
Pokémon : An Unexpected Odyssey

Austin, a die-hard Pokémon fan, is disenchanted with the series' direction Post-Sinnoh. After a typical late-night binge-watch, he drifts off to sleep, only to wake up in an unimaginable reality: he is Ash Ketchum, and today is the morning his legendary journey begins. Reeling from the shock, Austin must navigate a world that is not quite the anime, manga, or video games he knows—it's something far more complex and dangerously real.

Adamo_Amet · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Chapter no.29 Austin vs Arianna

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The darkness of the Mt. Moon tunnels was suffocating, each ranger post a lonely outpost in the labyrinth of rock and shadows. In one such post, Arianna had finally found a moment of restless sleep on a battered old sofa. Her body ached, exhaustion seeping into her bones after days of orchestrating Team Rocket's operations in this godforsaken place. But even in sleep, she was never free.

The nightmare struck without warning, like it always did. His screams echoed through her mind, piercing and desperate. Her son's voice—raw with terror—ripped through the darkness, and her world shattered all over again. Her heart pounded wildly, each beat echoing the sound of his cries, his pleas for help that she had never been able to answer.

She jolted awake, her eyes snapping open as she sat up, gasping for breath. The room around her blurred for a moment, the ticking of the clock the only thing tethering her to reality. Her ears rang with the phantom echoes of his voice, the cries that haunted her even now, two years after that day.

God, how long had it been since she'd heard him? Since she'd seen his smile, held him close? And yet, his voice was still so clear, so vivid in her mind, like he was right here, trapped in this never-ending nightmare with her.

She pressed her palms against her ears, as if she could block out the memory, as if she could silence the screams that had carved themselves into her soul. But it was futile. The sound of his fear, his pain—it was etched into every fiber of her being, an unending punishment for her failure.

Why did she keep doing this to herself? Why did she keep replaying that moment over and over again, knowing it would tear her apart each time? But she couldn't stop. She didn't want to. Because it was all she had left of him—the fear, the pain, the guilt. It was her penance, her reminder of the price she'd paid for her helplessness, for her not being strong enough.

She took a deep, shuddering breath, trying to ground herself. The room came back into focus—the maps still pinned haphazardly on the walls, the old ranger equipment scattered around. The ticking of the clock was a steady, monotonous beat, a stark contrast to the loud bangs of her heart.

She dragged a hand through her hair, slick with sweat, and forced herself to stand.

I don't have time for this.

There was a mystery trainer out there, slipping through their grasp, and she couldn't let her personal ghosts get in the way. She had to stay focused, keep pushing forward, even if it felt like she was unraveling from the inside.

As she closed her eyes, the ticking clock morphed into the steady beat of a distant drum. She pondered whether Giovanni would be pleased with her efforts.

Giovanni... she sighed internally. Would he smile like he used to, or has that part of him vanished forever?

The ticking of the clock grew louder.

Guess he truly did change on that day when Silver disappeared, Arianna clenched her fists, her nails digging into her palms.

Arianna's heart pounded as the unexpected call of an Eevee pierced the silent air.

Is my mind playing tricks on me?

Then, a voice called out, "I have your Eevee right here, come and get us."

Adrenaline surged through Arianna as she leaped over the sofa, rushing outside. There on the dirt road, a figure with a paper bag over his head sat nonchalantly on a bike, an Eevee perched in the basket. Without hesitation, the Eevee transformed into a Vaporeon, launching a powerful Water Pulse at Arianna.

Dodging swiftly, Arianna watched as the attack shattered the wooden frame of the door, splinters flying through the air. Her eyes narrowed as she threw out a Pokéball, releasing a serpentine Pokémon that resembled a cobra, its hood flared and eyes narrowed menacingly.

"Sludge Bomb!"

Arbok obeyed instantly, spewing globs of sludge from its mouth in a deadly arc toward the boy. But he was quick, pedaling furiously away. In mid-flight, Vaporeon evolved again, this time into a Flareon. The fiery Pokémon unleashed a barrage of embers, intercepting the sludge mid-air.

