
Pokémon: Bond Evolutions of Pokemon

A person who is reborn as Ash Ketchum just before his journey through the Johto Region. This novel is not mine, I’m just changing a few thing here and there to make it easier to read.

Expend · Anime & Comics
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191 Chs

86. Rhydon

"Typhlosion, take this with you!"

Ash exchanged another Macho Brace for Typhlosion to wear. In the past week, he mostly focused on training Typhlosion and complete his final Bind Evolutions.

Perhaps because of his old self, Ash is particularly concerned about his Fire type Pokémon. His second Pokémon that involves evolution is also a Fire type, that being Houndoom.

Therefore, he also has high hopes for the current Typholsion.

And he believes that Typhlosion will not let him down.

Now the Macho Brace has almost become the standard equipment for Ash. The Pokémon that have completed their Bond Evolution, except for Pikachu and Meganium who travel with him and Charizard who is training in the Charicific Valley. There is also Scizor who is training in the Academy. Other than that, all the rest that have completed everything are training in the Lab and getting ready to be called back to him.

When the Bond Value reached the full mark, they were connected with Ash and knew the benefits of this Macho Brace that brings to them. Although the training was very hard, they enjoyed the reward very much.

Slowking, who is in charge of Ash's Pokemon's training in the backyard of Professor Oak Laboratory, wears this kind of restraint day and night and leads the others by being an example.

Its speed is already slow. If the speed is reduced by half with this thing, it will actually have no impact, but the benefits are huge in the future with higher reaction speed and everything.


At this moment, Lapras, who was watching his brothers and sisters training in the water, suddenly screamed in surprise, it quickly attracted the groups attention.

After Lapras was born, Ash would ask the group to stop and rest whenever they encountered water along the way, let him play in the water, and train some other Pokémon.

This was the case in the herb garden before, and it is still the case now.


Then, Wartortle also seemed to have discovered something. He dived into the water, but quickly jumped out of the water with an expression on his face that he had seen a ghost.

"Wartortle, what's going on?"

Ash looked into the water and found that there was indeed something in the water, and he could see ripples on the water.

Then, the ripples grew larger and larger, and a single horn suddenly poked out of the water.

"Big Brother, what is that?" Molly sat on Lapras's back and also saw the single horn.

Ash shook his head, a blue light flashed on his eyes, and he was very surprised when he saw the true identity of the horn in the water.

"I'm going to get this guy!"

That's a Rhydon. In the water. Without drowning at all.

(Fun Fact: Did you know that Rhydon was the first Pokémon created?)

Rhydon is the evolved form of Rhyhorn. It looks like a dinosaur and is covered in gray rock armor.

According to the Pokémon Pokédex created by Professor Oak, this Pokémon is protected by armor-like skin and can even survive in 2,000-degree lava. The horn that turns into a drill can easily rotate, and even rough diamonds can be easily crushed.

All in all, this is a very powerful Pokémon!

Moreover, the current Kanto Region is not yet aware of this but Rhydon still has a final evolutionary stage left!

Rhyperior is a super-large Pokémon that evolved from Rhydon carrying a special Protector.

What's interesting is that this Rhydon is obviously of Ground and Rock Type, but it can learn Water type skills such as Rain Dance, Hydro Pump, Surf, Whirlpool, etc.

This Rhydon must have learned the Surf skill to stay in the water. Of course Ash likes such a special Pokémon.

He was so excited that he was about to send Wartortle to look for it in the water. Misty immediately didn't believe it when she heard about it, "There's no way a Rhydon can stay in the water! It's impossible!"

"But it really does exist!" Suddenly a nice voice came from the side. This was a pretty young lady with a green ponytail, and she was holding a Marill in her arms.

Brock rushed over immediately, "What a beautiful lady! My name is Brock. May I ask for your name?"

"My name is Pietra, and her name is Mary!" She introduced herself.

Brock was very excited, "What a beautiful name! To express my sincerity, how about enjoying milk tea with special jam with us?"

Brock did well today by not causing the other to freak out, but Misty still pulled him away by his ears, "Okay, don't hinder the conversation!"

Ash said, "So, Pietra, you seem to be looking for that Rhydon in the water too, right?"

She nodded and led the group to a tunnel under construction, where several Dugtrio, Graveler and Sandslash were working.

This Tunnel was dug out by Pietra.

"If you want to go to the city, you have to cross this mountain. Unfortunately, my grandma is old and her legs and feet simply can't handle all that traveling. So I want to dig a tunnel so that she can easily go to the city!"

This tunnel is not just a convenience for her grandma, it is a project that benefits a lot of people and should be supported by others.

However, she seemed to have encountered some trouble.

"The tunnel is just a little bit away to being able to be penetrated. However, the excavation process will not only be blocked by the huge rock, but also seepage of groundwater."

As soon as she finished speaking, a few drops of water fell on Sandslash and Graveler. They immediately stopped working and ran out in discomfort.

This really makes it impossible to continue with working here, and thus the progress continues to be delayed.

"So you are looking for that Rhydon that can stay in the water, and hope we can help?" Ash nodded, "I will catch that Rhydon, and then help you open the tunnel with it."

Ash immediately led the group and their new friend back to the lake.

"Big Brother, how are we going to find that Rhydon? It's probably deep underwater." Molly looked cute and thoughtful while speaking her mind.

"The place where Rhydon was found has its footprints. I will take you to see it!" For Pietra, as long as the tunnel can be completed, it will all be fine, so she is very happy to help.

Following the huge footprints, Ash and his party found an orchard, where the fruits should be the Rhydons favorite food.

"So, this is the place!"

A blue light flashed on Ash's body, sensing everything near him, then he looked behind him. Sure enough, the big guy was walking over from under the bushes.

"Wartortle, this battle is yours!" Ash summoned his Wartortle, "Rhydon, I challenge you to a battle! If I win, you come with me!"

Rhydon looked at Ash and Wartortle, nodded, and then.


"Chase him!"

Ash decisively orderd Wartortle after seeing the Rhydon jumping into the water.

"You think choosing water as your battlefield will be better for you! Wartortle, enter!"

The water is Wartortle's stage. Of course, it is not afraid at all and jumps down.

Ash activated his power over Aura and paid attention to the battle in the water by sensing them move.

Rhydon confronted Wartortle in the water, and then launched the attack first. Its horns spun wildly, causing a vortex in the water!

Ash's eyes lit up, "This big guy actually learned Whirlpool. Where did he learn it from?"

"Wartortle, use Rapid Spin!"

Use spin to fight spin, and beat this big guy with a real head-on confrontation!

Wartortle withdrew its head and limbs and spun wildly on the spot, triggering a small vortex that collided with Rhydons Whirlpool!

The two vortices are in opposite directions and exactly cancel each other out!

"Wartortle, use Water Pulse to force it out!"

The Water Pulse in the water set off a huge wave. Rhydon immediately used his Surf skill and stood up on the wave!

But this is exactly what Ash wanted, he came out of the water!

"Wartortle, now, use Hydro Pump to knock it down!"

After evolution, Wartortle's Hydro Pump no longer requires the rotation of the turtle shell to perform. It is already very good at Water based skills, and this time it used an amazing Hydro Pump directly from its mouth.

Knockin the Rhydon off the wave.

Water type attacks are super effective against Rock and Ground type Pokémon like Rhydon!

Even if he learned Water type moves, his typings are still weak to Water.


Ash found the right timing and sent out one of his Poké Ball!