
Pokémon Become a Pokémon Master

[Shuangwen, Not the Virgin, Powerful Pokémon] Su Qi, a boy in the second grade. I have always imagined traveling through the world of Pokémon, conquering Pokémon, and becoming a Pokémon master. One day, when Su Qi woke up, he found that he had really traveled to the world of Pokémon, and was born in Zhenxin Town. The awakening lottery system and various powerful Pokémon accompanied Su Qi on adventures. Su Qi who awakened the power of Bird looked at himself, is this Bird, cool! Gyarados, fire-breathing. Koga ninja frog, water shuriken. Why is this man so powerful, so handsome. This is the beginning of an adventurous journey.

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 41

Inside the box emitted a holy glow.

Shining on Su Qi's face, Su Qi only felt a warm breath spread throughout his body, making people feel very comfortable, and his whole body was like soaking in a hot spring.

Soroya and Charizard also felt this warm and holy power.

The colorful feathers were shining with a golden color, Su Qi looked at the phoenix king feathers in the box, and the phoenix king's egg in the backpack seemed to feel this power and kept shaking.

Su Qi felt the change in his back, and quickly put down his backpack and took out the egg of the Phoenix King, the Phoenix King's egg kept shaking The feathers in the box seemed to be pulled and flew over.

The feather fell on the Phoenix King's egg, sending out a ripple, the power of the feather was injected into the egg, the Phoenix King's egg seemed to have more vitality, Su Qi saw this and took out the Phoenix King's feather that he had been storing on his body.

I saw that the feathers were dragged over and fell on the egg together, and suddenly a light erupted on the egg, shaking everyone to cover their eyes, and the light disappeared.

The egg returned to silence, Su Qi gently picked up the egg and looked carefully, looking left and right, as if there was not much change except that the spots on the eggshell became redder.

Su Qi uses the power of the waveguide to invade the egg.

A bird-shaped life is being conceived, and its body exudes a strong vitality.

Knock, knock, knock.

Su Qi could hear the heartbeat of the Phoenix King and withdraw the power of the waveguide. Su Qi looked at the egg in front of him, and then put it back in his backpack.

Soroyak spoke at this time: The two feathers of the Phoenix King have been found, and now only the last Phoenix King can be successfully hatched, and my mission is not in vain.

Saying that its breath became weaker and weaker, and it fell to the ground, Soroya saw his mother fall to the ground and quickly ran over and snuggled into his mother's arms.

Su Qi and Charizard also squatted down and looked at Soroyak, is there any way for the system to save Soroyak.

Ding, it is recommended that the host buy the treasure of life.

Nani, how could I possibly buy it so expensive.

Ding, there is no other way to save it, and it is recommended that the host buy the soul tower.

Soul tower, what is it, Su Qi asked puzzled.

Ding, soul tower, after the death of humans or Pokémon, the soul tower can collect souls and place them in the soul tower, the soul in the soul tower can remain immortal for a long time, and the life can be directly revived after the host has money to buy life treasure jade.

There is always hope for return, it seems that the next step is to earn combat value.

Buy the Soul Tower.

The purchase is successful, and 5000 Battle Points are consumed.


Su Qi took out the Soul Tower, a glassy tower-like object with a sense of technology.

Su Qi said to Soroyak: Soroyak this thing can keep your soul immortal after you die, and I will definitely resurrect you in the future.

Soroyak's eyes lit up and said: There really is such a treasure, you won't lie to me.

It's true, Soroya I will take it with me and grow together, and you will definitely see it again in the future.

Soroyac listened weakly and said: Thank you, my child will be handed over to you, after speaking, he looked at Soroya and hung his head.

Soroyak died.

Su Qi brought the soul tower close to Soroyak, and a blue void energy body that looked the same as Soroyak's body from Soroyak's body swooped into the soul tower.

The soul tower flashed with light, and Su Qi saw that there was a small figure of Soroyak inside, with his eyes closed and motionless, this was Soroyak's soul.