The poisonous attack met the fiery embers, resulting in a spectacular explosion that lit up the area with a brief, intense burst of light and sound. Arianna couldn't help but grin.

Now she had the chance to finally end this stupid mission.

"Let's go, Arbok!"

Arianna sprinted after the boy, her loyal Arbok slithering swiftly beside her. The chase was on, and Arianna felt alive with the thrill of the hunt.

The boy had a plan, but she didn't care. She would kill him and take Eevee as her prize.

Never bet against Arianna.

As soon as the red-haired psycho and her slithering Pokémon vanished into the tunnel, a group of trainers peeked from their hiding spots.

"Is it safe to go in?"

"Totally, I think," Amanda replied.

The group quickly sprinted into the lounge, where several briefcases lay open with Pokéballs waiting inside. Relief washed over everyone as they reunited with their Pokémon, noticing that, thankfully, Team Rocket had been feeding them.

"Guess they didn't want to damage the merchandise," Amanda muttered, her eyes scanning the room as she fetched Gary's Pokéballs. "Okay, let's go help our hero!" Amanda turned, rallying the group with a cheer.

Her smile faltered, however, as she noticed the hesitation among the group, even among her own friends.

"What's the 411?" she asked, grabbing Jessica's hand as she adjusted the unconscious Gary on her back.

Jessica turned to face her friend with a grim expression.

"I'm heading towards Pewter; it's better to get the Rangers involved," one of the older men, a Pokémon Ranger, announced firmly. His voice was steady, resolute, like he'd already made up his mind.

Amanda's heart sank.

"You can't be serious. What about the plan?"

"What about it?" he shot back, stepping in front of her, towering over her as if she were a little girl again, helpless. "Last time I checked, that woman is on the same level as an Ace Trainer. None of us can hope to overcome her."

His words hit like a slap. He was supposed to be one of the good guys, someone who'd stand up and fight for what was right. But here he was, backing down, leaving their savior to fend for himself.

"Sir," one of the younger rangers piped up, grabbing his superior by the arm. His voice was hesitant, like he knew he was stepping out of line, but there was something stronger underneath. Something Amanda could respect. "I think it's the right thing to go help the hero."

She sighed in relief. At least someone still had a sense of justice around here.

But the older ranger shook his head, his face hard. "Do we sacrifice ourselves for some... thief who was so happy to take our money and items? We are pawns in his plan, and I'm not going to take that risk."

Amanda's stomach churned as murmurs of agreement rippled through the group. They were actually buying into this cowardice, convincing themselves that walking away was the right thing to do. One after another, she heard them justifying it, trying to sound reasonable.

"He already took my stuff, so..."

"I practically repaid my debt with those TMs."

"Sucks to be him."

She wanted to scream. How could they be so blind? So selfish? This wasn't just about him stealing a few items. That boy had risked his life to lead Arianna away so they could save their Pokémon and themselves. Now they were abandoning him like it was nothing.

It wasn't supposed to go like this. The plan was simple: he would distract Arianna, they would sneak in, retrieve their Pokémon, and then they'd gang up on her together. But now everyone was backing out, leaving him to face one of Team Rocket's strongest members alone.

Amanda couldn't take it anymore. She felt a fire rising in her chest, something fierce and unrelenting. "Well, I'm going to go help him. Who's with me?"

She looked around, hoping for solidarity, for someone—anyone—to step up. But most of them just turned their backs and walked out without a word, their faces hardened with indifference. Cowards. All of them.

Only a few of the younger trainers and three rangers stayed behind, standing awkwardly in the silence. It wasn't much, but it was something.

Amanda clenched her fists, feeling the weight of their betrayal. Fine. If she had to do this with only a handful of people, then so be it. She'd do whatever it took. Because unlike them, she wasn't going to leave someone to die just to save her own skin.

"Let's not waste any time; we need to help him," Jimmy urged, and before Amanda could even fully process it, they were sprinting.

Her heart pounded in her chest, not just from the run, but from the uncertainty gnawing at her. This was it—no turning back now. They had a plan, they had a purpose. Or so she thought.

