
Pokémon Become a Pokémon Master

[Shuangwen, Not the Virgin, Powerful Pokémon] Su Qi, a boy in the second grade. I have always imagined traveling through the world of Pokémon, conquering Pokémon, and becoming a Pokémon master. One day, when Su Qi woke up, he found that he had really traveled to the world of Pokémon, and was born in Zhenxin Town. The awakening lottery system and various powerful Pokémon accompanied Su Qi on adventures. Su Qi who awakened the power of Bird looked at himself, is this Bird, cool! Gyarados, fire-breathing. Koga ninja frog, water shuriken. Why is this man so powerful, so handsome. This is the beginning of an adventurous journey.

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 145

Everyone hurriedly came out to see what was going on.

The Pokémon in the yard were all frightened and kept scattering.

I saw smoke and dust billowing behind me, and a group of dumb beasts were running towards here.

"How can there be so many dumb beasts running over," Xiao Mao said suspiciously.

"It seems that there is another problem with the subsidiary island of Daikan," Dr. Uchiki said, looking at the dumb beast running in the distance.

"Also, did this happen to Dr. Uchiki before?" Su Qi asked.

"It has been many times, on the subsidiary island of Daiqi Island, a group of dumb beasts and several kabi beasts live, and the kabi beasts seize the territory of the dull beasts because they often can't eat enough, and drive the dull beasts to other islands."

"Since Orange Island is a nature reserve, and the group of Kabi beasts hid on the Frost and Snow Plateau as soon as they saw the human trainers appear, causing the surrounding trainers and alliance pavilion owners to not find them."

"Over time, they become more and more presumptuous."

Ding, issue a mission to bring the Kabi Beast of Orange Island to Narin Tree Island. The mission rewards 10,000 battle points and a random Pokémon.

"A random task has been released," Su Qi thought as she listened to the system's prompt.

It seems that he has to go, Su Qi thought.

I saw many dumb beasts dragging their bodies towards Dr. Uchiki's research institute, all with sweat on their faces, and it seemed that they did not stop for a moment.

I saw Dr. Uchiki bring all the dumb beasts into the edge of the pond in the courtyard.

One by one, the dumb beasts jumped in and began to swim dumbly.

Su Qi knew from looking at this skillful movement that Dr. Neiki had done such things many times.

Then Su Qi came to Dr. Neimu and said, "Doctor, why don't I go to Qiao Island to let the Kabi Beast live in a different place, so that it will not be once and for all?"

"Yes, you must be good as a Quartz Conference winner, and I heard Dr. Ohki say that you have a superpower, don't you?" Dr. Uchiki said.

"Yes, Dr. Uchiki," said Su Qi as he opened his left hand, and a cloud of blue energy condensed.

"This is the power of waveguides!" Dr. Uchiki said in surprise.

"Since you have the power of waveguides, it is even easier to do, so I will leave it to you, because of the influence of the cold snap, half of the island is forest, and half is snowfield."

"You must be careful and stay safe," Dr. Uchiki said worriedly.

"No problem, we'll pay attention," Ash said impatiently.

In this way, Dr. Uchiki prepared thick clothes for several people, and everyone set off on their way to Jiaojima Island.

Several people sat on Dr. Uchiki's dragon and began to set off towards Jiaojima.

Along the way, Xiao Mao and Xiao Zhi looked at the sea in front of them excitedly, although they had seen the sea, but sitting on the back of the dragon and watching the sea, they still had a different feeling.

Riding the dragon took everyone to swim for about half an hour.

Finally seeing a half-white and half-green island, Su Qi looked at the natural scenery in front of him, and could only sigh with infinite emotion! Amazing nature!

Then the dragon took everyone to swim to the shore, and Su Qi and the others walked off the beach.

Su Qi turned to Chenglong who was leaving, and said, "Thank you, Chenglong." "

Ah gull,"

the dragon raised his head and called happily, and stopped here to wait for everyone.

"What a tall mountain," Ash looked up with emotion.

Su Qi and several people also looked over there, and saw a majestic snow peak standing there.

"Okay, let's go, we'll see when we get there."

So everyone began to rush towards the snowfield, these kabi beasts have a high intelligence, and live in the snowy mountains to effectively prevent other creatures from disturbing.

I am not afraid of thick skin and flesh anyway, except for eating and sleeping.

Then Su Qi and the others embarked on the road to find the Kabi beast.

Walking in the forest felt very humid and hot, and everyone was too hot.

Along the way, Ash and Mao kept complaining that it was too hot.

And Xiao Xia on the side also regretted a little, surrounded by insect Pokémon, what green caterpillars, large needle bees, unicorns, so that Xiao Xia felt afraid of no.

In this way, the five of them walked hard for half an hour, and gradually the surrounding trees began to become scarce, the bare trees began to show, and a cold wind blew around them, a wisp of wind blew through, and Ash and the two no longer said that it was hot.

"It's getting too fast," Ash couldn't help but say.

"It's going to be in the snowfield soon, let's put your clothes on," Su Qi said to everyone.

Everyone obediently put on their down jackets.

The five began to march towards the snowfield.

Entering the snowfield, the surrounding temperature plummeted, and the cold wind blew on the face like a knife.

Everyone walked forward against the cold wind, Su Qi raised his hand, and a blue energy light mask formed a circle to surround everyone.

In an instant, everyone could not feel the cold wind around them.

The speed of the crowd has also increased significantly.

Su Qi opened the power of the waveguide, and the blue energy searched the surroundings, and all the movements of the surrounding five kilometers were engraved in Su Qi's mind.

A map of the surrounding plane topography appeared in Su Qi's mind, and he saw that there were several moving figures in a place in the southwest direction, which was particularly eye-catching in the void.

Su Qi slowly opened his eyes and said, "Everyone come with me, the Kabi Beast is in this direction." Su Qi pointed to the southwest.

Then several people stepped on the thick snow on the ground and began to walk towards the southwest.

Gradually, the weather began to get worse, and the snow began to blow, and the combination of wind and snow was the most likely to cost people's lives.

The surroundings instantly turned into a sea of snow, a white expanse.

Daigan Island.

"Doctor, I have just detected that the weather on Qiqiao Island has changed drastically, and I am afraid that there may be a major snow disaster," Xiaomei said anxiously.

"What!" Dr. Uchiki said loudly.

Dr. Uchiki looked out the window and could only hope for good luck now.

The surrounding snow began to accumulate in large quantities, and a thick layer of snow gradually accumulated on the ground.

Everyone began to walk hard, and Su Qi looked at the situation around him, and it seemed that he had to use you.

"Come out, Freeze Bird," Su Qi said, taking out the Pokéball ball.

I saw a blue figure flying into the sky, and the pure blue eyes looked deep and charming.

"Freeze the bird, control the surrounding weather, let the wind and snow stop," Su Qi said.

The frozen bird nodded and flew into the sky.


the frozen bird chirped, and the whole body was filled with blue majestic energy, straight to the sky, and in the dim sky, it was suddenly stretched out by a blue energy.

I saw that the surrounding weather gradually began to improve, and the wind and snow gradually stopped.

Everyone looked at the frozen bird flying in front of them and fell into a burst of shock, worthy of the legendary Pokémon! This can control the weather by means of immortality and other Pokémon can be compared.