
Pokémon Become a Pokémon Master

[Shuangwen, Not the Virgin, Powerful Pokémon] Su Qi, a boy in the second grade. I have always imagined traveling through the world of Pokémon, conquering Pokémon, and becoming a Pokémon master. One day, when Su Qi woke up, he found that he had really traveled to the world of Pokémon, and was born in Zhenxin Town. The awakening lottery system and various powerful Pokémon accompanied Su Qi on adventures. Su Qi who awakened the power of Bird looked at himself, is this Bird, cool! Gyarados, fire-breathing. Koga ninja frog, water shuriken. Why is this man so powerful, so handsome. This is the beginning of an adventurous journey.

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 122

Sure enough, food was the most effective healing treatment, and Xiao Mao's mood was much better after eating.

After everyone had eaten and drunk, they left the restaurant to return to the hotel.

Just after everyone left, a black figure appeared behind the Roman stone pillars in the restaurant.

He looked at the group walking out and stared tightly.

Su Qi, who was walking on the road, suddenly felt the back of his head tighten, and looked back sharply but found nothing, behind which there were only restaurants where people came and went, and vehicles speeding by from time to time.

"What's wrong? Su Qi," Xiao Xia said as she looked at Su Qi who was standing in place and looking back.

Su Qi turned around and said, "It's okay, let's go." After

a few people walked away, the figure was revealed again.

"What a clever little ghost, you say, Split Empty Seat."

The body of the Rift Empty Seat flashed faintly behind him, revealing a huge head.

Then the man in black disappeared in place.

And this person is the same person who fought with Su Qi in the rainfall forest that day, who he really is, what purpose does he have, and what is his relationship with this group of people, I am afraid that no one knows except himself.

Back in the hotel, several people have been tired for a day, after all, eating also requires strength.

Several people said goodnight to each other and went back to their rooms.

Su Qi, who returned to the room, took a hot bath, and the day's battle made him a layer of ash.

Enjoying the baptism of hot water, Su Qi felt infinite relaxation, and sure enough, nothing is more relaxing than taking a hot bath.

After taking a bath, the whole person's sleepiness came, and Su Qi went to bed early.

And it was around 9 o'clock in the evening.

Outside is full of traffic, bright lights, approaching the end of the quartz conference, the whole city is about to wait for the next opportunity today.

At the conference venue, the bright flame and fiery red flame burned in the night, shining and dazzling, and the flame of the flame bird inspired and motivated the trainers in the Kanto region to continue to move forward, strive to be stronger themselves, and constantly strive towards their inner goals.

At this time, it seems that several uninvited guests broke into the venue.

"Kojiro, slow down, you've stepped on me," Yamado said angrily.

"What, it's clear that you're too slow, go faster," Kojiro said.


The two were arguing there.

"Stop arguing, do your own thing, don't forget the boss's explanation, if you can't complete the task, there will be no funds, we all have to sell octopus balls," Musashi scolded the two.

The five of the rockets walked in the aisle above the venue where the torch chalice was stored, which was narrow enough to allow only one person to barely pass, and the four quietly crouched and walked.

As for the large steps outside, the infrared scan will be automatically activated at night, and an alarm will occur as soon as it senses that someone is approaching.

The purpose of several people today is to put out the holy flame the day after tomorrow, and the flame bird appears to ambush the special capture net in advance, and then it will be foolproof.

A few people walked for an hour before crossing the 1-kilometer-long short track.

Finally arrived in front of the Holy Grail, a few people were tired for a long time.

"Tired meow," Meow couldn't help but sit on the ground, wiping the sweat on his head, sweat soaked the shiny gold coins on his head.

The other four also sat on the ground, several of them sweating.

After resting for a while, several people stood up.

"Let's start, our side, your side," Musashi said.

"Why do I listen to you, I want this side," said Amado.

"Lord Kazekage said, this operation is under our command, and you are also assigned to give orders," Yamado said mockingly.

"What, you, Yamado," Musashi said angrily.

But there was nothing she could do but scold the old woman and the little ghost who caught herself in the trumpet in her heart.

Su Qi, who was sleeping, was getting up and preparing to drink saliva.


Two sneezes came out, and Su Qi said: "Who scolded me, is it Hongyi, that dead pervert." "

Your mother*," Su Qi scolded back.

Then he fell asleep again.

And Hongyi was tasting wine at this time, and he choked the wine into his throat with a sneeze.

Ahem, ahem.

"Choke me to death, who scolded me," Hongyi hissed.

At this time, several members of the rocket team finally finished installing everything, walked on the short track to prepare to return, Musashi inadvertently skimmed down, hundreds of meters high, looking at her legs a little soft.

In the hotel, the eggs of the flame birds in Su Qi's backpack emitted red light, and the two divine beast eggs around seemed to feel this breath, and the little life in the eggs was about to hatch.

Finally, after climbing for more than an hour, several members of the rocket team returned to the ground smoothly, and the few people who returned to the ground breathed a long sigh of relief and finally reached the ground.

I almost didn't scare them to death just now.

Several people took advantage of the dark to quietly sneak out of the venue, but they did not know that their movements were clearly seen by the mysterious man standing on the cracked seat in the sky.

"Look at your ability and how to solve this matter," a mysterious smile rose at the corner of his mouth.

Then the Rift Seat flew into the distance and disappeared.

Team Rocket, who returned to the store, looked at the Kazekage-sama who had been waiting for a long time and bowed in unison.

Musashi took the lead and said, "Kazekage-sama, we have completed all the tasks you have given. "

Well, it's a good job, but it's a little inefficient, and if you want to be faster in the future, I will report this matter to Boss Sakaki and give you a reward."

"Thank you, Kazekage-sama," several people said with another bow.

Then Wind Shadow stood up, two wings grew on its back, flew out, and disappeared into the sky.

"Kazekage-sama can fly," Kojiro said excitedly.

"You're a turtle, let me tell you," Kozaburo said.

"Wind Shadow was originally a member of the Royal Dragon Family, and he showed unparalleled superpowers since he was a child, and his own Imperial Dragon Power was able to condense the Royal Dragon wings behind him at the age of 20, but on the day of the 20th bar mitzvah, he was expelled from the clan by a word from the elder of the clan that would bring ominousness."

"After that, he was somehow used by Boss Sakaki, and since then he has remained in Team Rocket as a senior cadre, and it is said that all his dragon Pokémon are very strong."

Kozaburo said angrily.

"So it is, there is such a thing, it is really unimaginable, to expel such a powerful person, just because of an ethereal word, the Imperial Dragon Family is really corrupt enough, this world should be ruled by our rocket team," Kojiro said.

"That's right, Ben Meow wants endless dried fish and countless gold coins, and he also needs the favor of Boss Sakaki," Mew Meow said, immersed in his own fantasy.

"Now it's up to the day after tomorrow, hahahaha."

Several people laughed presumptuously together.