As they neared the exit of Mt. Moon, the harsh reality hit like a punch to the gut. Several Team Rocket grunts were already there, blocking their path. There was no sign of their so-called hero, no Arianna, no showdown like she had imagined.

For a second, confusion overwhelmed her. Then it clicked. He had expected this. He knew, didn't he? That not all of them would follow the plan. That some would abandon him to save themselves.

Was this all part of his strategy? Had he led them into this fight while he took on Arianna alone, somewhere only he knew about?

It made sense. The group escaping would run straight into the Team Rocket grunts stationed at the entrance, while the few of them who had decided to follow Bag Boy's plan were now face-to-face with more grunts blocking the exit. All of this left him alone, isolated, exactly where he wanted to be—to confront Arianna and exact his revenge.

She swallowed hard, shaking off the doubts as best she could. This wasn't the time to wallow in questions. The grunts were right in front of them, and they had to act. She reached for Gary's Pokéball, her hand moving automatically as she released his Growlithe into the fray.

"Let's go!"


Arianna stood at the entrance of the tunnel, staring into the pitch-black abyss ahead. The air was thick with the scent of damp earth and something more feral—wild Pokémon nests. Her fingers brushed against her earbud, and she tapped it, her voice steady, commanding.

"Seal off the entrances to Mt. Moon."

The response crackled almost immediately through the earbud. "Ma'am, we have a problem. The prisoners are trying to escape."

Her attention snapped to the faint flicker of blue light deep within the tunnel—a signal that something was evolving. A smirk pulled at her lips. "Mean Look!"

Her Arbok responded in an instant, the darkened face-like pattern on its hood glowing menacingly. Arianna watched with satisfaction as the Eevee inside the tunnel froze, caught in her Pokémon's gaze, unable to flee.

"Did you free the prisoners?" she called out into the darkness, her voice echoing in the cavernous space.

"Of course," a voice emerged from the shadows, rough and strained, as if it took effort just to speak.

She laughed, the sound echoing eerily off the tunnel walls. "So, what? Your plan was to send in help from the outside?"

"That was plan B," the voice responded, followed by a harsh cough. "I was hoping that plan A worked."

"And what's plan A?" she asked, her interest piqued despite herself.

"Simple. The others would come in and help me fight you."

Arianna couldn't help but laugh again. "Sad. It didn't happen."

"Not really. I'm just glad I get this 1 v 1." 

She felt a spark of excitement. This was new. Bold, even. "I like you," she said, her eyes narrowing as she tried to pinpoint his location. "Why don't you join Team Rocket under me?"

"Interesting," he replied, his voice closer now. "What do I need to do?"

"Simple," she purred, her heart thrumming with a dark thrill. "Bring me that Eevee."

"Can I put in a special condition?" he countered, his tone teasing, almost playful.

"Sure," she said, amused. This was too intriguing to shut down.

"I'll give you a hint. It involves you, a maid outfit, and the floor of my apartment," ," he said, and for a split second, her mind went blank. Did he just—?

"Wow, no one has the audacity to speak to me like that," she mused aloud, a smile creeping back onto her face despite the absurdity of his demand. She couldn't remember the last time someone surprised her like this.

"You're right, sorry, maybe that was too much to ask. After all ... you really don't look smart enough to figure out how to use a mop," Austin quipped as he stepped forward, Vee evolving into a Jolteon. The bright light of evolution briefly illuminated his paper bag-covered face.

She felt a flare of anger, her excitement turning into a sharp, biting rage. "Oh, I am going to enjoy this," she snarled, releasing her entire team in one fluid motion. Vileplume, Arbok, Honchkrow—they materialized around her, their presence bolstering her resolve.

"Wow, this is going to be easier than I thought," he said with a smirk, and she could feel the fury bubbling up inside her. How dare he mock her? Her, the head executive of Team Rocket!

"Big bark coming from the loser that ran and hid from me," she spat back, her words dripping with venom.

