
Pokémon: Arrival Of A Master

Ignis, A Poor Young college Boy, Died Right after Almost Completing the Modded Version Of his favorite game, Pokemon Light Platinum. When All Hopes Were gone, And Despair starting to sink in, Ignis was Stunned beyong Belief when he Opened his eyes. Towering thick trees Surrounding him from all directions. Fictional Creatures That Ignis can only interact with in his dreams jumping around, Living their Lives to it's Fullest. Ignis, A normal, Poor college boy that can only play the pirated version of his favorite game, Was Transmigrated to the Stunning world of pokemon.

DaoistCybertron · Anime & Comics
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Sparks arcing all around their bodies, Both the blastoise and venosaur Were unable to Move At the moment. Completely Paralyzed By the Powerful Thunderbolt that came from Shocker.

Turning their heads towards shocker Slowly, The two Both Groaned at the same time while rolling their eyes. The two clearly Knew who the F*cker was. However, When their eyes landed at the Small figure behind Shocker, Their eyes both Bulged At the same time. Appearing to Fall out Of their Sockets In unison.

Ignis, Who was stunned by the sudden Move shocker Pulled earlier, Realized that the two was probably Poseidon And Gaia. The Squirtle And Bulbasaur He Obtained By Using Hacks To Increase the chances of him Encountering them in the Wild.

Poseidon and Gaia Both cried towards Him with joy, Both seemed to want to rush forward and envelop him in a Huge, Warm hug.

Seeing their reactions, Ignis Confirmes that the two were indeed the same Poseidon and Gaia He owned. Walking towards them, Ignis Gave the two Warm Hugs while Saying some words of greetings To them. to which the two eagerly returned by Rubbing their faces at him.

Counting His pokémon, Ignis realised that two of his Entire Team is not present. He tried asking the four about the missing Two but was dissapoi nted when they've both told him they don't know by shaking their heads.

The last two was Gibs, The Garchomp and Blaze, His Shiny Charizard. The Very first pokemon he Owned In his entire life.

Just as the five of them was having Trouble of thinking about what to do next in order to find them, A Head suddenly Poked Out of the ground. Scaring the Living Sh*t out of The five of them.

It was a head that belongs to a Garchomo. The Widely Recognized Star like mark present on its Head was Very clearly out in this open.

The garchomp Stared at them For a moment before Bursting into laughter, Completely amused by their reactions.

Gritting their teeths in anger At the garchomp, Poseidon and Gaia Looked at each other's Eyes before Nodding at the same time.

Turning towards the Head, Poseidon Opened his Mouth Wide before Shooting a Torrent of Water towards it. Venosaur on the other hand, Released A massive amount of Glowing Pink petals from the flower At his back before Sending them flying towards garchomp.

Completely caught of guard, Garchomp Received the attacks "Head on". Smoke Appeared as a small Explosion appeared at the Area Where garchomp was located.

Both Poseidon and Gaia Exploded With laughter, The corners of their eyes slowly tearing up as their laughter grew louder and louder.

Ignis and the other two was completely left speechless at how Ridiculous the two was. And sure enough, When the Smoke cleared out, Garchomp was nowhere to be found.

Still Laughing the two was unaware About the results of their actions before Coming to a complete halt.

Ignis and the other two was Eondering ehat happened to the two when Suddenly, A silhouette Suddenly Broke out From the ground.

Ignis had to squint his eyes since the sun was making it hard for him to see who the Thing was. The three watched As the figure descended, Revealing itself to them of who it really was.

It was gibs, The Garchomp from earlier. Standing triumpantly Over their Unconscious Bodies, Gibs Gave A victory Pose before Gliding towards ignis.

Ignis Tried dodging since he knew that receiving Gibs' "Greetings" Will surely Break some ribs but was Caught into a Tight bear hug by Gibs.

"Alright. . .Alright buddy. I can't. . .Breathhhh"

Ignis Struggled To free himself and Immeadiately Took numerous deep breaths when he did so. Gibs was Scratching his head in embarrasment before Saluting At him in greetings. Just like a Soldier.

Shaking his head In amusement after recovering, Ignis Smiled at gibs Brightly before motioning for everyone to gather around since the two Retards Finally woke up.

With everyone around, Ignis began Asking them about places that blaze Might be in since maybe he found them here, In this world, They might know of some places a charizard might go to.