Su Qi put the soul tower into the system space. Picking up Soroya, Soroya was still immersed in the pain of losing her mother, and her eyes were shining with tears.

Soroya will live together later, Soroya looked up at Su Qi, Su Qi's gentle gaze was facing Soroya, making Soroya feel a trace of warmth surging from the bottom of his heart.

Soroya threw himself into Su Qi's arms, and Charizard also spread its wings to wrap Su Qi in his arms.

Soroya in Su Qi's arms felt unprecedented warmth and fell asleep, Su Qi also noticed it, let Charizard let go of him, so Su Qi and Charizard quietly looked at the sleeping Soroya.

Charizard put Soroya on his back like an old father.

Suddenly, there was a violent explosion outside, and the entire cave shook a little.

What's going on, who is sabotaging outside, Su Qi said very angrily.

Soroya, who was on the back of the fire-breathing dragon, was also awakened by the violent explosion and hid on the back of the fire-breathing dragon, which stretched out its claws and patted his head, signaling that it did not need to be afraid.

Soroya, you go back to the Pokémon first, Su Qi took out the Pokéball and collected Soroya.

Then Su Qi said to Charizard: Let's go out and see who is making trouble.

Su Qi and Charizard walked out of the cave, and saw people in black standing outside, and Su Qi recognized two of them.

It is the two second goods of Black Panther and Black Rock.

When the two saw Su Qi come out, they quickly pointed to Su Qi and said: Captain, this kid, the egg of the Phoenix King must be on him. The boss really didn't find a mistake, hahahaha.

The two laughed wantonly.

Su Qi looked towards the middle, and a man with a black mask stood on a blood-winged flying dragon, quietly looking at Su Qi.

Hello, Su Qi. The man's voice was a little hoarse.

Introduce yourself as a senior member of the Black Organization, my name is Black Dragon, we want to borrow the Pokémon Egg of the Phoenix King on you, I don't know if you can lend it to me.

Hmph, you are dreaming, of course Su Qi knows that the eggs of the Phoenix King are in the hands of these people, so it must be a business to destroy this world, and Su Qi will not let them succeed.

Hehe, hehe, since you don't want to, then I'll get it myself.

Then the black dragon said: "Everyone, snatch the egg of the Phoenix King for me, up."

Under the order of the black dragon, all the members of the black organization present took out Pokémon balls, and various Pokémon came out.

King Nido, Echidna bee, Arbor snake, large-mouthed bat, wind speed dog, stinky mud, iron armored shell...

Many Pokémon attacked Su Qi, and Su Qi chuckled disdainfully, just rely on these smelly fish and rotten shrimp.

Charizard, air cut.

Charizard spread its wings, and countless air blades hit those Pokémon.


The Pokémon of the Black Organization were all knocked to the ground and lost their ability to fight.

What, the black dragon couldn't help but be a little shocked when he saw his people all defeated so quickly.

Captain, we said earlier that this little ghost's strength is very strong, and then Heiyan also added a knife.

You don't need to talk about the waste, it seems that I have to go out myself.

Blood-winged wyvern, using the destruction death light. The black dragon commanded.

The Bloodwinged Wyvern emits intense energy towards Charizard, who uses a mysterious guardian to block its attacks.

A green light shield appeared in front of Charizard, and the destruction death light hit it, and Charizard involuntarily took a few steps back, blocking the attack of the blood-winged wyvern.

What, such a strong Pokémon, the black dragon originally wanted to kill Charizard directly in a second with one move, but he didn't expect to miscalculate.

The Blood-winged Wyvern used the Destruction Death Light, and its body temporarily froze and could not move.

Su Qi ordered: Charizard uses large character explosions.

The raging big-character flames struck towards the Blood-winged Wyvern, and the Blood-winged Wyvern was hit to the ground, and his whole body was burned.

Charizard solves it using the Dragon's Breath.

With one move, the breath of the dragon directly beat the blood-winged flying dragon that still wanted to hold up hard, and lost its ability to fight.