"Well, in my defense, I was running from a villain," he responded casually, and for a moment, she was caught off guard. A villain? Was that what he saw her as?

"A villain?" she echoed, genuinely puzzled. She tried to understand why he treated this like some kind of game. Why was he so confident, so calm?

"You know, you are a villain alright," he said, his tone casual, almost bored. "Just not a supervillain."

She felt her jaw clench. "What's the difference?"

He paused, and then with that damn smirk, he said one word that hit her harder than any attack.


At that instant, Pikachu used Flash, flooding the tunnel with a blinding light. As Arianna's eyes struggled to adjust, she saw Austin's prepared battleground: Spearow, Rattata, Zubat, Pikachu, and Eevee strategically positioned atop fire extinguishers and near the walls, suggesting that Austin had meticulously planned for this encounter.

The boy had dozens of Pokéballs laid out in front of him. At his command, Zubat let out a piercing screech, a signal that awakened a colony of Zubats nested on the ceiling of the tunnel. Disturbed by the call of danger, the Zubats began a frenzied escape, but there was only one route out—the tunnel where Arianna stood.

Reacting quickly, the Pokémon under Austin's command squeezed the handles of the fire extinguishers, releasing a dense cloud of foam. The mist filled the entrance, creating an impenetrable fog just as hundreds of Zubats and Crobat rushed toward the exit. Caught in the chaos, Arianna found herself practically blinded.

Arianna's voice cut through the chaos, "Petal Blizzard!"

In response, Vileplume twirled gracefully, a tornado of pink petals swirling around its body. The petals expanded outward, creating a shield that blocked and repelled the incoming swarm of Zubats. Some crashed into the barrier while others swerved away, their echolocation squeals piercing the misty air.

Just then, the leader of the bat Pokémon—a large, menacing Golbat with deep blue coloring and wide, poison-dripping fangs—dived towards them. Its eyes, narrowed to slits, targeted Arianna with Poison Fang! Before the Golbat could strike, her Honchkrow intervened, its body gleaming with a metallic sheen.

Steel Wing!

Honchkrow's wing struck the Golbat, sending it spiraling back into the foggy tumult.

At that moment, a flurry of Pokéballs flew through the air, bursting open to reveal a motley crew of Pokémon: Sandshrews, Rhyhorns, Rhydon, Raticates, Ekans, and more Zubats. Arianna clicked her tongue in realization. The boy must have defeated the majority of her grunts, commandeering their Pokéballs and now deploying the stolen Pokémon in this chaotic melee.

"Dark Pulse! Dragon Tail! Sleep Powder!" Arianna yelled out her commands. Honchkrow unleashed a beam of pulsating dark rings that soared towards the airborne Pokémon, knocking them back with its force. Arbok's tail glowed with a greenish energy, whipping through the air to slam a Rhydon to the ground with brutal force as the rock Pokémon responded with a Drill Run.

Meanwhile, Vileplume spun elegantly, releasing a cloud of greenish Sleep Powder that drifted through the battle zone. The weaker Pokémon, caught in the cloud, stumbled and fell into a deep sleep, momentarily removed from the fray.

The battle raged for what felt like hours, though it lasted only about a minute. From the chaotic foam, a blur darted out, Honchkrow swooping in with a swift Aerial Ace. The collision resounded like a thunderclap through the tunnel, sending numerous Pokémon sprawling in its wake, knocked out or critically injured. Amidst the melee, Arianna watched in disbelief as her Honchkrow was physically halted by a Spearow.

How? Arianna muttered under her breath, her eyes narrowing as she observed Spearow's muscles bulge out, enveloped by a greyish aura. With an unexpected display of strength, the smaller bird threw Honchkrow back into the mist. Even though Honchkrow was exhausted, being overpowered by a Spearow was baffling.

How was that possible?

Her thoughts were interrupted as Arbok lunged forward, moving like a true snake. Its body coiled swiftly around Spearow, tightening its grip before sinking its fangs deep into the bird, delivering a potent Poison Fang.

