
Pokémon Become a Pokémon Master

[Shuangwen, Not the Virgin, Powerful Pokémon] Su Qi, a boy in the second grade. I have always imagined traveling through the world of Pokémon, conquering Pokémon, and becoming a Pokémon master. One day, when Su Qi woke up, he found that he had really traveled to the world of Pokémon, and was born in Zhenxin Town. The awakening lottery system and various powerful Pokémon accompanied Su Qi on adventures. Su Qi who awakened the power of Bird looked at himself, is this Bird, cool! Gyarados, fire-breathing. Koga ninja frog, water shuriken. Why is this man so powerful, so handsome. This is the beginning of an adventurous journey.

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 185

This Leah is best at using Ghost Pokémon, and after his death, his Ghost Pokémon hid in this Van Mountain.

There are many powerful trainers who come here to take down the Pokémon left behind by the hero, but no one has ever seen the Pokémon left by Leah except for Kikuko Tenno, who took in a coffin of the Shinigami in the Kanto region.

This also leads to many people coming to try their luck every year to see if they can take a ghost-based Pokémon, which also creates a huge gimmick for Vanshan and brings a lot of tourism revenue every year.

"Su Qi, did you hear that? Hero's ghost Pokémon, let's try our luck too," Ash said excitedly.

"Forget it, it's definitely not safe in the mountains so late," Xiaoxia said with some fear.

The main thing is that the weather is too late, so dark, a girl will definitely be afraid, after all, the current Xiaoxia has not grown up to the time when she takes the mega evolved tyrannosaurus to kill indiscriminately.

"How about it, Xiao Gang, you send Xiao Xia back, me and Su Qi go, how about it," Ash said excitedly, his mind now full of powerful ghost Pokémon.

After all, Ash still likes ghost-based Pokémon, although he will be scared to see ghost-based Pokémon, but the rarity and strength of the ghost-series still makes Ash linger, especially the Pokémon left by the hero, which can make people more excited.

"Forget it, I'd better go with you," Xiaoxia said.

"You're not scared anymore?" Ash asked abruptly.

"Of course I'm afraid, but it's so dark, only the two of us are even more afraid," Xiaoxia said.

"Okay, let's go together, Xiaoxia don't have to be afraid that I will protect you," Su Qi said.

Su Qi's words made Xiaoxia instantly feel very relieved, after all, the strength of the people was there.

Then everyone began to walk towards the mountain.

Su Qi, who was walking on the road, suddenly thought whether the Pokémon in the fantasy realm just now was Leah's ghost Pokémon.

Otherwise, where would such a powerful Pokémon be able to easily bring themselves into the fantasy realm.

Everyone passed through the steps at the top of Mount Van, and at night it was a day when the Ghost Pokémon were active, and it was definitely possible to find it with half the effort.

Su Qi took Xiaozhi and the three of them to walk on the road, the Fan Mountain at night was particularly cold, the temperature on and off the mountain was not different at all, the cold wind blew people instantly energetic, and there was no drowsiness at all.

The four of Su Qi walked in the woods at night, the surrounding silence was silent, and the trees were very tall.

Suddenly, the trees under the land began to twitch, and a tree standing in the woods suddenly opened its eyes.

At this time, Su Qi and his party did not perceive that the danger was approaching them.

Under the woods, Su Qi and several people continued to walk through it by moonlight.

"Why haven't you touched a single Pokémon around," Xiao Gang said suspiciously.

"It stands to reason that even at night, you can't have a Pokémon," Ash said, looking at his surroundings.

"Maybe it's going to sleep, it's better to go back to sleep, in case the black light is blinding..... Yes! Xiao Xia suddenly shouted halfway through her words.

"What's wrong?" Su Qi asked.

Everyone looked down and saw that it was a dead branch, a false alarm.

Xiao Xia also looked at her feet and breathed a sigh of relief, obviously feeling something touching her feet just now, it turned out to be this branch.

Then everyone continued to walk forward, and no one noticed that the branch-like tentacles under everyone's feet were constantly approaching them.


Xiaoxia's scream came.

Su Qi and the three looked back and saw that Xiaoxia was swept away by a branch.

"Xiaoxia," Ash shouted.

I saw that the speed of the branch was extremely fast, and in a few seconds, Xiaoxia had been taken away and disappeared in front of their eyes.

"Charizard, go find Xiaoxia," Ash said as he released Charizard as he ran.

"You are also on the eagle," Su Qi said.

"Owl Nighthawk, catch up with them," Xiao Gang said.

Three Pokémon flew into the sky and began to look for Xiaoxia.

Su Qi and the three ran in the direction where Xiaoxia disappeared.

At this time, Xiaoxia was taken to a huge tree, and a bloodstain was wiped out on her body due to the friction of the tree.

Then Xiaoxia endured the pain and stood up, only to see the tree in front of her suddenly opened a pair of bright big eyes.

"Ugh!" Xiaoxia, who was still in shock, was startled again.

Xiao Xia kept retreating, only to see that the tree stayed in place and did not move.

"You, what are you, are you a Pokémon?" Xiaoxia asked.


Xiaoxia fixed her mind, looked up, and only saw that the Pokémon in front of her seemed to be a decaying wood demon.

The decaying wood demon is like a tree, with a clump of grass on its wrists and head, its body is connected by a section of bark, a huge tree body and a dark brown body, not to mention how scary it is at night.

Seeing clearly that it was a Pokémon, and did not attack herself, Xiaoxia breathed a sigh of relief, this Pokémon should not hurt herself, otherwise she could have killed herself just now, at all: no need to bother so much.

Xiao Xia, who was standing in place, suddenly remembered what the locals on the top of Mount Van said, so she tentatively asked, "Are you Leah's Pokémon?" Hearing

the words of Leah, the Immortal Wood Demon was obviously a little moved.

Xiao Xia saw that sure enough, now she was more sure that it would not hurt herself, how could a hero's Pokémon hurt humans?

I saw Su Qi on their side, and the three Pokémon came back to report that they had found Xiaoxia's location.

I saw the three of them look at each other and run towards the east.

Ten minutes later, the three ran to the place pointed by the three Pokémon, and the three were ready to start fighting, but they were stunned by the two in front of them.

I saw Xiao Xia and the Immortal Wood Demon in front of me talking and laughing there, although Xiao Xia couldn't understand what the Immortal Wood Demon was saying, but she was still very happy, after all, it was too scary to talk so darkly.

I saw Su Qi and they walked over, and the immortal wood demon stopped and looked at the three Su Qi in front of him.

"What is the situation?" Su Qi couldn't help but ask.

I saw Xiaoxia say: "The Immortal Wood Demon is the Pokémon of Hero Leah, but why you brought me here is not clear to me."

Xiaoxia walked over to the three.

"You're not hurt," Su Qi asked.

"It's okay, there are some scrapes here," Xiaoxia said.

The immortal wood demon on the side heard it, and saw a green energy condensation on his body, flying towards Xiaoxia, and saw that the scrapes on Xiaoxia's body disappeared instantly.

"It's healing fluctuations," Xiao Gang said.

"Immortal Wood Demon, what did you bring us here for?" Su Qi asked.