
Pokémon Chronicles: Path to Legends

(This story is inspired by manga First chapter was only focused on introduction next chapters will be more interesting I promise) In "Pokémon: The Z Origins," Blake finds himself unexpectedly reincarnated into the world of Pokémon after a freak accident while playing Pokémon Omega Ruby. Living in Little Root Town in the Hoenn Region, he sets out on a journey to become the strongest Pokémon Holder. Alongside his starter Pokémon, Torchic, and guided by Professor Birch, Blake embarks on a quest to complete the Pokédex and potentially challenge the Pokémon League. With determination, bravery, and the support of his mother, Blake navigates the challenges of his new life, driven by a desire to make his mark on the Pokémon world and fulfill his destiny as a Pokémon Trainer.

Harman_Singh_2059 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Trouble in Petalburg Woods

### Chapter 2: Trouble in Petalburg Woods

The dense canopy of Petalburg Woods cast dappled shadows across the forest floor, creating an almost magical ambiance. Riku, with his Treecko at his side, ventured deeper into the woods. The air was filled with the sounds of rustling leaves and the occasional Pokémon cry, making it clear that this forest was teeming with life.

Riku walked carefully, his eyes scanning the underbrush for any signs of movement. "Treecko, stay alert. We might find a new teammate here," he said. Treecko, perched confidently on his shoulder, nodded in agreement.

As they continued their trek, battling wild Pokémon along the way, each encounter helped Treecko grow stronger, their bond deepening with every victory. The forest was a maze of paths and hidden clearings, each turn offering the possibility of a new discovery.

Riku noticed a patch of particularly dense underbrush. He paused, his curiosity piqued. "Treecko, let's check over there. It looks like a good spot for wild Pokémon to hide."

Treecko hopped off Riku's shoulder and led the way through the thick foliage. Suddenly, the bushes rustled, and a small, blue Pokémon with pointed ears and a calm, yet intense gaze emerged.

"Riolu!" Riku exclaimed, recognizing the Fighting-type Pokémon. "This is perfect!"

Riku stepped forward, ready to battle. "Treecko, let's do this! Use Quick Attack!"

Treecko darted forward with incredible speed, striking Riolu before it had a chance to react. Riolu stumbled back but quickly regained its footing, its eyes narrowing in determination.

"Riolu, use Counter!" Riku called out, remembering the strategy he had read about.

Riolu waited, its body tensing as it prepared to counter the next attack.

"Treecko, Pound attack, now!" Riku commanded.

Treecko's tail glowed as it swung at Riolu, but Riolu was ready. It absorbed the hit and retaliated with a powerful Counter, sending Treecko tumbling back.

"Hang in there, Treecko!" Riku encouraged, watching as Treecko struggled to its feet. "We can do this. Use Absorb!"

Treecko's eyes glowed green as it launched an Absorb attack, draining Riolu's energy and restoring its own. Riolu winced but stood its ground, its fighting spirit unwavering.

"Now's our chance!" Riku said, grabbing a Poké Ball from his belt. "Poké Ball, go!"

He threw the Poké Ball, and it struck Riolu, encapsulating it in a red light. The ball shook once, twice, and then clicked, signaling a successful capture.

"Yes! We did it!" Riku cheered, running to pick up the Poké Ball.

Riku released Riolu from the Poké Ball, kneeling down to meet it at eye level. "Welcome to the team, Riolu. We're going to be great friends."

Riolu sniffed Riku's hand before giving an enthusiastic nod, clearly eager to join the adventure.

With Riolu now part of the team, Riku felt an even greater sense of determination. They continued their journey through Petalburg Woods, encountering more wild Pokémon and Trainers eager for battles. Each victory strengthened their bonds and prepared them for the challenges that lay ahead.

As they navigated the dense forest, Riku heard a cry for help. He exchanged a worried glance with Treecko and hurried towards the source of the sound. In a small clearing, he found a young boy surrounded by a group of aggressive Poochyena. The boy's face was pale with fear, and he clutched his bag tightly.

"Help me!" the boy cried out, his voice trembling.

Without hesitation, Riku sprang into action. "Riolu, use Force Palm!" he commanded.

Riolu's palm glowed with energy as it struck one of the Poochyena, sending it flying back. The other Poochyena growled and prepared to attack, but Riku quickly called out another command. "Treecko, use Quick Attack!"

Treecko darted forward, striking another Poochyena and scattering the rest of the pack. The Poochyena fled into the woods, leaving the boy safe.

"Are you okay?" Riku asked, helping the boy to his feet.

"Thank you so much!" the boy said, his voice still shaking. "I was looking for Shroomish for my dad, but these Poochyena attacked me."