"Spear!" came a shout as the flying type slammed the snake against the wall. Arianna's jaw dropped when she saw that aura flare again around Spearow, and it clicked—the boy had used multiple Boulder Badges to permanently increase Spearow's physical prowess.


Vileplume responded by hurling a glob of acid toward the struggling bird and snake. Just as the attack was about to hit, something shot from the mist, intercepting the acid with its body. There, standing between the wrestling duo and Arianna and Vileplume, was a Rattata, but something was off. Her fur was singed from the acid, emitting a burning smell, and suddenly a fire-like aura ring pulsed around her.

Arianna realized that the purple rat was suffering from a Burn status, but how? And more puzzling, why did this Pokémon look like it had been hit by several moves?

Her question was immediately answered as a reddish aura enveloped the Pokémon. As Rattata's Guts ability activated, boosting its strength despite the searing pain from its burn, the little Pokémon readied itself for a powerful Bide. Gathering all the damage it had received, Rattata's body was outlined in a vibrant crimson glow. After a tense moment, it unleashed a crimson beam, directed straight at Arianna.

Arianna's eyes widened in shock as she watched the attack hurtle towards her. Reacting quickly, Vileplume sprang into action, positioning itself between Arianna and the incoming beam. With a graceful twirl, Vileplume summoned a Petal Blizzard. The clash between the swirling petals and the crimson beam was intense. The air around them vibrated with energy as the petals tried to dissipate the beam's power.


Vileplume, already exhausted, struggled to maintain the integrity of its floral shield. Slowly, the beam began to break through, tearing petals away and diminishing the shield's strength. With a final, desperate effort, Vileplume threw its body in front of the beam, acting as a living shield to protect its trainer. The beam hit Vileplume full force, causing the Pokémon to shudder under the impact.

The sound of the beam's impact was like the crack of thunder, echoing through the tunnel. Vileplume's body absorbed the energy, its form quivering as it took the brunt of the attack.


As the smoke dissipated, Vileplume slumped forward, visibly weakened and panting heavily. Burn marks and singed petals covered its body. Vileplume had managed to protect Arianna, but the cost was clear. The Pokémon was severely injured, barely able to stand, its energy sapped.

Where is Honchkrow?!


Just moments before, as Honchkrow had been flung back into the cave by a powerful blow, the ceiling above had opened up, releasing a steady rain that began to drum against the rocky ground. The rhythmic tapping of the rainwater muted the sounds of the ongoing battle, creating an almost surreal atmosphere amidst the chaos. Honchkrow, grounded and looking upward, saw the dark clouds pouring down and felt a surge of frustration. The Rain Dance, expertly executed by Austin's team, had immobilized it, grounding the once-mighty flying-type and preventing its escape.

"Thundershock!" Austin's voice rang out, a gleam in his eyes as he pointed forward. Pikachu and Jolteon responded without hesitation, their bodies crackling with a fierce charge of static electricity, their fur standing on end as the accumulated energy surged within them.

Honchkrow, sensing the impending danger, knew it couldn't take to the skies. In a desperate move, it stabbed its steel wings deep into the ground, hoping to redirect or at least mitigate the electrical surge headed its way. But Austin, thinking ahead, had planned something far more devastating.

He wasn't aiming directly at Honchkrow.

Instead, Austin's eyes shifted to the row of fire extinguishers near the cave entrance, stolen earlier from the ranger posts. Positioned right next to where Honchkrow had grounded itself, they were a perfect conduit for the electric attack. He gave the silent command, and in a synchronized display of power, Pikachu and Jolteon unleashed their electric fury. Bolts of electricity shot through the air, crackling like deadly snakes, and struck the metal canisters.

The electric charges caused the contents of the extinguishers to heat rapidly, the pressure inside building to an unsustainable level. Austin watched, his heart racing, as the tension mounted. In mere seconds, the pressure peaked, and the canisters exploded with a deafening roar. The concussive blast tore through the narrow cave, amplifying the force as the shockwave reverberated against the rocky walls.

