
Pokémon are scary

There are a lot of people out there that when asked if they could choose a world to live in, a fantasy world that they could start all over in there is no doubt that the world of Pokémon would be one of the top of the list, and why not its full of breathtaking landscapes, its safe enough for 10 years old's to wander the woods and of course it has Pokémon... but what if the world of Pokémon isn't as bright and gentle as we think it is. Meet Robert Leone and how he chose to reincarnate into the world of Pokémon and discovered it's not a PG-rated world. my first novel so any feedback is appreciated. I don't own the rights to Pokémon or any characters other than the ones I make cover art is not mine so if you don't want it there let me know

DoctorDraco · Video Games
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50 Chs

11. Snubbull vs Snubbull

Robert was standing in his referee position with his hand raised high above his head. Sasha and Stephanie staring straight at each other with their Pokémon doing the same. "Are both trainers ready" Robert called out and saw both girls nod soon after. "then let the battle, begin". As he said his final word swung his hand down.

"Snubbull use bite"

"Scary face Snubbull"

The sisters announced their opening move at the same time. Before any moves could be used though Stephanie's Snubbull flashed blue, It was hit with intimidate and had its attack lowered. Sasha tended to be just as direct in pokemon battle as she was in most things and went straight for the attack. Stephanie on the other hand has always been a bit more of a strategist and likes to try and get some advantages before confronting an opponent.

Before Sasha's Snubbull can reach, Stephanie's had finished its move. A light blue glow flashes from Sasha's Snubbull and its movements visibly slow down a notch. "Snubbull back away and use charm" seeing that she succeeded Stephanie wanted to try and lower one of its other stats for a bigger advantage. Fortunately, Sasha's Snubbull although slowed, was still close and quick enough to land its hit. Stephanie's Snubbull was hit but managed to back away.

Seeing that Stephanie was still trying to lower her stats Sasha knew she had to try and stop her or she would have a rough time later in the battle. "charge over and hit it with a headbutt" at her command Snubbull raced over as fast as it could and when it was about halfway it launched into the air headfirst! "try to dodge and go for another charm" Stephanie panicked a little when she saw the other Snubbull launch into the air and tried to avoid it.

Although Snubbull tried to dodge it wasn't quick enough and it still got hit. Stephanie's Snubbull was hurled off its feet and rolled on the ground a couple of times. "oohh, although contestant Stephanie had a good plan to lower her opponent's stats first, it looks like her opponents hard and fast battle style has the advantage. Will Snubull be able to get up and make a comeback or will this blow be too much for it". As Snubbull was struggling to get up Robert let out a stream of comments like he was talking to a live audience, the only response he got though was a twitch of Stephanie's eyebrow.

"Finish it off with a fire fang"

"Try to dodge and use lick"

Sasha naturally wanted to keep her momentum going and went in for another offensive to finish things off, but Stephanie wasn't gonna go easily. Just before Snubbull was hit with a fire fang it managed to roll away and jumped up at its opponents' side and covered it with its big tongue. Sasha's Snubbull shuddered hard, and a few small sparks could be seen on its body now. It had been Paralysed. Sasha's already slowed Snubbull's speed dropped even further.

When Stephanie saw this, she was delighted "back away and use charm. If it tries a headbutt dodge and use charmed again". Sasha was annoyed seeing her Snubbull got paralysed, she knew it was probably too slow for the trick with the headbutt to work but she wouldn't know if she didn't try. "charge at it with a headbutt again. If it dodges, chase it with a fire fang". Snubbull once again took off but was much slower than before. When it was close enough it launched into the air. Unfortunately, it was too slow and missed. As it landed it glowed blue again, its attack had been lowered. Snubbull chased with a fire fang but missed again.

"Snubbull keep out of range and use tail whip, then go in for an ice fang" Stephanie wanted to make up for the stat drop from intimidate in the beginning and then finely go in for the attack. Sasha's eyes flashed a little when she heard that, "ignore the tail whip and hit it with tackle". Snubbull charged at its opponent ignoring the stat drop it got halfway. The two then rushed at each other, one with a mouth full of frost and the other going for a body blow. One crashed into the other while it bit down with its frozen jaw. After the clash, they both bounced away from each other. They both got up and stared at each other and then Stephanie's Snubbull collapsed

"Stephanie's Pokémon is unable to battle, Sasha is the winner". After Snubbull collapsed Robert dutifully announced the result, which got another eyebrow twitch from Stephanie. She didn't argue with it though, Stephanie took out her Pokeball pointed it at Snuball and called softly, "return". A red beam shot out and drew Snubbull back into its Pokeball. Stephanie looked at the Pokeball softly and whispered "you did well. Rest up and we'll do some training, next time we will definitely win". She then pushed the button at the front and the Pokeball shrunk, and she put it away

While Stephanie was comforting her partner, Sasha was celebrating with hers. Her Snubbull quickly ran over with a happy face and she did the same. When they met in the middle Snubbull leapt at Sasha and she caught it and hugged it into her chest. "you did awesome Snubbull"

"snub snub Snubbull". As this was happening Robert looked at both his sisters with a strange look. When he was refereeing his sisters matches before a lot of his focus was drained by him just standing there, not freaking out and running away. This time he could pay more attention to the battle and how they did and after watching it all he had one word for it, terrible.

They both made so many mistakes and could have done so many things differently for far better results. Although it all seemed like a close match that's just because they were both just as terrible. Sasha didn't seem to think of anything and just charged in headfirst and was happy to exchange blow for blow. Stephanie however thought too much and couldn't commit to an attack without thinking she had the advantage.

As Robert looked at his two sisters. One still cheering and the other a bit sulky. He couldn't help but think that now he seemed to be finely making some real progress with facing his fears. He could help his sisters a bit with their training or at least make them not make so many obvious mistakes. It would seem that he's going to be busy for a while. For some reason, both sisters felt a sudden chill down their spine.