
Pokémon Become a Pokémon Master

[Shuangwen, Not the Virgin, Powerful Pokémon] Su Qi, a boy in the second grade. I have always imagined traveling through the world of Pokémon, conquering Pokémon, and becoming a Pokémon master. One day, when Su Qi woke up, he found that he had really traveled to the world of Pokémon, and was born in Zhenxin Town. The awakening lottery system and various powerful Pokémon accompanied Su Qi on adventures. Su Qi who awakened the power of Bird looked at himself, is this Bird, cool! Gyarados, fire-breathing. Koga ninja frog, water shuriken. Why is this man so powerful, so handsome. This is the beginning of an adventurous journey.

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 125

"Charizard grabbed it and used the Earth Throw," Su Qi said.

I saw Charizard stop and jump up directly, and its wings spread out and flew.

Opened his claws and directly grabbed the cunning tengu, who looked a little overwhelmed when he looked at the fire-breathing dragon that grabbed him.

"Charizard, throw it down," Su Qi said.

Charizard lifted it high, and the cunning tengu in the air watched his body being raised high and a little busy, constantly swinging his body.

Charizard threw it down heavily.

After a puff of smoke, the figure of the cunning tengu was revealed, and the cunning tengu had a painful look on his face, and stood up with difficulty, it seemed that the earth cast a lot of damage to it.

"Very well, the cunning tengu uses evil fluctuations," Hongyi said loudly.

"Charizard used jet flame to hit it back," Su Qi said.

I saw a dark purple energy beam colliding with fiery red flames.

A violent explosion sounded, white smoke billowed out, smoke filled the entire site, and nothing could be seen around.

The smoke choked both contestants and coughed.

"Charizard flew into the sky and used Dragon Fury against the cunning Tengu," Su Qi said.

Charizard flew into the air, smoke and dust were filling around, and the vision above was just enough to see the figure of the cunning tengu.

Charizard opened its mouth, and dragon-shaped energy gushed out, striking towards the cunning tengu.

"Cunning Tengu jumps back and dodges."

I saw that the cunning tengu retreated extremely quickly, and the dragon's wrath was empty.

"The cunning tengu uses a whirlwind to blow away these smokes," Hongyi said loudly.

Several whirlwinds blew away the surrounding smoke, revealing the figures of two Pokémon on the field.

The enthusiasm of the audience was mobilized at the moment, and everyone wanted to know who the final winner of this game was.

At this time, the five members of the rocket team who were selling juice in the audience also observed the situation around them.

"Musashi, that's how you raised your own funds, it's too dirty," Yamado couldn't help but complain.

"You're not going anywhere, aren't you also shopping?" Who is nobler than whom, what is the spirit," Musashi retorted.

"What, we are the distribution of noble scientific research products, you know? Turtle," Kozaburo said.

Several people were arguing there, and suddenly a person next to him spoke: "Give me a cup of Sanhua evaporated milk, thank you."

Several people quickly put on a happy look and gave the drink to the guest.

"Sanhua evaporated milk is delicious and affordable."

At this time, Hongyi on the field had a bold idea, and saw a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth and said: "Cunning Tengu, use the Whirlwind Blade." The

cunning tengu approached the fire-breathing dragon at great speed, the leaves on his arm waved, flashed several light blades, and just when the cunning tengu approached the fire-breathing dragon, Hongyi spoke.

"Cunning Tengu uses Big Bang."

"What!" Su Qi was not guarded against Hongyi, the villain, actually using this method.

But at this time, Charizard could not dodge, and after the violent explosion, a scorched earth was left on the ground.

Both Pokémon have fallen to the ground and are incapacitated.

Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 1200 combat points.

"Fuck," Su Qi couldn't help but burst into foul language.

Play Yin for me, this is the first time in Su Qi's history that Su Qi has met someone other than those evil organizations who want to burst him.

But it's hard to do anything to it in the arena, so the only way to use his Pokémon is to get angry.

Su Qi ran over and hugged the fire-breathing dragon, and Chang Pan's power was activated.

Thick green life energy was continuously transmitted into Charizard's body, and slowly Charizard woke up.


Charizard cried weakly and reproachfully.

"Well, I don't blame you, you have a good rest," Su Qi said.

Then Su Qi took out the Pokéball and took back the fire-breathing dragon.

Hongyi took out the Pokéball and took back the cunning tengu, and said fakely: "I'm really sorry, your fire-breathing dragon doesn't seem to be beaten very much."

Looking at that disgusting look, the flame in Su Qi's heart rose.

I saw him slowly speak: "I hope you can be so arrogant in the future."

Then Su Qi walked back to his place.

"Hmph, what is the bull qi, it will only be full of empty cannons," Hongyi still said to Su Qi's yin and yang strange air.

"Go, City Guard," Hongyi said.

The huge body of the city guard dragon and the bulky armor on his head show his unparalleled defensive power.

"Su Qi, see if your Pokémon can break the defense of the City Dragon, hmph," Hongyi said to Su Qi with a playful look.

In his opinion, the defense value of the Guardian Dragon can be said to be incomparable, and it is one bit worse than Sidolanen.

I saw Su Qi take out a Pokéball and said, "Go, Mewtwo."

"Mewtwo! Isn't that the mysterious elf of the boss's research? Kojiro said.

"What mysterious elves, how did the two of us not know," Amado and Kozaburo said.

"Of course, we are the red people around the boss, and this kind of secret is not known to anyone," Musashi said mockingly again.

"You..." Amado's face turned the color of pig's liver.

A pure white Pokémon appeared in front of everyone on the field, and his muscles seemed to hide huge energy.

"This, what kind of Pokémon is this," Hongyi said with a trembling voice.

Human beings have an absolute sense of terror about unknown things, and Hongyi feels a huge energy and killing intent from its body.

"This is," President Maranch said suspiciously.

Turning his head to look at the others, the others were also dazed.

"Is this a Pokémon of a new species," Daigo began.

"If that's the case, it's a huge new discovery, I just don't know how strong this Pokémon is," Hirona said.

And Kona, who has not spoken, quietly looked at the Pokémon in front of him.

"Su Qi actually took out a Pokémon that no one has ever seen before, is this a new species? Let me see its strength, the surprise brought to us by Su Qi players is simply too big, this quartz conference is the pinnacle of my referee career! The referee said excitedly.

"You don't need to know who it is, you just need to know that it's the Pokémon that finishes you," Su Qi said.

"Mewtwo Million Ton Boxing," Su Qi said silently.

I saw Mewtwo disappear from the spot at an almost teleportation speed, suddenly appeared in front of the city protection dragon, smashed down with a punch, and the city protection dragon was like a cannonball, was directly shot out and smashed on the wall.

The city dragon flew out close to Hongyi's ear.

The city dragon smashed into the wall and smashed out a deep pit.

Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 2000 combat points