Honchkrow, trapped by its wings buried in the ground and too close to the blast, couldn't escape. The full force of the explosion hit it like a freight train, sending its body crashing against the cave wall with a brutal thud. The impact was merciless, and the once-commanding presence of the dark bird Pokémon crumpled to the ground in a daze.

Honchkrow's form was a wreck. Singed feathers clung desperately to its body, now covered in welts and burns from the fiery explosion. Its breath came in ragged gasps, each inhale a clear indication of its pain. Its wings lay twisted and broken beneath it, charred and bleeding, leaving it unable to even stand, let alone fight back.

The cave fell silent for a moment, the only sound the soft patter of rain outside. Austin stood still, watching the aftermath of the explosion, knowing that he had taken a significant step in the battle.

"Sword Strike!"

Pikachu leapt towards the barely standing Vileplume.

The impact was monumental—Vileplume was literally smashed into the ground with such force that it created a crack in the rocky floor of the tunnel, sending small shards of stone scattering.

Meanwhile, Jolteon unleashed a Thundershock, its crackling energy bolts stunning Arbok. Seizing the moment, Spearow and Rattata coordinated their attack, both delivering the move Assurance. The double dark-type attack was too much for the weakened Arbok, which collapsed under the assault.

Throughout her time in the criminal underworld, Arianna thought she'd seen it all—battles, betrayals, raw displays of power that could make the bravest men cower. She'd become numb to fear, convinced that nothing could shake her anymore.

But now, as she watched her Pokémon fall one after another, a cold, visceral fear gripped her. It was the kind of fear that clawed at her throat, paralyzing her, making her heart pound so violently it felt like it might burst out of her chest.

She had felt this fear only twice before—once in the presence of Giovanni, his calm, commanding demeanor masking a ruthlessness that could destroy anyone who crossed him. The second time was in front of the masked man, his gaze like ice, stripping her bare of any defenses she thought she had. And now, here it was again, brought on by a boy—a mere boy—who stood against her with such terrifying resolve.

She wanted to run, to get away from the crushing weight of her own helplessness, but she barely turned before the boy's Pikachu struck her. The Thundershock hit like a thousand needles piercing her skin at once. Her muscles seized up, and she crashed to the ground, her limbs splayed awkwardly as the voltage coursed through her. The pain was searing, relentless. She couldn't breathe, her chest felt like it was on fire, and her vision blurred as agony engulfed her senses.

Arianna tried to move, to fight back, but her body refused to listen. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him dragging a fire extinguisher behind him, the grating sound of metal scraping against stone echoing ominously through the tunnel. Panic surged through her, raw and instinctual. He was coming closer, each step deliberate, the extinguisher swinging in his hand.

For a split second, she thought, This is it. This is how I die.

The thought was absurd, and yet so real.

He raised the extinguisher, and she saw it in his eyes—anger, satisfaction, but not the cold, dead look of a killer. He was furious, yes, but he wasn't going to kill her. Or was he?

The words were on the tip of her tongue—a plea, a threat—she didn't know what she wanted to say. But before anything could escape her lips, he swung the extinguisher down. It struck her face with brutal force, and the pain exploded in her skull, blinding and all-consuming. Her world spiraled out of control, the agony swallowing every thought, every sensation, until all that existed was the searing pain ripping through her.

She couldn't think, couldn't breathe.

There was only the excruciating fire radiating through her entire being. But it didn't stop. He didn't stop. He brought the extinguisher down again and again. She could feel her bones crack under the relentless blows, her flesh tearing, each impact more savage than the last.

Arianna wanted to scream, to beg, to curse him, but she couldn't even make a sound. Her mouth opened and closed, but no words, no cries came out. Just the raw, choking taste of blood and dust. Her vision blurred and darkened, the world around her shrinking to nothing but the unbearable, merciless pain.

This can't be happening. Not like this. Not to me.

But it was. He kept hitting her, each strike driving her deeper into the abyss. She could feel her strength slipping away, her consciousness unraveling as her body broke under his assault.

Is this how I die?

Then, in the haze of agony, she heard it.