Riku smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry. You're safe now. We'll help you find a Shroomish."

With Riolu and Treecko's help, they soon found a Shroomish, and the boy's face lit up with joy. He thanked Riku profusely before heading back home.

"That was amazing," Riku said to himself as he watched the boy disappear into the woods. "Helping people and Pokémon—this is what being a Trainer is all about."

As he finally exited Petalburg Woods, Rustboro City loomed in the distance, its tall buildings a stark contrast to the natural beauty he had just left behind. Riku felt a surge of excitement. With two Pokémon by his side and new experiences under his belt, he was ready to take on whatever challenges awaited him in Rustboro City.

"Next stop, Rustboro City," Riku said, determination burning in his eyes.


Rustboro City was a bustling metropolis, filled with towering buildings and busy streets. Riku navigated through the crowds, his eyes wide with wonder at the sheer size and energy of the city.

"Wow, this place is huge," Riku said to himself, looking around. "Where should I go first?"

He decided to head to the Pokémon Center to heal his Pokémon and ask for directions to the Gym. At the Pokémon Center, he was greeted by the familiar face of Nurse Joy. She took his Pokémon for a much-needed rest, and Riku took the opportunity to relax and plan his next move.

"Rustboro Gym specializes in Rock-type Pokémon," Riku said, pulling out his Pokédex. "Treecko will have an advantage with its Grass-type moves, and Riolu's Fighting-type moves will also be useful."

With his Pokémon healed and his plan in place, Riku made his way to the Rustboro Gym. The imposing stone building stood tall, its architecture reflecting the strength and resilience of the Rock-type Pokémon it housed.

Inside the Gym, the atmosphere was tense. The arena was filled with rocky terrain, designed to give an advantage to Rock-type Pokémon. Roxanne, the Gym Leader, stood at the far end, her eyes sharp and focused.

"Welcome, challenger," Roxanne greeted him. "I'm Roxanne, the Rustboro Gym Leader. Are you ready for a battle?"

Riku stepped forward, his heart pounding. "Yes, I am. Let's do this!"

The battle began, and Roxanne sent out her first Pokémon, a Geodude. Riku called upon Treecko, knowing its Grass-type moves would be crucial in this battle.

"Treecko, use Absorb!" Riku commanded.

Treecko's eyes glowed green as it absorbed energy from Geodude, weakening it significantly. Geodude retaliated with a Rock Throw, but Treecko's agility allowed it to dodge the attack.

"Great job, Treecko! Keep it up with Quick Attack!" Riku instructed.

Treecko dashed forward, striking Geodude with a powerful Quick Attack. The combined assault of Absorb and Quick Attack proved too much for Geodude, and it fainted.

Roxanne nodded in approval. "Impressive. But let's see how you handle this. Go, Nosepass!"

Nosepass, a sturdy Rock-type Pokémon, took the stage. Its imposing presence made Riku pause for a moment.

"Treecko, use Absorb again!" Riku ordered.

Treecko launched its Absorb attack, but Nosepass was more resilient than Geodude. It withstood the attack and countered with Rock Tomb, trapping Treecko under a pile of rocks.

"Treecko, are you okay?" Riku called out, worry evident in his voice.

Treecko struggled but managed to free itself from the rocks, though it was clearly weakened.

"Riolu, I need your help!" Riku called, recalling Treecko and sending out Riolu.

Riolu faced Nosepass with unwavering determination. "Riolu, use Force Palm!"

Riolu's palm glowed with energy as it struck Nosepass, dealing significant damage. Nosepass retaliated with Rock Slide, but Riolu dodged nimbly, countering with another Force Palm.

The battle was intense, with both sides refusing to back down. But Riolu's persistence paid off, and with one final Force Palm, Nosepass fainted.

Roxanne smiled, acknowledging her defeat. "Well done, Riku. You've earned this. Here, take the Stone Badge."

Riku accepted the badge, his heart swelling with pride. "Thank you, Roxanne. This means a lot."

As Riku was about to leave, Treecko began to glow with a bright light. Riku watched in awe as Treecko's form changed and grew larger. The light faded, revealing Grovyle standing proudly in front of him.

"Treecko, you evolved!" Riku exclaimed, kneeling down to hug his newly evolved Grovyle. "This is amazing!"

Grovyle looked down at Riku with a confident smile, clearly proud of its new form.

With his first Gym Badge in hand and his Treecko evolved into Grovyle, Riku had taken a significant step toward becoming a Pokémon Champion. The journey ahead was long and filled with challenges, but Riku knew he was ready for whatever came his way.

"Next stop, even greater heights," Riku said, determination burning in his eyes.

As the journey continues