
Pokémon Become a Pokémon Master

[Shuangwen, Not the Virgin, Powerful Pokémon] Su Qi, a boy in the second grade. I have always imagined traveling through the world of Pokémon, conquering Pokémon, and becoming a Pokémon master. One day, when Su Qi woke up, he found that he had really traveled to the world of Pokémon, and was born in Zhenxin Town. The awakening lottery system and various powerful Pokémon accompanied Su Qi on adventures. Su Qi who awakened the power of Bird looked at himself, is this Bird, cool! Gyarados, fire-breathing. Koga ninja frog, water shuriken. Why is this man so powerful, so handsome. This is the beginning of an adventurous journey.

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 165

Coincidentally, the three of Team Rocket and Xiaozhi Xiaoxia who arrived ran into each other.

"Team Rocket!"

"Little ghost heads!"

The two groups of people looked at each other, and the big rock snake behind them chased after them.


The big rock snake roared and dragged its long body to swim continuously, and the grass under it was dragged out of a trace.

Ash and they didn't care about Team Rocket anymore, and a few people quickly fled.

The big rock snake is still chasing behind him, and on the plain, the speed of the big rock snake is getting faster and faster.

Ash saw that there was no way to avoid it, and for a moment, he stopped.

"Steel cannon lobster on it, use the water gun," Ash said loudly.

I saw a column of water in the huge blue shrimp tongs of the steel cannon lobster towards the big rock snake.

The water gun hit the big rock snake, and the skill of the water system is a huge damage to the big rock snake.

The big rock snake roared uncomfortably, constantly throwing the water on its body, obviously it was angry.

I saw the big rock snake swing its tail, and several stone pillars appeared out of thin air in the surrounding void, and the big rock snake roared, and the stone pillars attacked towards the steel cannon lobster.

"Sakura fish, you go and help, use the fluctuations of water," Xiaoxia said.

"Owl Nighthawk, use phantom light," Xiao Gang said.

The two attacks collided with the stone pillars, two stone pillars were shattered, but the remaining few stone pillars continued to attack the steel cannon lobster and Ash.

Ash watched as the stone pillar that was getting closer and closer to him in front of him was stunned.

Xiao Xia and Xiao Gang looked worried.

At this moment, a voice sounded.

"Aluminum steel dragon, use a cannon light cannon."

A terrifying white energy swept through, and several stone pillars instantly turned into ashes.

The energy fluctuations made Ash and they couldn't help but cover themselves, as the energy dissipated.

Everyone was looking up, and they saw the figures of Su Qi and the aluminum steel dragon appear in front of everyone.

The three members of the rocket team who were hiding on the side looked up at Su Qi in front of them in horror.

Musashi was speechless for a while, how did he meet this little ghost.

The three looked at each other and slipped away!

I saw Meow Meow running first.

"Team Rocket, you guys are making trouble again," Su Qi's voice stopped it.

Meow Meow was instantly stunned in place, and on the shiny gold coin, a bead of sweat fell up.

Then Su Qi turned his head to look at the big rock snake in front of him, and the corners of his mouth smiled slightly.

Su Qi patted the body of the aluminum steel dragon and said, "It's over to you, aluminum steel dragon." "


I saw the aluminum steel dragon open its mouth, and a cannon light cannon was fired, and almost instantly, an explosion sounded on the body of the big rock snake.

Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 500 combat points.

End the fight.

The three members of the rocket team on the side looked stupid, how did they seem to see that the little ghost was powerful again.

"Well, do you believe me when I say we're just here for tourism?" Musashi said.

"I believe, so I am ready to personally send you away, aluminum steel dragon, use aluminum steel disaster."

"Pikachu, one hundred thousand volts."

"Cherry blossom fish, water fluctuations

" "Owl Nighthawk uses spirit beams"

The three of Ash also came to join in the fun, there are so many people to see you off, you should be happy.

It ended with an explosion.

"What a nasty feeling!

Su Qi only felt comfortable listening to this familiar line, and sure enough, he should adapt to him if he got used to something.

Looking at the big rock snake on the side, although it is shining, but the strength is too weak and he already has a big steel snake, there are some chicken ribs here, this is Ash is happy.

Directly subdued this big rock snake.

After all, Xiao Gang also has a big rock snake, and Xiao Xia has no feeling for this rock-type Pokémon, except for the crystal big rock snake.

Defeating Team Rocket, Su Qi released the pangolin that fell on it.

Subsequently, Ash did not look for fire elves, although pink fire elves were rare, but he was worth the trip and harvested the shining big rock snake.

So Su Qi and the others began to return to the Pokémon Center and got the recovering Tyrannosaurus and the Eagle.

Then several people returned to the room to prepare for rest, and went out to eat later.

It was already around six o'clock in the evening.

The vast archipelago of the Orange Islands is densely packed with various islands, many of which have never been set foot on by humans.

An island.

The electric door opened automatically, Yumeng walked in, at this time she had fully recovered, and a figure next to her walked in.

A red dress is particularly eye-catching, it is red yarn.

The two came to the side of the table in the research room, where an old man was concocting bottles and jars.

The two said respectfully: "Doctor."

At this time, the red yarn did not have the unorthodox of the past, but had a serious face and a trace of fear.

Because she knew very well that the old man in front of her looked weak, but he was actually very cruel and cold-blooded, and killing someone was as simple for him as crushing an ant.

It can be seen from his eyes, inverted triangle eyes, exuding a cold cold light.

"Yumeng, recover," the Doctor began.

"Thank you Dr. for treating me, I'm already much better," Yumeng said tremblingly.

Because the failure of the last mission led to the death of the whole team, the arrest was captured, and there was no one left.

She knew there were no worthless consequences here, and while she didn't know exactly why the Doctor wanted to heal herself, she knew she would never feel better.

"Come here," the Doctor put down the jar in his hand and beckoned to Yumeng.

Yumeng walked over with a snort, which was completely inconsistent with her usual cold image.

I saw that the doctor picked up a magical ball and handed it to Yumeng.

Yumeng raised his head and looked at the doctor in front of him and said, "Give, give it to me." Seeing

that the doctor did not speak, Yumeng quickly stretched out his hand and took it.

Looking at the Pokéball in his hand, Yumeng lit up a glimmer of hope in his heart, giving himself a Pokéball means that he is still valuable.

"You go to this place and help me bring it back," the doctor gave Yumeng a map.

Yumeng took it excitedly and said, "Yes, I will definitely complete the task." "

The red yarn next to me is very jealous, a waste is still used, why doesn't the doctor look at me, I am also very strong, is it because she is more beautiful than me?" But I'm in better shape than her.

I didn't expect that the doctor was so old and still looked at his face, and he didn't know that the most important thing for a woman was her figure?

Hongying muttered to her little Jiujiu in her heart.

"Hongying, you and Yumeng are going to complete this mission together," the doctor's cold tone instantly made Hongying react.

"Yes, Doctor," Hongying said respectfully.

Su Qi and the others, who had eaten dinner, said goodnight to each other and went back to the room to rest.

A dreamless night.

The next day, everyone was about to continue their departure, and they had to thank Miss Junsha for sending Su Qi and them off to the next island in the police's police boat.

New adventures await everyone.