The sound cut through the fog, sharp and clear, a desperate cry from his Pikachu. The boy stopped, his hand frozen mid-swing, the extinguisher inches from her shattered face. He stood there, panting, his eyes wild and conflicted, rage and fear warring in them.

The Pokémon around him were watching, their eyes pleading, almost accusing, as if they couldn't believe what he was doing, what he was becoming. And for a moment, she saw it too—the horror of what he was about to do. She was at his mercy, completely broken and helpless, and it scared him.

The extinguisher slipped from his grasp, clattering to the ground beside her head. Her breath came in shallow, ragged gasps, the pain still radiating through her, but the blows had stopped. She was still alive.


You stopped, boy. Why did you stop?

She wanted to laugh, but it hurt too much. He was strong enough to break her, but not enough to finish what he started. Weak. Pathetic. He couldn't even follow through.

You should have killed me when you had the chance, she thought, the rage simmering beneath the surface of her shattered consciousness. Because if she ever got up again, if she ever drew breath after this, she'd make him pay.

No mercy shown will be no mercy given. He spared her now, but this wasn't over. Not by a long shot. He would regret this day for the rest of his short, miserable life. Because she would make sure of it.


Author Note:

Holy shit, Arianna vs. Austin is done.

A few things to note:

Obviously, Arianna is going to survive this because Austin isn't a killer. Remember, he's still a 15-year-old, so I think it's a little ridiculous to think he would go for the kill.

To all the edgelords who will comment that if they were in Austin's position, they would be able to kill Arianna—sure you would, bud. Sure you would. Thinking you can kill and actually doing the kill are two different things.

Also, I'll remind you that Austin is still a child.

Will Austin regret sparing Arianna? Yes.

What is Arianna going to do? Well, keep reading and find out.

Okay, let me spill what Austin's numerous plans were:

Plan A: Create a place where he would have the most advantage, create chaos via a Zubat swarm and the stolen Pokémon from the grunts while the rescued prisoners run for their lives. Plan B: Same as Plan A, but the prisoners don't turn out to be cowards and actually help him as they gang up on Arianna and defeat her. Plan C: If Austin didn't find those 6 TMs that helped him get Rain Dance, Whirlwind, Bubble Beam, Water Pulse, Flash, and Bide, use the fire extinguisher bombs to target Arianna and then use ultimate attacks for everyone: Pikachu targets extinguisher bombs. Vaporeon targets Arianna. If successful, then threaten the rest of the Pokémon to go back; if not, then go with the rest. Rattata, powered with Guts. Spearow protects him. This was Austin's original plan, but it got modified the moment he found those TMs and items. Plan D: Get the Clefairy tribe to help him by threatening them with their Moon Stone, since Team Rocket is there for that.Clefairy tribe uses Metronome, and with enough luck, they could one-shot Arianna. Plan E: If all else fails, have an escape plan ready.

Anyways, with the plans over, what did Austin do to his Pokémon that buffed them enough to defeat Arianna, and what are the consequences?

Spearow: Increased physical boosts by 10 times via Boulder Badges. The flying type can't fly because of the increased muscle mass, so now Austin has to teach a bird that can't fly to fight on the ground like a rooster. Rattata: Was attacked by multiple moves for Bide, was burned by Vee's embers. Patches of her fur are gone, she has suffered from internal injuries, so a lot of recovery time and some surgery is needed. Pikachu: Suffered from Arianna's Petal Blizzard; he has cuts across his body, which have thankfully been treated by Austin. But he will still need physical therapy because his muscle and skin were lacerated by hundreds of cuts. That's why Austin didn't give him a big role in the fight—just be the flashlight and get revenge on Vileplume. Vee: Used multiple transformations. He was temporarily in pain, but nothing permanent.

Next chapter is going to be the aftermath of all of this, so give me your thoughts on everything.

What did you think about Austin vs. Arianna?

How were Austin's plans? Did you find them smart or stupid?

How was Arianna's strength level, in your opinion?

What about the prisoners' reactions?

Thank you for your continued support and engagement with my work. Have a blessed day, and I look forward to reading your thoughts in the comments!