nodded, as if committing the name to memory. "Arcane," he repeated. "You arrived here injured and alone. Could you tell me what happened?"


Arcane hesitated for a moment, then recounted the events that led him to the forest. "I had a run-in with a Raticate and a Ferroseed," he began. "The Raticate attacked me but was eventually scared off by a loud growl. Later I met a Ferroseed who attacked me but I managed to defeat the Ferroseed on my own."


Wyzin listened carefully, his expression thoughtful. After Arcane finished, the Noctowl turned his head slightly, considering the information. "I see," Wyzin said, his voice measured. "It seems the guardian of the forest intervened on your behalf. That is a fortunate occurrence."


Arcane remained silent, unsure of what the Noctowl would say next.


Wyzin continued, "You may stay in our village, Arcane, but there are rules you must follow. If you can abide by them, you will find a safe place here among us. However, if you cannot, you will have to leave our territory."


Arcane nodded, understanding the gravity of Wyzin's words. "I understand," he replied. "I'll do my best to follow your rules."


Wyzin's gaze softened slightly, and he gave a small nod of approval. "Very well. Felicia will guide you from here. Take this time to rest and recover, Arcane. We will speak more in the coming days."


With that, Wyzin spread his wings and took flight, disappearing into the branches of the giant tree. Arcane watched him go, feeling a mix of relief and determination. He had been granted a chance to stay, but he knew he would have to prove himself to earn a permanent place in this community.


Felicia stepped closer, her usual watchful demeanor slightly more relaxed now. "Come on," she said. "Let's go. I will show you around so we can get you settled in for the day."


Arcane nodded, following Felicia as she led him deeper into the area around the giant tree. The roots of the tree twisted and turned, creating natural pathways that wound through the forest floor. The atmosphere felt serene yet alive, with the sounds of Pokémon moving about, the rustle of leaves, and the occasional chirping of bird Pokémon filling the air.


As they walked, Arcane took in his surroundings. The base of the giant tree seemed to be a hub of activity, with several small burrows and dens nestled between the roots. Pokémon of various types and sizes moved about, some carrying food or materials, others simply resting in the shade. It was a bustling community, and Arcane couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the harmony of it all.


Felicia led him to a small, secluded area at the edge of the village, where the roots of the tree formed a natural shelter. "This will be your space for now," she said, nodding toward a small den tucked between two large roots. "It's quiet here, away from the main activity, so you can rest without being disturbed."


Arcane peered inside the den. It was simple but comfortable, with a soft bed of moss and leaves laid out on the floor. The walls were formed by the thick roots of the tree, providing a sense of security and enclosure. He stepped inside, feeling the cool earth beneath his paws, and turned to face Felicia.


"Thank you," he said, genuinely grateful for the care they had shown him.


Felicia gave a curt nod. "Rest here for now so your wounds can fully close. I'll bring you food later, and we can talk more about what's expected of you in this community. Remember, you're still under my supervision, so it's best for you to stay out of trouble."


Arcane understood the warning in her words but didn't feel threatened by it. He knew he had to earn their trust, and he was determined to do so. "I'll stay here and rest," he assured her.


Felicia turned to leave but paused at the entrance of the den. "If you need anything, I'll be nearby," she said, her tone softening slightly. "We're not trying to make you feel like a prisoner. It's just... we've had our share of troublemakers when it comes to outsiders before."


Curious, Arcane asked, "What happened to them?"


Felicia's expression hardened, her eyes narrowing slightly. "They caused too much trouble," she replied. "We had no choice but to put them down. It's not something we do lightly, but we protect our own here."


With that, Felicia gave a final nod and walked away, leaving Arcane alone in his new shelter. He settled onto the bed of moss. For the first time since his arrival in this world, he could take some time to really think about what to do.


As he lay there, his mind wandered back to his encounters in this world. This insight only reinforced his decision to keep his Appraisal ability a secret. Knowledge is power, especially when it's knowledge of what attacks your opponent can use. He would learn, observe, and adapt, using his Mirage Sight to copy all the moves of the other Pokemon.


He needed strength to survive in such a world and most importantly allies. In this place where he was still an outsider, having an edge like that could make all the difference. So he would learn these rules and follow them only then would they relax their guard around him allowing him to move freely.