
Pokémon Become a Pokémon Master

[Shuangwen, Not the Virgin, Powerful Pokémon] Su Qi, a boy in the second grade. I have always imagined traveling through the world of Pokémon, conquering Pokémon, and becoming a Pokémon master. One day, when Su Qi woke up, he found that he had really traveled to the world of Pokémon, and was born in Zhenxin Town. The awakening lottery system and various powerful Pokémon accompanied Su Qi on adventures. Su Qi who awakened the power of Bird looked at himself, is this Bird, cool! Gyarados, fire-breathing. Koga ninja frog, water shuriken. Why is this man so powerful, so handsome. This is the beginning of an adventurous journey.

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 109

"Come on, I'll stay the course."

At this moment, the sundae seems to have grown and become a little different.

I saw that her eyes were firm, and she casually brushed the broken hair next to her ear, turned around and took out a Pokéball from her waist.

"Go ahead, Hudi."

"Hu Di"

Hu Di held two spoons in his hand, and Su Qi, who also had superpowers, could feel the strength of Hu Di's superpowers from it.

It seems that Yuto, this old guy, is really willing to give ah, if not himself, then the sundae is not the winner of the conference.

Just when Su Qi was still thinking about which Pokémon to use, it was the sundae who had already begun to attack.

"Hu Di, use mental power."

I saw Hu Di waving the spoon with his left and right hands, his eyes glowed with a layer of blue light, and in an instant Absolu's body floated lightly.

Absolu looked at himself a little flustered, thinking what was going on? .... Put me down.

At this moment, Su Qi opened his mouth and said: "Absolu don't panic and calm down, this is Hudi's mental power skill, Absolu broke free from him with force."

Absolu listened to Su Qi's words and calmed down.


Absolu shouted, trying to break free from the shackles of his mind with all his strength, but struggling a few times was to no avail.

"Don't waste your effort, Absolu can't break free, Hudi throws it out."


Hudi waved his spoon, and Absolu was slammed against the wall.

Absolu stood up with pain, and some scars already appeared on his body.

"Absolu are you all right," Su Qi asked.


Absolu responded to Su Qi and said that he was fine.

"Very well, Absolu, use the Spirit Blade."

Absolu continuously flicked the horns on his head and sent out several spiritual blades to hit Hu Di.

"Hu Di used teleportation,"

the spiritual blade hit Hu Di's body, but it passed directly through and knocked him to the ground.

"What," Su Qi was shocked, this was the first time that Su Qi had been shocked during the conference, so quickly, only leaving an afterimage in place.

I didn't find the trajectory of Hudi's movement.

Suddenly, Su Qi realized something and hurriedly said: "Absolu, use a surprise attack on the rear. But

it was too late, and when Absolu was about to return to his skills, Hudi had already come behind Absolu.

Using a strange light to hit Absolu, Absolu fell into confusion, shaking his head and shaking his head.

"Hudi gave him the final blow with an electromagnetic cannon," Sundae said.

I saw Hu Di raise his hands, and electricity continued to surge between his hands.

"Hu Di,"

Hu Di roared, and electromagnetic waves gushed out, hitting Absolu, who let out a scream, fell to the ground, and lost his ability to fight.

Seeing Absolu lose his ability to fight, Su Qi's face was obviously unhappy, but he also knew that the gap between Absolu and Hudi was very large.

Su Qi took out the Pokéball and took back Absolu, and Su Qi said to Absolu's Pokéball.

"Good work, Absolu you did a good job."

Su Qi then put back Absolu's baby ball.

"Su Qi player's first Pokémon that lost the ability to fight appeared, this is the first time that Su Qi player has failed in this conference, which Pokémon Su Qi player will send next, let's see his choice."

"Go, bite the land shark."

Su Qi sent his own veteran to bite the land shark.

As soon as the fierce bite land shark appeared, the majestic and domineering figure and the sharp fangs full of mouths made Hu Di take a step back.

The actual combat experience of the fierce bite land shark is too strong, and after the baptism of battle, the breath on the fierce bite land shark is full of killing intent.

"Fierce bite land shark hand-to-hand combat," Su Qi said.

Su Qi understood that Hu Di's attack power was very high, but the defense power was very brittle, and the amount of health was not available in one dozen, so it was the most important thing to seize the opportunity.

His own fierce bite land shark is top-notch in both speed and strength, as long as it is not mega evolution speed is still no problem.

I saw the fierce bite land shark rushing towards Hu Di, continuously swinging his double blade to slash at Hu Di's body, and Hu Di quickly retreated in pain.

"Hu Di"

Hu Di exclaimed in pain.

"Hudi, use the power of mind," the sundae said.

I saw Hu Di's eyes turn blue, and an invisible energy rushed towards the fierce biting land shark.

"Fierce bite land shark interrupt it, use tile splitting."

The right hand of the fierce biting land shark glowed white and slashed directly at Hu Di's body.

Hu Di instantly felt a sense of vertigo.

"Bite the land shark and use the Dragon's Wrath."

With such a close-range attack, Hu Di had no possibility of dodging at all, and could only watch as a dragon-shaped energy came towards him.

An explosion sounded, the smoke dispersed, and Hudi's figure appeared and fell to the ground, losing his ability to fight.

The corner of Su Qi's mouth hooked a smile, sure enough, for a physical attack mage like Hu Di, defense was the biggest shortcoming.

Continuous attacks without sparing any effort are definitely fine.

Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 1000 combat points.

"Fierce bite land shark, nice job," Su Qi said to the fierce bite land shark.


the fierce biting land shark liked Su Qi's appreciation of it, and responded to Su Qi happily.

I saw that the sundae on the opposite side took out the last Pokéball and said, "Go, Nian Li earth puppet." "

The body of the Nian Li earth puppet is black, with many eyes and mysterious patterns, floating in the air, almost 1.5 meters tall.

Su Qi was very impressed with this Pokémon, and in one episode of the anime he met a huge Nian Power earth puppet that was sealed.

At that time, I still felt a little scary when I saw it, mainly because this product was indeed a bit of a report.

So Su Qi felt unhappy as soon as he saw this head.

"Nian Li earth puppets use prayer rain," the sundae said.

I saw that the red eyes of the Nian Li earth puppet suddenly turned scarlet, and a cloud of dark clouds began to gather in the sky, and after a while, a large dark cloud began to rain lightly.

This made Su Qi a little puzzled, Nian Li Tu accidentally melted when he encountered water, and he had to rely on Nian Li to hide from the rain, how could he dare to use Pray for Rain now.

This made Su Qi a little puzzled.

I saw the sundae say: "The Nianli earth puppet uses hail. "

Huge blocks of ice suddenly started falling in the sky.

Hailstones are the size of a football, falling from a height, causing a lot of damage.

It turns out that the sundae made this calculation.