Right after asking that question, All five of them shook their heads. Telling him how Ignorant they all were regarding this place just like he was.

Just when The sic of them was Finding it frustrating and helpless, The black Crystal In ignis' wrist began Glowing in purple. Something Ignis remembered the crystal doing so before he arrived here.

Taking a Closer look at the crystal, Ignis Couldn't helo but Rub it gently. Right after doing so, A burst of Purple light Erupted from the Crystal. The Purple light then shot towards the air above them before Showing images In the form of a Circular mirror made of purple light.

From the Mirror, The Six of them saw A black charizard Exchanging Skills after skills With a huge Tyrannitar. From the mirror, The pokémon also saw Ignis peacefully Leaning Against A Rock. Sleeping peaccefully, Completely unaware of the raging battle That was happening around him.

Looking at the mirror and everyone Around him and the Grassy plains Around them, Ignis realized that maybe All of them were at a Dream world or maybe even a pocket dimension.

"Do you guys trust me?", Asked Ignis Carefully, Trying to sound as gentle as possible.

Hearing his question, All of his pokémon Nodded at the same time without any hesitation. Showing determined expressions to Tell him that they will follow every orders or commands he will give to them.

Touched by the Strong loyalty all of them were showing, Ignis Rubbed The crystal In his wrist and Commanded exit In his mind. Something he remembered some MCs From Cultivation novels Doing so to Leave their Dream or pocket worlds.

Purple Light Burst out from the crystal In his wrist, Engulfing Ignis and Everyone around him in a blink of an eye.

. . .

Back in the real world, Blaze Was starting to feel the exhaustion from constantly using His Skills While battling this Bastard in front of him.

Blaze Was very Confused as to why His attacks Didn't seem to have that much effect on the tyrannitar. Numerous Dragon Rush, Dragon Breath, Flamethrower And Fireblast struck the bastard earlier and yet here he was, Standing Completely Fine as if his attacks were all nothing but mere Ticklish Attempts to distract him.

Staring Mockingly at the Charizars In front of him, Tyrannitar decided that The battle lasted long enough and that It was starting to get repetitive and boring.

Jaws Opened Widely, A hyperbeam began to Form At the center of his Mouth. On his Hands, A pair of shadow Balls Started to appear.

Seeing the tyrannitar readying It's One final Attack, Blaze Mustered up every strenght he could Gather and Immeadiately Charges Up One final Dragon breath.

Purple And Bloody red Pupils Glowing momentarily, Both Combatants Released their Final attacks. Hyperbeam Charging towards blaze in great speed and Green, Draconic Flames Destroying everything As it Made it's way to meet the attack head on.

Time seemed to slow down As two Powerful attacks Clashes against each other, Trying to Negate and Destroy each other.

What balze didn't anticipate was the Shadow balls That Flew Around The Hyper beam, Completely Ignoring the Raging Green Flames Beside them before Flying Towards him.

Eyes widening in Panic, Blaze thought of the extreme danger These shadow balls Posed Towards his partner. He tried Turning His head to look at Ignis But immediately stoppes himself when he realized That Letting the hyperbeam Come through will only Oncrease the danger Posed at his partner.

closing his eyes in despair, Blaze Thought how helpless the entire situation was.

Just when all hope was lost, A familiar sound of lightning cracks Suddenly appeared from behind him As A pair of huge Yellow Lightning flew past him, Striking the Two incoming shadow balls Into pieces.

After that, A bright white solarbeam Came rampaging From behind him, Completely Demolishing the hyperbeam With the help of his Dragon breath. Finally having the time to Recover, Blaze took a look behind him and saw his Fellow brother and sisters. Lightning crackes At the huge, Bulky arms of Shocker While White, Faint light was still present at the flower That stood proudly at the back of his sister, Gaia.

Behind the two, His brothers Gibs The garchomp and Poseidon The blastoise Stood Protectively Beside His sister Delta The staraptor. At Delta's Back, His Partner, Ignis, Was proudly Seated, one hand Formed into a victory sign Towards him. His face Plastered with Mischivevous grin.

Blaze Grinned Back and Shot A victory sign back at ignis Before Turning Towarss their opponent, Now completely Reassured that His Partner Was now safe.

"Alright, Everyone. Let's Show this dude The Power That almost Took a Champion down!"